Author Topic: If Mitch Ryan had stayed  (Read 854 times)

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If Mitch Ryan had stayed
« on: February 10, 2002, 03:07:42 AM »
Originally posted by SJG on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on February 09, 2002 at 21:07:42:

In the last days we saw Mr. Ryan as Burke Devlin he was rescuing Maggie from Barnabas and Willie in the cemetery, questioning Barn (in a no chemistry scene with J. Frid) after Mag's disappearance, and bringing Sam a sandwitch! Look Ryan couldn't stay! He had to go! He was functioning more and more like an of this world goody goody. He was like a male teeny bopper in a cheap bflick who rescuies his girl from the monster in the last scene and on DS that position was occupied already by Joel Crothers as Joe. Ryan was great when DS was a straight forward soap. But as the show got more and more supernatural he figured less and less well into it. Anthony George bought a new element to the character of Burke. Though Burke was not a supernatural character himself, George's characterization of the role was more reserved and otherworldly. He actually helped bring the show deeper into the realm of supernatural tension (under the very slick and amiable Ryan this just about couldn't have happened). Plus, Ryan had a serious drinking problem. That is all.

Offline Luciaphile

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Re: If Mitch Ryan had stayed
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2002, 03:35:25 PM »
Posted by Luciaphil on February 10, 2002 at 09:35:25:
In Reply to: If Mitch Ryan had stayed posted by SJG on February 09, 2002 at 21:07:42:

Still reeling from your description of Anthony George's Burke as "otherworldly".

His Burke was a deeply conventional character. Far more rooted in the here and now and a rigid conformist world than Mitchell Ryan's character ever was.

How can you honestly judge how Ryan would have played off Frid from a five minute scene that functioned to set up a more important plot point?

Sometimes it's necessary to have certain less than enthralling scenes--for exposition for instance or to set up action later on. You can't just have exciting climax after exciting climax. That's not how it works.

It's not like the writers sat down and say, "Hey! I know what! We'll have Burke bring Sam lunch! You know how it pumps our ratings when we have David Ford eat and Mitchell Ryan deliver the food!" There's another reason behind it. The sandwich is the means by which you convey something else--be it a plot point, emotion (Sam is so distraught over Maggie that he's not eating), status quo (Sam will fill in Burke about what's happening or vice versa) or something else. Curtis wasn't going to pay extras to do that when he had them use actors already in the episode.

It may not be the most effective use of the two actors, but it's hardly their fault or indicative of a greater problem with the characterizations themselves. Even the most talented performer sometimes can't make anything out of a bit--can't make bricks without straw and all that.

Ryan may have "had to go" because his personal problems (and that's all I'm going to say about them because of the board guidelines) were interfering with his job, but I'm inclined to think that was the only reason why they recast.

Mitchell Ryan did just fine in the Laura story arc--why wouldn't he do equally as well with the Barnabas plot? Ryan had chemistry with Moltke, plus he didn't kiss like a dead fish. It would have added some needed tension to Vicki's being drawn to two different men (God knows, I can't stand Barnabas and given a choice between Aluminum-Siding Man and the Poster Child of Logic Deprivation, I'd think I'd choose the latter).

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Re: If Mitch Ryan had stayed
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2002, 05:43:07 PM »
Posted by SJG on February 10, 2002 at 11:43:07:
In Reply to: Re: If Mitch Ryan had stayed posted by Luciaphil on February 10, 2002 at 09:35:25:

Luciaphil, when I saw John Karlen play off Jonathon Frid brilliantly in the first scene the two actors ever shared their chemistry was fabulous. Ryan just didn't have good chemistry with Frid and that is also part of the reason Ryan had to exit when Frid became the show's star. How else am I to judge Ryan's chemistry with Frid other than scenes they had together? Ryan's playing off Alexandra Moltke had nothing to do with him playing off of Frid.

As for the sandwitch scene this is how they should have done it. Burke could have been sitting down to supper at the Hotel Diner alone (with the other diner waitress in th backroom) in the dining room and Sam could have wandered on in to see where Maggie used to work and then Burke could have noticed Sam. Calling Sam over, Burke could have then learned that Sam hadn't eaten and offered to shared his dinner with Sam. This would have been better than Burke deliberately delivering Sam food at the latter's home (that idea was very weak). Then Maggie could have wandered by the Collinsport diner window and Sam saw her there and then ran outside an not found her! Ryan's character was clearly mutating from slick, hardboiled, justified avenging angel to goody goody caring sandwitch boy (he reminded me a little of Hawkeye on the tv show Mash, you figure out why).

As for as Ryan in the Laura storyline, I only remember him talking (straighforwardly, at least on Burke's part) to Laura a couple of times, searching for David with Joe, speaking to Vicki about David Radcliffe and not much else. It seemed like when all or most of the really supernatural events happened he was absent. And there is very little chance of him becoming established as a supernatural character or possessed by a supernatural character (like Jeremiah was by Angelique) it was unlikely Laura had put a curse on Burke, much more likely than not he just still felt for her (and why not, she was a real HOT ticket).

As for Anthony George's Burke being of the other world well I expected some resistance on this one. Technically his Burke and Hall's Julia are both of this world. But they are very creepy looking characters. They have funny and reserved personalities which defy their really being of this world. It is not that important what Anthony George said (on the show) about jet ages, it's how he said it. If Mitch Ryan had been there saying those same lines you would have felt the show wasn't yet that supernatural and they wanted the show all supernatural in feel from now on. With George you got that creepy and (possibly) otherworldly feeling. It was like his Burke was a reincarnation of someone else and he just didn't realize it, but his Burke (despite conventonal talk) was, nevertheless, more like a man from the 1790's. Would you have ever believed Mitch Ryan's Burke was a reincarnation of anyone? Would most of us? No way!!! Burke #1 was born in the 1920's or 30's with a never before used soul! Burke #2 was the reincarnation of someone who had lived a long time ago (probably Jeremiah Collins!). Burke#2 looking eerily at Barnabas at Collinwood, in one b+w ep, has new and great signifigance when you realize that Burke #2 is probably the reincarnation of Jeremiah and that in a previous life he and Barn knew each other and were friends, relatives, and rivals to the death! I know Jeremiah returned as a zombie for a while, but once Angelique was thru using using him, and after a brief return in 1897, he reincarnated himself into the new born Burke Devlin. That is why once Burke (most likely) died his spirit returned as Jeremiah and warned Vicki in a dream about Barn.

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Re: If Mitch Ryan had stayed
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2002, 07:49:40 PM »
Posted by kuanyin on February 10, 2002 at 13:49:40:
In Reply to: If Mitch Ryan had stayed posted by SJG on February 09, 2002 at 21:07:42:

That is all.

It is your final statement that bothers me the most. No, that is not all. You are as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. You like A.G., he makes my skin crawl. We can all theorize and support our like/dislike, but I don't think it should be made with flat out end of story type conclusions. Personally, I think it can be fun to disagree, how boring if we all had the same ideas and perspective.
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