Author Topic: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629  (Read 1996 times)

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Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« on: September 02, 2002, 02:41:34 PM »
628 - (Grayson Hall) - A storm rages over Collinwood as the terrifying events of this night occur. But there are earthly confrontations beyond the sight of the stormy sky that have yet to take place. Now, in a secret place, a young woman begins a strange, forbidden ritual-a ritual that will lead her to the strangest and most terrifying journey of all.

Smoke billows as Angelique screams, over and over. An eerie voice addresses her: "You have summoned me. . ." Yes, she says, fearfully. She wants to speak to him. He orders her to descend to him, and she protests, but she screams and writhes in pain as she disappears from the basement and finds herself in what HAS to be hell. "Approach me," demands a caped, hooded figure. She does, slowly. He asks what is so important she has called him. It's about Nicholas Blair, tattles Angelique, he has failed you--he was sent to save me, when I was exorcised by a man called Trask. And you will be punished for your ineptitude, her master declares. I was, says Ang, but after that, Nicholas became vindictive and unreasonable--instead of helping me, he kept punishing and tormenting me. You deserved it, says Diabolos, by following your own selfish will and breaking your pact with Nicholas--I don't want to hear bad stuff about Nicholas, says the tall, caped one--he's going to create a superrace that will follow only Him, his Excellence. Angelique reveals Nicholas is failing in this plan, one of those chosen for the plan has destroyed the other. How could he have made such a mistake? demands Diabolos. Ang explains Nicholas screwed up because of a human weakness--LOVE!--human love! (look who's talking!) Love, snarls Diabolos--how could one of my followers LOVE? He has learned, says Angelique, and describes Maggie, and how he's fallen in love with her, spends all his time with her--a human!--he was away with her when the murder occurred! He left them alone, and the experiment is no longer important to him. Diabolos says he won't be defeated by love, the most cardinal of sins. This pleases Ang, who smiles and says, "He should be returned to this world. Will you give me the power to handle that, because I would love to outwit him, to pay him back for what he's done to me?"
He asks if she's able; she implores him to be given a chance. It would be interesting, says Diabolos, but if he lets her do it, what would she want in return? Lift the vampire curse, she replies--I would continue to serve you well. She bows her head in acquiescence. I'm tempted, admits Diabolos. But first--Nicholas! And the camera zooms into the black, faceless maw of the hood.

