Author Topic: Robservations 9/19/02 - #654/655 - Joe Unhinged  (Read 1678 times)

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Robservations 9/19/02 - #654/655 - Joe Unhinged
« on: September 18, 2002, 10:35:52 PM »
654 - (Grayson Hall) - A full moon shines over Collinwood, an ill-omened moon for all who live in the Great House, and for others, too. For the moon changes one tortured man into an animal who only knows how to kill--and on this night, that animal has found a new victim.

At the Evans cottage, Joe and the creature battle, the werewolf growling, Joe screaming as they grapple, trashing the cottage in the process. Joe's face is a mass of bloody scratches. The two of them fight it out wildly. Joe hits the creature with a stool and tries to make a break for it, but the creature grabs him. Joe picks up a pair of scissors that fell on the floor and stabs the werewolf with it, who, howling in pain, leaves through the window it just smashed. Joe lies on the floor, his face a mess, breathing heavily.

Collinwood, 11:30 PM - Maggie glances at the clock, surprised Joe isn't back yet. When Barnabas comes downstairs, she expresses her concern. Barnabas figures Joe's having trouble finding a few of her things. She wants to call, and picks up the phone and dials. Joe, holding a scrap of the werewolf's clothing, struggles to reach the phone, grunting with the effort.
By the time he gets it, he lifts it off the hook, then falls unconscious to the floor before he can say a word. Maggie keeps calling "Hello!" into the phone, but hears only silence. She tells Barnabas someone picked up but no one answered--something has happened there. Barnabas listens to the phone, then says he'll go check the cottage. Perhaps it's just Joe doing another weird thing I can't understand, suggests Maggie.

Joe is sprawled on the floor when Barnabas comes in. He kneels to look him over, calling his name, and says he'll get Dr. Hoffman. Joe is semi-conscious. Barnabas surveys the wreckage of the room and asks him what happened.

Maggie paces Collinwood's foyer, then looks outside--nothing. She's worried, discouraged. Julia comes in and tells her not to worry, although, she admits, it has been a strange night for all of them. She leaves to check Liz and tells Maggie she's fine physically, but Liz has an obsession, and they don't know the root of her death/being buried alive fear. Julia advises her to go right to sleep when Joe gets back; the kids awaken very early. I will, says Maggie--do you think I'll be able to handle David, or will he resent me because of how fond he was of Vicki? Julia says not to worry, wondering aloud if Maggie will like being a governess. Julia goes to Liz' room.

Barnabas helps Joe into the house. Maggie is horrified to see her ex-boyfriend's horrible injuries. "Get Julia!" Barnabas orders Maggie. Maggie races upstairs. Barnabas helps Joe onto the sofa. Joe says he's all right--but says perhaps I was wrong when I described the animal as a wolf that walked like a man; he lunged at me before I knew it, and I could see the shape of a dog, eyes and teeth. That's exactly what Elizabeth saw, says Barnabas--Liz was attacked, as were many other people. Joe says when he was in the hospital, he was trying to solve the mystery of what was making him behave so oddly, to do the things he'd done. Barnabas assures him the past is over with, forgotten, the present is important, (I guess that's his way of saying he forgives Joe for trying to kill him during the Angelique-jealousy mess), and this animal MUST be found.

Chris, moaning in pain, returns to his hotel room (from the front door, didn't anyone see him?) He falls to the floor, clasping his wounded shoulder.

