Author Topic: Robservations 9/27/02 - #666/667 - Return to 1969; Play the Game With Carolyn?  (Read 1373 times)

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666 - (Thayer David) - The pale light of early morning illuminates the walls of Collinwood. Another dawn has come, but this is not the Collinwood of the present, but the Collinwood of centuries past. For Barnabas Collins has returned to the year 1796 to save Victoria Winters. He has succeeded, but now he must find a way to travel once again through time and space to the present. There are those in the present who are waiting, who will attempt to follow him back, but they do not know the dangers he faces in this morning. They do not know that his return to the past may result in his own destruction.

Before Nathan can strike the first blow, Ben interrupts. "FORBES"! he shouts. Nathan drops the stake, which clatters to the floor. Ben and Forbes struggle; Ben pushes him hard against the wall. Nathan sinks to the floor. Natalie tries to order Ben away from Nathan, but Ben tells her he isn't going to let her destroy Barnabas. She asks if he knows what Barnabas is. I do, replies Ben. Do you  know what he did to Josette, the destruction he caused? She demands.
Ben, closing the coffin, explains to her that Barnabas is the victim of a curse, set upon him by the witch, Angelique. (didn't Natalie already know this? Didn't she get Bathia Mapes to try to help Joshua cure Barn?) Nathan comes to and listens. Ben insists Barnabas couldn't help himself--and I will keep helping Barnabas, says the loyal man. Nathan stands and draws a pistol--I'm taking you to the constable, Ben. I was only trying to help Barnabas, says Ben, unlike you, Forbes, who only tried to help yourself. Ben starts to advance toward Forbes, who shoots him. Natalie gasps. Ben and Nathan again begin to grapple. Ben bangs Nathan's head against the stone stair, leaving him sprawled face down on the floor. "You've killed him," cries Natalie. "Good riddance!" pronounces Ben, advancing on Natalie--"He never did anything but harm to the Collins family!" Natalie inches away from him. I had to kill Nathan, says Ben. He grabs her arms. She asks him to let her go--I won't tell anyone about anything, promises Natalie. Ben screams that he doesn't believe she'll be quiet, even though she begs him. He orders her to stop struggling. She tells him he's hurting her. He releases her, staring at his hands in alarm. She chafes her wrists and tries to make a break for it. He presses her back against the coffin, holding his hand over her nose and mouth. To his horror, he presses too hard and she dies, asphyxiated. I didn't mean to do it, murmurs Ben, horrified at having killed two people to protect his master.

7:30 PM, the Old House - Julia observes the time. Willie tells her it does no good to think about it. Julia heads out for the cemetery again. Willie reminds her Barnabas wasn't there last night, and she suggests perhaps he meant tonight, she made a mistake. Willie asks her how she, a sensible woman, can accept Barnabas traveling back in time. She says while it makes no sense, she saw him disappear, and she must believe it that being at the graveyard at 8 will bring him back. She tells him to stay here if he doesn't want to accept it. He paces, furious, and gazes up at Barnabas' portrait, telling himself he remembers the night he went hunting the jewels at the mausoleum--Barnabas' hand coming out of the coffin and grabbing him?--I didn't believe it then, but it was real--And while I can't go back in time, Barnabas isn't like anyone else, and maybe. . . Willie races from the house.

Julia, in the foggy cemetery, stands looking hopefully, desperately, around. "It was here you left me," she says. "Barnabas, where are you? Can't you feel me willing you back?" Willie calls to her. He joins her and points out that Peter and Vicki's graves are gone. Julia tells him they were gone when she was here last night, too. Willie protests--too many strange things are happening. Julia is sure Barnabas managed to change history and save Vicki and Peter--they're alive somewhere back in time; Barnabas did as he said he would--but did he trap himself there forever in the process? laments Julia. . .it's time, Willie, say nothing to break my concentration. The clock is chiming 8 PM as Julia calls, "Hear me, Barnabas! Hear me! Come back to us! Try! You must try as we are, Barnabas! Reach out to me as I am reaching to you!"
No response. Willie tells her she said Barnabas would return at the stroke of 8, and grimly says, "He ain't coming back, Julia." Julia refuses to hear that, and continues trying to contact Barnabas. "Let me see you!" she begs. "Give us a sign, something that will tell us what to do! Barnabas, pleeeeeease!"

