Author Topic: Robservations 12/16/02 - #740-741 - Hot on Laura's Trail  (Read 1454 times)

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Robservations 12/16/02 - #740-741 - Hot on Laura's Trail
« on: December 15, 2002, 03:49:39 PM »
740 - (Thayer David) - The time is 1897, and Collinwood is a place of intrigue and fear, for the strange events which happened here are beyond the comprehension of most. But Barnabas Collins, on a mission to save a boy's life, knows more than the others, and if he tries to piece together their story, he endangers his own survival.

Magda returns to the Old House and peers through the cellar door bars. She checks the clock anxiously. When Barnabas comes in, she advises him to leave here tonight. Why? he asks. Agitated, Magda suggests, perhaps I shouldn't tell you anything, I should go to Sandor, tell him to hitch up the wagon and we will leave--you have taken Sandor from me; when they find you in your coffin. . .Who will find me? demands Barnabas. Did you think you'd always get away with it? she asks--the girls in the village, I can understand why you think you'd get away with that... Impatient, Barnabas grabs her arm and orders her to speak. They found the marks on Charity Trask, says Magda--"YOUR marks!"

I think you wanted Trask and Judith to know, didn't you? asks Magda I didn't do this by choice, insists Barn, but I don't expect you or anyone else to understand--my only mistake is my unwillingness to give up what life I have--can I be blamed for that? Magda reveals the doctor they sent for connected Charity's case with the others in the village, but Judith doesn't believe that, and plans to question Charity. Barnabas is sure Charity will say nothing--I'm more confident of her than I am of you! he tells Magda.
I won't say a word, she promises--you know that--when they come to find you--and they will--what will they do to me and Sandor, who have helped you? You've been paid for that, says Barnabas. Not enough, says Magda--"You have taken Sandor from me!" I will release him in good time, Barnabas assures her. Magda sees no end to Sandor's enslavement. I swear there will be, says Barn. Not the one you want, says Magda. Barn assures her, my time will end as I want it--it must, a boy's life, a man's fate depends on it--Sandor did not stumble upon me, I summoned him to my coffin. If you continue to see Charity, warns Magda, others will be summoned to your coffin, too, and they will come to destroy you. Barn agrees. He orders Magda to go spend the evening with Laura--make whatever excuse is necessary. I was here when Laura first came, explains Magda, but know only what everyone else knows. He shows her the portrait--when I was a boy, he says, I watched her pose for this very portrait, talking with her, laughing. Magda crosses herself, remarking, evil always follows you. Sandor, looking very jolly, comes in and accuses his wife of always looking at the negative side of things. Barnabas tells her to go--you have your orders for the evening. I don't like orders unless I understands them, she protests. No need for that, says Barn, just go. So he has met an old friend, Magda says to Sandor--your his master has uncovered another secret at Collinwood. She gives Barnabas an angry look and goes. Sandor asks Barn what's going on. Barn says he's studying ways to defeat death. There is no way, asserts the gypsy.
Tell that to anyone but me, advises Barn (LOL!)--Go to the cemetery and look for a tombstone that says, "Laura Stockbridge, died 1785."--if I'm correct, they buried her in the crypt below the old meeting house--go there and find the tomb--I must know the truth about her, I have this fear she will defeat me unless I find out, says Barn.

Collinwood - Edward and Laura run into each other on the stairs. He starts back down, furious. She asks him if it doesn't take much effort to go on hating her so. She steps beside him. Perhaps you have to, she continues, to keep yourself from feeling something else, like love--you did love me very much, she reminds him. I remember, says Edward, and I also recall the provisions under which I let you back in the house--DO YOU? I do, she says. Why are you living here--I gave you the cottage. The cottage needs work, she protests. You're concerned about your comfort here? Demands Edward--did you think about that when you ran away--did Quentin keep you in luxury? It still bothers you, she notes. Edward steps away from her, ordering her out of the house by morning. Impossible! She says. Their argument is interrupted by Magda's arrival. I'm glad to see you, says Edward--you are to help Laura move to the cottage tonight. . .there--it's settled, make the best of it! he says. Laura is infuriated.

Sandor goes to the tomb and, holding up a lantern, examines the headstones set into the wall. He finds one that says, IN MEMORY OF LAURA STOCKBRIDGE COLLINS WHO DIED IN 1785.