Julia bandages Joe up--you're lucky you weren't hurt worse, she remarks--the police will want to speak to you--Barnabas must have called them Julia. Joe doesn't want the cops involved; it didn't help when Liz called them. That animal is on the loose, says Julia, and might attack someone else--tonight. I stabbed him with a scissors, says Joe, and while I don't think I killed him. . . Julia thinks they should call the sheriff. Barnabas, coming in, says they should get the sheriff now.
Joe is adamantly against it--it happened to me and I should decide what to do. His anger puzzles both Barnabas and Julia, but the latter tells him all right, they'll do as he wishes. Barnabas and Julia feel Joe should spend the night at Collinwood. Joe plays with the piece of cloth in his hands and says there's something he has to do. Tomorrow, insists Barnabas, I'll go make up a room. Julia gives Joe pain pills in case he wakes up needing them. Maggie comes in and apologizes to Joe for sending him to the cottage. Joe is grateful it didn't happen here. We keep causing each other trouble, she laments, (when other people are involved) and tells him to go to bed. She sees the piece of cloth in his hands and asks about it, but he says it's nothing at all. It's dawn.

Chris awakens, human again, a tear and blood stains on his shirt. Furious, he tosses the mangled bedclothes onto the bed. "Joe!" he remembers, and has the hotel clerk dial his cousin. What will I say if he answers, Chris wonders--but at least I'll know if he's all right--no, I really want to know if Joe is ALIVE! The phone rings, no answer. Chris hangs up, not knowing for sure--Joe could be out--where?--find out! He looks in the mirror and sees the torn shirt, (beefcake time!) which he takes off to find unblemished skin. Upset, he pulls another shirt from his drawer.

Julia and Maggie go to the trashed cottage, which Julia declares is shocking. Maggie says it's taken something like this to realize her life here is over--ever since Sam died, her future was just something she waited for--she always knew she'd leave, but she didn't know why or what for. She was waiting for something to set her free--and this has. She doesn't understand it all, not completely, but all of a sudden, she's beginning a new life, and she's glad. Julia tells her they'll be glad to have her with them at Collinwood. Julia suggests to Maggie that she pack her clothes and starts straightening out the cottage, wondering what kind of animal it could have been to make this kind of mess.

Chris paces the foyer at Collinwood, nervously picking up and looking at the newspaper. Maggie comes in and she tells him she left Amy playing at the Old House. She tells him she's been hired to replace Vicki. Chris thinks it's great for Amy, but he's trying to find Joe. I should have told you, begins Maggie. Chris grabs her and squeezes so hard, demanding she tell him, that he actually hurts her. "Tell me!" he demands.

Joe is at Chris' room, knocking at his door.

Maggie relates to Chris what happened to Joe, and his refusal to call the police. Chris is very disturbed and says he should have. The animal must be caught, says Maggie. Chris agrees. The clock strikes 5:30.  Chris looks outside. I must get out of there, he says. Julia comes in and sends Maggie up to Liz. Chris complains to Julia that those sleeping pulls didn't work. He took all 3, and they didn't work. She knows of nothing stronger, but he insists there has to be.

Joe enters Chris' room. He finds the shirt Chris was wearing and matches the missing piece of cloth to it. His face registers shock. Chris comes in. Hello, says Joe, holding out the damning piece of evidence--"What does this mean, Chris?" Chris orders him to get out. Joe refuses--not until you answer my question. Chris looks outside and warns Joe the moon is rising. Joe demands an answer. You must leave, now, insists Chris. Joe refuses to leave; Chris threatens to throw him out. Whatever happens, says Joe, slamming the door closed, I'll be in the room when it does. Chris tries to grab him, but feels the pain bolting through him. It's starting! It's happening! Wails Chris--get out, get out, I don't want you to see this! Joe calls his cousin's name. Chris begs him to get out, for the last time. When Joe doesn't budge, Chris says, "Stay and watch, and after you see what happens, you'll never be the same again!--don't say I didn't try to warn you to get out.
Chris is wracked with pains, holding himself, screaming. Joe wants to get him a doctor. Chris says it will pass, and he won't even know what happened until the next time. "Oh, Joe, surprised, aren't you, always wondering why old Cousin Chris left town and didn't come back. . .I should have stayed away. . .oh. . .Joe, there's no time, listen to me. . ." He starts to talk about the pentagram, but there's no time to explain, he knows about it. He orders Joe to get the gun in his drawer, it's loaded. "Now Joe, when it happens, you're gonna do it, you'll know what to do, and will do what I can't do myself during the day. Please say you'll do it for me, please!" Before Joe's eyes, Chris transforms into the werewolf.
"MY GOD!" shouts Joe. "NO! NO! NO!" He shoots, over and over, but the creature comes charging at him!