Barnabas, angry that Ben didn't chain him in the coffin as ordered, finds Ben burying something. Ben explains that Natalie and Forbes found him somehow--when he came with the chains, they were preparing to stake him. Barnabas is shocked. Ben says he killed both of them. Barnabas is shocked that he killed Natalie, and Ben explains it was an accident. Ben realizes he's a murderer and is horror-stricken--he needs Barnabas to tell him what to do. Ben says he already buried the bodies.
Barnabas tells him to dispose of Natalie's things and tell Joshua she left for Paris unexpectedly. Joshua will believe him, Barnabas assures him. And Forbes? Asks Ben. Say you know nothing about it, advises Barn, they'll assume he left town. I'M the one in danger, says Barnabas--since you didn't chain me in the coffin, I'm trapped here, and I feel the need for blood--I can't stand it any longer--chain me in the coffin in the morning, orders Barnabas--I'd rather live for eternity trapped in my coffin than live as I must here. Ben looks as if he's going to burst into tears.

Willie beings Julia some soup, but she's sitting in one of the chairs, staring straight ahead. You haven't eaten anything all day, chastises Willie, just hanging out in the graveyard for hours. Julia shakes her head--it's nearly morning, she says, another day to be gotten through, all the hours until 8 tomorrow night, but I feel for sure he'll be back there. Willie shakes his head, arguing that she's always telling people to be honest with themselves. I am, says Julia. You're not! counters Willie--you know Barnabas is in another time now--maybe, suggests Willie, gazing up at his master's portrait, Barnabas wants to stay there. Julia reminds him what Barnabas IS there--perhaps, for some reason, he can't find his way out. Julia wishes desperately she could think--she's sure they're ignoring something. Willie, excited, suggests Barnabas might come back the way he found him, in the coffin in the secret room. Julia says Barnabas told her to meet him at the grave. Willie says Barnabas might not have known, perhaps he only thought it was that way. Julia insists it makes no sense, but Willie wants to head right to the tomb. Julia tries to stop him--it will be dawn by the time he gets there. If by some chance Barnabas is in the coffin, that's what she's afraid of--she wants him back, but if he's a vampire. . .I'll face that when it happens, she says determinedly, and tells Willie to go.

Flashlight in hand, Willie goes into the mausoleum, opens the secret panel, checks the coffin--empty! Poor Willie looks like a kid about to burst into tears and closes the coffin, leaning his head in his hands in frustration. Disappointed, he leaves, turning back one more time to look at the coffin. He closes the secret panel and dejectedly leaves the mausoleum. Dawn is just beginning to turn the sky pink; he gazes at it for a few moments, then walks away.

In the mausoleum, chains suddenly appear around Barnabas' coffin. Inside, the human Barnabas gasps for air, pushing upward, calling breathlessly for help.

Willie returns to the Old House. His face tells Julia all. "The coffin was empty," she says. Yes, Willie admits. Julia knew it. Willie was sure he'd be there. She tells him she doesn't know if she'll try again tonight, but she needs rest now. She heads upstairs (to Josette's room?) to get some sleep. Willie tells her he's sorry, perhaps tomorrow will be different. She pats his hand for  comfort and goes upstairs. Willie gets a thoughtful look on his face. Hearing sobbing, he asks who's there. He sees Josette's ghost, standing there, crying. He wonders why she appeared to him, and begins screaming for Julia. He tells her he saw the crying ghost of Josette--she's never appeared to either of them unless Barnabas was in danger--she was right here in the drawing room! Willie hears a heartbeat coming from Barnabas' portrait. Julia doesn't hear what he does, but Willie tells her that's how he found Barnabas before. Joyously, he says that Barnabas is in the mausoleum and alive. Alive!
Julia reminds him he went to the mausoleum, and found it empty. Babbling, Willie tells her it was empty before, but not now--"I'm telling you, he's out there!"

Trapped in the chained coffin, rapidly losing what little air remains, Barnabas gasps for help, pressing against the lid, trying to break free.

NOTES: Love the interplay between Julia and Willie as they argue, hope, bolster each other and try to bring Barnabas back. This time, Willie proved right--that was neat. Now we have an obviously human Barnabas back in his coffin, gasping for air. Will he survive? Will Julia and Willie reach him in time? Josette always hangs around saving him, and thank God that even though Willie is no longer his victim, Willie seems to maintain their link.

History was changed in many ways--how could Natalie have died? Nathan did at Barnabas' hand, but Natalie remained alive. How did her death change history--or did it? All those time-continuum problems make me dizzy!

667 - (Nancy Barrett) - The pale light of early morning illuminates the walls of Collinwood, and the great house appears to be serene and peaceful. But elsewhere on the great estate, two people have just lived through a night of terror, for unseen forces carried Barnabas Collins back to the past on a desperate mission. That mission has been accomplished, but he has not yet returned to the present. On this day, his fate will be decided, and a new reign of destruction, quite unexpectedly, will begin.