Blair House - Nicholas returns, closing an umbrella against the rain. He greets Adam in the living room, who sullenly says he doesn't feel like talking. Eve is out, says Adam--she didn't tell him where. Nicholas hopes they haven't quarreled--Eve loves him a great deal. Does she? asks Adam. Sure, hasn't she shown you? asks Nick. Yes, says Adam.
You should be happy, says Nicholas. Adam says he is. Nick opens the newspaper, looking quite domestic. Adam asks if he was with Maggie. Yup, says Nick, then notes that Adam is acting strangely--why? Adam says he's lonely, waiting for Eve. Nick promises to tell her not to leave him alone so often. They hear a knock at the door and Nicholas tells Adam he'd better go. Nicholas opens the door to Julia--who says she must see Adam. He tells her Adam isn't there, but she insists he's lying. She opens the living room doors and demands to know where he is. I can't help you, says Nicholas, good night. She tells him she has news about Eve--she's dead. Nicholas' face collapses in disbelief and horror. Dead? She was murdered, says Julia. Adam listens in. Nicholas can't believe it. Julia explains that she was found in Jeff Clark's room several hours ago, strangled. Jeff and Vicki found her, and Jeff is being held on suspicion of murder. They both know only one person could have killed Eve, says Julia--Adam. The latter comes in and asks how she knows that. Ah, I knew you were here, says Julia. Adam advises Nicholas to let her in. Julia asks Adam why he killed her. I didn't, says Adam. Julia knows he's lying. She's certain now--because of his reaction. He knew Eve was dead before she arrived, or he would have had a different reaction--surprise, at least. I am surprised, says Adam, then goes on to add that he doesn't CARE Eve is dead. This admission shocks Nicholas. No, she never loved me, says Adam, no matter what you said, Nicholas--that's why I don't care if she's dead--but I didn't kill her. Julia tells him Jeff is not a murderer and couldn't have killed Eve--that only leaves Adam. Nicholas calls this an interesting theory and asks what she plans to do about it--go to the police? No, says Julia, she can't, because if anything happens to Adam, it endangers Barnabas. Julia can't do anything but warn him there will be an investigation--he should take him out of town. Julia requests an audience with Adam alone, but Nicholas wants to stay. Adam orders Nicholas to let her speak to him alone, and gives Nick a murderous look that sends him out of the room. Julia closes the doors; she and Adam survey each other. "What do you want to say, Doctor?" he asks. First, says Julia, I want to say I'm not unhappy about Eve's death. Whatever caused you to kill her--Adam again denies it--Eve was evil and vicious and she deserved to die. Adam believes that and belligerently asks if that's all she has to say. I need your help, says Julia--there are three people in trouble, and I must help them and don't know how I can--Jeff is innocent, and Adam knows that. Adam denies it. Julia protests he can't let an innocent man die for what he did. Why are you wasting time talking about this? asks Adam, I'm not going to do anything to help Clark. Stokes taught you decency, says Julia, and I believe you still have a spark of it. Adam asks if she wants him to confess to the police he killed Eve when he didn't. She shakes her head, beaten--I don't want that, she says. Then what do you want of me? demands Adam. I don't know, she says helplessly, I only know the three of them are in trouble and I don't know how to help without harming one or the other--Jeff, Barnabas and Adam.
Adam accuses her of not caring about him. Curiously enough, says Julia, I do. Through gritted teeth, he insists she is lying. In spite of everything, says Julia, I don't want anything to happen to you, although I'm not sure why--perhaps because I created you and feel a sense of responsibility, a protective instinct. Adam says she acts like she's his friend, but he has no friends. Julia reminds him Carolyn is his friend, as is Stokes. Adam orders her not to speak of them. Why not, because it makes you feel guilty to hear of them? asks Julia. No, says Adam. Because of what you've done, continues Julia--your conscience is beginning to bother you. He opens the door and orders her to get out, and with a hurt look, she leaves. Adam closes the door. She almost made me like her, muses Adam, but I can't like anyone, ever again! (sad)

Nicholas accuses Adam of lying and demands he admit it. All right, says Nicholas, what if you told me you DID kill Eve?--did you? No, says Adam, wondering what would happen if he admitted he did kill Eve--what would you do? Nicholas can't answer this, which makes Adam contemptuous. There's a knock at the door--the police? Adam hustles out the back door. Nicholas finds Maggie standing there. He's thrilled to see her, but she's acting oddly, almost trancelike. She enters the living room. When he asks to what he owes the pleasure of this visit, she can't explain why she came by. You don't need a reason, he says, I'm always happy to see you. Hesitantly, she says she doesn't know why she's here--she was preparing for bed, and suddenly felt compelled to come here. Did you want to ask me something? queries Nicholas. No, she replies. You wanted to see me? he guesses, smiling.
Maybe, she says. He hopes that's why. I feel so strange, she says. He supports her as she nearly falls. I don't know, mutters Maggie, grabbing her throat--I can't breathe! He helps her onto a chair, calling her name. It's  getting dark, I can't see! She wails. Maggie gasps for air, then passes out. The light in the room room turns blood red. Nicholas asks what's happening. Maggie's mouth opens, but it isn't her voice that issues from it--it's that of Diabolos!--"Nicholas!" Blair, his face bathed in crimson, realizes it's his Master, speaking to him through Maggie. "PREPARE FOR YOUR JUDGMENT!" cries the voice hoarsely. Nicholas is terrified as Diabolos tells him, you will appear before me tomorrow--be prepared!" Nicholas' eyes bulge and his forehead furrows as he realizes that this means--he's in big trouble!!!!

NOTES: Hell in the DS world is filled with the voices of screaming, lost souls, smoke, red lights and candles, and lots of heat--pretty much the cliched view of the place to most people. Diabolos' voice scares me even now; it's got such a weird, other-worldly timbre! Interesting how Ang goes down to tattle about Nicholas. Diabolos must be aware of all of Angelique's many gaffes and her own descent into the emotion of love, yet he doesn't dwell on that, does he? I think Ang has the Master wrapped around her little finger as much as all the other men in her life, and even the Big Guy in Hell allows her more leniency than most of his other evil souls. I find it quite amusing to me. When I wrote a long fan fiction story, I have Angelique being raped and impregnated by Diabolos, because I always felt he had the hots for her, mostly as a result of today's encounter. It was NEAT! I believe Julia really does care for Adam, and it's a shame he feels he can't ever trust anyone again.

