Author Topic: Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636  (Read 1578 times)

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Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636
« on: September 05, 2002, 02:35:53 PM »
635 - (Nancy Barrett) - The great house of Collinwood is shrouded in darkness and all is silent--for this has been a night of violence, violence that will continue. On a remote corner of the great estate, one man has witnessed a terrifying event, one which will settle the chain of events, all of which will lead to a single moment of horror and destruction.

Barnabas returns to the Old House, looking dazed. Julia comes downstairs and asks what happened. He doesn't answer right away, and finally tells her he's all right. Nicholas is gone, he says, stunned--he just disappeared, in a blaze of flames on Widows' Hill--I followed Nicholas there, who was calling someone who must control fate--he was begging, pleading, not to be sent back to where he came from--then he burst into flames. Has he disappeared forever? wonders Julia. "Yes," says Barnabas, "Nicholas is gone!" Julia repeats "Nicholas is gone!" several times and hugs Barnabas, thrilled the danger is over. He pats her back, as relieved as she is.

However, the danger isn't over for everyone. Adam has found the door to Collinwood open and gone inside, upstairs. They all will die, he vows to himself, but first, Barnabas' love, Vicki Winters!
Julia muses with joy with Nicholas is gone. Maggie is all right, she tells Barnabas, I gave her a sedative. Will she remember what happened? He asks. We will see, says Julia. She tells him Adam is downstairs in the lab, and very quiet, as if he doesn't understand. We must deal with him, says Barn. I don't know how, frets Julia. They go downstairs to speak to their "son." Eve's skeleton still lies on the table. The lab is trashed, apparently by Adam, who they realize is gone. Did he go to carry out his threat? wonders Barnabas. He hurries upstairs, Julia in close pursuit.

Carolyn gives Vicki a sedative, wondering why the dark-haired girl is having trouble sleeping. Vicki doesn't know. Adam hears their voices and pauses outside Vicki's room. Vicki and Carolyn continue to talk. Vicki asks her why she went away so suddenly. Carolyn explains that she felt sort of lost and needed to get away. She makes Vicki promise not to tell anyone else, but I became very attracted to someone who went away. Carolyn can't tell Vicki his name--I wasn't in love with him, but very fond of him, and he's been gone a long time now--I think of him often and wonder how he is. Vicki appears sleepy, so Carolyn bids her good night, turns off the lights and leaves the room. Adam hides before Carolyn exists. After she leaves to go into her own room, he pops out again. He stops by her door, listening, then returns to Vicki's door. Vicki is asleep. Adam enters her room and closes the door behind him. He covers her mouth with one huge hand and warns her not to make a sound or he'll kill her. She nods, eyes wide. He drags her out of bed. She asks if she can get a coat, and when he releases her, she backs away, screaming fiercely. He grabs her again, pressing his hand over her mouth. Carolyn bursts in, calling, "Adam!" Vicki gasps out that he's trying to kidnaps her. Adam slaps Vicki viciously, sending her unconscious onto the floor. Carolyn checks Vicki's condition. Adam, sickened, stands there. She's still breathing, says Carolyn--"You could have killed her! What are you doing here--have you gone mad?" He tells her she wouldn't understand, and she agrees--you have no reason to harm Vicki, who's done nothing to you. Someone else has, insists Adam. When Carolyn tries to talk reason, he shakes her and says he doesn't want to hurt her. She's shocked he would even consider it. If I had to, he says. Carolyn, hurt, asks what has happened to him. He pushes her away. Look at me, please, she begs, just for a moment. He does. Do you remember the day you asked me to read the love sonnet? Asks Carolyn. Why do you remind me of that? he demands. That's the Adam I know,  she says--a gentle, sweet man capable of enormous tenderness. "I loved YOU!" he cries--"If you had loved me..." He turns away and bends down to Vicki. Carolyn begs him to leave Vicki alone, for both their sakes. Adam, teeth gritted in anger, shakes his head. "Now I'll have my revenge!" he snarls. Revenge for what? She asks. He orders her out of his way--I'm taking Vicki with me. Carolyn insists she isn't protecting him this time--I'm calling the police! He grabs the phone from her, and when she screams, he yanks it from the wall. They survey each other.
Carolyn says, "Adam, you wouldn't do anything to me. . .you just wouldn't." He reaches out, seemingly to embrace her, but instead grabs her throat and begins to squeeze, until she falls unconscious into his arms. He gently lets her body drop to the floor, gazing from one unconscious woman to the other. Finally, he lifts Vicki into his arms and leaves with her. Carolyn lies unconscious.

