Author Topic: Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak  (Read 1694 times)

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Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak
« on: September 19, 2002, 10:26:20 PM »
656 - (KLS) - Morning at Collinwood--but there's no joy in this morning, for the mistress of the great house died on the previous night. There's considerable mystery surrounding her death, mystery that can only increase before an ultimate resolution. And at this moment, two innocent children are about to be drawn tighter into a web of terror neither can understand.

Barnabas walks downstairs Collinwood's staircase, looking sad (and spiffy) in a three-piece gray suit. Amy and David go to Quentin's room, but David doesn't want to see Quentin--he doesn't want to see anyone. Amy wishes he'd stop crying--your Aunt Elizabeth isn't dead. She IS, insists David. Everyone thinks so, but she isn't, not really--Amy is sure. David thinks she's making it up and doesn't believe her, but Amy assures him Quentin will tell him so--they just have to wait. David doesn't want to. He doesn't want to play there. Amy calls to Quentin, asking him to give them some sign that everything will be all right. The music begins to play on the gramophone, and they hear Quentin's laughter surrounding them.

Amy asks David if he feels better; he does. She knew it. I was stupid to cry, says David, only babies cry. He's glad they came up, but they have to do as Quentin asked. They wonder about this latest order, but decide they aren't supposed to ask questions.

Barnabas glances over some paperwork. Mrs. Johnson comes in and he asks how Carolyn is. Much calmer, says Mrs. J, Dr. Hoffman gave her a sedative. David was still crying, last time she saw him. Barnabas commiserates. Mrs. J. wonders if Maggie should have left the children alone, but Barnabas said she had to go pick up the rest of her things.
Couldn't it have waited? wonders Mrs. Johnson--should children be left alone at a time like this? David wanted to be left alone, explains Barnabas. Mrs. J says, harshly, that Miss Winters would have known what to do! Barnabas chastises her--that isn't being fair to Maggie! She apologizes--her nerves are on edge. He comforts her and says he's sorry--we haven't been able to reach Roger in London yet. It will be a terrible shock to him, says Mrs. J. She wonders if burial arrangements have been made--Barnabas hasn't phoned about them, which puzzles her--shouldn't you take care of that? He explains that Mrs. Stoddard isn't going to have an ordinary burial. She didn't want one--her will stares that in case of death, she will be buried in a special casket in her own mausoleum. He brandishes the paper as he says this. There will be no services. Mrs. J finds it odd, but Barnabas says they will carry out her wishes--no one outside the family is to know about this.  Mrs. J says she wonders why she wanted it. Barnabas tells her they shouldn't be asking any questions, and Mrs. Johnson says she won't. She goes to answer a knock at the door while Barnabas looks rather perturbed. The man at the door asks for "Mr. Jonathan." (a Fridian slip, perhaps?) Mrs. Johnson tells him yes. He wants to see Mr. Collins, and thinks he is expected. David and Amy watch from the landing, then troop downstairs to watch and listen.

Mrs. Johnson brings Mr. Jarrett in to see Barnabas. They shake hands. I was shocked to learn of Liz' death, Mr. Jarrett says, as will the rest of the town when the news gets out--I'm the man from the funeral home, he explains, to Barnabas' astonishment. Barnabas didn't call him, but someone did. Is it a practical joke? inquires Mr. Jarrett--isn't Mrs. Stoddard dead? Yes, confirms Barnabas, but I didn't make the call and can't imagine who else did. Odd, says Mr. Jarrett, my wife got a message for me to come here, someone who sounded like a man. Barnabas tells him they made other arrangements for the burial, and this is a mistake on someone's part. Barnabas sends Mr. Jarrett on his way. Mrs. Johnson says no one but you would have made the phone call, and if you didn't, who did--and why? Barnabas doesn't know.

