Author Topic: Robservations 11/8/02 - #720-721 - A Pissed-Off Wife Takes Revenge  (Read 1526 times)

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720 - (Marie Wallace) - Collinwood in the year 1897. The strange and terrifying events of that year are gradually being revealed to Barnabas Collins. He must unravel a mystery of the past in order to save the life of a young boy in the present. Before this night is over, he will learn of the existence of a strange woman in the great house, a woman plagued by madness. And this madness may change the course of history.

10:20 PM - Beth brings Dirk a compress for his aching head. He wishes it would just stop pounding. You shouldn't have turned your back on Jenny, she says. I thought I could handle her, says Dirk--has Judith found her yet? No, says Beth. He suggests she might not be in the house--Judith had better find her soon, before she does more damage. Beth doubts she'll do more damage, but her big fear is that someone else will discover Jenny. The landing door opens. It's Jenny, who cautiously comes out and looks down into the foyer, then slowly starts downstairs.

Dirk tells Beth he's feeling better. I'm sorry this happened to you, she says, Judith should never have involved you, but waited for me to return from the village. Dirk curtly tells her he knows her big, dark secret and will keep it because he's being paid to.
He asks her how long she's known about Jenny. From the beginning, reveals Beth, when she had her breakdown and Edward sent her to the tower room. Removing the compress, he stands and wants to know what caused Jenny's breakdown. Beth says she doesn't know. Dirk he is sure she does, being Jenny's personal maid. She repeats, I didn't know. As they're talking, Jenny appears in the foyer and passes right by them without either spotting her (which doesn't seem terribly realistic). They spot Jenny only after she has opened the door and left the house. Both of them dart after her, calling her name. They can't see Jenny. We must find her, insists Beth. They decide to split up--Beth to take the path to the cottage, Dirk to the Old House.

Old House - Barnabas stares into the fire. There's a knock at his door.  It's Quentin, who says, "Surprised to see me, Cousin Barnabas?" Should I be? asks Barn. Perhaps, says Q--did you think me dead by now? Barnabas doesn't know what he's talking about. Quentin reveals, Magda told me I'm marked for death--very soon, too--do you know about that? No, not at all, says Barn. Do you think Magda is lying? asks Q. How would I know? queries Barn. Shouldn't we lay all our cards on the table? demands Quentin--since you came to Collinwood, it's obvious you know more than you let on, a fact, and while I still doubt you came here from England, you didn't come for an ordinary visit, but with a purpose in mind--you've consistently interfered in family business--with no proof to go on, you accused me of stealing Edith's will--you said it would be returned, and it was--I suspect you had something to do with its return. If I did, would I admit it? asks Barn. No, says Q. Barnabas asks about this threat of death--I don't want anything to happen to you--we are related. Very touching, says Quentin. I mean it, says Barnabas, your welfare is important to me. I welcome neither your help or concern, snaps Q--I want you to leave Collinwood. Barn is shocked--why? Simple, says Q, I believe you're up to something, don't trust you, and have certain plans I wants to fulfill--which I believe you will thwart--I can't make it any clearer. Barnabas agrees, but nevertheless says, I intend to stay at Collinwood.
All right, says Q, but fair warning--if you go on interfering with me, you do so at your own risk--do you understand? Oh, yeah, Barnabas assures him. Stop fretting about the gypsy's death warrant, advises Quentin, his nose about 1.5 inches from Barnabas'--no one is going to kill Quentin Collins--no one. I hope not, says Barnabas. "Goodbye, Cousin," says Quentin. Barn stops him and says, I want to give YOU fair warning now--about Angelique. This name stops Quentin--how do you know her? Just be careful of her, warns Barn, trust her, you're a fool--she's a friend to no man, and would just as soon cut your throat as look at you, if it suits her purposes. Quentin doesn't understand how Barnabas knows Angelique--there's more to you than meets the eye--I think you have your own share of secrets and I'm going to find out what they are--yes, perhaps that's how I'll get rid of you, he adds, grinning. Barnabas looks solemn and unhappy. As Quentin leaves, with a jaunty step, Jenny watches, and appears to follow him. . .