The heartbeat sounds from behind the door of secret room. Willie and Julia enter through the gate, gazing at each other. Only Willie can hear the heartbeat, pounding loudly behind the wall. Frantically, Willie pulls the ring and opens the panel. He carries in a sack of tools and points out to Julia that there are chains around the coffin that weren't there before. Holding her hands in an attitude of prayer, her face convulsed with a combination of fear and hope, Julia tells Willie to quickly open the coffin--I'd given up all hope, she says, smiling, but now. . .  Willie, banging the chains off the casket, suddenly stops. Julia asks why. What if Barnabas is the way he was when I first found him? asks Willie nervously. Julia assures him he won't be. We can't be sure, says Willie. Hurry, begs Julia--Barnabas may be gasping for breath, trying to get out! Willie, convinced by Julia's desperation, hammers off the last chain. Julia tells him to open the coffin, and, after an interminable wait, still unsure, he does. Barnabas is there--but is he still alive?
Julia touches Barnabas' face. She leans her head against his chest (what, no doctor's bag?), listening for a heartbeat. Willie hopefully asks if he's alive. She doesn't answer right away. Barnabas' eyelids begin to flutter. Julia leans in close. Willie grabs her back and asks if he's alive. Yes, says Julia finally, but barely. It's morning, points out Willie. Julia smiles--he didn't revert to what he was, as Willie had feared. (anyone got oxygen?) Barnabas comes to, and Julia tells him it's thanks to Willie. Julia clutches Barnabas' hand in hers and tells him she'd given up all hope when he didn't come back the previous night. Willie excitedly explains about seeing Josette, hearing the heartbeat as he had before--I knew you'd be there. Barnabas tells them everything will be all right. Julia encourages him to rest for a while.

At Collinwood, Carolyn troops downstairs with some roses that she begins to arrange in a basket. Amy comes out and bids her good morning. Amy likes to get up early and asks if Barnabas is coming back today--why did he have to go away? He had to take a unexpected business trip, replies Carolyn. He left so suddenly, and never said goodbye--I found that funny, remarks Amy. There wasn't the time, says Carolyn. Amy admires the flowers--I like roses best of all. They were my mother's favorite flowers, says Carolyn--ask Mrs. Johnson for breakfast--I'm going to her mother's grave to place the flowers. Amy asks to come along, but Carolyn refuses. Why not? Amy asks. A graveyard is no place for you, answers the blonde. I'm not afraid of graveyards, Amy assures Carolyn--I liked Mrs. Stoddard and would like to put flowers on her grave--I could pick some on the way. She begs to be allowed to go, and Carolyn finally relents--just this once.

Mausoleum - Barnabas tells Willie and Julia that he destroyed Angelique as she should have been a long time ago--by fire. Julia asks if she's gone forever. Yes, says Barnabas. (guess again!) Vicki and Peter escaped--I'll describe how when they return to the Old House. Barnabas is so weak, he needs Willie's help to walk. Julia holds onto Barn's hand. Hearing voices, they hastily rush back into the secret room, Barnabas limping. It's Amy and Carolyn. The little girl enters just in time to see the secret panel close. She tells Carolyn what she saw--the wall moved. Carolyn looks at it speculatively.

Carolyn tells Amy she imagined seeing the wall move. I really did, insists Amy. Carolyn tells Amy to join her at the wall and, as Julia, Willie and Barnabas listen nervously, fearful of being found, shows her how thick the wall is--it didn't move. Maybe not, agrees Amy. Carolyn asks her if she wants to put the flowers on the grave. Suddenly, inside, the bag of tools falls off the step. Amy and Carolyn both hear it. They wonder what it was, but neither knows.
The trio inside the secret room hold their breath again. Amy asks Carolyn if she thinks something is behind the wall. Of course not, says Carolyn--we probably just heard a branch hitting the wall, that's all. Amy places flowers on the caskets of Joshua, Naomi and Sarah Collins, then tells Carolyn they should go. Carolyn leaves her roses on Sarah's grave (I thought they were leaving the flowers for Mrs. Stoddard?). Once they hear the gate clank closed, Willie picks up the fallen bag of tools and opens the secret panel. The three of them leave, Barnabas first. Willie tells Barnabas he'd better do something about Amy's curiosity--it could be dangerous. Willie wipes sweat from his brow as they exit.

