Author Topic: Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help  (Read 1820 times)

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Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help
« on: September 15, 2002, 02:09:07 PM »
647 - (Cavada Humphrey) - Night over the great house of Collinwood, night filled with unexplained events, for unbeknownst to the elders, two children have discovered ghosts in the distant Collins past, ghost who still insist on having their revenge against the family. They are using the children, possessing them to accomplish their ends. And so, a son commits the unpardonable crime, and tries to kill his own father.

David watches Liz rush downstairs, Amy on her heels. She is horrified at the sight of her unconscious brother sprawled at the bottom. The wire that tripped Roger has been removed, and she runs to her brother's side. As she checks his pulse, Amy and David look suitably concerned--and innocent.

Liz calls Roger's name. Amy asks if he's all right. Get Julia! orders Liz. Liz wipes the blood from Roger's mouth. Amy says, "You didn't answer me--is he going to be all right?" Roger moans, coming around. Amy runs upstairs. Liz helps him sit up. He assures her he's OK--nothing is broken, he says, standing, wobbling, although his head is discolored. Roger tells her someone tried to kill him--not a burglar, but someone in the house.
There was a wire on the steps, and he fell on it when he came down. Impossible, says Liz. I felt it against my ankle, Roger insists. Liz tells him she didn't see any wire! He goes upstairs himself to check for the wire, Liz protesting that he shouldn't move until Julia checks him. He shows her where the wire was, but it's gone now. When Roger nearly passes out, Liz says she'll help him to his room. He asks where the wire went. Liz says no one could have done it--it doesn't make sense! David, hidden from view, twists the wire in his hands. Amy comes down from the landing to report that she woke Julia, who's getting dressed. She asks what's wrong, and David just looks sad and solemn.

Liz leads Roger to his room; but all he can speak of is that wire. She helps him sit up in bed. This happened at a bad time, he laments--I have business in London the day after tomorrow. That can be changed, says Liz. Roger says, I can't leave with things like this happening--what if it had happened to Carolyn or Liz? He asks for the cure-all, a brandy--what happened to me would upset anybody--I didn't imagine that wire! Liz goes to the table near the bed to get the brandy, and finds a Tarot card on it.
She shows it to Roger--why is it there? It wasn't there earlier, says Roger--something is happening in our house (and this is different from what day)? She gazes at the card. Roger sees no connection between the two, but Liz isn't so sure. You can tell fortunes with the Tarot, and each card means something, I read that, says Liz. Roger accuses her of imagining things, but Liz says ever since the seance--someone was speaking through Carolyn, trying to warn them. That I would trip on a wire? asks Roger skeptically--Iwish you'd told me; I wouldn't have gone downstairs. (love this droll man1) David comes in; Amy woke him, he says. She shouldn't have, says Roger. Liz leaves to check on Julia. David asks to stay with Roger for a little while, expressing concern about his father's fall. Roger assures him he's all right--just bruised a bit, that's all. David asks if there's anything he can get him--was a burglar in the house, as Amy said? Amy's imagination, says Roger, and he stands up to prove to David he's perfectly fine. He limps to the brandy, cradling his back, which David notices. Roger asks why the concern--I'll be all right in the morning. David hugs his father, saying how glad he is. (false, false, false? Or does David really feel bad?!)

Liz gazes at the Tarot card (Tower of Destruction, by the way), then puts it down on the table, looks up Stokes' phone number, and dials him. It's 1:30 AM, but Stokes is awake, reading. Liz apologizes for the insane hour, but he says he was reading something about the Collinses from the local library. She asks him to stop by tomorrow, it's urgent--she needs his help. He promises not to fail her.

Morning at Collinwood - Amy is in a sweet little dress, and pretty white stockings. David comes in from outside and Amy asks where he's been--I've been waiting for you. He doesn't answer at first, then sullenly says, "Just outside." He doesn't seem interested in what she wanted, but notes she's been up there again. Amy tells him HE wants them both up in the West Wing--he wants them to play the game again. David turns on her and says, "It's no game, Amy." What they did with the wire--they didn't have to do it. Oh yes we did! says Amy. David says he's never going to that room again. Amy says Quentin won't like it, but David says he doesn't care. He'll DO something warns Amy. David asks, "WHAT? What can he do?"

David answers Stokes' knock. The professor wants to know why they aren't outside playing, but supposes it's hopelessly old-fashioned. David says he'll get Aunt Liz. Amy asks, "Then will you go with me, David? Just one last time?" David says we'll see. Stokes eyes them sharply. Liz comes downstairs and tells David to take Amy for a walk. Amy begs him to do that, she wants to go somewhere outside. Liz and Stokes go into the drawing room and close the doors. He says he fears the seance didn't put an end to what's happening at Collinwood, and she says she has a terrible feeling that's only the beginning, but of what, she doesn't know. Stokes asks if she had another sign, and she shows him the Tarot card. He gazes at it with his monocle.