Magda stokes up a fire in the cottage, then dusts some furniture. Laura comes from the bedroom. Quentin will mind my being here just as much as I do, says Laura--he'll have to find another place for his little games and to rendezvous--take everything that belongs to Quentin and put it in a box, then return it to him. Magda nods. Do it now and unpack later, Laura orders. Magda begins rifling through the items in the desk as Laura ponders who Quentin is meeting here now--the pretty governess? Beth? He always liked her. Magda finds a deck of Tarot cards. Quentin knows how to read them, says Magda. No one knows what an obsession it all is to him, says Laura, who finds Angelique's knitted doll and notes with surprise there are no pins in it--he must be saving it for someone special. "You, perhaps, Madame," suggests Magda ironically. (Loved her delivery.) No, says Laura, this isn't for me, he's done everything to me he possibly can--and soon I will return the favor--will luck be with me?--read the cards. But you don't believe in them, Magda says. That's OK, says Laura, I just want a sign that things will go as they must--I don't have much time, but I will get my children, they will come with me, and Quentin... Is he to come, too? asks Magda. No, says Laura, I have other plans for Quentin--read the cards, and tell me if I will be successful. They sit down. The first card is the death card. Start again, demands Laura--you can't start with that card. There must be a reason, says Magda. You didn't shuffle the cards, says Laura. Magda shuffles again--and again picks the death card first. Perturbed, Laura accuses her of doing it deliberately. Why are you so terrified of death in this house? asks Magda. There is no death yet, says Laura. There will be, says Magda. Yes, says Laura, smiling, perhaps soon, right in this room, that would be just, yes, right in his own sanctuary! Laura laughs. She asks Magda to tell her when the death will come. Magda picks more cards--it has already taken place, she says. Laura angrily brushes the cards off the table and tells the gypsy, you have lost your touch--you have no second sight anymore--take the cards and return them to Quentin--let it be his death, yes!

Old house - Barnabas pours a drink for Edward. Edward asks for a favor, explaining that Judith asked Trask to move the school to the estate. Here? asks Barn. (think of all those little schoolgirls in uniform!) Yes, says Edward. At least he'll be in closer contact with you, points out Barnabas. Yes, and that's the problem, says a disgruntled Edward--I don't want the school on the property--do you understand? No, answers Barn. It's Laura, says Edward with difficulty. Barnabas remarks it's the first time I've heard you say her name. I wish it were the last, says Edward sourly--how well do you know Laura? I can't honestly answer, says Barn. You've met my charming wife, says Edward. I'm too old to trust first impressions completely, says Barnabas. Edward tells him, I must speak of her--she ran off with Quentin, followed him. Quentin can be most charming, says Barn neutrally. Yes, says Edward, if you don't look too deeply--and Laura doesn't look too deeply--I can't understand why Laura is determined to take the children. You can stop that, points out Barnabas. I've never been able to stop Laura, laments Edward, there are certain women I have never known how to fight. Barn asks, how did you met her? Here, says Edward--she never liked questions about her family--she claims she was born in NY and attended an eastern college. But you don't believe that, guesses Barnabas. I know, says Edward; after she left me, I wrote to the college--she had mentioned a guardian aunt living in the middle west--and the college replied they had no records of a Laura Murdoch ever attending.
So she appeared from no where, suggests Barnabas. Surely you can see she's not the sort of person who should be around the children, says Edward--speak to Judith, please, she respects you--tell her it's not a good idea to have the school here. Sandor interrupts. Barnabas tells him sternly, I'll be with you in a moment. I'll speak to Judith, Barnabas promises Edward. I won't detain you any longer, says Edward--I dreaded coming to see you, feared being embarrassed by revealing it all, but it wasn't as difficult as I'd feared. He thanks Barnabas sincerely and offers his hand. They shake hands. Edward leaves. Sandor tells Barnabas, I found it, in the crypt. Barnabas orders him to open it--I'll be with you at midnight, then takes down the portrait and looks at it. "But first, I must pay a visit to an old friend," says Barn.

