Author Topic: Robservations 8/27/02 - #622/623 - Back to the Past  (Read 1287 times)

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Robservations 8/27/02 - #622/623 - Back to the Past
« on: August 27, 2002, 08:24:48 AM »
622 - (Alexandra Moltke) - Nothing that will happen on this day or the night that will soon follow can stay the actions of the evil forces threatening Collinwood. Not far from the Collins estate, in a house by the ocean, a man who possesses terrifying powers of evil has learned he has been betrayed by a woman--not an ordinary woman, but one of the living dead.

Nicholas, astounded and furious, finds Angelique has outsmarted him--her coffin is empty.

Nicholas sees the sun is almost down and tells Ang she's very lucky--the night is on her side, so she will last a little longer, but the daytime is his, and he will find her, wherever she's hiding and destroy her forever!

Nicholas' missing mirror has been moved, and Angelique rises from another coffin. She looks luminous, all set to claim her vampire groom. She closes the coffin and calls to Barnabas--the time has come for us to go away forever, together, she croons--hear me and come to me, she orders, I am waiting for you. She smiles.

Nicholas sits in his living room, drumming his fingers on the desk.  Eve comes in and remarks that he looks concerned about something, rather unusual for him. He warns her he's in a foul mood and not to trifle with him. She suggests someone must have played a mean trick on him. He asks if she knows where Angelique is. Is she gone for good? inquires Eve. I must find her ASAP, he says--I have a score to settle with her and wants you to help me find her. She laughs at him. You want me to help you? She taunts--you don't have a very long memory--I won't lift a finger to do anything to help you! She turns away from him, infuriating him further.

Ang is puzzled--something is wrong, Barnabas isn't responding--why not? Nicholas! She gazes into the mirror and asks to see Blair's house. The mirror reveals Nicholas telling Eve she's making a mistake in not helping him. Eve doesn't care--she flips casually through a magazine. What could I do? she asks, suggesting that since Angelique has Barnabas under her spell, just find and follow him--he will lead her directly to Ang. No, says Nick, that isn't possible--Barnabas is gone--he was with Angelique last night, left on the brink of death. Willie, Barn's servant, found him called Julia, who sent him to a hospital--it's too risky to use Barnabas, I must find Angelique by the time the sun rises tomorrow--there are only two other men she might turn to--Jeff Clark or Joe Haskell. Eve rises in anger to hear her beloved spoken in this manner. Nicholas teases her about her sudden interest--watch Jeff, he orders--if Angelique comes to him. . .
Eve threatens to kill her, but Nick says she might find that difficult--if you spot Angelique, I want to know where she's hiding. Eve says she will help him on one condition--you're in no position to refuse--I want you to help me prove beyond all doubt that Jeff is Peter by using your powers--send me back in time to when Peter and i were together so I can collect proof. I can do it, he says--but won't. Then you can rot, she snarls. He grabs her and warns her he's had enough of her insolence--if she drives him to it, he will kill her and see to it that Adam gets another mate, sending her back to her grave forever--that's a promise! That's clear, she agrees, shaken.  Watch Jeff, he orders--if Angelique comes to him, you can stand and watch him be victimized, shouts Nicholas--I don't care about Jeff Clark, only Angelique--now go!

Angelique, having taken all this in, grins.

On the terrace, Vicki apologizes to Jeff for not being good company--I was so worried about Barnabas. Jeff assures her Julia said Barn was fine, but Vicki wonders why the trip to Windcliff--I think Julia knew more than she was telling--Barnabas told me no doctor could help him.
He was probably just depressed, suggests Jeff--but Julia should do the worrying. Vicki agrees--Julia is devoted to Barnabas and won't let anything happen. Jeff, being his usual self-centered self, wants to discuss the two of them--he's had something on his mind, too--"Let's get married!" he suggests enthusiastically. We are, she reminds him, but he wants to get married this Friday, in the afternoon. Why so soon? she asks, we've made our plans. Break them, he insists. Why? she asks. I can't pinpoint a reason, says Jeff--so many things have gone wrong and I'm worried. Nothing will come between us, she assures him, but Jeff insists he doesn't want to wait any longer--don't ask me why, just please say yes. She agrees, and they smooch. Eve hides and watches. When Jeff spots her, he becomes upset. Vicki romantically remarks they should stay up looking at the stars all night. Instead, Jeff hustles her into the house--he has to get up early in the morning and she has to change the wedding plans. She doesn't know what she's going to tell everyone. Blame it all on me, says Jeff. They declare their mutual love, kiss lengthily and she heads into the house alone.

