Author Topic: Robservations 1/8/03 - #758/759 - Barn & Ang Combine Forces  (Read 1246 times)

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Robservations 1/8/03 - #758/759 - Barn & Ang Combine Forces
« on: January 08, 2003, 12:01:24 AM »
758 - (Joan Bennett) - The year is 1897, and Collinwood is filled with bitterness and hatred.  And at the Old House on the estate, revenge is being plotted, for Barnabas Collins' secret has been discovered by a woman who is determined to destroy him, and whose attempt to do that has been thwarted by the one person who refuses to let Barnabas' curse end.

Laura is melting away. She begs Ra not to forsake her--send Jamison to me!

Jamison, feverish, begins to sob about a fire at the Old House.  Judith, watching over him, tries to convince him it's just a nightmare.  He awakens and asks her for water.  When she leaves to get him a drink, he slips out of bed.

Quentin is still reading from the Book of the Dead, trying to get Ra, the sun god, to summon Laura to his breast. When the fire goes out, Angelique can't get it restarted--Laura is fighting us!  She wants Quentin to try some more incantations to another Egyptian god, Osiris, but he feels it's not good to disturb the god of death. Laura will know you took part in this, Angelique reminds him convinces him to continue. Quentin begins the incantation again and entreats Osiris to show Ra that his powers are greater and rekindle the fire once more--"Let her burn for your glory!"  The fire starts again, further melting the wax figure of Laura. Jamison shows up and insists they must stop--you're hurting my mother, stop!  The fire goes out.  Angelique shouts to Quentin, remove the boy!  I know what you're doing! Cries Jamison--I know what the doll is for!  Judith arrives and is annoyed that Quentin didn't return Jamison to the Old House.  He just arrives, says Quentin.  Judith insists the child lie down, but Jamison refuses to go unless Quentin and Angelique promise to stop. Stop what? wonders Judith.
What you were doing here! accuses Jamison.  Suspicious, Judith asks just WHAT Quentin and Angelique were doing here.  We are here by chance, says Ang, we both came to see Barnabas.  Jamison tries to show his aunt the doll in the fireplace, but it is gone. My poor darling, sympathizes Judith.  They have Jamison lie on the sofa to rest; Judith wants Quentin to carry him back to Collinwood.  Judith wants to know what is wrong with the boy--the doctor found nothing.  Have you ever thought how upsetting his mother must be to him? asks Ang.  Judith agrees, and asks if Laura could be responsible for his hot flashes and delirium.  Angelique doesn't give a specific answer.  Judith asks Quentin about Laura, given that he *knows* her so much better than everyone else--is Laura capable of doing something like this?  Judith abruptly realizes that while they've been talking, Jamison has gone.  Judith wants to go after him immediately, but Quentin hangs back, assuring his sister he will catch up.  Suspicious, Judith races out.  Quentin, frantic, asks Angelique, what are we going to do now?  She requests a moment to think.  Think fast, insists Quentin, Laura is plotting against us and will seek revenge.  Bring me a full-length mirror, requests Angelique.  I have to find Jamison, Quentin says.  Laura won't harm Jamison until she's taken care of us, says Ang.  But, protests Quentin, Judith will think. . .  It doesn't matter what she thinks, says Ang--we're old enough not to have to worry about that--go upstairs and get the mirror.  Why? Demands Quentin.  I've forgotten what I look like, replies Angelique sarcastically--you may leave once you bring it--I have my secrets, even from you.

Cottage - Laura is lying unconscious on the couch when a very weak Jamison enters.  She awakens when her son, scared at her appearance, calls to her.  She slowly gets up and tells him, I'm all right, thanks to you.  She tells him Angelique, not Quentin, who is merely weak and only does as he's told, is her true enemy.  Is that wrong? asks Jamison.  For a boy, no, replies Laura, for a man, yes.  Jamison wants to know why Angelique hates her so much.  Laura explains, Angelique hates me because I know a secret that I just may be forced to tell--it's about Barnabas and why he's never seen during the day. I already know the answer to that one, says Jamison, hoping for something bigger--it's because Barnabas goes to Bangor on business.  Deciding to keep this truth to herself, Laura says, yes, he does--darling, it's so good to hold you again--it's going to be so wonderful when the three of us are all together--do you still want to come with me?
Jamison hesitates a moment, then says yes.