Amy and David are back in Quentin's room, and Amy is begging Quentin not to be angry at them; they did what he told them to do.  David made the phone call and the man came, but Cousin Barnabas sent him away. We tried, says Amy plaintively. The chandelier begins to sway, and David holds onto a frightened Amy. They stare at each other.

Barnabas goes into the drawing room and tells Mrs. Johnson no one knows about that phone call. David and Amy come in. David assures Barnabas he's all right--they want to go outside. Barnabas gives his permission, and asks David if he made a phone call to town about Aunt Elizabeth. David gets all sobby and says he doesn't want to think or talk about Aunt Liz. Amy asks him not to cry, and he says he isn't going to. Barnabas sends the kids out to play. Mrs. Johnson sympathizes about David, and Barnabas regrets asking him about the phone call, sorry he even mentioned Elizabeth's name. Face sad, he looks at the paperwork again.

In the woods, a smiling Amy and David congratulate each other on how good they're getting at fooling everyone. But we must do as Quentin told us, says David, and be careful and not make any mistakes.
Amy grins and says, "They'll never find out the truth."

4:45 PM - Maggie stands in the foyer. Barnabas comes from the servants' quarters and tells Maggie that Mrs. Johnson is going to tell the children he's taking them away for a while (boy, he couldn't do any of this neat traveling stuff if he were still a vampire, could he)? Maggie asks if he's going to tell them about boarding school, and Barnabas says it will depend on how they feel about leaving Collinwood. Maggie asks if he'll need her in Boston, and he says he needs someone to look after them until he places them in schools. Maggie assures him she'll be glad to take care of them as long as he wants her to--it's good for me, too, she adds, taking my mind off lots of things I want to forget.

Mrs. Johnson brings the kids in from outside and Barnabas leads them into the drawing room. Mrs. Johnson tells Maggie her room is almost ready, and they go upstairs to finish cleaning it out.

Barnabas has the kids sit on the sofa, then asks them if they'd like to visit Boston. Amy says she's never been there, but David has, lots of times, and likes it there, there's lots to do. Barnabas asks them if they'd mind leaving Collinwood for a while. David answers no, and Amy seems willing to go along with whatever David wants to do--I like taking trips, she says. Barnabas tells them they'll be leaving in a few days, and bringing Maggie along. Amy and David are both thrilled. Then Barnabas drops the bomb--perhaps, if they like Boston, they might consider going to school there.
This plan meets with less enthusiasm, although they fake their reception of it. I'll start making plans, says Barnabas--I'll speak to Maggie--stay in the house tonight and don't go out again.

Left alone, Amy reminds David that they CAN'T leave, Quentin told them they never could. I know that, he says. Amy asks what they are to do. David takes her hand and leads her through the secret panel--we're going to see Quentin.

Mrs. Johnson shows Maggie Vicki's favorite dress--a pretty green (sleeveless, naturally), and smiles ruefully--she looked so pretty in it. Maggie remembers, too. They are placing Vicki's clothing in a box. Barnabas comes in and tells Maggie he spoke to the children and they're delighted about leaving. I'll be ready to leave in a few days, says Maggie. Mrs. Johnson innocently asks Barnabas what to do with Vicki's things, and he reacts as if stung: "Get rid of them! Destroy them!" That would be a shame, protests Mrs. Johnson, suggesting they give them away. Do whatever, says the heartbroken man, but get rid of them. Then Mrs. Johnson really sears his heart by giving him back the music box that he'd given Vicki. Upset, her orders her to take it away--get rid of that and everything. "Just as you say," says Mrs. J. Maggie opens the music box, listens to a few bars, then closes it. She and Mrs. Johnson exchange sympathetic glances, and they pack the music box in the box with Vicki's clothing. Mrs. J takes it away. Maggie goes over to Barnabas, who is staring out the window, and tells him she's sorry--about everything.
He tells her to take care of the children. She leaves. Barnabas looks in the empty closet, then touches the bed. He looks in the vanity mirror and tells himself, fiercely. "Vicki, I've got to forget you! I've got to!" (aw, poor guy--she could have had you, but chose Jeff--ick!)