629 - (Joan Bennett) - Somewhere in the darkness of this night, one man's existence is in terrible danger of being snuffed out. On this night, in a house by the sea, he will soon feel the overwhelming presence of the supernatural.

Nicholas asks the master, who still speaks through Maggie,  why he has summoned him. Through Maggie's mouth, Nick is informed that he has failed him, and Eve is dead. Unselfishly, Nicholas begs--if I must account for what has happened, don't blame Maggie. The Master knows, but sarcastically asks Nick if he's become the defender of the innocent and pure at heart. No, says Nicholas, but the Master knows he's lying. The Master asks if Nicholas has fallen in love with her--he demands an answer? Nicholas replies, "Yes." The Master says he has become even more human than he was led to believe, and they must do something about it. Nicholas, bathed in red light, looks nervous. Does he mean about Maggie? She shall be as she was, says the Master, when I am finished with you. Nick asks what he's going to do. The Master says he will tell him after he has become summoned, at which time he must give an account of himself and his recent actions--be prepared to defend yourself--at midnight and no later! Maggie's head tips to one side; the room is once again normally lighted. Maggie comes to, Nick's hand on her face. He's holding her hand, and asks if she's all right. I don't understand, she murmurs, I must have fainted--I can breathe all right now. I was frightened, she admits. Nicholas holds her close. I don't know why I'm here, she says, but he kisses her forehead and assures her she will be all right.

Collinwood, 9 PM - Julia walks downstairs. Liz stops her and asks to see her a moment. Julia looks reluctant, but says of course. Thunder rumbles. Liz tells Julia she spoke with Barnabas at Windcliff, and while she doesn't want to offend her, she wonders if Julia told her the truth as to why Barnabas went there--that he was suffering from exhaustion. It's true, says Julia, he was close to a nervous breakdown and in need of professional attention. Liz asks how long he needs to stay. Julia figures a month. He's completely miserable at Windcliff, says Liz, despite the necessity for his care--I feel Barnabas should come home. Julia doesn't want him to go to the Old House.
Liz means he should come to Collinwood, where everyone loves him (awwwwww!)--Julia could take care of him there. No, objects Julia--he needs constant attention and couldn't be cared for by me alone. Barnabas sounded so pathetic, says Liz, I felt terrible. (ugly dress on Julia today.) Julia realizes Liz' natural impulse was to want to help him, but it's for his own good he stay there. Liz wants to go with Julia when she visits Barnabas again. Nicholas comes to the door and Julia greets him. I must speak to you, he says, his face sober, something of vital importance--this has to do with both you and Barnabas. Liz looks startled. Julia agrees to stay. Liz tells them to use the drawing room, and heads upstairs. Julia asks him if he did something to Barnabas. Blair assures her he did not. She is immensely relieved. You must cooperate, he says, I need your help. She doesn't know whether to be flattered or frightened. Both, he says--I made plans for Adam and Eve, and with her dead, my plans are stalled. Barring a miracle, your plans are ruined, amends Julia. I want you to repeat the experiment, he says. Impossible, she says, defiantly, I will never do it again--it's too dangerous. Just the last phase, he insists, the experiment itself--I will bring you Eve's body. She's shocked, dismayed. I'm sorry, he says, but that's the way it must be--the body isn't deteriorated, and they can infuse it with a new life force. NO, says Julia. He suggests she reconsider. Julia retorts she is happy Eve is dead. He knows that. She will stay dead, insists Julia. Nicholas glances nervously at his watch and warns her he will give her 3 minutes to change her mind. She realizes that something has happened to him--what? He denies knowing what she means. That he came to her, and seems authoritative; she still feels he is really quite upset and desperate. He denies that, too. She doesn't believe him, and she asks why he came here--why can't you bring Eve to life? she asks. (a question I've asked before!) If I'd had that power, I could have avoided the first experiment, he says. (yet he brought Carolyn back to life, right?) Eve had to be created artificially, as Adam was, and for the answer to that, he tells Julia to refer to the book of Genesis. Julia considers. The original Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan, says Julia. I know him by another name, says Nicholas--the original Adam and Eve yielded to temptation and sinned against their maker, explains Nick--for this they were punished, but remained his children nevertheless--after thousands of years, there is a new Adam and Eve, different from all other humans yet human just the same!--and they and all those they breed shall be the children of MY Master. "That's MONSTROUS!" cries Julia.
Yes, Nick agrees, and intended it to be. Julia refuses to be part of it. You have no choice, says Nick, but she believes there's some reason he can't or won't use his powers-if I'm wrong, challenges Julia, use them to force me to help you. I can, he says, but if you still cares for Barnabas, you will do as I say--if you think by sending him to Windcliff, he would be saved from me. . . Will you send Angelique after him again? asks Julia fearfully. No, says Nick--something far worse. Nothing is worse than that contends Julia. Oh, yes, says Nick, don't forget Lang's taped message--if Adam dies, then Barnabas will die, too. You'd never kill Adam, says Julia. Nick reminder her that, without a mate, he has no use for Adam, and doesn't care about him. Believe me, I will kill him, shouts Nick, and you don't want that to happen. No, says Julia in a small voice. He orders her to study the journals and prepare the equipment. Julia isn't sure it's possible to do this experiment, circumstances aren't the same--I must let you know tomorrow. I assume your answer will be yes, he says, and I will proceed accordingly. He stomps out, leaving a scared Julia wondering what the hell she's going to do now. She heads back upstairs, then turns and picks up the phone. She dials. "Operator, I want to call the hospital at Windcliff, person to person. . .I want to speak to Mr. Barnabas Collins." Liz overhears from the landing.