Cottage - Beth searches for Jenny, calling to her. She checks the bedroom. "It's Beth," she says, "I want to help you, Jenny." She lights a candle with a taper. The door opens. Beth whirls around--it's Quentin. This is more than I could have hoped for, he exults--I didn't think you'd come here voluntarily--how did you know to look for me here? (he sure is self-centered, isn't he?) I didn't, she says. He caresses her arms intimately and asks if she just came looking for him. He's about to lay a kiss on her neck when she pulls away from him. No, I was looking for. . .she stops, remembering she can't tell him that. Who? he asks. No one, she says--I was walking through the woods. "On your way to grandmother¢â‚¬Ëœs house," he quips, and who should you meet but the big bad wolf." She tells him she must return to Collinwood. He grabs her into his arms, calling her ridiculous (real romantic, Q)--you finally decide that you want to see me alone, work up the courage to come, and now get cold feet. It isn't like that, says Beth. He yanks her closer and tells her. I understand--we were meant to be together. Not here, not now, she says. Yes, here and now, he insists, it's time and we both know it. He kisses her, hard, but she pulls away--I have to leave!--and she does. He leans back against the door. "You'll be back--sooner than you think," he predicts.

Barnabas comes downstairs at the Old House and hears a banging sound. He looks out the window, then goes to the door. He opens it, goes outside, and finds Dirk. What are you doing here? he asks him. Dirk whirls around, speechless at first, and tells Barn one of the kids is missing. Which child? asks Barn.Jamison, says Dirk, he's been missing two hours. Not very long, says Barnabas, are you sure he disappeared? He could be hiding, says Dirk, but usually plays in this area. Barn suggests, I would have seen him, if that were true. Dirk agrees, apologizing for bothering him. You're free to search the house if you like, offers Barnabas, and invites him in. If we can't find Jamison after searching the house, I'll go searching with you, says Barnabas. This unnerves Dirk, who asks what for?--you don't have to join the search, most of the family is out searching already. Who? probes Barnabas. Dirk stutters--the servants, most of the family--they might have found "her" by now. (you said it was the boy!)
Barnabas asks what's wrong--you're not telling me everything. Nothing, says Dirk, it's not my place to object your joining the search, and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. Barn asks if the child might be in danger. No, says Dirk, but I'm still worried, that's all--the kid shouldn't be out alone in the woods--you're free to join the search, if you want. Barnabas leads him upstairs to search.

Alone at the cottage, Quentin sits in a chair, legs outstretched. There's a knock at the door. "Good girl, Beth, you haven't disappointed me," he says, grinning. He opens the door and his eyes widen hugely as he beholds Jenny standing there.

Jenny, says Quentin. Yes, she responds. "You're the one!"--I didn't know you were still here, no one told me. You're the one who found me, she says wonderingly--I was singing that night--and you saw me! She enters the cottage--and brought me to the cottage, adds Jenny. It's good to see you again, says Quentin, totally taken aback. "Then you went away!" she snarls--"Suddenly. . .you went away and left me all alone." You knew I'd come back, didn't you? he asks. No, she says. Well I did, he says, just as I always intended to.
"Your name is Quentin, she says--"And mine is Jenny." He asks what's happened to her. I thought we were going to be so happy together, she says. We still can be, he says, nothing has changed--"You're still my wife, Jenny!" (SURPRISE!!!!!!) She's excited to hear this. Yes, she says, I am--why did you go away and leave me? He suggests they discuss that on the way back to Collinwood. She pulls away from him and says they aren't allowed. Yes we are, he assures her--it's all right, you're safe. I knew you were back, says Jenny, I heard the music from that room they keep me in. He wants to take her back there. I knew I'd find you here, she teases, and you know why, don't he?--you always came here, to meet people, remember? No, he says. "To meet other women!" she shrieks. He denies it. You thought me pretty, she says, getting in close--do you still? Yes, he says--it's getting late, we must go back to Collinwood. She asks him to kiss her first--you mustn't be frightened of me! I'm not, he claims. Then kiss me! she demands. He doesn't look thrilled at the prospect, but he does, on the lips, for a brief moment. "You won't go away anymore, Quentin," she says. He looks guilty. "And you won't lie to me, either, I feel so sure of that," she says. He suggests they go now. Yes, it's time to go, she agrees, a huge, scary grin on her face.