Jeff eyes Eve. How long have you been standing there? He asks--I told you to stay away from me and this place. I know you changed your wedding date because of me, she informs him. I did so because I am so in love with Vicki I can't wait to marry her! Says Jeff--once and for all, stay away from me! He pushes her away viciously and leaves. Eve hears Angelique's voice advising her not to follow Jeff. When Angelique steps into view, Eve accuses her of coming after Jeff. Ridiculous! says Angelique. Eve advances on her, ordering her to stay away from him. Ang assures her she isn't the least bit interested in Jeff. Then what are you doing here? demands Eve. I came to see you, replies Ang, I think we should get better acquainted--we're in a position to help each other. Eve tells Ang she's is in no position to help anyone--when Nick finds out. . .Ang says he won't. What's to keep me from telling him? asks Eve. Ang reminds her, you don't  know very much about what I am. Eve retorts she knows enough to know Nicholas is more powerful than she. True, says Ang, but he won't use his powers to help you--I know about your desire to go into the past--I know all about it--never mind how, the point is, I came to see you because I can do for you what Nicholas refuses to do--I can send you back to the past, briefly, but long enough to accomplish what you want.
Eve refuses, believing it a trick, but Ang assures her she has no reason to trick her. I won't make the mistake of trusting you long enough to find out, insists Eve. Ang says, "You let me help you or you can forget about Jeff Clark because he doesn't want you--and he isn't going to want you, not unless you can prove he's Peter." Eve is sure she can find a way, but Ang asks how--this is the 20th century, no way to find absolute proof now--the proof exists in 1795, and I can send you there--when you return, you'll be able to be with Jeff again, it will be so easy, think about it, Eve. Eve is thinking, hard, and Ang looks hopeful.

Not getting a fast answer, Ang suggests Eve isn't all that interested in claiming Jeff for herself, and bids her good night. Eve tells her to wait--why do you want to help me? she asks. Ang explains, I hate Nicholas as much as you do, but that's not the only reason--I need a protector during the day, and wants you to do that if I give you what you want. Eve agrees--how soon can you send me back? At midnight, promises Ang, and you'll find out how when the time comes. Ang tells her to get Nicholas out of the house, there's something at Blair House she needs--if you want to make the journey into the past, you will find a way, says Angelique, smiling at the fountain.

A dog howls. Nicholas gazes impatiently out the window. Eve returns. There's no need to watch Jeff, she says--I won't find him tonight--I saw Angelique in the woods--I wasn't going to follow someone who can disappear at will, scoffs Eve--I don't know in what part of town I saw her, but she was headed toward the hospital. Then she's after Joe, says Nicholas--go back there right away and wait for her. Eve complains she's had a long day and sprawls out on the love seat. If you want her, she says, go get her yourself--besides, you don't want me to stay away from my darling Adam too long, do you? (she's good, and I love the sarcastic way she said this.) Nicholas points at her--I don't have time to argue with you, he says, but I will when I get back. He leaves. Eve goes to the front door and checks to make sure he's gone. She finds Angelique waiting in the drawing room. Nicholas will be angry when he learns I lied to him says Eve. Don't tell him, suggests Ang--you were just merely mistaken. Ang searches for a special medallion used for this purpose, and finds it, a gold disk, in the desk. Ang turns out the lights, which she explains is necessary for the ceremony. She closes the doors, has Eve sit in a chair, takes the medallion in her hands, and tells Eve, you won't even know it's happening--you only have a limited time, six hours, then you must return--you must find what you need in that time or you won't come back at all. Eve understands. Angelique tells her to relax and look at her. Their eyes meet, widen; Ang holds the medallion before her, addressing the powers of time and space "for one who wishes to return to another time and place."
Her mind is suspended now, free of all things present, chants Ang--"waiting to be guided back and given temporary refuge in the past. She is waiting, she is waiting! Take her back to the year 1795!" Eve disappears. Angelique looks impressed with her handiwork.

NOTES: Ho-hum. Parker is always fun, and her scenes Eve good fodder for a cat fight, under the right circumstances. I don't especially like this tangent for Eve, nor this Peter-Jeff-Eve connection, so this part of the story is dull for me. I can't figure out why Vicki wants to marry Jeff sooner--hell, at all! There is just so little romantic spark between Moltke and Davis, you can almost see her pursing her lips in disgust before she must kiss him.