Blair House - Nicholas stands at a candlelit bier. Wind blows uneasily; he looks nervous, uncertain. The Master tells him he looks frightened, and has good reason to be. His time has come. He will leave his world and enter hell--permanently! Nicholas screams as he is enveloped in light, his whole body afire. The pain dissipates and Nicholas finds himself in hell, facing Diabolos. The Master asks if he knows why he was summoned. Nick says, I have my suspicions. He asks Nicholas if he feels shame at being outwitted by an inferior. Nick asks if this is Angelique's doing. Of course, says D. Nicholas asks him not to believe a word she said. The Master has already witnessed his very human aspirations--and allowed your plans to be ruined--because of your involvement of a mortal woman, you lost control of everything, starting with Angelique, who was supposed to be your slave! Nicholas shouts that she is a vile, untrustworthy creature. All of which you knew when you made her what she is, points out the Master--you knew if you ever let your guard down, she'd betray you--she tried on two occasions and you stopped her, but each time you made the mistake of giving her one more chance!--well, this time, she has succeeded, and for that, she should be rewarded, and you. . .Nicholas begs for a second chance, but the Master tells him he doesn't give second chances, nor sympathize with those who do. No, Nicholas was given an opportunity, but because of a woman allowed it all to slip away.
Nick implores his boss for a little more time, he can prove himself. That's what every condemned man needs and never gets, sneers Diabolos, just a little more time. Nick says everything can be salvaged, but the Master reminds him that Eve is dead because of your negligence--and you can't use supernatural powers to bring her back to life. No, protests Nick, the experiment will be performed again and Eve will be reborn. Diabolos gives him 48 hours to accomplish what he must. Nick protests it isn't enough time. That's all you're getting, says Diabolos--you are free to go for as long as it takes for the experiment to be completed, then you will return here. But if I succeed? asks Nicholas. You haven't succeeded yet, Diabolos reminds him, but, if Eve is restored to life, we shall see. I don't want to return here, says Nicholas. No one ever does, intones the Master. If I give you what you want, I deserve more, insists Nicholas--to remain on earth, without my powers. How will you survive? wonders Diabolos. Perhaps I wouldn't, says Nicholas quietly--it's because I want Maggie with me, admits Nicholas--I love her very much. The Master pronounces Nicholas hopelessly lost--no wonder he made such a mess of things--when the experiment is over, you must return to hell. I won't be allowed to be with her? Asks Nicholas. I didn't say that, says the Master--your story has touched me--I mean that you can be with her. Nicholas is excited. Then the Master drops the other shoe, "But only here." "But that would mean she would have to die," protests Nicholas. Yes, says the Master--arrange it--there is something else that must be done before she can be accepted here--she must be sacrificed on the black altar. No, protests Nicholas. It's the only way you can be with Maggie, says the Master--the black mass must be performed!