Carolyn is just coming to when Barnabas enters Vicki's room. Adam kidnapped Vicki, Carolyn sobs, Adam's gone wild, like an animal--I tried to call the police, but couldn't. I must find Adam before he kills Vicki! cries Barnabas.

Julia paces the floor at the Old House, a storm raging at the window. She sits down, then hears a sound coming from the basement--the experiment! She calls, Barnabas--is that you?--then slowly walks toward the basement door. She looks through the bars, opens the door, and calls down, "Who is it? Who's there?" Adam grabs her from behind, scaring her spitless. She pulls away from him and backs into the living room. "Did I frighten you, doctor?" he asks sarcastically. "I didn't mean to. Sit down. Please." Fearful, she does so. Where did you go? she asks. Out, to the woods, he says, I wanted to be alone to think. What were you doing in the cellar? She asks. "Looking at my bride," he says. "The only bride I'll ever have, she's gone." Julia tells him to be honest--what is he planning to do, now that Barnabas stopped the experiment and smashed the lab? Nothing, replies Adam, why should I hurt Barnabas? You threatened to a thousand times, she reminds him. Yes, when the experiment was still possible, he retorts--but it isn't now, is it? No, agrees Julia, never again. Then why should I hurt either you or Barnabas? I find it hard to believe you're simply accepting everything, she says, sensing something is definitely up--by the way, Nicholas is gone now.
Is he? asks Adam. He disappeared, says Julia and probably won't return. Adam doesn't care--he wasn't his friend, he made too many promises he couldn't keep. Adam stands and smiles evilly down at Julia. She finds the grin and his stare unnerving, and asks why he's doing it. It doesn't make me nervous, she lies. She goes to get her bag, but Adam takes it from her--she doesn't need that. She says he might need a sedative, he'd feel better afterwards. No, he says. She tries to move toward the basement, but he grabs her and stops her. Why won't you let me leave? she asks. You will see soon enough, he tells her. She asks what's happening in the basement. Nothing, he says. Julia doesn't believe him. She walks determinedly downstairs. Adam attacks her!

Barnabas returns to the Old House, calling Julia. He finds her on the floor, unconscious and revives her. Adam's in the basement, doing something, she doesn't know what. Barnabas tells her Adam has Vicki down there, he kidnapped her--we must get to her before Adam kills her! They both hurry to the basement door, wondering what Adam is doing down there. In the basement, Vicki lies strapped to the other table. She stirs and moans as Adam turns on the power, sending electric shocks bolting through Vicki, who writhes and wails. Barnabas and Julia hear the sounds. Barnabas calls to Adam. (Here is the nose pick blooper, but the less said about that, the better.) "It's no use," says Julia. Adam turns up the juice, a sick smile on his face, sending Vicki into even more intense pain. She begs Adam to leave her alone, please, please! Adam hears Julia begging him to leave HER alone, and he covers his ears. He fiddles with the dials, now hearing Carolyn begging him to leave Vicki alone. Adam smacks his head as though trying to force those voices out. Vicki screeches as the electricity and pain escalate. Adam looks at the skeleton. "That was Eve!" he cries. "You were to be mine, look at you now! This is what they did to you--Barnabas will suffer for this!" Barnabas, holding a gun, and Julia enter the lab. "Adam!" cries Barnabas. "Turn off that machinery or I will kill you!" Adam, clearly insane, laughs. Barnabas reiterates that he won't hesitate to kill him. Adam chortles, "Do you know what will happen if I die?" Barnabas knows, but he is willing to take that chance. "You'll revert back to what you were!" rants Adam, and this causes Barnabas and Julia to exchange significant glances. Adam repeats what he said--that's what was on Lang's tape. Barnabas accuses him of lying, but Julia says he might be telling the truth--Adam has heard the tape.
I don't know what you were, chortles Adam, but I know you don't want me to die. Vicki howls in agony. Barnabas is forced to make a decision. Adam screams, "Look at her, Barnabas, look at her! Look at the woman I love." He moves to pull the final switch. Julia warns Barnabas that if he pulls that switch, Vicki will be electrocuted. Barnabas points the pistol right at him and says, "Don't touch that switch!" When Adam pays no attention, Barnabas shoots him. Adam is holding tightly to the switch as he falls. How badly wounded is he? Will he die? Will he make sure he takes Vicki with him? Stay tuned!