The kids go to Quentin's room and appeal to him for help--they're going to send us away!--we don't know what to do!--tell us!--you told us we couldn't leave--appear to us and help us! Both kids call and call, looking around as if lost.

Maggie walks downstairs into the drawing room, calling to David and Amy. She looks annoyed. Mrs. Johnson comes out and tells her she stored Vicki's things in the basement--she couldn't bear to just throw them away, and hates to think about Vicki being lost to them forever. Maggie feels the same. Mrs. Johnson pronounces this house is cursed, along with everyone under its roof--I'm glad the children are leaving. Maggie asks if she's seen them; she can't find them--Barnabas told them not to go outside--I'm worried about them, it's getting late. They hear someone playing London Bridge on the piano, and walk into the drawing room to see Amy playing and David standing by. Maggie wonders how they got in there--I just looked--you couldn't have gotten in without me seeing you. We were in here all the time, says David, playing hide and go seek--we found good hiding places, but can't tell you, Maggie, because it spoils the game.  She asks if they're telling her the truth. David assures her they wouldn't lie to her. Besides, how could they be in there now if they weren't there before? Maggie doesn't know. Sweetly Amy asks if it's time for them to go to their rooms. Past time, says Maggie, and both children go docilely upstairs, arms wrapped around each other, smiling widely.

Maggie goes into her room and starts to unpack--but when she opens the closet, all of Vicki's hideous dresses are back in there! She calls to Mrs. Johnson, who comes in immediately. She denies bringing Vicki's things back up here, but points them out to Mrs. Johnson, hanging in the closer. "It can't be!" Mrs. J insists. Maggie asks who could have brought them back to the room, but Mrs. Johnson assures her no human hand has touched those clothes since she took them away. "It's a sign!" says Mrs. Johnson. Barnabas joins them, and they tell him what has happened. "It's a sign from Vicki!" cries Mrs. Johnson. "She's coming back! Vicki's coming back!" Maggie and Barnabas exchange looks of pure shock.

NOTES: The "Mr. Jonathan" blooper always makes me smile. You can easily see how it happened. Do you think Quentin is responsible for Vicki's clothing reappearing? I won't tell you, but it will be a surprise. Poor Barnabas and Julia are so beleaguered in these episodes, and not together, where they can give comfort to each other. Julia's got Chris' problems, Liz', and Amy's. Barnabas must worry about Maggie, the kids, Liz, and everything else in the households. Love those scenes between Barn and Mrs. Johnson. They are a hoot! Amy and David are so wicked together. Why would Quentin want to send an undertaker to Collinwood? I never did get that, unless it was just to be a nuisance.

657 - (Don Briscoe) - Evening at Collinwood--as darkened shadows enshroud the great house, mysteries begin to unfold, mysteries that grow with the encroaching darkness. For two innocent children have been possessed by the spirit of a man long dead. But perhaps there are other forces in this house, forces calling from beyond time, beyond space, trying to make contact with the land of the living.

Briscoe does a nice intro. His voice is deep and arresting.

Amy and David exchange whispers in the drawing room. It's 7:15.