Foyer - Judith upbraids Quentin for not going after Jamison, who is still missing--you had to stay, I won't even think about why (translation: I'm convinced you and Angelique were having illicit relations at the Old House). Quentin, smirking, figures Judith already knows why he stayed with Angelique.  You are incredible! says Judith, furious, going behind Barnabas' back!--I won't have it--you leave Angelique alone!  Laura comes back with Jamison and sends him up to bed and chastises her for allowing Jamison out of bed. I'm surprised you brought him back, opines Quentin.  I didn't want Judith and Edward to have a scene at the cottage, says Laura--Judith, I insist that someone sit with Jamison until he's well.  Judith is about to head upstairs to undertake that take herself, but Laura stops her--I have a surprise for you--one I dislike having to tell, but I'm afraid I must--please leave us alone, Quentin.  The latter refuses to go.  Laura smiles at her former lover and says, it's about what's going on at the Old House.  The two women go into the drawing room and close the door, leaving Quentin in the foyer.  Does this have something to do with David (whoops!)...Jamison? asks Judith.  It concerns Barnabas, reveals Laura, who bursts into laughter when Judith refers to him as their cousin. Perplexed by Laura's laughter, Judith says, of course he's our cousin--just look at the portrait in the hall.  YOU take a good look at it, advises Laura, but after you hear what I have to say, you're going to want to burn it--that portrait and Barnabas Collins. . .  Angelique enters, turning Laura's voice into an incoherent croak.
She seems to have lost her voice, remarks Angelique innocently, feigning concern.  Judith wants to call a doctor.  Laura gives Angelique a dirty look and rushes from the room.  Quentin asks if Laura revealed her secret. No, says Judith, I've never seen anything like it--it was as if something stopped her from saying what she wanted to say. Laura lies so much, says Q, I'm surprised she hasn't strangled on her stories by now.  Judith, wondering what Laura wanted to say about Barnabas, wishing she trusted her more, goes upstairs.  Quentin, turning on the seductive charm,  tells Angelique, You're very gifted, you know, besides being beautiful, dangerous--all the things I like.  Why do you want Barnabas Collins and not me?"  I love Barnabas, not you, she replies--Laura is in the cottage planning her revenge--we don't have time for compliments--go to the Old House and wait for me there. When are you going to tell me what's going on? Asks Q.  Shall I simply make you do it? Angelique asks.  Quentin leaves.  After he leaves, she says, "You're such a child, Quentin, but what a surprise I have in store for you."

Cottage - Laura, still voiceless, prays silently to Ra, asking why she's been forsaken.

Old House - Quentin is stunned to enter and find Angelique already there, waiting for him, playing solitaire.  She suggests they play a game of cards.  Gazing at her cards, Quentin insists she couldn't have played a whole game.  Sit down, she says.  He does, murmuring, "If I had your powers, oh, if I did. . .why do you want me here?  I wanted you to be with me when IT happened, she replies.  When WHAT happens? He asks, totally flummoxed.

Cottage - Give me the strength to crush my enemy, calls Laura--give me your precious fire!  Let it start in the depths of her soul!  Let her feel the flames inside her!  Let it happen, great Ra, for I am lost unless you do!

Old House - Angelique sits in the chair, staring, silent.  Are we in danger? Asks Quentin.  He grabs her arm, then drops it, horrified.  "Your arm--it's hot!" he cries.  "What's happening here?"  She rises and steps back.

Cottage - Laura begs to make Angelique's body like "red coals about to burst into flames!  Let the flames come, great Ra!  Let the flames come!
Old House - Quentin watches, horrified, as flames surround and engulf Angelique, who begins screaming insanely.

NOTES:  Does this mean Laura has won?  What the heck is all that with Angelique and her request for a mirror?  Did she put together a little spell?  Quentin was sure crazed as he watched Ang go up in flames that way!

Isn't this a fun storyline, with the two supernatural ladies doing their utmost to outbest each other?

Loved Judith's assumption that Quentin's already doing Angelique, Barnabas' fiancee.  Hey, Quentin even tried to steal a kiss from her, but she wasn't having any, was she?  She's a one-woman gal!

759 - (Grayson Hall) - The time is 1897, a cold, gray day at Collinwood, and Barnabas Collins sleeps in his coffin, unaware that his secret has been discovered by one evil woman--but Angelique knows, and so the two women battle, a fight which must end when one is destroyed.  And in a cottage near the great house, Laura implores a pagan god for his help.

Quentin's face contorts in horror as he watches Angelique consumed, screaming, in a wall of flames.  Quentin calls to her, but she cannot respond, and finally, she disappears.  Quentin covers his face, cowering, unable to bear the sight of it.

Cottage - Laura thanks Ra, seeming weak.  Dirk comes in and holds her, urging her to rest on the sofa.  She looks around, talks to Ra--you've helped me so many times--but I've asked for your help too often, she says--and now you want me back.  Dirk tells her, you're imagining that someone wants you--you can't go away now, I won't let you.  You can't stop it, she tells him, you can't waste my time--I have so little left with so much to do.  She pulls away from him and faints.  He lifts her into his arms.  Help me! she begs.

