Author Topic: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser  (Read 1786 times)

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Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« on: October 18, 2002, 03:44:49 AM »
Loved that divining rod.  It was pointing up to the rain so maybe it only worked on water.  What's this with the ciggy smoking?  I don't remember seeing that before.

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2002, 04:02:40 AM »
Dear Blue_Whale_Barfly,

Apparently, the good professor was enjoying a cigarette after having first been "visited" by the ghost of the comely Beth Chavez in his bedroom.  (A scene, alas, we all would have loved to have witnessed!)

And, forgive me for saying this, but, evidently Stokes' diving rod wasn't the only thing that was "pointing up" during that truly memorable night of exorcism at the great house of Collinwood.

Bob the Bartender, who, like the late, great Flip Wilson, says, "The devil made me do it!"

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2002, 06:04:29 AM »
Hey, Bob:

I was sweeping the gutter and found your mind there.

Want it back?


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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2002, 05:42:57 PM »
Bob, I like the way you think!

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2002, 09:32:29 PM »

On the occasion of the tragic and untimely death of Dennis Patrick, I'm reminded of this beloved actor's wonderfully randy wit.

I recall that Mr. Patrick once commented on Willie Loomis' nightly chore of obtaining live farm animals for his bloodthirsty boss, Barnabas Collins.  Mr. Patrick regaled the highly receptive audience at a Dark Shadows Festival with the following limerick:

"There was a young man named Willie
 Who went after a goat that was pretty.
 Said the goat, don't be crass,
 Get away from my ass,
 My name isn't Nan, it's Billy!"

The audience (many of whom are undoubtedly regulars on this web site) howled with laughter in response to Mr. Patrick's ribald sense of humor. Perhaps you've read other postings of Mr. Patrick's lascivious limericks and comments here on this web site?  As KLS once observed, everone just loved this charming Irishman's wicked wit.  (Requiem Aeternam, "Dennis Harrison.")

Of course, another popular feature at the Dark Shadows Festivals are the comedy sketches presented by the Collinsport Players.  The audience always seems to enjoy the risque humor, double entendres and slightly salacious sight gags (involving prominent Dark Shadows characters) that the Collinsport Players incorporate so deftly into their performances.

Perhaps you've had occasion to observe similar instances of merriment at past Dark Shadows Festivals?  However, as a person with, apparently, easily-offended sensibilities, you might not enjoy the uproarious and somewhat bawdy nature of these much anticipated events.

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2002, 11:16:42 PM »
Bob the Bartender Wrote:

There was a young man named Willie
 Who went after a goat that was pretty.
 Said the goat, don't be crass,
 Get away from my ass,
 My name isn't Nan, it's Billy!"

Bob,  that was cute.  Dennis sure did have a sense of humor and I know that everyone will surely miss not seeing him at future Fests.  I have never been to one yet, but plan on attending next summer in the City so unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him in person as so many others here have.  But from I've heard of him, he always had such a good sense of humor and often livened up things at the Fests. :-)

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2002, 11:50:01 PM »

But from I've heard of him, he always had such a good sense of humor and often livened up things at the Fests. :-)

That he did, Cassandra. I don't recall meeting him personally, but I have been to a fest or two that he's attended and he always lit up the stage during cast reunions and Q&A's. He and Karlan are always the life of the party at the fest. He will be sorely missed.


P.S. I wonder if there was a tribute of any kind for him at the Halloween Event?

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2002, 02:01:06 AM »

P.S. I wonder if there was a tribute of any kind for him at the Halloween Event?

Unfortunately, no.  It was on the schedule, but as there were technical difficulties and many events were either postponed or eliminated, the tribute never happened.


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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2002, 02:18:51 AM »

P.S. I wonder if there was a tribute of any kind for him at the Halloween Event?

There was a memorial photo on the program. I think Mr. Patrick would have preferred we celebrate the living
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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2002, 07:36:16 AM »
Perhaps you've had occasion to observe similar instances of merriment at past Dark Shadows Festivals?  However, as a person with, apparently, easily-offended sensibilities, you might not enjoy the uproarious and somewhat bawdy nature of these much anticipated events.

Bob, I'm assuming you didn't notice the ;) at the end of Scout75's comment.  I believe his comments were intended as a joke, though it's obvious that you didn't.  I honestly don't see a need for you to defend your original comment, but if you feel the need to discuss this with scout75 further I must ask that you take it off the board.

I can't allow personal attacks on the forum and therefore edited your message.  And I apologize for my delay in responding; I spent the last several hours helping with homework.

3. Debate should be kept on a non-personal basis. Flaming and name-calling will not be allowed. It is never appropriate to attack, criticize, or condemn another poster. Retaliation, sharp reproof and cynicism are to be avoided. Disagreement is a natural occurrence, but as stated above, should be done in a respectful manner. Likewise, these disagreements should not be continued beyond the normal limits of interesting discourse. Argument for argument's sake is not welcome.


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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2002, 09:33:43 AM »

Bob, I'm assuming you didn't notice the ;) at the end of Scout75's comment.  I believe his comments were intended as a joke, though it's obvious that you didn't.

Ya know what's difficult with message boards?  Even with the smiley's and such, how something comes across is SO dependent on the mood you're in.  It's amazing how differently you can interpret something based on how you're feeling at the moment, and how carefully you're reading.  Same thing with email -- even if you sort of know the person.

I liked Bob's original post about the divining rod, and I liked Scout's little response.  It was very obvious to me that he was kidding.  Now I'm thinking, " maybe Scout will be reluctant, or hold back in his posts 'cause Bob took it the wrong way."  I love Scout's posts - they make me laugh - particularly his character descriptions.  Thing is, I like Bob's posts too.  They're coherent, sometimes amusing to me, sometimes interesting, and anyway, I like the way he writes.  Both of them are among a small group of posters who don't bore me.  Then, I suppose there are others who don't care for maybe one or the other of them, and like OTHER people's posts.  I'm sure there are those who can't stand my posts.  With such a diverse crowd on here, with such different personalities, I'm surprised there aren't MORE head-on collisions.

