Author Topic: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....  (Read 1177 times)

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Offline Raineypark

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What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« on: January 14, 2003, 05:29:10 PM » know....the ones where Barnabas was there, studying Dream Analysis under the reknowned Herr Doctor Freud?  Amazing, isn't it....that an 18th century man who's spent 200 years in a casket can explain the subconsious and how it creates dreams to a 19th century child?  Where DO you suppose he got that stuff?  Late night brandy-and-cigarette sessions with the estimable Dr. Hoffmann?  ("Hypnosis is all in the wrist, Barn.....if you can twirl that gaudy locket, you'll have 'em spillin' their guts all over the place!")

The dream sequence itself was..........I'll call it 'effective', though 'perverse' is what I really think.  Having a dying child discuss his impending death does not entertain me, regardless of how well it works.

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Offline Luciaphile

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2003, 06:32:26 PM »
Quote know....the ones where Barnabas was there, studying Dream Analysis under the reknowned Herr Doctor Freud?  Amazing, isn't it....that an 18th century man who's spent 200 years in a casket can explain the subconsious and how it creates dreams to a 19th century child?  Where DO you suppose he got that stuff?  Late night brandy-and-cigarette sessions with the estimable Dr. Hoffmann?  ("Hypnosis is all in the wrist, Barn.....if you can twirl that gaudy locket, you'll have 'em spillin' their guts all over the place!")

Either she left a psychiatric journal lying around somewhere or he found an introductory book on psychiatry and read it so he could keep up with Julia.

He's positively dangerous though. Imagine if Judith had let him "help" Jenny. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It's like me and my computer. I know a teensy bit about it and assume I'm capable of deleting files. Next thing you know I've got blue screens all over the place and scary messages saying "Fatal Error." ;)

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2003, 07:26:25 PM »
Quote know....the ones where Barnabas was there, studying Dream Analysis under the reknowned Herr Doctor Freud?  Amazing, isn't it....that an 18th century man who's spent 200 years in a casket can explain the subconsious and how it creates dreams to a 19th century child?

Well, having been an avowed "night person" who was trying to avoid going out on "the prowl," perhaps Barnabas became an avid reader of all sorts of subjects and, therefore, became a self-taught "expert." Then, even after his cure, he kept up the practice - and perhaps even got together with Prof. Stokes and Julia for erudite discussions over sherry and cheese (of course, [wink2]).

Doesn't sound all that farfetched to me. :)

Offline Raineypark

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 09:21:08 PM »
Imagine if Judith had let him "help" Jenny.

Oh, I don't my reckoning Barnabas was the only member of the whole damned household who ever REALLY tried to "help" Jenny at all.  How much damage could he have done trying to reach past her utterly logical paranoia and into her dementia?  Considerably less damage than murdering her, no?

But I'm repeating myself.

"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Offline Raineypark

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2003, 09:30:05 PM »
Well, having been an avowed "night person" who was trying to avoid going out on "the prowl,"......

Is THAT what keeps YOU on the computer all night?

Trying to avoid going out on "the prowl"?


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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2003, 10:04:03 PM »
Is THAT what keeps YOU on the computer all night?

Trying to avoid going out on "the prowl"?

Not quite - that's honestly the time I get the most work done. And besides, I don't need or even like to prowl. One night stands have never been my thing - I'm into a deeper commitment, like my current one, which has already lasted 19 years. [winkb]

Offline LoveAtFirstBITE

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2003, 11:10:39 PM »

Oh, I don't my reckoning Barnabas was the only member of the whole damned household who ever REALLY tried to "help" Jenny at all.  How much damage could he have done trying to reach past her utterly logical paranoia and into her dementia?

Yes.....he had a way of handling her very well.  Seeing that he knows all this stuff, he should take over the job of head at Wyndcliffe (the night shift, of course)

Maybe, if Barnabas was the head of Wyndcliffe, Julia would start showing up to work more often.


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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2003, 12:42:06 AM »

Maybe, if Barnabas was the head of Wyndcliffe, Julia would start showing up to work more often.


And there you have the ideal set-up for keeping DS on the air indefinitely.  After returning from 1840, Barnabas and Julia are satisfied that all the evil hovering over Collinwood has been permanently dispelled, so they relocate to Wyndcliffe, where each day, they endure the trials and tribulations of running a mental hospital.



Offline Luciaphile

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2003, 12:47:18 AM »

Oh, I don't my reckoning Barnabas was the only member of the whole damned household who ever REALLY tried to "help" Jenny at all.  How much damage could he have done trying to reach past her utterly logical paranoia and into her dementia?  Considerably less damage than murdering her, no?

But I'm repeating myself.

He's not the most consistent character and let's not forget, he's got his own agenda that has nothing to do with Jenny. Considering that he has the intention of staying in the time period temporarily, he's probably not the best choice out there.

A lot would depend on what was actually wrong with Jenny. You don't just "go mad." As played and written, she was obviously delusional, paranoid and experiences visual hallucinations (can't remember if she had auditory hallucinations as well)

Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia DSM-IV

So if that's the problem, they don't have anti-psychotics available--what would he be able to do? She needs to be watched 24/7 and he can barely keep people there to take care of him let alone a physically active and disturbed woman who doesn't sleep much and who has episodes of profound violence.

Do not get me wrong, the way that Judith and Edward "handled" the situation is utterly deplorable, I'm just saying that Jenny needed total round-the-clock care and compassion.

Sorry for the rant, but I know a schizophrenic and it's an utterly devastating illness and even today, there's not a lot that can be done.

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Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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Re: What Happened to the Vienna Episodes?.....
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2003, 01:01:16 AM »
Hey gang,

The thing about that birthday dream sequence that struck me (or as I like to think of it as: "Meanwhile, back in the 20th century..."), where was everyone else?  

I can't help thinking that Mrs. Johnson, who, no doubt slaved over a hot wrought iron stove in that 18th century Old House kitchen, making that "rubber" cake, would have liked to have been present when they all sang "Happy Birthday " to young Davey in that dream.  (By the way, didn't Dan Curtis have to pay the authors of that particular birthday song for the right to perform it on the show?)

And, what of Maggie, ol' Willie Loomis, Dr. Hoffman, Amy and the wily Harry Johnson?  (Of course, we all know that Chris Jennings was "indisposed" at this particular time.)  Shouldn't the rest of them have been afforded a place in Jamison's dream also?

Gee, I don't know, but Jamison's dream sort of reminded me of Dark Shadows' version of some Felliniesque-like surrealistic dream.  Wake me up, Bathia!

Bob the Bartender