Laura sits by a fire in the cottage. There's a knock at the door. Laura assumes it's Quentin, who's heard she moved in. She asks Magda to answer the door. The gypsy finds Barnabas there. I have something for you, he tells Laura, who asks him in cheerfully--I brought you a gift. She takes it and starts opening it--the walls could certainly use a picture, she says. I found it in the Old House attic, he explains--I was so surprised--wait until you see it. She looks very uncomfortable upon opening it, agreeing it's incredible, and urges Magda to come look at it--I might have sat for it myself! Yes, agrees Barnabas, you must have had a near relative living in these parts 100 years ago. Either that or many women look like me, suggests Laura. Untrue, although many regret it, says Barnabas suavely. (always giving those ego boosters, is our charming vampire!) She thanks him for the compliment. The more I looks at it, the less I think it resembles me, says Laura to Magda--"Is my chin really that pointy?" Magda nods-- "They look the same to me." Laura remarks to Barnabas that in a moment, you will have me thinking I and the portrait are one and the same, which is impossible--I will take it as a good omen.
They smile at each other. She thanks him. I could hardly resist giving it to you (subtle, real subtle!), says Barnabas--I must leave, I will see you soon. I need friends, says Laura, and hate being lonely. I'll do everything I can to see it doesn't happen, Barnabas assures her (WHAT doesn't happen?). After he leaves, Laura orders Magda to put it in a closet--I never want to see it again! Magda points out that Barnabas will wonder... What, that we have different tastes in paintings? snaps Laura. She again orders Magda, who is gawking at the portrait, to put it away. Laura sits down by the fire again.

Tomb - Sandor tells Barnabas he believes in spirits--and I don't want to disturb the one that lives in this place. Barnabas tells him he's sure no spirits will be disturbed--the woman buried here walks at Collinwood tonight--now, start opening it, he orders--"GO ahead--now!" Sandor reluctantly begins to chisel open the tomb.

Somehow, Laura hears the sound of Sandor's work. When Magda comes out, Laura questions her about the noise, which the gypsy doesn't hear. It sounds like chipping stone, says Laura, and is getting louder. Rest, encourages Magda. Laura cries out, "Oh, God!" and races from the cottage.

Sandor has the coffin out. He crosses himself. If the body is here, we will be punished, he warns Barnabas, who twice orders him to open it. The coffin opens and...

NOTES: Such delightful performances in both episodes. Everyone was right on the mark, and the scenes between Barnabas and Edward, Barnabas and Magda, Barnabas and Sandor, hell, between everyone and everyone, were wonderful. Seeing Angelique, even briefly, was so good, and she and Barnabas together are always a pleasure to see. Her digging him about biting Charity, then giving him leave to go after dock whores, was really funny. I enjoyed the 1897 episodes, but they are producing lengthy Robservations.

741 - (David Selby) - The time is 1897, and intrigue and terror are rampant at Collinwood as Barnabas Collins makes a desperate effort to piece together the jigsaw puzzle of the past in order to save a boy's life and a man's fate in the present. But Barnabas' efforts meet constant obstacles, and now he seeks to discover the secret of a woman whom he has reason to believe he knew over 100 years ago.

(Interesting that Laura cried out, "Oh, God!" You'd think she would have called out to Ra, right?)

Sandor is reluctant to open the coffin, so Barnabas does it. Laura trails in and observes them as they look into an empty coffin.
Her eyes widen.

Barnabas tells Sandor there's no sign the body was ever there. Sandor suggests a mistake--maybe she was never buried here at all. . .grave robbers, perhaps. No, insists Barnabas, shushing Sandor--I hear something. . .Sandor asks what's wrong. I feel a presence, says Barnabas. Sandor fears spirits. Although Laura quietly leaves the tomb, Sandor fears something is still there. No, says Barnabas, it's gone (as is Laura). Sandor doesn't look at all sure about that.

Cottage - Quentin angrily orders Magda not to play the silent gypsy with him--where is Laura--with Dirk? No, says Magda. What would make her leave the "nest" the very night she moved in? he asks. Quentin jauntily suggests a guessing game--at Jamison's bedside, since her mother's instinct has kicked in? He wants the truth, but Magda wants cold hard cash to reveal anything. I must speak to Laura about Jamison, says Q. She left half an hour ago, says Magda, just ran out. Oh, ho, says Q, why?--A shock?--Sudden surprise?--A premonition?--Laura is much given to them. Magda testily says she doesn't know--I swear. A year ago, you would have blamed ME for the surprise/shock, wouldn't you? he asks--now I'm innocent, so who else is interested in Laura? That's the next question...