Magda returns to the Old House to find Quentin sitting, dazed and in shock.  She chides him on not wanting to be at home, using the Old House as a public house--you come and goes as if you live here--get out!  Stop it, says Quentin.  She sees how strange his eyes look and asks, what have you seen?--have you been sneaking around the house--tell me!  He confesses, haltingly, I saw Angelique burning in this room.  Liar, Magda says.  There WAS a fire, insists Quentin--Laura's, and it killed Angelique.  No one can kill Angelique, maintains Magda.  Q reminds her that witches burn--fire is the only way--Laura knew it--she won!  Everyone beats you, says Magda cruelly.  I won't take that from you! cries Quentin--you've done enough to me.  You get what you deserve, she says--now get out!  Quentin wants to stay and tell Barnabas, but Magda orders him to get out before Laura does something to him.
"Run, Quentin," she smirks, "run, hide from her, hide!"  Laura had the power to stop Angelique, see what she can do to you, who plays with black magic, but can't stop Laura, can't fight her.  RUN! says Magda, her voice husky, scary.  Quentin runs off, and Magda laughs at him.

Dirk has placed the weakened Laura on the sofa, and she's returned to consciousness.  His hand on her shoulder, asks Laura, what else can we try?   The scarab, she says, Angelique has it--go to her room.  Dirk fears being caight.  No, not by Angelique, says Laura, "I can assure you of that."--if Ra wants me to find it, he'll help you, and I will know if I have more time.  Go quickly, she urges him, I'll rest for what I must do if you can't locate the scarab.

It's closing in on dusk. Barnabas rises, leaving the basement.  He sarcastically tells Magda, it's an honor to see you--where were you at dawn, when you were supposed to be protecting me?--and where was Sandor?  Magda, looking nervous, tells him to listen, but he's too angry to pay attention to her.
I have news, insists Magda.  News won't deter me, says Barnabas.  It must be told, she says, and I will know how angry you can get.  Realizing this is a serious matter, Barnabas shuts up and pays attention.  Magda crosses herself and reports, "Laura--she knows about you."  Barnabas grabs Magda's arm.  Laura knows you're a vampire! reveals Magda, terrified.  Barnabas is stunned--and perturbed!

Barnabas has been told what happened.  So, he says, Angelique saved me from Laura--how curious life is--Angelique wouldn't let the curse end, give me the peace of a dark coffin.  "You wouldn't want that," opines Magda.  Barnabas snaps, I don't want your opinion.  He leans on the mantle and says, I haven't forgotten Laura would still be ignorant if you and Sandor had protected me as you should have.  Slyly, Magda suggests, you are afraid now, without your Angelique to protect you.  You've given me a jigsaw puzzle that I must figure out before I make my next move, says Barn--I wonder why Angelique allowed herself to be burned?--are Laura's powers greater, and Angelique couldn't defeat them?  Any witch can burn, says Magda.  Barn agrees, but why now, when Angelique should have been on her guard?  Quentin saw it, says Magda.  Barn is annoyed--once again, Madame, you were absent.  Perhaps, muses Barn, Q is lying for reasons of his own.  He saw it, Magda assures him.  What did Angelique tell him before? Muses  Barnabas--what does he know about me?  Quentin knows nothing, says Magda.  Did Laura tell someone else? Worries Barnabas.  No, says Magda, I'm sure that isn't so--Laura is smart--they would have come after you--Laura means to settle you herself.  Then I must settle her first, says Barnabas, and then be free to decide what to do about you and Sandor (is there a caning in someone's future?).  Magda looks quite unhappy to hear that.

Cottage - Laura scribbles a note.  Dirk comes in to report, I tore Angelique's room apart--no scarab.  Ra wants me back, then, says Laura, I can't fight, I don't have the strength.  Dirk pulls her into his arms and tells her, I can give you the strength the way I did once before--I'll do it again, now!  He kisses her, but she nearly faints.  (Roger Davis strikes again!)  Ra wanted me to live then, explains Laura, now he wants me back--we'll be together some other time (some other lifetime!)  I want to go with you now, insists Dirk. She promises to send for him, but he doesn't believe her.  One night when there is no moon, says Laura, you will feel my presence in the room, and hear someone ask if you still wish to come.  I would rather go now, says Dirk.  I've got to get my children first--that's what Ra wants, she says.  You don't have any human feelings, accuses Dirk, trying to hold her.  Laura, irritated, says, I don't have the time--go on feeling sorry for yourself and you can just get out--I'll do it alone.  Dirk agrees to help her.  Laura again promises, I will arrange for you to join me.  She gives him a note for Judith, but Dirk says she's gone to town.  Good, says Laura, so there's nothing to stop you--give it to her even if she isn't there, to Judith and no one else--it's important.  What's in it? asks Dirk.
What do you remember from last night? Queries Laura.  Opening Ben Stokes' grave, going to the Old House.  What did you do there? She asks.  Hunt for Barnabas, but I didn't find him, says Dirk--I didn't see Angelique.  But Laura says, Angelique made you forget seeing her when you interfered--I will even that score.  When Judith reads the note, says Laura, you will remember what you forgot, and everyone will know about Barnabas.  Make sure Edward is asleep, then go to Jamison's room, instructs Laura--if anyone is there, get them out--nothing can go wrong--you must have a carriage ready and go to the school and get Nora--we must be away from here by midnight--go quickly!  You'd better come for me quickly, warns Dirk--they're going to know I helped you. They exchange a big smooch.  Someone, it seems, is watching them through the window.