David has his jacket on, and Amy says she didn't mean it about going out. David says he knows that. She says he's afraid to see Quentin, who calls David "Jamison." "My grandfather," says David. Amy says Quentin thinks he looks exactly like Jamison--he told me to call you Jamison, too--you can ask him why, if we go upstairs, she wheedles.

Stokes balks at telling Liz about the Tarot card, but admits he does know--it's a warning left by a spirit. Liz can't accept that. Emotionally, you already have, he says, or you wouldn't have sent for me--the card is called the Tower of Destruction.
She demands to know all now, and he says the card warns of the coming of great unhappiness to a house. She knows he's holding back, and frets, what are they going to do?--I've known something is wrong since the seance but can't fight it because I don't know what it is--if only someone knew!

David and Amy return to the storage room. Amy encourages him to "tell him," and David calls to Quentin and tells him he won't do as he asks anymore, not if it's like the last time--it's not fair to have him do things like that--do you understand? he asks. The music begins to play. Amy says Quentin heard him, and perhaps that's his answer. David listens to the music flowing from the gramophone, and the cradle they brought up there begins to rock. Amy calls him Jamison, and observes that he DOES want to play the game. Of course I do, agrees David.

Stokes tells Liz not to worry, he's coming back with someone who will explain everything that's been happening in the house. Liz, forehead crinkled unhappily, looks at the card.

A dark-haired, exotic woman stands in Collinwood's foyer and tells Liz not to tell her anything about the house, not the history nor personal experiences. She doesn't want to know what to expect. This is Madame Findlay, a medium, and she only has her own sensitivities. Amy watches from the stairs and hears Mrs. Findlay state that there was recently an accident in that room--and that Amy knows about it. Amy admits she found Mr. Collins, and Madame F. tells her not to tell her anymore. She sashays around the foyer, feeling, listening, then goes into the drawing room. This is the room where the seance was held, she says--there have been spirits in this room--they aren't here now, but have left their mark. She holds out her hands. Shadows are still in the air, she declares, and rocks back and forth on a chair, going into a trance. David joins Amy in the foyer and they sneak to listen. Madame F suddenly screams. Stokes tells Liz she's trying to reach her control, her guide to the other world. Madame F calls out, "Are you there? Can you tell me the secrets of this house? Are you there? That's not you." Someone else is answering her, says Stokes. Findlay continues, "Who are you? I cannot hear you plainly. Are you in this room? If you are in this room, speak to me more clearly. You are not in this room, but you are in this house, yes!"
David and Amy exchange scared glances upon hearing this. "I must come to you. I must find you!" Liz calls to Madame F, who begins to toss her head from side to side, declaring, "A battleground--this house is a battleground! Yes, I see that. . .whom are you fighting? Lead me to the room, lead me!" Madame F rises from her chair, but whoever she was speaking to has disappeared. "You must show me!" Stokes asks her if she's all right, and Liz notes she isn't coming out of it. Stokes pats Madame F's hand and says, "The fight goes on between them." She doesn't know who is fighting, but will when she goes into that room. Stokes asks Liz if the woman can search the house. Of course, says Liz. Stokes takes his leave, and Madame F. tells Liz there is much happening in this house (Well, duh.)--much that Liz doesn't know--a war is being waged and they must find the one who started it.

David and Amy run to the West Wing to warn Quentin about a lady looking for him--she'll find him!--tell us what to do! Amy and David look around for Quentin, but they don't see him. What is he up to now?

NOTES: Lots of people find Madame Findlay cool, but I'm not one of them, at least not from my adult viewpoint. Too showy, I guess, but she has her interesting moment.

Doesn't Quentin have a mighty sweet smile for a nasty ghost?

David felt real remorse in having a hand in his father's accident, which could have resulted in death had it happened differently. He told Quentin that he wouldn't be party to any similar incidents. Will Quentin accept that? Whatever his mad-on for the Collinses, it seems he tried to murder Roger through the children. Why won't he just do his own dirty work--or does he enjoy the control over this child who resembles Jamison, Liz and Roger's father?

648 - (Cavada Humphrey) - A new day at Collinwood, a day with more questions than answers. For the night has been filled with mysterious happenings--a sudden fall down the great stairs, an ancient Tarot card found mysteriously, a card prophesying doom, which so frightens one woman that she brings in a medium to discover the spirits who are haunting the house. But two children, possessed, not knowing what they do, may bring new tragedy to one who could save them.

The kids beseech Quentin to tell them what to do about Madame Findley, and Amy tells David they have to wait until he speaks to them.