Sandor puts the coffin back into the tomb and seals it up. Laura is no ghost, that's for sure, insists Sandor. How do you know? wonders Barn. I have seen ghosts, says Sandor, they don't breathe or eat. But the portrait? asks Barn--coincidence? Sandor doesn't know. Barn doesn't believe in coincidences. Perhaps a descendent? queries Sandor. The original never had children, says Barn, I was there. I want to get out of here, insists the gypsy. Barnabas is pondering how Laura Collins died. Sandor asks what difference it makes. A great deal, says Barn--it was a sudden death, that he remembers, says the vampire, going through some books on the shelves--my father wrote to tell me that my Uncle Jeremiah was very disturbed, and not to tell him when he returned home. One way of dying is the same as another, says Sandor. Not necessarily, says Barn--I should know. He finds the book he was looking for. Laura Collins died January 25, 1875, (he must mean 1785) cause of death--fire! How could I have forgotten that?--or did my father change the course of history again? wonders Barn--was there something about her death that made him conceal the cause? Sandor warns him the watchman will be here soon. Quentin can tell me, says Barn, what happened when he and Laura went away together. Alexandria, says Sandor, I know that much. What if Quentin found out what he believes to be the truth--what if he left her there? Asks Barn. He won't tell you, says Sandor. Barnabas agrees--but he may say something he didn't intend to--my only hope.

Cottage - Laura stares into the fire. Magda asks if she needs anything else done. Transfixed, Laura tells Magda to get the portrait and put it in the fire. Magda wants HER to do it, but Laura insists the gypsy must do it for her. Magda wants to take it to the Old House, in case it's worth a lot. Do as I order you, says Laura, and tell no one--if Barnabas asks, tell him it just disappeared. Magda doesn't understand, but Laura orders her to burn it nevertheless. Magda returns with the small painting and places it into the fire. Is it burning? Asks Laura, seemingly relieved. "It's been so long," she says rapturously--"So long!" The flames engulf the painting.

Barnabas returns to Collinwood and spies a telegram--from Alexandria--lying on the hall table. Quentin comes in and greets "the elusive Cousin Barnabas." They each agree they will never understand each other's life, but Quentin remarks, "I'm home sometimes--you never are."--I was just at the Old House and found you gone, as you always are--night and day. I don't need much rest, says Barn. (Just 8 hours in the daytime.) I envy you, says Quentin. You interest me a great deal, says Barnabas, and I regret we got off to a bad start. You could be such help to me in adjusting myself to my new surroundings, says Barnabas--everyone is so secretive. With reasons, says Q. You're so open with your friends, says Barnabas. Too open, Judith thinks, says Quentin. "What do you think about Laura Collins?" asks Barn (very subtle). Quentin is immediately suspicious. "What happened in Alexandria?" persists Barnabas--"You were both there together!" "Sorry," says Quentin, "whoever told you that is wrong." Barnabas gives him a look and shows him the cable from Alexandria--perhaps it will refresh your memory?

Quentin takes the cable very reluctantly. Two and two don't always add up to four, as you should know, says Quentin--the cable is from my oldest friend, who is devoting his life to travel and is presently in Egypt. What a fortunate coincidence, comments Barnabas. Q advises, if you're that interested in learning about Laura, you should run to the gossip who said she was with me. Common knowledge, says Barn. (Carnal knowledge?) Why are you so interested in Laura? Demands Q. I'm interested in anyone I meet, says Barn. I think you're lying, says Q--not the first time I've thought so. And not the last, retorts Barn. What does that mean? asks Quentin-- (It's 5 AM.) That you aren't going to stop?--what if I decide to find out everything I can about you--you're much more mysterious than Laura. Barnabas is gazing at the chiming clock, saying, I don't mean to be. What business are you in? Investments, replies Barnabas, which is why I travel to Bangor so often. Are you going to Bangor today? Quentin asks. I haven't decided yet, says Barn. I'd like to go with you, says Q, if you do go. The cock crows. Barnabas nervously says, I must be going. I think my questions have unnerved my cousin, says Q. Not at all, Barnabas assures him. Cook will make us a marvelous breakfast, promises Quentin. Barnabas, heading for the door, insists he doesn't eat breakfast. Quentin suggests lunch, if Barnabas doesn't go to Bangor. Barnabas looks at him penetratingly. Q asks, "You do eat lunch, don't you, Cousin Barnabas?"