Anyway, what's my point here?  Damned if I know.  Oh yeah...
Midnite:  (How ARE you my dear?)  lol no...seriously...this is what I was wondering about.
You censored part of Bob's response and cited one of the guidelines.  I had read his entire response earlier in the day but don't remember exactly what he wrote in the part or parts you deleted.  So, I can't see the example of what's considered stepping over the line re: personal attacks.
Awhile back, A.I. Collins posted a question about an actor.  I responded with something I'd read (qualifying it with the fact that I did not know if it was true or not).
You posted that the topic could not be discussed on here because it was considered slanderous and it violated a guideline about gossip or slander which you cited.  Both she and I got upset 'cause we realized we hadn't been thinking, and asked you to please delete the topic.  You didn't though, and said you wanted people to see what we posted and re-read the guideline.

So, how do you decide what should be censored/edited and what should not?

-Connie  (smiling, non-confrontational, not wishing to be a pain in the ass, just curious about the mess that is message boards)  

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2002, 10:09:36 PM »
Hi Connie,

You said it, girlfriend-- communicating online with someone prevents us from seeing the twinkle in someone's eye when they're teasing us, or the wry smile on their face.  I think what happened between BobtheB and Scout75 was simply a misunderstanding that I'm sure can be worked out between them.  It's been my experience that once harsh words are exchanged, the hard feelings that may result can be very difficult for some to overcome, particularly if the incident is public, and that's why I'll remove nasty comments directed toward other users-- I've seen too many instances in online fandom in which a simple misunderstanding leads to statements that can't be taken back, and then the offended party responds by firing back, others begin to take sides, and you have the makings of a flame war.  Believe me, it's far better for everyone when it's stopped as early as possible.

It was obvious to you and to me that Scout75 was kidding, but I realize others might not be as familiar with his sense of humor as we are.  But as I said, I'm hopeful it can be worked out.  For obvious reasons I can't quote what was pulled, so I hope it suffices to say that I felt it was inflammatory.  To decide if something is a personal attack, I simply ask myself if a disagreement has become personal and if it's insulting or embarrassing to the other party, and if I feel it is then I won't hesitate to remove it.

Since you had lingering questions about what happened before, I'm really glad you brought them up.  First off, I have to say that while slander is mentioned in that guideline, no one behind these boards feels that questions or discussions about whether an actor or actress is gay is slanderous.  We do, however, feel that it's potentially a privacy issue.  If the guideline remains confusing to anyone, please write me about it cuz if that's the case then I'm sure it can be broken up to separate the issues of slander and invasion of privacy, but for the time being the guideline addresses both.

That having been said, I'll explain how the guideline came about.  There are fans that know very intimate details about the lives of the DS actors and staff and sharing them would no doubt violate their privacy.  So where do you draw the line on what can be discussed, and how do you separate fact from fiction?  Well, at the onset, we decided to address these questions by not allowing the discussion of ANY private matter here that hasn't been shared at a public event or in a published source.  This is not limited to the subject of sexual identity, and it's not an attempt to pass judgment on the information itself nor to censor messages; its intent is to protect the privacy of the DS actor or actresss, and in some cases to protect the forum and the poster that shared the information from legal action in the event that the information happens to be libelous.

You're wondering why I didn't remove that topic.  I admit that I have, in the past, removed similar discussions, only to find that the issue will come up again by someone else that also wasn't aware of the guideline, so I've found that in some cases it's best to stop the discussion and state my reasons for doing so rather than to make it go away completely.  But if information of a private nature gets posted that can be harmful to a DS star, it'll be removed as quickly as possible.

I'm sorry that you and A.I.Collins became upset and I apologize if my comments caused you any embarrassment because that was never my intention.  Similar questions have come up MANY times on the forum, and I never felt you were doing anything wrong-- I knew you just weren't aware of the guideline.  MB and I had discussed your request to delete the topic, and we both agreed that if I deleted it, it would just come up again from someone else that also didn't know there was a rule about it.  Do you see where I'm coming from?

So, how do you decide what should be censored/edited and what should not?

Well, the thing about the internet is that just when you think you've seen everything, the universe will surely smack you upside the head with some new challenge.  I try to handle each situation individually in a manner that I think is best for the forum and its visitors, and always in the context of the forum guidelines.  I'll be the first to admit that I've made mistakes, but I do try to learn from every experience.

I'm fine, thanks, and I hope you are too.  :D  I'm pleased to say that another moderator will be starting very soon (smoochies to Dom).  MB and I trust his judgment completely, and I can't be more thrilled to finally get some days off... er, I mean, to have him join our team. ;)

And so what if he's a Giants fan, hee hee.

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2002, 10:26:36 PM »

I spent the last several hours helping with homework.

I can relate, I have to help with homework every day too, sometimes almost until dinner time.

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Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2002, 01:03:59 AM »
I recall that Mr. Patrick once commented on Willie Loomis' nightly chore of obtaining live farm animals for his bloodthirsty boss, Barnabas Collins.  Mr. Patrick regaled the highly receptive audience at a Dark Shadows Festival with the following limerick:

"There was a young man named Willie
 Who went after a goat that was pretty.
 Said the goat, don't be crass,
 Get away from my ass,
 My name isn't Nan, it's Billy!"

On the subject of the farm animals, I never saw these episodes, so I was all ready to picture Barnabas waiting impatiently, while Willie was pushing a big cow through the Old House doors.