Old House - Dirk suggest to Barn they search the cellar. No, says the vampire, I lock that door and there's no other entrance. Dirk says I had better go--is Barnabas coming? I'll join you later, says Barnabas, I have things to do. Dirk leaves, running his hand over his face in relief. Barnabas gazes out the window at his retreating figure.

Beth calls to Jenny as she returns to Collinwood. I went to visit someone, Jenny says, someone you know--I don't think I should tell you. Beth insists, I have to know, in case someone saw you--you shouldn't have left your babies alone. Jenny is immediately upset--did something happen to them? No, Beth assures her, and tries to lead her inside. Hanging back, Jenny whispers, "Quentin is gone." Yes, for a long time, Beth agrees. Jenny remarks it doesn't seem that long. Beth begs Jenny to come inside, and she finally goes.

Cottage. Dirk comes in and calls, "Anybody here?" In the dark, he finds a body on the floor. It's Quentin, who has that letter opener sticking from his chest. Dirk kneels, then hears something behind him--Barnabas! He looks up, terrified, realizing how it looks, leaps to his feet and tries to flee. Barnabas easily detains him. "No, Wilkins," says Barnabas harshly, "You're going to stay here and answer a lot of questions!"

NOTES: Pretty darn good episode! So, Magda's prediction came true--a "J" stabbed Quentin. What a shock to learn it was his own wife! We were all so sure she was Edward's wife, but Jenny seems to hate all the Collinses! More surprises are in store, big ones, and soon. Great performances, amazing surprises, DS at its best. Looks pretty bad for Dirk, the classic of the innocent standing over the corpse! Loved the Barnabas/Quentin confrontation, and Jenny meeting hubby Quentin where he thought he was about to have a tryst with Beth (who, unlike Quentin, had more important things on her mind than sex) was marvelous, exciting and really quite sad. Why did someone like Quentin marry Jenny--or anyone, for that matter? He certainly doesn't seem like the marrying kind, at least not voluntarily!

721 - (Lara Parker) - Collinwood in the year 1897. The strange and terrifying events of a time gone by are gradually being unfolded again before the eyes of Barnabas Collins. His goal is to unravel the mystery of the past in order to save the life of a young boy in the present. But on this night, in a small cottage on the estate, an event has occurred which may change the course of history. To avoid that, Barnabas Collins will be forced to turn to his oldest enemy for help.

Dirk struggles out of Barnabas' grasp. Barnabas asks, do you want to speak to ME or the police? Dirk assures him he had nothing to do with this. Barn suggests a motive--Beth--Quentin was winning her, so Dirk got angry, came here, killed him. Dirk calls Barnabas crazy and asks, how did you get here so soon after I did? Dirk says you arrived one minute after I did, so I had no time to kill Quentin--and you can tell the police THAT. Barn agrees to help Dirk--but only if you help me--I need questions answered--I know you lied when you claimed to be searching for a missing child. I was, protests Dirk. If that were true, you'd have welcomed my joining the search, says Barn, but you didn't--you were very nervous when I suggested coming along--who are you really looking for?
Dirk tries the old "I'm just an employee" excuse, but Barn won't buy it--you know more than you pretend to--who were you looking for? Dirk admits, I can't tell, I gave my word. Before there was a murder, says Barnabas, and you are the prime suspect. Dirk figures you know I'm innocent and won't let me be accused of a crime I didn't commit. Barnabas strongly hints that I can and will--there are things I need to know, says Barnabas, like who killed Quentin--I figures you must know the culprit, since you were was searching for someone in the woods, someone dangerous. I have a good job, protests Dirk--I don't want to lose it. Barnabas promises him his job won't be jeopardized. Dirk confesses, I was looking for Jenny Collins. This is a new name to Barnabas. Dirk explains Jenny escaped from me, stole my keys, and escaped--Jenny is crazy, says Dirk, and could hurt herself--or someone else. Beth and Miss Judith are in on this, says Dirk, leading Barnabas to conclude Jenny was the one being imprisoned in the tower room. Dirk says they put her in a basement cell a couple of nights ago. Barnabas asks if Jenny is Edward's wife. Not quite, says Dirk, she's Quentin's wife. Barnabas is shocked!