NOTES: Possibly one of the most exciting episodes of DS ever, especially with that ending. Don't you ever wonder why DS characters so stubbornly refuse to listen when another character is nuts, telling them to get out with such fervor? I mean, there must be a good reason, right?
Fantastic, wasn't it? Excellent stunt work, too!

This is one cursed family! We think the Collinses have problems, but it seems the Jennings-Haskell connection isn't doing much better. Somehow, I suspect if Barnabas knew of Chris' problem, he would easily empathize.

655 - (Joan Bennett) - The second night of a full moon shining over the great house of Collinwood, a night marked or tragedy. For in the village, one man has watched his cousin turned from a human being into a mad, vicious animal which only the night before tried to kill him. And having escaped, he has only one thing he must do. The shock and horror have robbed him of his reason and sent him on a mad mission which must necessarily end in disaster--perhaps for more people than anyone realizes.

As Joe approaches the front door of Collinwood, inside, Carolyn is chastising Julia (and in absentia, Barnabas) because no one sent for her in light of Vicki's disappearance, her mother's breakdown and other recent upheavals in the household.
Julia defends herself--there was nothing anyone could do about Vicki. As for Liz, she's physically fine, but she thinks she's going to die. Joe sneaks into Collinwood as Julia explains to Carolyn that Liz feels they will all BELIEVE her to be dead, but she won't be. Julia doesn't know how it got started, and none of the doctors at Windcliff could delve into it. Carolyn demands to see her mother, so Joe, who was about to go upstairs, is sidetracked into the servants' quarters. Julia and Carolyn pick up the latter's suitcases. Julia advises her to be less emotional when she sees Liz. Carolyn understands. Julia reminds her this same thing happened a few months ago and she seemed to forget it, perhaps that will happen again. Joe listens to the retreating women as they cross the landing, then he, too, climbs up the stairs.

Carolyn goes in to see the sleeping Liz. Julia tells her that her mother will awaken shortly; it's as if she's afraid to sleep for long. Carolyn comments that it's impossible to believe the agony in her mind, given how peaceful she looks. Julia leads Carolyn away to help her unpack. Liz begins to moan and twist in her sleep, and she finally dreams: Amy, in night clothes, is singing "Rockabye Baby," in the middle of the woods. Liz approaches her and asks if she came to see "her," too. I heard her voice, telling me to come here, says Amy. Liz isn't sure if she heard the voice, but figures she must have. Liz is nervous and wants to go back, but Amy tells her "she" wants to see them. A woman's giggling voice fills the air, getting louder; Liz is afraid. She sees Cassandra, in her very green coat, come out from behind a tree. Liz calls to Amy, but Cassandra tells her the child can't save her. Liz tells Amy she must return to the house. Cassandra tells Liz Amy can't leave unless she tells her to. "You must know of my powers now, Mrs. Stoddard," taunts Cassandra. Liz retorts, "You have no power over either of us." Cassandra orders Amy to go. The child leaves, to Liz' dismay. We have an account to settle, declares Cassandra. Amy wanders off, to Liz' consternation. You are beginning to think of death, just as I told you you would, taunts Cassandra--death is the only thing you can think of, and the closer I come to you, the nearer you are to it! Liz orders her not to come nearer. Cassandra insists, I must touch you, and when I do, it will be as though you are dead--I promised you that. "No!" cries Liz, but Cassandra, reaching out her hand, tells Liz, you can do nothing, Amy will disappear from you and I will come closer, and closer. Screams fill he air. Carolyn and Julia race into Liz' room. Liz is awake, standing, distraught. I have to be up, insists Liz--I can't stay here in this room; I had a terrible nightmare. Julia wants to give Liz a sedative, but Liz says I can't go back to sleep--SHE'LL come back. Liz doesn't know who the "she" is, however. Liz laments this terrible homecoming for Carolyn, who wants to stay here with her. Liz asks Julia to check on Amy; she's afraid for her, but doesn't know why.