623 - (Louis Edmonds) - This is Collinwood in the year 1968, but for one person on this night it will be the Collinwood which existed almost 200 years ago. In another house not far from here, a strange ceremony has taken place, and it has enabled a woman to transcend the barriers of time for six hours. During this brief visit to the past, she will see and do things that may tragically affect the present. The place is Collinsport in the year 1795. (It sounded like Louis Edmonds was pushed in front of the microphone to do the intro. He hesitated at the beginning.)

Collinsport Gaol, 1795 - Two jailers are discussing a warrant signed by the governor; we have only a few hours, says one, best start preparing now. The wind blows, knocking something down, and Eve appears, dressed conveniently in 18th century clothing. She claims to have come in through the door--they didn't hear her because they were too busy reading--Peter Bradford's death warrant. He's going to be hanged tonight, they tell the horrified Eve.

Eve tells them she is there to see Peter Bradford--while her name isn't important, she was once his fiancee, but she's been away six months. The jailer says it's a pity Bradford had to die, with his appeal for pretty women. He tells her that a few short weeks ago, it appeared he might marry another lady, found guilty of witchcraft, and hanged. This surprises Eve. Her name was Gloria Winters, he reveals (Victoria, we all know), but no one knew who she was or where she came from. Victoria Winters died here? asks Eve. They explain how, when she was hanged, she had a mask over her head. When it was removed after the execution, it wasn't her, and no one knows how or why it happened--it convinced them she must have been a witch. So, mutters Eve, she came back here and fell in love with him! Eve asks to visit Peter. The other jailer gleefully tests the rope that will later hang Peter. Eve is led into Peter's cell. He isn't happy to see her, saying there's nothing between them anymore. She finds it ironic that he condemns her for killing a man, yet he killed one himself. Peter denies killing anyone. He's innocent? She asks. Yes, and they don't believe me, says Peter--that's the only irony I see--you're guilty and not hanging, I'm innocent and going to hang. Eve promises he won't hang--they think they will hang him, but they're wrong--we can leave Collinsport together and change history, she says, but if I stay more than six hours. . .do you want to live? she asks. Of course, he responds. I will help you escape, she assures him--just be ready when I come to get you, I will arrange the rest--I can give you your freedom, if you go away with me, she says exultantly. Peter isn't sure. You really have no choice, she reminds him--if you refuse, you'll hang--you can't want to hang for a crime you didn't commit. They hear a bang; outside they are testing the gallows. Unnerved, Peter tells her to do whatever she must.
I have to find Ben Stokes, (how does she even know him?) she says, I will need his help, and Ben could never refuse her anything (they knew each other?)

At Collinwood, Joshua calls Ben into the drawing room. He tells him he just heard from the constable--the governor has refused to grant clemency to Bradford, which means he will hang tonight. Ben asks if they can help, and Joshua says nothing. But Peter is innocent, protests, Ben, Vicki Winters did it in self defense--they didn't believe her because she was condemned to hang, and did so--both were innocent and good people, laments Ben. Joshua hopes the hysteria in the community has run its course--they can only offer Peter their prayers and God will give him mercy. Joshua wants Ben to do something. He shows him the book Vicki brought with her, the family history, past, present, future--Ben thought it was scary. Joshua says the book must be destroyed--tonight!

Ben wants to know why. It frightens me, admits Joshua--there are certain untrue statements, but I plan to make them part of the family history in any case. Do you want the world to know the evils perpetrated here? Queries Ben. NO! says Joshua vehemently--I want future generations to look back on our ancestors with pride--so, no one will ever learn the vile, pitiful creature Barnabas became, nor the real cause of Naomi's death, nor the real cause of Millicent's association with Forbes, the scoundrel.
Ben asks if he's going to write his own history. Joshua says he will take it down from these pages and write it in his own hand--those yet to live will believe Barnabas went to England, his wife died of natural causes and his niece with a life of spinsterhood. Ben can't understand why he wants the book destroyed. While I don't believe in witchcraft, says Joshua, nor that Miss Winters was a witch, this book, I do believe, is cursed--it has to be, it isn't possible to set down future history. Ben reminds him Vicki thought it came from the 20th century. Do YOU believe it? demands Joshua. Ben doesn't know, but Joshua feels it's impossible. He shakes the book and says, "If there is such a thing as black magic, I think this book is a product of it," then the tragedy and madness will end once it's destroyed. He tells Ben to take it into the woods as far as he can and burn every page of it--take it! demands Joshua. Ben does, reluctantly, looking soberly at it.