Beth leads Jenny back to the cell where her "babies" await her--they were crying, says Beth--you shouldn't have left them alone--promise me you won't do it again. Jenny, however, is off on another mind-tangent, rocking her babies, grinning, remembering the first time she met Quentin--the good times, when we were so happy--our happiness came and went with the passing of one spring--there was no summer that year, mourns Jenny, he took it with him when he went away--he kissed me tonight--I knew he wasn't happy to see me, yet kissed me anyway. Beth is puzzled to hear this, then it hits her--Jenny saw Quentin. Yes, says Jenny. He knows, realizes Beth--what will we do? He seemed frightened of me, says Jenny. "Oh stop it, Jenny!" barks Beth cruelly--"Stop rambling!" Now that Quentin knows I'm here, says Jenny, you'll do everything you can to send me away--no, says Jenny happily, nor will he be frightened. It's no use talking to you, says Beth, you don't know what a danger he is, you never did. There's no danger anymore, Jenny assures her, Quentin is gone, forever!--I made him go away!  How? Beth asks.
Jenny looks angry--he would have taken away my babies! She tilts her head and says, "I had to kill him!" Beth gasps.

Quentin lies on the floor, Barnabas kneeling beside him. Dirk tells him we must notify the family, but Barnabas says no to that, at least not yet. He won't explain why, but just asks Dirk to trust him. Dirk insists, I must return to Collinwood sometime. Go back now, advises Barnabas, but tell them you saw no one here. Dirk asks the same question and Barn repeats the same answer (a blooper that seems to delight some people; I have no idea who missed a line or what). Dirk agrees, and asks what Barnabas will do. Never mind, says Barn, just go. Dirk agrees, but says Barnabas is responsible for whatever he decides to do. Yes, yes, says Barn impatiently, and locks the door after Dirk goes. Barnabas sits in a chair, staring down at Quentin, who still has the letter opener sticking from his chest. Barnabas, probably wishing with all his heart he didn't have to do it, beseeches Angelique: "Come to me!"

Jenny plays with her dolls while an impatient Beth demands, where did you see Quentin? Jenny says, you're acting like I did a bad thing, but you're wrong--I couldn't let him take my babies from me. Beth spits out, he has absolutely no interest in those babies! Jenny admires one of her "children" and tells Beth, he never knew how much I suffered when he went away. Beth gently tries to encourage Jenny to remember where it happened--and tell me. I was walking and saw Quentin in the woods--"The night air was so fresh!" gushes Jenny, hugging a doll. Never mind that, says Beth, what about Quentin? Jenny seems to come back to a less mad state and wants to know why Beth is so interested in Quentin. I must know if you're telling me the truth, insists Beth. I never lie, says Jenny, but both Quentin and Judith did--but I never did!--Quentin has gone away, and will never come back. Where did you send him away from? asks Beth--and how? Jenny accuses Beth of being in love with Quentin. Beth denies it. I saw the way you looked at each other and I knew! insists Jenny, twisting her fingers around each other--so many other women, he was never very careful--"You ARE in love with him!" Beth denies it. I can tell, says Jenny--I don't care anymore, I'm happy with my babies. "Where is Quentin, Jenny?" demands Beth. Jenny pats Beth's face and asks, do you really want to see him? Yes! cries Beth. "But why?" asks Jenny, clutching her shoulders--you're a nice girl, you won't like that place--Quentin's little love nest. The cottage, realizes Beth, Jenny found him there. Jenny laughs--Quentin never thought he'd see me there! Beth asks, is he still there?, and she goes to leave. Jenny doesn't want her to go. Beth says, I must find out what you've done--I promise to return to you! Jenny shakes her head. "Poor, poor Beth," she croons.

Barnabas grows impatient, ordering Angelique to come to him. "I need you!" he begs. "Why thank you," she says, appearing at last, "you have no idea how gratifying it is after all these years to hear you finally admit that YOU need ME!" She grins at him. Barnabas looks as if he's wondering if this was such a great idea after all.