David sits on the sofa at Collinwood, bored. Amy joins him. David asks where she's been. She tells him about leaving the flowers. David sternly tells her he's been looking everywhere for her; she shouldn't have left the house. She knows why not--Quentin wants them to play the game today. Amy seems reluctant. He WANTS us to, says David--that seems to say it all. Amy doesn't feel like it, but David says too bad, they must follow Quentin's orders. Amy refuses, but David orders her to come with him. When she doesn't, he twists her arm behind her back, ordering her to come with him. She protests, I don't want to see Quentin. Carolyn walks in on that scene, asking David how he dares to do that to Amy. She accuses him of being cruel when he insists they were playing, but Amy defends him. Carolyn is furious at David's behavior. He turns and walks to the window. When she calls his name, he asks if she's going to spank him. No, says Carolyn, and sends him to his room to spend the rest of the day there. All day? asks David. Amy wants to go to his room and play with him, but Carolyn refuses. David protests that isn't fair. What you did to Amy wasn't fair, counters Carolyn. Once again, Amy tries to defend him, but Carolyn won't hear it, and orders David to his room--now! She stops and asks if he's had anything to eat. No, he says. You can have your food on a tray in your room, says Carolyn, and leaves to see Mrs. Johnson. David is angry with Amy--we can't play the game and it's all your fault. Amy wonders if Quentin will be very angry. You know he will be, says David--I'm getting even with Carolyn! Unfortunately for David, Barnabas overhears this statement.

Looking very handsome, Barnabas greets the children and asks why they're so serious--I just got back. David and Amy say they've missed him. David wants to discuss something with Barnabas. The latter sits on the sofa, very fatherly, and asks what it is. Are we still going to Boston? Queries David--we both decided we don't want to go. I was first to decide, claims Amy. Barnabas is puzzled--you were so excited about going, he reminds her. This feels like home, says Amy, the first I've had in a long time--neither she nor David wants to go live with strangers, they agree. The idea of leaving Collinwood seems scary to David. Barnabas contemplates this--it would be good for both of them to go. (even if there were no Quentin!) The kids protest they'd be miserable. Barnabas says they can delay it for a while--I'll think about it. Amy asks if they can go outside and play. Of course, says Barnabas, unknowingly countermanding Carolyn's orders. Carolyn comes out and asks David why he isn't in his room, then greets Barnabas. Carolyn explains about David's cruelty to Amy--he's supposed to be spending the day in his room. This is news to Barnabas. I was heading upstairs when Barnabas came back, states David. Barnabas corroborates this. Carolyn takes David upstairs herself, leaving Amy alone with Barnabas. The little girl sits on the sofa, sad. Barnabas asks "Carolyn" what happened. It just isn't fair, complains Amy--Carolyn was wrong, David and I were just playing--I asked Carolyn not to punish David. I can't interfere, says Barn--Carolyn knows what's best for David. "Oh," says Amy dejectedly.

Carolyn orders David to stay in his room. Before she goes, he tells her she has a right to be angry with him--I WAS being mean to Amy. She agrees. I feel awful, he says. Do you? she asks. I don't like for us to be angry at each other, claims David--I could never be angry with you. She demands he look at her, then accuses, "You don't mean a word you're saying."--you've become very deceptive, and I think you and Amy are up to something.
David denies it--we're just playing together. You repeatedly do things you're not supposed to do, she says, and I suspect that includes taking Amy into the West Wing. No, lies David--never. She leaves to see about his lunch, clearly not believing him. David watches her go, then slams his door, furious. He takes a book from his desk and throws it, breathless in his anger.

Amy carries a candle in her hand as she goes into David's room later, after dark. She calls to him. He's sitting in a chair, his voice very adult. I'm glad you came, he says. She assures him no one saw her.
He tells her he's decided what they're going to do--we're going to play the game--really play it, and this time, Carolyn is going to play the game with us.He smiles evilly.

NOTES: Good thing for Barnabas he didn't need oxygen or CPR in the tomb--just the touch of Julia's hand on his face awakened him. That's one special doctor, LOL. As for the kids, creepier and creepier, aren't they? I don't envy Carolyn playing the game with these chiller children, and I wonder exactly what that will entail for her! And Barnabas sure recuperated quickly from his ordeal.

David was apparently possessed by Quentin when Amy came to see him in that last scene. Isn't Henesy marvelous?

I also love the Amy-Barnabas scenes. He's so good with her. You can see the bond between them, and it's very touching. Perhaps Barnabas is thinking of his little sister when he looks at Amy. Wouldn't he make a terrific father to a daughter? Adam notwithstanding, that was a really weird situation!

Love, Robin


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