Magda and Sandor approach the front door of Collinwood. Magda is annoyed because Sandor is more concerned about Barnabas than about her. It will be light soon, says Sandor, something is wrong--Quentin is keeping him there on purpose! Magda asks if Sandor thinks Quentin knows, but all Sandor knows is that Barnabas should be in his coffin this very moment.

Barnabas tells Quentin they will have lunch, very soon. Quentin presses for a definite date, since this evening seems mysteriously inconvenient. Quentin lets in Magda and Sandor. "There you are," says Barn. Sandor tells him a messenger has arrived from Bangor. Quentin questions the early hour. Barnabas says he wasn't expecting on, it must be an emergency, and asks to be excused. Of course, says Q, I have no choice, do I? Sandor says it's most urgent. Barn orders Magda to stay with Quentin, in case he follows them. Magda enters the drawing room. Did your master tell you to stay? Quentin asks her. She grins--Barnabas isn't my master, no, I stayed because she wanted to tell you Laura returned soon after she left--didn't say where she'd been. He dismisses her, but she continues on--Laura was most upset, says Magda, she thinks someone is threatening her. Quentin doesn't believe it--he knows Magda is playing each of them against the other--he's no fool--we're alike, he says, but you play for pennies, while I at least ask for everything.
He takes the cable from his pocket and reads it. He's stunned. I knew it! he says. Magda asks for details, but he keeps saying, I knew it!--what am I going to do now?

Madga asks what's happening. Nothing, he says. I know you're lying, she says. I used to be able to believe my own lies, says Quentin--how very fortunate I was, and I didn't realize it until tonight--has Laura changed? She still likes to order me around, laughs Magda--do you think she's changed? Yes, says Quentin. She is more desperate, suggests Magda, about the children, and she wasn't terribly interested in them before. Hmmm, says Q, then asks her to be on his side and answer honestly--and swear--has Laura any powers? She has a certain sensitivity, says Magda, but no powers. Are you positive? asks Q. Tonight Laura asked me to read the cards, says Magda--would she have done that if she had any powers of her own?--when she's angry, she takes it out on me--a woman with powers doesn't need to do that--you don't need to worry, you will be safe--you can do whatever you're planning, she assures him.

Cottage - Quentin enters, slowly, stealthily. He finds Laura sitting, very prim and proper, before the fire. She rises, annoyed that he startled her. It's late, she says. "We've been here later," he reminds her. You'd like to say you don't remember--but you do, he says, as I do--why did you come back? She calls him a little boy--have you wondered that ever since I appeared?--weren't you able to decide that for yourself? He doesn't think she came back for the children. Yes, I need them, she says. What will you take in their place? asks Quentin--money, anything? She laughs. He tells her I'm serious--I'll steal it, but I'll get it--I'll do anything to make you leave--I have powers, and I'll use them to help you. All I want is my children, she cries--why is that so difficult for you to accept? "BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM IF YOU TAKE THEM!" he shouts in her face. Laura retorts, I know what will happen to them if they stay here--you will ruin Jamison, and I know why--because he is the heir--you will get money by using him, and I won't let that happen--"You can't have him, Quentin!" But at least he'll be alive! Quentin says passionately. Are you starting that again? she asks--I died in a fire in Alexandria. . . Yes, says Q, I'm starting that again. It's very foolish, she insists. It's not, says Quentin--now, I have this (the cable). More paper? she asks.
It's from the police in Alexandria, says Quentin--"Police records confirm Laura Murdoch Collins died by fire, March 7, 1896. Death certificate follows."
Laura merely stares at him.

NOTES: Great arguments between Quentin and Laura, and cat and mouse game between Barnabas and Quentin. Poor Barn, it's almost as if Q knows he's a vampire, the way he was keeping him out after light, LOL!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 12/16/02 - #740-741 - Hot on Laura's Trail
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2002, 07:40:25 PM »
I think Quentin is becoming very curious about Barnabas never being available during the day. They will have to work together to keep each other secrets, and overcome Angelique's and Magda's curses.
Anyway, have a good holiday season, merry Winter Solstice. Christmas, and a Happy New Year, Robin and all the cousins!