Amy sleeps peacefully, unaware that Joe had crept into her room. "Tom. . .Chris. . ." he mutters, "and you!" He approaches Amy, looking as though he's about to grab her. He nearly has his hands on her, mumbling, "Save her! Yes!" He grabs her suitcase and begins to toss her clothing into it. Amy wakes up, confused. She spots Cousin Joe, who tells her to be quiet. She asks why he's packing her clothes, assuming they're going to Chris. His face turns terror-stricken. We're going away, anywhere, he says, far away from here. Without Chris? Amy asks. Joe assures her, in an insane-sounding voice, that she won't be like either Tom or Chris--I'll see to that! His demeanor scares Amy, who insists she doesn't want to go. She runs from him, beginning to cry. Joe grabs her, shakes her, warns her not to cry. She nods fearfully.
He hugs her and tells her it's settled--she always liked him, she shouldn't be afraid, he's getting her coat. She protests that Mrs. Stoddard and Maggie won't want her to go out dressed like this. Joe assures her she won't see either of them. I have to say goodbye! cries the little girl. Joe listens at the door, paranoia all over his face. I don't want to go with you, protests Amy. You're going anyway, says Joe, tossing more clothes into a suitcase. She bleats, I don't want to go with him, you're acting weird. You've GOT to go! he screams. Again, he shakes her--you're going to find out. . .no, I'm sorry, you'll never know that, I'll see to it you never know THAT. He hugs her, his eyes bulging. He shakes her violently, and shouts that she'll NEVER FIND OUT THAT!! NEVER! Amy screams in pain as he hugs her fiercely in a loving, insane grip.

Julia tells Liz her heartbeat is a little bit fast, but no more than if she were nervous or excited. Julia and Carolyn try to talk her into another sedative, but Liz won't take it. I know what's best for me, she pleads, and asks Carolyn to go check Amy. Carolyn agrees, reluctantly. Julia's brow furrows with concern.

Joe carries the kicking Amy downstairs, holding a hand over her mouth. Carolyn enters Amy's room and turns on the light. She sees the disarray the room is in, plus the suitcase sitting with clothing stuffed haphazardly into it. When Julia comes in, she tells her Amy's run away. Julia looks at the clothing in the suitcase and tells her that isn't true, then mumbles something about Amy and David being great friends. Carolyn doesn't get the connection, and Julia can't explain it, but she does order Carolyn to lie to Liz; they can't upset her now--if Liz realizes her fear for Amy was right, warns Julia, she will have the same fears for herself. Carolyn is nears tears as Julia grabs her hands and orders her to lie to Liz and tell her Amy is all right, asleep. If Amy isn't with David, they'll deal with it then.

Joe holds his struggling cousin in his arms, hand clapped over her face, and tells her he must get her out of here.

Carolyn assures her mother Amy is all right, asleep, but she doesn't look at Liz as she says the lie, making Liz suspicious. Carolyn agrees to read to her mother, but tells her she must do something first--it won't take long. Carolyn leaves the room, again promising Liz that everything is all right. Liz looks unconvinced, and climbs out of bed.

Julia frantically searches the downstairs, calling to Amy. No answer. She looks outside. Carolyn comes downstairs and asks her what they should do. Wake Harry and Mrs. Johnson, orders Julia, have them search back of the house and outside. Julia will keep looking in the main areas.

Liz checks Amy's room and finds not Amy, but Cassandra. Liz accuses her of doing something to Amy, but Cassandra walks out of the shadows of the room and reminds her she lost Amy in the dream, too, and she came closer and closer. . .
No! cries Liz as Cassandra approaches her, arm outstretched, and tells her it's all coming true. She reaches up to touch Liz' face.