Mrs. Johnson really gets into it, insisting it's a sign Vicki is coming back--or wants to. Barnabas and Maggie proclaim it nonsense.
They discuss the fact that Mrs. J took the clothing out. Perhaps a joke, suggests Barnabas, but Mrs. J disagrees. She spots the music box on the desk and demands that Barnabas explain it. Mrs. J is sure "Vicki needs us and is calling to us from wherever she is." She's gone! says Barnabas angrily. Mrs. J suddenly smells the scent of lilac, Vicki's perfume, and believes Vicki is very close. Barnabas, dealing with his heartbreak, begs her, "Please!" Maggie tells her they should all act rationally. Barnabas sends her down to fix dinner for the kids, and tells her to leave the stuff where it is for the time being. Mrs. Johnson says, "I'm really frightened." Maggie asks Barnabas if it's really possible, what Mrs. J is suggesting. "NO!" he bursts out, (a former vampire says a ghost can't return?) and she apologizes for upsetting him. I can't bring myself to believe Vicki's coming back or wants to, he says--she's gone and won't return!--we must face that fact. The kids come in and announce to Maggie they've started packing for Boston. Barnabas tells them that's OK. Amy asks what clothes she should bring, but says she pretty much knows. She and David put their clothing on the bed, and asked Maggie to come check their choices. Amy says she's excited, and as Maggie escorts the two of them out of the room, Barnabas' face contorts with misery. He paces about the room, then picks up the music box and plays it, torturing himself further.

Maggie, David and Amy go into the latter's room, but the clothes she laid out are gone from the bed. I saw her put out the clothes, says David, and they pretend-behave puzzled. Amy opens her closet--her clothes are back in there! None of them knows anything, but David calls to Barnabas. Maggie tries to stop him, knowing how upset Barnabas is. Barn comes in, probably already hating "domestic tranquility," and David tells him what happened to Amy's clothes. Amy innocently asks who would put them back. Barnabas says he doesn't know. David again vouches for Amy having done so. Maggie suggests someone came and put them back, but Amy said no one would have had time. Amy suggests someone doesn't want them to go away. Barnabas thinks this over, then tells the kids to go pack. We're still going away? asks Amy, pleased when he says they are. I really want to go! She says. Barnabas tells Maggie to help the kids pack. Amy and David exchange looks of disappointment, then big smiles.

8:15 PM - We hear a knock at the door. Mrs. Johnson goes to answer it. It's Chris, who's come to see Amy--has anyone else been to see her, he asks, specifically Cousin Joe? I haven't been able to find him for several days. Mrs. J says Joe came the other day, and she saw him but didn't speak to him. Perhaps Barnabas. . .Chris, perturbed, wants to find out more.

While Maggie packs, Amy and David keep going on and on about the clothes being returned to her closet while she packs. It's sort of spooky, says David. Maggie asks them to discuss something else. David tells her she seems nervous, and Amy says she hopes Maggie feels all right--it would be TERRIBLE if anything happened if she got sick and couldn't go--it wouldn't be nearly as fun. Maggie assures them she's fine, then asks which dress Amy would like to take. The red one, says the little girl. David asks why Vicki left--no one explained it. She went away with her husband, says Maggie--far away where her husband lives. Vicki never said goodbye, says David, which seemed funny. Maggie said Vicki left suddenly, and she doesn't know if he'll ever see her again. Perhaps Vicki will write you, David, suggests Amy. David wonders why she hasn't written already--why not?
Maggie requests that he stop asking questions she can't answer. Maggie pleads a headache. Amy says it's their fault for asking so many questions. They apologize. Maggie praises them for being very well behaved. Amy suggests Maggie lie down, but Maggie assures her she's all right. The kids exchange more secretive smiles.

Chris paces the foyer. Barnabas shakes his hand and invites him into the drawing room. Chris looks nervous. Barnabas tells him he wants to take the kids to Boston, perhaps put them in school--get them out of Collinwood-- is that OK? Chris is distracted, then answers, sure, if Amy wants to go. She does, Barn assures him. I'm looking for Joe, says Chris. Joe didn't speak of leaving town, explains Barn, but prepare yourself for a shock--Joe isn't himself, he's mentally disturbed--he tried to take Amy forcibly from the house, saying strange things like he was trying to protect Amy. Chris wants to know from what, exactly, but Barnabas doesn't recall--Joe didn't make much sense.
Barnabas observes Chris doesn't seem surprised, but Chris says he's seen it coming for some time now--Joe has been weird for months. Joe has been perfectly rational with me, until the other night, says Barnabas (Angelique notwithstanding, we assume). Joe has been going off the deep end with me, says Chris but it couldn't be prevented. Barnabas is gazing sharply at him.