Collinwood - Dirk is approaching the front door when he is attacked by a bat.  He backs away, but can't avoid being attacked.  Inside, the clock chimes 11 PM.

Laura enters; Barnabas grabs her shoulder.  She gasps, overacting somewhat.  He apologizes for frightening her--but it's late to be visiting, isn't it?  Late for me, early for you, she retorts, your night has just begun!--but since you have only until dawn, you have much to do.  He smiles engagingly at her and agrees--you're busy, too, he says, dressed for traveling.  That doesn't concern you, says Laura.  I'm afraid it does, he says.  I'll call Edward, she warns.  Edward isn't here, says Barnabas.  Someone is, perhaps someone who knows your secret, she suggests.  He walks away from her smiling face.  Your plan has already gone wrong, he says.  You're bluffing, she says--isn't it strange we should be standing here in this house, this year.  "You are Laura Stockbridge Collins," he tells her.  "You know me so well," she says.  "I remember when Jeremiah brought me to the Old House, you were there watching me, following me around."  "Yes," says Barn, "were you a Phoenix even then?"  Laura continues, as if not hearing him, "you were in love with me, as only a little boy can be.  Have you forgotten that?"  No, he says.  Please, she begs, allow me to take my children and go--"It's not our fault what we are!--you know that about yourself!"  I'd want you to stop me if the situation were reversed, says Barnabas.  You're only guessing, she insists.  I do know, says Barn.  Quentin, she asks?--does you trust him?  Barn shakes his head no, a slight grin on his face.  Angelique? She asks.  No, he says.  Who could you possibly believe? she demands.
Offering to show her, he opens the servants' door and reveals Dirk, lying there with two puncture holes in his throat, blood running from them.  Laura gasps.  She races to Dirk, kneels, touches him; he falls over. He's dead, she accuses--"You killed him."  No, he says, I had no need to kill him, I only wanted something he had.  The letter, realizes Laura.  "Your letter," says Barn, "beautifully put.  As elegantly written as I would have wished.  Unfortunately, no eyes will see it but mine."  She glares at him.  It's already burned, he says--have you time to write another?  "I will tell!" she cries--you have no protectors.  I don't need you, says Barnabas.  You have no power over me and never will, Laura says--"I am not Dirk."  I know, says Barnabas, but I promise you won't leave the house with Jamison.  you can't stop me, she says, I'm going up to get my son right now--do what you want, she says, you'll see how powerless you are.  She starts to move away, obviously growing weak.  "Just as I suspected," she says triumphantly--"You can do nothing."  She heads upstairs.  Barnabas is smiling broadly.

Laura goes to Jamison's room.  I've come for you as I said I would, she tells her son.  She finds a dummy in the bed made of pillows, however, and hears a woman's laughter.  Standing in a green light is a hysterically laughing Angelique.  Laura's eyes bug out in disbelief, as Angelique laughs and laughs.

NOTES:  What a neat trick!  No one is a match for Barnabas and Angelique when they combine their talents!

Wasn't that a spectacular little cat and mouse exchange between Laura and Barnabas in the second to last scene?  She was so sure she was the cat, but Barnabas knew all along that Angelique was back in the picture and Laura was going to be in deep doo-doo.  Are they going to be able to rid themselves of Laura once and for all?  Witch, vampire, phoenix--who will reign supreme?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 1/8/03 - #758/759 - Barn & Ang Combine Forces
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2003, 05:14:01 AM »
Blooper alert--did anyone else notice during Dirk and Laura's scenes in the cottage that his bite marks and blood were visible well before he was bitten?  I think his shirt collar was supposed to cover them, but Roger Davis was moving around so much that they peeked out anyway.  It spoiled the surprise of what was about to happen just a bit.