NOTES: What's this? Nicholas must kill Maggie before she can be his bride in hell? Will he be willing to sacrifice her that way, or leave her alone, without him, to find someone else, or perhaps reunite with Joe?

What a brother and sister are Angelique and Nicholas, each going to "Daddy" Diabolos to tattle and reveal the anti-evil things they've done. You have to laugh, it's so much like a real brother and sister, only the stakes are much higher!

Once again, Nicholas swears to harm Barnabas if Julia refuses to go through with the experiment a second time. Their chemistry in this scene was excellent, wasn't it? They are on opposite sides of course, especially since she loves Barnabas, but you sense Blair would really rather have her on his side than a treacherous gal like Angie! And even though Julia probably feels it safer to leave Barnabas at Windcliff, she is calling to have him come home to face this latest crisis. These two really have earned some serious R&R!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2002, 10:57:05 PM »
You have to give Angelique credit for persistence at any cost. I am surprised that character trait along with being quite clever did not provide more success for her.
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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2002, 11:57:36 PM »
You have to give Angelique credit for persistence at any cost. I am surprised that character trait along with being quite clever did not provide more success for her.

Persistence had nothing to do it. Angelique's failing was that malice was most often her motive for whatever she did. And for that very reason, nearly everything she attempted to accomplish was not only doomed to fail - it deserved to fail.


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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2002, 12:29:53 AM »
Persistence had nothing to do it. Angelique's failing was that malice was most often her motive for whatever she did. And for that very reason, nearly everything she attempted to accomplish was not only doomed to fail - it deserved to fail.

I never understood why anything Angelique did was seen in the context of her being so in love with Barnabas.  Obsession is not love.  Obsession is having splinters in the windmills of your mind.   You can't make anyone love you.  The chemistry is there or it isn't - the person either loves you or doesn't.   Angelique's story is that she wanted to punish those who did not go along with what she wanted.  That's not love, it's revenge.


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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2002, 01:58:12 AM »
Angelique's story is that she wanted to punish those who did not go along with what she wanted.  That's not love, it's revenge.

Isn't revenge when someone does something not so nice to you and you decide to pay them back in the same sort of terrible way? Certainly Barnabas but how could she hve revenge towards the other members of the family?
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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2002, 05:03:41 AM »
Isn't revenge when someone does something not so nice to you and you decide to pay them back in the same sort of terrible way? Certainly Barnabas but how could she hve revenge towards the other members of the family?

Not necessarily.  You can still exact revenge by hurting someone or several people that are very important to the object of your hatred or obsession.  That is the stuff of mob movies and many action pictures.  If you don't do what we want, we will hurt or kill your family.  Or, in lieu of that, if you can't find or harm the person you are mad at, you hurt or kill the people you can locate more easily.  It will still have a devastating effect on the original intention and in this case, it's Barnabas.   There is little worse than watching someone you love be hurt or killed because of your actions or the perception of your actions.
That's probably the worst kind of revenge.  And Angelique was very good at that.


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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2002, 01:23:55 PM »
Not necessarily.  You can still exact revenge by hurting someone or several people that are very important to the object of your hatred or obsession.  That is the stuff of mob movies and many action pictures.  
That's probably the worst kind of revenge.  And Angelique was very good at that.

Hmmmm...THE GODFATHER 5 starring Angelique Bouchard or special guest appearence by Angelique on THE SOPRANOS this Fall!;)
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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2004, 06:44:30 PM »
DVD episodes for June 15th and 16th.
The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#11/Disc#2 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #79, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #80)

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Re: Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2004, 04:16:24 AM »
Isn't revenge when someone does something not so nice to you and you decide to pay them back in the same sort of terrible way? Certainly Barnabas but how could she hve revenge towards the other members of the family?

well there was that slap Julia gave her. . .i'm sure it rose to the level of at least two attempts on her life. . blood sucking and all that. .  ::)