After Maggie finishes packing Amy's suitcase, she goes downstairs to check on their dinner. Amy tells David it didn't work, but David insists "They're getting scared." The resolve to scare them more, since they're still being taken to Boston. Although they aren't sure how, they'll ask Quentin. Amy fears Quentin won't know, but David assures her, in a weird voice, "We'll never leave this house."

Chris kneels to assure Amy he'll visit her in Boston, as much as he can, and write to her, too. He kisses her cheek and says goodbye. He thanks Barnabas, then leaves. Amy tells Barnabas she didn't mind saying goodbye to Chris, because she's so excited to be going to Boston. Barnabas tells her he's glad.

Mrs. Johnson dusts Amy's room. David enters and tells her he puts his clothes out on his bed and they were returned to his closet, too. She asks if the kids are playing pranks, and he assures her no, why would we? (oh, brother!) I don't know, she says. Perhaps someone is playing tricks on us, suggests David. Perhaps, says Mrs. J, but doesn't know who. A ghost, suggests David--does it scare you? Of course not, she lies, obviously terrified. I was afraid, says David, but she assures him they'll be going to Boston soon. He asks her what's been going on, and she tells him to run and find Amy--run along. I have to pack, objects David. Mrs. J says she'll tend to that. David grins at the havoc he has wreaked.

Maggie sits on her bed, thumbing through a book. The music box opens by itself and begins to play. Maggie picks it up and finds a note tucked inside: "I am alone, help me, help me!" it says. Maggie runs out, leaving the music box playing.

Down in the drawing room, Barnabas promises the children he'll take them to the Boston Zoo, if they're both good. They promise. Amy has never been to a zoo before. Maggie comes in and tells Barnabas she wants to speak to him. She sends the kids upstairs. David asks if something's the matter, but she brushes him off. The kids overhear her telling Barnabas what happened. He reads the note and tells her he didn't want to believe it before, but Vicki must really be trying to contact them. What will they do? We can't leave the house, insists Barn--Vicki needs my help, and I must stay and help her.

The kids return to Amy's room, where David tells her he knew they'd never leave the house. You were right, Amy says--but David, there's one thing I don't understand--Maggie said the music box opened by itself--Quentin can't do that. David agrees. Then who did, asks Amy? And David replies, "I don't know!"
NOTES: Creepy goings-on, with the Terror Tots manipulating everything Quentin's way. It's weird to see Barnabas, Mr. Domesticity, turned into the master of the house, father figure, employer of Maggie and Mrs. Johnson, etc., while still dealing with his deep heartbreak over losing Vicki. Who did open the music box, if not Quentin? And why can't he open music boxes, if he wants? Does this mean Vicki is trying to give them a message, and Quentin has nothing to do with this?

What if Barnabas were still a vampire? He's living at Collinwood now, apparently, sleeping in a bed. That wouldn't be easy if he were still a night time bloodsucker!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2004, 08:39:01 PM »
DVD episodes for July 27th and 28th.
The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#12/Disc#1 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #85)

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Re: Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2004, 09:27:00 PM »
Don't you just love the way they lay folk to rest in Collinsport.....without benefit of coroner, autopsy, or death certificate?  Quick check of the wrist-pulse and it's off to the Cemetery with all the dignity of putting garbage out at the curb.

Think of how easy it must have been to get rid of unwanted family members: "No, Sheriff....I didn't kill her.  She sort of looked dead to me so I buried her.  No crime in that, is there?"

"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Dylan Thomas

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Re: Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2004, 01:42:32 AM »
Think of how easy it must have been to get rid of unwanted family members: "No, Sheriff....I didn't kill her.  She sort of looked dead to me so I buried her.  No crime in that, is there?"

Hee hee hee!!!  ;D ;D