The clock is striking. Peter, pacing in his cell, calls to Mr. Prescott.  He has a last request as a condemned man--a pen and paper--I want to write someone a note. The jailer doesn't understand, since Peter won't be around to get an answer, but agrees to get what Bradford requested. Peter sits on the bunk and holds his head.

Eve stops Ben as he's leaving Collinwood. What are you doing here? he demands--you weren't  ever supposed to come back. I had to come back to help Peter, she insists. Ben says they can't do anything, but she says they are both going to help him. Ben doesn't want anything to do with her scheme. Do you want Peter to die? She demands. No, says Ben, but no one can help. He doesn't want to help her because it means hurting someone else, but she assures him no one will be hurt--I've worked out a simple plan, and all you have to do is arrange to have two horses outside the jail when I tell you to--I will get the jailer alone and give him a harmless drug to put him to sleep--the other man will be preparing the gallows--I'll get the keys and release Peter.
Ben wants her assurance the jailer won't be hurt, and she swears he won't be (doesn't sound like the murderous woman Blair resurrected). Ben agrees to have the horses ready, but he wants her to know he's doing this for Peter, not her. As long as you do it, she says--I need the horses NOW.  Ben, however, has a task to do for Mr. Collins--burn this book. There isn't time, says Eve--does it really matter when the book is burned?--it can be done after we help Peter. She takes the tome from Ben, assuring him he can trust her to take care of a worthless book. He relents. She urges him to hurry with those horses.

Gaol - Eve glances through the Collins family history book in awe. Victoria Winters actually came back in time and brought this book--this could be valuable to me, she muses. The clock is striking, only half an hour to go! The door opens; Ben comes in. The horses are waiting, he says. Eve won't let him take the book, but he insists. Frantically, she tells him he'll spoil everything--go, wait outside! He leaves. The jailer comes in and tells her Peter needs another minute. He offers to let her sit down, but she wants to stand. He sits down to go over some paperwork. Eve suggests they won't want her around when IT happens. It's gruesome, not a sight for a lady, he agrees. What about after the hanging? she asks. You want to see the body? He asks. No, she says, closing in on him, touching his shoulder. He's taken aback. I shocked you, she suggests--I believe in speaking my mind. . . The gaoler supposes Mr. Bradford is ready for her--but Eve isn't ready for him. He's been writing a note for the past couple of hours, the man reveals--I guess he wants you to have it. She decides to go in and orders the gaoler not to come with her. She finds Peter writing--he tells her he isn't going through with it--he's going to stay and be hanged. Eve can't understand his decision--she thinks him crazy. I put it down in the note, he says, all my reasons. He hands it to her, telling her to read it "after"--you might not understand, but read it. She begs him to allow her to help him, to keep on living--I want to be with you, don't deny me! I'm keeping a promise to another woman, he says--she's dead now, but before she died, I told her I'd be with her, in death or another life--and I love her enough to believe it will happen--just read my note and try to understand. There's the sound of the key turning in the lock. The gaolers enter his cell and tell him it's time. Peter looks nervous. Eve watches him leave the cell and tells him goodbye, clutching his note. The jailer advises her to wait in the waiting room. She looks sad as she reads Peter's letter. Oh, goody! This is just what she needed, she exults. The gaoler asks her if everything is all right. Eve tucks the letter into the Collins history book and says, "I would have preferred to have run away with him, change the course of history.but it's all right. This note has given me another chance--we will be together, in another time." The gaoler suggests she isn't feeling well and should sit down and rest.
He could get her some tea or a nice hot toddy. She starts to disappear before the stunned man's eyes, then vanishes.

NOTES: So, Eve now has proof that Peter once loved her. Does it prove Jeff is Peter? Does anyone really care? Why they had to toss this monkey wrench into Vicki and Jeff's future annoys me. Let the poor kids get married! Better yet, let Vicki learn who her parents were! Better yet, let whiney Peter/Jeff fall into a deep crevice and disappear from this storyline!

Peter sure didn't seem happy to see Eve, hard to believe he once loved her as much as she seems to think.

Now that she has her proof, will she stop Vicki's wedding to Peter? Stay tuned!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 8/27/02 - #622/623 - Back to the Past
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2004, 07:39:14 PM »
DVD episodes for June 7th and 8th.
The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#11/Disc#1 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #78)