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Fest Reports
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:40:00 AM »

The Shadow Zone

I wouldn't have missed the sole Collinsport Players skit of the weekend (the reprise of "Golden Shadows" was canceled due to employment obligations, sigh).  It was a DS/Twilight Zone crossover penned by our ProfStokes, who made a superb Vicki Winters struggling to think happy thoughts.  I'd heard they were doing it without microphones so I was thrilled to learn that ProfStokes can really project!  Enjoyed the sprinkling of Lost In Space references too.

It also starred Kyle Baric as David-channeling-Billy-Mumy, Jonathan Harrison as Roger, our VictoriaWinters-- can I say that I LOVED her Carolyn?!, and Jeff Black with another astonishing Rod Serling impersonation.

The Fest videographer posted it in two parts:  Part 1 and Part 2

Kathryn Leigh Scott and Marie Wallace

KLS and Marie were asked to speak about their latest projects.  Marie talked briefly about her theater groups and KLS began talking and talking... a few highlights were that her "The Star and the Stalker" will be a feature documentary, her DS Companion has been remastered as a 3-CD package, her husband Jeff will take part in a UCLA study program for his movement disorder (God bless him, though I found myself wishing I was in the bar with him).  We saw a clip of Maggie and Joe at the Blue Whale while he was under the powers of a certain blonde, and KLS shared that she did some of her best work while on that particular set, and she said Joel Crothers was like an older brother to her.  We also learned that HAA was a close friend of her husband's in college, and that his nickname was "Bud"!!  Next, we saw a clip of Megan biting Sky Rumson, and she commented that it was fun to work with Don Briscoe as well as Joel.  A fan set her straight about the actor in the clip, and she responded, "Who is Geoff Scott?!"  lol  Then came the KLS story about the fake fingernails, yawn, followed by Marie saying she wished she still had her fangs, and she offered an amusing word of advice:  "Don't use permanent glue."  Then, a clip with Josette and the apparition of herself in those fangs, and KLS said that the Widows Hill set was 3 sq. ft. ("so easy to fall off the thing").  During the course of any Fest, a fan will invariably ask during a Q&A about the specifics of a scene, so we got that out of the way early with a fan asking about ep 250, prompting KLS to ask if he was sure it wasn't 251.  (It became painfully obvious that the fan didn't get the joke.)  Anyway, she explained that she didn't have a TV during most of her run on the show, so what she watched was the completed eps that aired in the studio while she was there.

A fan asked about the inspiration for Crazy Jenny.  Marie:  "My life."  The next clip was Peter and Eve.  Question:  Did any of you have a crush on Frid?  Answer:  Absolutely.  KLS:  He was "such a huggy bunny."  Marie mentioned living with him at the Governor's mansion while performing in "Lion in Winter."  The usual question from KLS about how many have never been to a Fest before prompted about 50% of the audience to raise hands.  She told us that they originally intended to use a dummy instead of doing her Josette scene with the SFX and makeup and fan.  She also went into her Joan Bennett story on the set of HoDS, but ended it a bit differently ("Aren't you Joan Bennett?"  "I was.").

Marie said she'd never played a crazy person before, but she said she didn't play it crazy and it just came out that way. Clip:  Rachel attacked in the tower room by Jenny, and KLS commented that she thought they hadn't shared a scene, which begged the question did a standin play Jenny?  (We didn't see her face.)  Fan Michael Culhane did a few darn good Nicholas impressions into the mike ("Do not go near Julia Hoffman again," "Eve, do my bidding," "You must convince Adam you love him," etc.) and asked if he can call HAA "Bud" now.  KLS said that HAA took on the role of acting coach and gave out tips.  She added that being around the wonderful actors on DS made you "just rise to the game."

Kathy Cody and Jerry Lacy

I described Kathy's talk already in another thread, but I'll add that she said she was upset she had to miss the 2005 Fest because of gall bladder surgery.  Also, we saw clips with Grayson as they discussed the secret of Melanie's mother.  And Jerry Lacy said he just recently finished something called "Super Shark"; gosh, I hope I heard that wrong.  I think the first JL clip was Reverend Trask's dream sent by Barnabas to get him to the Old House to meet his fate.  Both actors mentioned knowing Clarice Blackburn before DS.  Jerry said he didn't remember specifics from his scenes, and for help he occasionally turned to Charles Ellis in the audience.  Then a clip of the possessed children attempting to summon a ghost that turned out to be Kate Jackson (who started on DS at the same time Kathy did).  Next, a clip with Jerry opposite faux Carolyn.  Jerry said he hadn't seen Robert Rodan (who was not at the Fest this year) in a while, but after seeing Adam smack him in that scene, added, "I owe him one."  About Rev. Trask, Jerry said, "He was only doing what he thought was right."  Next, a clip of Gregory locked in the West Wing who is told to look in the desk.  Jerry:  "Written out once again."

