Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--Devil's Pasteboards (Episodes 764-767)  (Read 2010 times)

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Idle Thoughts--Devil's Pasteboards (Episodes 764-767)
« on: January 15, 2003, 12:35:13 AM »
Fashion notes first . . .

So the werewolf goes most of the night, jumping from balconies/scaling rocks/running from the police and armed gypsies and clothing is perfectly intact, but yet, Quentin wakes up and they're in tatters. Gotta wonder.

That is one very blue suit on Quentin. Shine the wrong spot on that baby and it's blindingly blue. Ick.

Judith had on a very attractive peacock blue dress and earrings that I would kill for and I normally don't go for turquoise. The big mystery for me about DS is just how Bennett managed to win so regularly in the wardrobe sweepstakes. By now the focus of the show was firmly off her. Soooo, I'm left with one of two conclusions:

1. She had something written into her contract (although what kind of clause would that be?)

2. She was such a holy terror when she didn't get decent clothes that Mostoller there, didn't dare screw her over.

Anyone know? I grant you that almost any color looked super on her and that Bennett still had a really good figure, but she's consistently wearing flattering clothing.

Dream sequence Carolyn. Holy psychadelic pattern, Batman! And in Easter egg pastels, yuck.

Onto the shows . . .

You know, I miss the good old days when they didn't spend the first five minutes of the show redoing the last scene from the previous episode. Aside from those instances when the actors really blew their lines the first time around, I really could do without having to watch all this twice. I mean, the bit with Dimwit trying to make Evan drink the poisoned brandy was good, but let's move along now; nothing to see here.

I'm with Judith here, it's about time someone told Quentin about his kids. Guilt or no, the issue is not how it's going to make Quentin feel, the issue should be thinking of the children and doing what's right and best for them.

Wow. Not only are the Collinses on the phone, but they have two, count them two telephone lines. Considering that very few people even had a telephone in their home in those days (and many wealthy people considered the telephone a vulgarity, btw), that they have two private lines!!! is downright remarkable.

So like does Tim have a photographic memory? 'Cause he's not taking notes or anything. Come to think of it, how productive is it to have him reading with Evan watching? You would think that it would occur to Tim to mention this. But them what am I saying? Tim's pretty damn thick. Speaking of thick, "Miss Drummond is a most exceptional teacher." Yeah, sure. If by exceptional, you meant clueless, then yes, she sure is exceptional. Although, maybe that's one of those statements like: "Wow, that's unique" (which is what the homeowner on Trading Spaces said while blinking back tears and staring at the horror that Hild* wrought on her living room--wall of LPs and all (just in case anyone was wondering what happened on TS).

So someone want to tell me just why Barnabas had to bite Beth? He couldn't find out another way to get his answers? And then he's surprised at what Beth has to tell him about Quentin? Because? I mean, there aren't a lot of candidates, are there? And then, oh, good lord, and then he's shocked about the baby? Hello? Remember how when you first came to this time frame you were asking the same woman about an infant? See, Barnabas, it all fits together if you actually sit down and use that thing behind your face.

Interesting how the bite affects different people. Charity went in for the total submission "let me be your love slave" thing whereas Beth is still focussed on Quentin and his kids and, at least in this scene, could honestly give a rat's ass for Barnabas and his sleuthing.

Nice scene between Judith and Magda. No love lost there, hehe.

Ah, the Scooby Doo/William Castle approach to ghostly trouble/marauding animals--split up/go to your room and lock the door. Never works. Ever.

If that's mutilated (Dorcas's ghost), then these people need to start watching CSI, because she looks like she's been mugged (albeit severely) rather than ripped apart.

Great scene between Selby and Bennett. He was a find and a half for this show. Not just because his own performances are so good, but for the beneficial effect he has on the rest of the cast. I mean, Joan Bennett is a personal favorite of mine, but she wasn't the most consistent actress. Here, she's got some decent material and a great co-star to work with and she shines.

"I don't know how we've managed without you for so long."

This was another super scene. And Quentin there, who may not be able to solve his own problems, asked some pretty shrewd questions of Mr. Fix-It. Whether he realizes it or not, Barnabas has intruded into a landscape he doesn't (and arguably never does) fully understands and to which he does not belong. And yes, they are indeed "subjects" to Barnabas. Dr. Who would not approve of the way he meddles with the time line. This is the kind of dialogue that we should be getting more often--not just because it gives Barnabas a bad time either. But it's sharp, it's crisp and it so elevates this show.

This is, IMHO, possibly the creepiest dream sequence DS ever did. I really think it's brilliantly written and performed. Just the right amount of the surreal to give it the proper edge.

Interesting how the relationships between the dream Collinses were slightly different than they are for their actual counterparts. Carolyn and Roger and then Roger and David.

Heh. I have to say it, Quentin had some pretty perceptive things to say to Judith and Charity there.

And lastly, Rainey you had it pegged. That was some slick psychobabble Barnabas came up with.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--Devil's Pasteboards Episodes 764-767
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2003, 01:41:42 AM »
Fashion notes first . . .

So the werewolf goes most of the night, jumping from balconies/scaling rocks/running from the police and armed gypsies and clothing is perfectly intact, but yet, Quentin wakes up and they're in tatters. Gotta wonder.


    Isn't this before clothes were mass produced?  Does Quentin go to Judith and borrow money for more clothes?  Maybe, Quentin should shed his nice clothes before the change and save his tailor all that work.
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Re: Idle Thoughts--Devil's Pasteboards Episodes 764-767
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2003, 02:00:35 AM »
The big mystery for me about DS is just how Bennett managed to win so regularly in the wardrobe sweepstakes.

Maybe because she was a movie star?  Granted, she hadn't been in any recent hits...
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Re: Idle Thoughts--Devil's Pasteboards Episodes 764-767
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2003, 04:27:59 AM »

1. She had something written into her contract (although what kind of clause would that be?)

2. She was such a holy terror when she didn't get decent clothes that Mostoller there, didn't dare screw her over.

It may have been her status - despite the fact that her character is often peripheral to much of the action (and that, too, may have been out of necessity because of the cushy work schedule she was given), she is still credited as the star, and at the time, the biggest "name" on the show.

That, in combination with the fact that few of the other characters warrant an extensive, elaborate wardrobe based on their financial or social status.