David looks nervously around, wondering if Quentin will mind if Madame F. finds him. Oh, he'll mind, says Amy, since HE didn't send for her himself. David wonders why they aren't getting a response, and finally decides they should just go. As they're about to leave, the music begins to play.

Liz looks at the Tarot card again. Madame F comes downstairs and tells her she felt astral disturbances upstairs, but more strongly downstairs. Two forces seem to be battling one another. Madame F notes. Liz doesn't really believe in the occult, unless driven to it as she has been (how could she possibly deny it?) Madame F. walks into the drawing room. Strange, she keeps returning to this room--there are vibrations she feels no where else in other rooms. She asks if there's someone connected with Liz' family or the house's history whose first name begins with M. Liz doesn't think so. Madame F. feels the letter M strongly here. She asks to be left alone here; the person who spoke to her earlier seems to be scared of others. Suddenly, the medium says, "There is a curse on this house." Liz is shocked. Madame F is positive of her assessment.
Liz closes the doors, leaving Madame F. alone. The latter wanders around the room, listening, holding out her arms like antennae. She calls to "M" for help. Come to me, she calls. "I will aid you in your fight against the spirit you oppose, but you must tell me where to look! Keep trying to reach me, I am waiting for you!" Suddenly, she throws up her arms. "YOU ARE HERE!" she exults. She bids the spirit to speak to her, she has many questions to ask. Are the spirits causing the disturbance confined to the house? She hears a knock, once for yes, then another when asked if they are confined to a single room--yes, but not in a part of the house where the family lives. She asks to be led there, but there is no response. Suddenly there is a knocking at the door, and Madame F calls to M, who has apparently fled.

Liz answers the front door. It's Joe Haskell, looking nice, feeling better--normal, he says. He wants to see Amy. Liz says she'll go find her and sends Joe to wait in the study. Madame F stops Liz as she's heading upstairs, asking if there are parts of the house closed off. Yes, replies Liz, the east and west wings. Madame F wants to check them out, so Liz leads her upstairs. Madame F wants to investigate the East wing first, following her intuitions. (We have OTHER problems with that wing.)

David helps Amy out of the secret room and asks if she knows what to do. I think so, she says. You'd better be sure, says David--your part is too important. Amy knows--I'll do it just as he told me, she says. David gives her a very adult look.

Joe drinks a cup of something. Amy is there, physically, but she is looking intently from the drawing room into the foyer. Joe comments that she doesn't seem very glad to see him. She assures him that isn't so. He asks why she keeps looking out the door. I'm waiting for somebody, she says, but Joe tells her Chris isn't coming. Amy asks Joe if he saw a tall lady who walks around looking in the air all the time. Amused, Joe asks, "What?" Amy says her name is Madame something, but Joe doesn't know her. Amy wonders if she left yet. She sits down beside Joe, who asks if she likes staying here. Oh, yes, she says enthusiastically. Joe doesn't want her to stay here if she doesn't want to. Amy says she'd rather live with Chris, but he doesn't have a place for her--I don't want him to go away again. She asks Joe if he will, and he says he hopes not, too. Madame F enters and Amy introduces her to Joe. The medium says left a card here. . .she takes the Tarot card and says she will use it for bait--like in fishing. Amy asks her to show her how and Joe tells her to behave herself. Amy sees a star on Joe's forehead, and Madame F turns and sees it, too.
She is horrified. It fades away. Joe looks in a mirror and sees nothing. He asks Amy to go find Mrs. Stoddard; he wants to see Mr. Collins. Joe tells Madame F that Amy has quite an imagination. She informs him SHE, too, saw the star--it's a sign of the pentagram, she says--don't ignore it. Joe has no idea what a pentagram is. She explains that it's an ancient symbol of either a good or bad omen, depending on the star's position. Joe observes his must have been bad, and Madame F, perturbed, warns him to just be careful--watch out for an animal that walks as a man. Joe says he's lucky--there aren't many of those around here. Liz comes in and tells Joe Roger would be delighted to see him. Madame F asks if Amy can show her to the West Wing, but Liz says Amy isn't that familiar with the house (HA!) As Liz leads Joe out of the room, they discussing Roger's accident. (What happened to the fact that Joe tried to kill Barnabas? Has all been forgiven?)