NOTES: Robert Rodan did an excellent job, too, as Adam loses his mind because he can't bear the thought of living without love. Speaking of which, sounds like Carolyn is feeling some confusion over her own feelings for the big guy, but seeing him in this murderous mode could only have squelched whatever good emotions he'd aroused in her. That she wasn't able to convince him to leave Vicki alone, to drop this whole thing, must surely have made her realize that Adam had turned into a completely different, dangerous, man. Sad. There was, IMHO, a lot of original promise with this character, but Nicholas messed him up too badly. Notice how he doesn't give a fig he's gone?

We see how much Barnabas really does love Vicki, if he's willing to shoot Adam to save her life and risk reimposing the vampire curse upon himself.

Will Adam pull the switch down with him, killing both Vicki and himself? That would be too cruel, and Barnabas will lose everything!

636 - (Thayer David) - A great storm rages through Collinwood, a rainless wind which seems to sweep violence all over the great estate. For vengeance has become one man's obsession, and in the basement of this house, he takes his revenge on the man who made him. For he means to kill the girl his enemy loves, and in the same grotesque way that his own mate was turned into a skeleton.

Thayer David does a great intro, too. I love his voice.

Adam's shoulder drips with blood as Barnabas lurches forward and prevents Adam from pushing the last switch. Adam and Barnabas are both in weakened states. Julia turns off the machinery. She tries to help Adam first, but he shoulders her away, knowing that she's only helping him so Barnabas will live. Adam runs upstairs, with both Julia and Barnabas calling to him, Julia chasing after him. Barnabas checks on Vicki, his face agonized. Adam is gone, says Julia, but Barnabas' concern is all for Vicki. Julia reminds him Adam is getting away. Barnabas orders Julia to look after Vicki, which she does with great reluctance. She peels back an eyelid, finds her pulse slow, but she'll be all right. We can't let Vicki wake up here, says Barnabas--Julia, get your car.
"Shall I make plans for the rest of the night, too?" asks Julia pointedly. "Shall I find Willie, tell him to bring a coffin to this room?--a coffin that you may need at sunrise, because that's the risk you're taking, Barnabas. Or shall we go try and find Adam?" Barnabas soberly considers her words and says he made that decision when he fired that shot. "Help me, Julia," he begs.

Adam climbs in through Professor's Stokes' living room window and collapses to the floor. He pulls himself up on the sofa in the darkened room and looks into a bedroom. In pain, he drops to his knee before the fire, warming himself. The phone rings. Adam stands over it, not sure what to do, and finally answers it. It's Jeff Clark, asking for Stokes. Adam listens but doesn't respond. Jeff hears someone breathing and asks if he has the right number. Adam hangs up on him, leaving Jeff puzzled. Adam, in agony, sees a letter opener on a chair, picks it up, and waits behind the door as someone enters Stokes' house.