Angelique giggles. Barnabas tells her to gloat as much as she wants--but I need your help. She notes with satisfaction how desperate he sounds, then kneels to check the corpse. Did you kill him? she asks Barnabas. Barnabas points out, I wouldn't need a knife to kill someone. Forgive me, she asks, what do you want from me? Restore Quentin's life, he asks. Ang doesn't understand--you hate Quentin and should be glad to see him dead. I'm not, says Barn--will you do this for me? I want to know your motive, she says and my price--you DID know there would be a price, right? Oh, yes, says Barn, I know you well enough for that. I'll take the motive first--why do you want Quentin alive? She asks. He isn't supposed to be dead, at least not know, says Barn. When, then? she asks. By being sealed up in his room at Collinwood, says Barn, and if he stays dead now, the course of history will be changed. I warned you, she says, your presence would do this--even if I take care of this little problem, other things will be changed, the longer you're here. . . I know, says Barn, but must take that risk--I came to Collinwood to get information to save two lives in the future, and if Quentin stays dead now, I will fail. She observes how important this is to him, and Barnabas gruffly says, "You know it is! Now name your price!" No, she says, not now--I want to be certain that when I lay down my terms, you will agree to them--you've rejected me so many times in the past, but this time will be different--I'll do everything in my power to show you how hopeless it would be to reject me again.
What are you going to do? He asks. I will see to it that Quentin rises and lives, she promises, but that is all he will do--you'll see what I mean when it happens. There's a knock at the door; Barnabas looks out. It's Beth. We must do something with the body, says Barnabas, but the witch has disappeared, and fruitlessly, he calls her name. Barnabas opens the door and holds it only halfway open as he tells Beth Quentin isn't here. I was told he was, says Beth. Someone lied to you, he insists, but she pushes the door open and enters the cottage. She beholds Quentin's body on the floor, screams and immediately becomes hysterical. I told you not to go to him! shouts Barnabas, hustling her back outside and closing the door. Quentin is dead, he says. I knew it was true, but didn't want to believe it, she says forlornly. You came here knowing he was dead? asks Barn. Yes, she says. Then you found Jenny? He asks. How do YOU know about Jenny? she demands. Oh, I know lots of things you don't know I know, retorts Barnabas. Yes, you've been curious and inquisitive since you arrived--why? asks Beth--his body will be taken back to Collinwood, says Beth solemnly, and Miss Judith will take care of seeing to it that he's buried. No, says Barnabas, I want to keep him there--you are to return to Collinwood and tell them you saw nothing here. Beth doesn't understand why he wants to keep the body here; he assures her he has his reasons and can't tell her. Beth informs him crisply that I'm going to tell Judith about this, and I'm sure she'll be most interested. Beth leaves.

A candle burns. Quentin lies in a coffin in Collinwood's drawing room. Beth stands beside him, touching him. Barnabas asks if she spoke to Judith. No, I'll do it in the morning, she says. Why not tonight? he asks. Beth explains she realized getting him into trouble with Judith wouldn't accomplish anything--I'd still like to know why you wanted to keep the body at the cottage. You wouldn't understand, but I'll tell you another time, says Barn. You're a strange man, says Beth, and I'm not sure I trust you--you aren't at all like the rest of "us"--I find you very disturbing.
And yet you chose not to tell Judith about me, notes Barn. Yup, says Beth--and I find that even more disturbing. She bids him goodnight and heads upstairs. Barnabas looks at Quentin's body (Selby got some nice snoozing time in this ep), then closes the double doors and leaves, too. Angelique appears in the corner in eerie red light. She steps forward and approaches Quentin. "When I give the command, Quentin, you will rise and walk again, and you will do whatever I tell you to. My wish shall be your goal, my goal your goal, and together we shall bring Barnabas Collins to his knees!"

NOTES: Great seeing Ang up to her old tricks, and I bet even the cast got a kick out of hearing the term "making Quentin rise" over and over. Great scene between Barn and Ang at the cottage. I bet he wishes he had been a warlock so he could have performed his own spells without having to ask his witch-wife for favors all the time. Cause when Ang demands payback, it's REALLY a bitch!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 11/8/02 - #720-721 - A Pissed-Off Wife Takes Revenge
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2004, 03:16:43 AM »
DVD episodes for November 5th and 8th.
The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#13/Disc#3 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #97, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #98)