Madame F and Amy exchange looks. Amy leaves the room and David beckons to her. Amy tells him Madame F wants to go to the West Wing, and Mrs. Stoddard is going to take her. David orders her to go in now, and not to worry--she has plenty of time. Amy reaches out to open the double doors, goes in, and tells the medium she wants to talk to her. The feeling is mutual, says Madame F--tell me all about the star you saw on your cousin's face. Why? asks Amy--he couldn't see it. That's interesting, says the medium. I don't usually see stars on peoples' faces, Amy says, giggling. Madame F asks about her time in this room--has she noticed anything strange? No, says Amy, I haven't felt that there was another person here. This surprises Madame F. Amy says she asks funny questions, and wonders why--is it because she's a medium? Madame F asks the little girl what a medium does. They look for ghosts, answers Amy, who admits to believing in ghosts, at least when with a grownup--they just laugh at ghosts. Madame F says she believes in ghosts, and has even seen them. And you? asks Madame F. Amy changes the subject, saying she thought she heard something.
Madame F notes the avoidance of the question. Amy says she saw a man dressed as a ghost on Halloween--he was funny. Madame F senses Amy is dodging her question, and asks her to please help her--why doesn't she try? She asks again--have you seen a ghost? David suddenly bursts out from the secret panel, surprising Mrs. F. She asks where the panel leads and David denies knowing. Upstairs, he finally confesses, to the West Wing. Really, she says, and both kids tell her there's nothing up there at all. Ah, but Mrs. Stoddard told me Amy didn't know where the West Wing is, says Mrs. F. Both kids beg her not to tell on them. Mrs. F is taken aback by their attitude, and despite David's warning, starts to go up to the West Wing. "Yes," she says, as in Eureka. She accuses Amy of having a secret, and David demands to know what kind of secret. I am going to find out, says Madame Findlay determinedly. Both kids try to talk her out of it, begging her to come back. (It's obvious they WANT the medium to go exactly where she's going.) They hear a noise (Liz is coming) and immediately drop to the floor and begin playing jacks. Amy accuses David of cheating; David insists he's just a better player. Liz orders them to play without fighting. She asks about Madame Findley, who is walking up a flight of stairs in a very dark place. The kids tell Liz Madame Findley left, but they don't know how long ago--she didn't say anything to them. Liz finds this odd; she was going to take her to the West Wing. She goes to check the study. The kids smile at each other.
"Go on, Amy," says David, "play the game." She gives him a very adult smile in return.

Madame Findley, very excited, has entered the storage room in the West Wing. She spots the opening in the panel the kids made and crawls inside. Something pushes her. "You're here, aren't you?" she demands--"I can tell your presence!" The door bangs closed behind her, locking her in. David and Amy enter the other room and hear her say, "You won't frighten me, I want to help you!" David covers the open panel with a trunk and the kids gaze at it. Have they trapped Mrs. Findley in the room with the malevolent Quentin?

NOTES: What awaits Mrs. F. in that room? She's thrilled with this situation, apparently not realizing she's been lured into a trap by the children that might get her killed. Here's a woman who loves her work, but seems careless, too. Will she pay for it?

We have the mysterious "M", who apparently is ineffectual against Quentin's cruel, vengeance-seeking spirit--or will "M" save Madame F. before Quentin can do his dirty work?

Aren't Nickerson and Henesy just wonderful? They really do play Terror Tots so well!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2002, 01:08:42 AM »
A dark-haired, exotic woman stands in Collinwood's foyer and tells Liz not to tell her anything about the house, not the history nor personal experiences. She doesn't want to know what to expect. This is Madame Findlay, a medium, and she only has her own sensitivities.
I remember being impressed with this scene when I first saw it since that is the actual procedure for a field investigation with a medium.  (It seemed that somebody among the writing staff had done research.) It's less confusing for the sensitive (and it adds credibility) if she is able to deduce the nature of the problems by using her own intuition.

I wonder now if Professor Stokes is supposed to be based on Prof. Hans Holzer, a "ghost hunter" who often uses mediums (among them Eileen Garrett and Sybil Leek) in his investigations.  In fact, I'm sure I once read that Holzer was a consultant on Night of Dark Shadows and was even supposed to be featured in the seance scene, so it's not unlikely that Curtis & co.  would have been familiar with his work and reputation at this point in the show.



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Re: Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2004, 07:40:22 PM »
DVD episodes for July 14th and 15th.
The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#11/Disc#4 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #83)

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Re: Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2004, 08:31:49 PM »
Madame F. walks into the drawing room. Strange, she keeps returning to this room--there are vibrations she feels no where else in other rooms. She asks if there's someone connected with Liz' family or the house's history whose first name begins with M. Liz doesn't think so. 

I guess poor Millicent doesn't count.


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Re: Robservations 9/16/02 - #647/648 - Madame Findlay Tries to Help
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2004, 02:24:40 AM »
Well written, as always by Robin...I must differ with her statememt "something pushes her", she tripped over a wire that slams the door shut. You can see as she is losing her balance the door wobbles as she trips....My MPI tape of that scene is about messed up, from all the rewinding and ff off that scene. Its my favorite blooper that is least recognized...   ;D
its a sudden death that i know, my father wrote me to say that, my cousin, uncle jeremiah was, was very disturbed.