Adam holds the knife aloft as Stokes comes in and turns on the light. Adam falls onto the sofa, dropping the knife. Stokes, saying he won't even ask what's happened, tells him he needs a doctor. Stokes picks up the phone, but Adam takes it from him and hangs up. You might die with a wound like that, warns Stokes. Adam relents, only to say, "Not Julia." I'm calling my regular physician, Stokes assures him. Adam grimaces and says he wants to die, but Stokes tells him death is probably no better than life, so don't go there. Stokes calls his doctor and tells him he needs him to tend to a gunshot wound victim--I can rely on your discretion, of course. Stokes goes to Adam, who murmurs, "You hate me!" Stokes asks if he really believes that, and advises him to stay still or he'll make it worse. Adam buries his face in his arm. Stokes notes that he's learned to turn away, not allow anyone to see him cry--you're becoming too civilized, perhaps. Stokes promises to help Adam, no matter what, and I won't let him die from negligence--something I suspect you knew when you chose to come to me. He helps Adam to stagger to a place where he can rest, and Adam allows it.

Vicki's bedroom - Julia watches over Vicki. Barnabas comes in and asks if she's awakened--Carolyn is very upset--I told her everything, including that I shot Adam. Vicki wakes up and asks where Adam is. Barnabas assures her he's gone--the police have been called. Vicki doesn't remember anything but strange sounds, like a machine. Barnabas tells her it was a nightmare. Julia wants to give her a sedative, but Vicki wants to know what happened to her. Adam went insane, explains Barnabas.
Where is he now? asks Vicki--Barnabas, stay with me until morning, she begs. Julia says he can't, but I will.

Adam, wearing a nice, clean red plaid shirt, sits on Stokes' sofa. He gives Adam some pills to reduce the danger of infection. Adam doesn't want to take them, but does. "So, you killed Eve," comments Stokes--"you didn't choose your friends too wisely." Nicholas Blair--perhaps that was my fault, muses Stokes--I started to teach you, but failed to follow through--now I have a second chance. No, says Adam, no one will ever love me. Stokes can't comment on that, he's never been much of a prophet, perhaps love is too much to expect in his present condition, but he can change.
Adam, gazing at his reflection in a mirror, says he can't--he's too ugly. That's simple of remedy, says Stokes--nowadays anyone can make himself handsomer if he wants to--I know a clinic, and if you don't like the old Adam, they'll make a new one! I need a project, says Stokes. Someone rings the doorbell. "Barnabas?" asks Adam. No, it's Jeff. Adam begs him not to let him in, because of his tie to Vicki. Stokes considers, then orders Adam to stay in the bedroom. Stokes calls to Jeff, "Just a minute!" After Adam hides, Stokes lets Jeff in, who tells him, someone picked up your phone but didn't say anything. Stokes suspects his home is haunted, but he's never in his reading encountered a ghost who used the telephone (this is prophetic, given what will soon happen). Jeff says someone was there, he heard breathing. Wrong numbers, says Stokes--I was out finding the herbs I told you about. He opens a packet and shows Jeff, telling him he advises against this. You promised to help me, Jeff reminds him. Stokes admits he is having second thoughts--the herbs can be dangerous, and mysterious things could happen. I need that, insists Jeff. Trapped between curiosity and knowledge, says Stokes, and suggests he discuss this with Vicki. The herbs can help me remember if I'm using Jeff Clark's body, but am really Peter Bradford--I need to know more, like how I came to this century-- then I could go back to my own (please, GO!). Stokes advises him to marry Vicki and consider it an unusual marriage--but most are, in one way or another. When Stokes' back is turned, Jeff munches some of the herbs. Stokes catches him and demands to know what he's doing--you must do it by the ritual, the only way it can be controlled, protests Stokes--you might have spoiled it! He orders Jeff to sit down, turns off the light, and lights a candle on the table. Say nothing, orders Stokes, when I pause, you will eats the second leaf, another pause, another leaf. Stokes sits across from him and speaks some mumbo jumbo about our true nature of this Pilgrim who seeks his past, to see the first land he knew. . . Jeff eats another leaf. Guide him through the years, intones Stokes, until he finds his own time. Know that he honors you, that he believes in you, that he will not defame you. Stokes asks Jeff his name, then asks if he can write his name. Jeff takes a pen and writes PETER BRADFORD. He drops the pen.
My mother is Nora, my father, Caleb, says Jeff--I was born in Deerfield, 1770--I came here to this century because I love her. "I'm going back," says Jeff, "I can see it all, the end of the road. No, no!  I have to see her again! No, please, help me, let me see her once again. They're pulling at me. I don't want to go until I can see her again. No, I won't! I won't go! Vicki! Don't. . .Vicki!"