Joe, still carrying Amy, plods through the woods. She begs him to let her down, but he won't--I'm doing this for you, he tells her. He finally drops her from his grasp, but holds her prisoner in his arms, saying how sorry he is. He asks if she heard "that," his face a mask of insanity. "He knows I have you," he says wildly, "you can't have her. . .you don't want her! My God, don't you realize, this is Amy, do you hear me, she's with me! You want her to see, is that it!" He walks around the tree to talk to the nonexistent person and Amy takes the opportunity to escape.

Julia, on the phone with the hotel, is trying to get hold of Chris, with no luck. She asks if a little girl, his sister Amy, is waiting there for him. No. Julia picks up the phone again and dials the police. Amy comes running in, sobbing. Julia kneels to ask her where she's been. Joe comes in through the open front door. "Let go of her," he orders. Amy begs Julia not to let him near her. Julia tries to send Amy to Maggie, but the maddened Joe says, "She's coming with me!" Julia demands to know what's wrong with him, but he repeats: "She's coming with me!", grabbing for the hysterical little girl. Amy looks back and forth between the two grownups, terrified, and bolts out of Joe's grip, upstairs. Julia tells him to leave Amy alone. "She doesn't understand," babbles Joe. Tell me, she urges. Joe, besides himself, says, "The animal, you don't know, but she'll know, she'll find out. . .oh, NO!!! I've got to get to her, she's got to get away, I'm the only one who knows, I've got to take her out, I'll take her out!"
Julia assures him that whatever attacked him in that room isn't a threat to Amy in this house. Joe laughs, "You don't know, you don't know!" sounding more and more crazed. Julia orders him to stop and listen, and is finally forced to slap him to shut him up. She instantly apologizes. The air is abruptly rent with Carolyn's piercing screams. Julia tells Joe to stay here and races upstairs. Joe wanders to the door and outside.

Carolyn, in her mother's room, kneels beside her mother, who is lying on the floor. Julia joins Carolyn. I found her here, cries the blonde. Julia takes Liz' pulse, checks one of her eyes, then stands. Liz speaks to herself, asking, "Why can't I speak? Why can't I move? Why can't I somehow let them know?" Julia soberly informs Carolyn, "You mother is dead. The young woman immediately begins to sob against Julia's shoulder. Julia presses a comforting hand to Carolyn's head as Liz continues to talk inside her own mind: "I'm not! I'm not! I must move! I must make them hear! I'm not dead!"

NOTES: Well, at least this is near the end of this impossibly boring storyline. Excellent performances by all today, especially Joel Crothers, Denise Nickerson and Nancy Barrett. Crothers was so good as a madman, showing even greater range than he did as Nathan Forbes. Poor guy, his love for Amy is very strong, and all he can think now is that her brothers proved to be supernatural creatures, so it will probably strike her, too. Between Angelique and his cousins, plus losing Maggie, the once stalwart Joe has become completely unhinged.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/20/02 - #654/655
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2002, 10:59:13 PM »
    Poor Joe, he is attacked by an artifical man, a warlock steals his fiance, a vampire enslaves him then dumps him, and his cousin tries to kill him.  I think Joe stayed one day to long or better still he should have married Maggie before Barnabas came to town then moved to Canada.
There are two means of refuge from the misery of life--music and cats.  Albert Schweitzer


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Re: Robservations 9/19/02 - #654/655 - Joe Unhinged
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2004, 09:20:46 PM »
DVD episodes for July 23rd and 26th.
The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#11/Disc#4 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #84)

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Re: Robservations 9/19/02 - #654/655 - Joe Unhinged
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 04:51:07 AM »
What does anyone think of Julia's outfit in the second episode, huh?  Form-fitting and bright...  ;) 8)


In case you didn't realize....Julia rules!  :-*