In her room, asleep, Vicki hears Jeff calling to her. She rises from her bed, passing by Julia, sleeping Julia in a chair, and leaves.

"The jail," says Jeff, "she's in the jail. The hangmen are outside, the noose is ready for her. . .I told her I'll find her, I'll find you. No, no, don't come for me now. Give me one chance just to talk to her, that's all, and I'll be willing to go, but please, one chance to talk to her now, please!" Vicki appears in the room and Jeff turns to her joyously, "You knew! You knew to come!" he cries. Stokes tells Vicki that Jeff remembers. Jeff continues to look wildly around, begging invisible people to let him talk to her, explain, please don't come for me now, all I need is time. Vicki throws her arms around him and tells him, you love me, you followed me, your love brought you here--my love will keep you here: "I won't let you go!" she cries. "I won't let her go!" declares Jeff. She tells him, the power of love is strong enough to make you stay--commit yourself to this life and time, she begs--say you will and they will let you stay. Jeff rises from his chair, holding her, kissing her, vowing that he WILL stay. They kiss, lengthily, overjoyed. We will be married--tonight! says Vicki excitedly. Ecstatic, Peter/Jeff agrees.

NOTES: Good, get rid of both of them, please! This girl isn't OUR Vicki!

Felt really sorry for Adam, just want to see the last of Vicki and Jeff/Peter. She is so damned SHRILL! God save my eardrums!

Herbs, huh? With what was being ingested in the Sixties, I'm sure many viewers wondered exactly what herb the good professor had procured to send Jeff on this interesting trip? Interesting, too, that Stokes' family doctor will treat a gunshot victim and remain "discrete." Isn't that breaking the law?

By the way, I believe this is the last we see of Adam. I guess we can assume Stokes had his scars fixed, then sent him out into the world. I hope that, whatever life he finds, he was happy.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2002, 02:11:16 PM »
Interesting to see Stokes also has a shady side...
It is a good day because I am still ticking!


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Re: Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2004, 07:46:53 PM »
DVD episodes for June 23rd and 24th.
The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#11/Disc#3 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #81)

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Re: Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2004, 10:08:31 PM »
Barnabas returns to the Old House, looking dazed. Julia comes downstairs and asks what happened. He doesn't answer right away, and finally tells her he's all right. Nicholas is gone, he says, stunned--he just disappeared, in a blaze of flames on Widows' Hill--I followed Nicholas there, who was calling someone who must control fate--he was begging, pleading, not to be sent back to where he came from--then he burst into flames. Has he disappeared forever? wonders Julia. "Yes," says Barnabas, "Nicholas is gone!" Julia repeats "Nicholas is gone!" several times and hugs Barnabas, thrilled the danger is over. He pats her back, as relieved as she is.

I Love that moment...too bad that hug didn't lead to anything else.  ;)

She peels back an eyelid, finds her pulse slow, but she'll be all right. We can't let Vicki wake up here, says Barnabas--Julia, get your car.
"Shall I make plans for the rest of the night, too?" asks Julia pointedly. "Shall I find Willie, tell him to bring a coffin to this room?--a coffin that you may need at sunrise, because that's the risk you're taking, Barnabas. Or shall we go try and find Adam?" Barnabas soberly considers her words and says he made that decision when he fired that shot. "Help me, Julia," he begs.

I love it when he begs... LOL. Look what's right in front of you, Barn...not psuedo-Vicki, JULIA. Sigh.  ;)
Interesting B&J moments. Love those captions, too!   :-*


In case you didn't realize....Julia rules!  :-*