And that's all I can tell you about Friday's events in the auditorium because I left at the end of their talk.  But by this point, I was already suspecting that the turnout was small.  The ballroom felt crowded, but that may be because the chairs were arranged so that it was difficult passing other fans in the outside aisles.  I heard that 1000 tickets were sold in advance, but how does that explain that I didn't register until the final day for mail-in registrations and received a receipt numbered 413?  I also heard that there were 2000 fans including the walk-ins, but I'm guessing that it was more like the low 1000s and that's my final answer.

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 04:16:34 AM »
Thanks for the report!  [ghost_smiley]

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 04:53:52 AM »
Thanks Midnite!  I look forward to more!

I've heard others comment upon Humbert Allen Astredo's tremendous verve as an acting coach.  It makes me regret all the more that we don't get to see him at the Festivals.


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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 08:52:44 PM »
From Sunday, James Storm singing "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" with Tara Pennock (Chris' daughter, who also did a solo) and Sunshine Lee:

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 06:16:38 PM »

Sy Tomashoff

Before his introduction, Richie Halpern told the audience about the front page article on the Vista event in the Daily News ("another score for Dark Shadows!").

Not much new in this segment, I'm sorry to say.

Sy spoke about being told, after the beautiful stained glass windows in the foyer were created, that they had to be cut down because they reached too high.  Then someone suggested raising the pipes on the ceiling instead... problem solved.

The 1995 set was partially made by the addition new pieces (i.e. ceiling rafters) and in part by wrecking the established set (i.e. doors taken off).  Debris and dead foliage were brought in, and more "feeling" (?) was added to the plaster walls-- rather than remove anything, sheets of plastic brick got stapled on.  He still has photos of it.  Repair began the following Friday and restoration was done by Monday.

Robert Costello provided good ideas for the 1795 hanging scene-- the noose was hung from the beam, and at the appropriate time the camera cut to the top of the beam and viewers witnessed the tension on the rope.  "It worked. That's all that mattered."

He was asked about the red bedspread in Josette's room, which he admitted was an intentional touch; it signified Barnabas' love for her.

On the design style:  It was possibly Federalist-- a logical choice, but was actually a combination of an awful lot of styles, just so long as contemporary wasn't one of them.  His influence came from movies, particularly historical depictions.  It was Jane Eyre that Curtis had in mind when he (cough, cough) created Vicki, though after a year, it didn't seem to Curtis that the show had a strong thrust into any one direction.

Jonathan Harrison asked if the sets were designed for shorter actors.  Sy said, "Higher is better," and he jumped on having sets way larger than normal scale when given the chance.  The standard was 10 feet high, which was economically better-- it shifted more easily.  (I assume he was discussing permanent vs. temporary sets.)

Question:  Why was there never a holiday or Christmas segment?  Sy admitted that Collinwood would have looked beautiful with a Christmas tree, especially with the tall sets.  "I guess it never stopped raining."

Joe Integlia asked if he was related to TV Guide's [executive editor] Craig Tomashoff.  Sy thought so, believing that all the Tomashoffs were descended from one of the Czars, but when he met him (at a Fest?) and suggested they might be cousins, Craig said, "No, we don't have any relationship at all."

The final question was about the figure on the table in the foyer.  Sy promised to check photos of it and will have her answer at the next Fest.  [applause]

Jim Pierson (arriving to start the first auction) commented that Collinwood would have been a painted backdrop if not for Sy.

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 04:46:00 PM »
Thank you for your write-ups, Midnite.  [ghost_smiley]

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2010, 05:13:13 PM »
This is fascinating.  Many thanks, Midnite.  I'd love to see Sy's photos from the work on the 1995 sets.


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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2010, 08:43:23 AM »

The only thing I came away with at Saturday's auction was the belief that there's a dearth of good stuff available.

There was a varied assortment of DS mugs, a DS Companion with red lettering instead of white, DS The First Year, an original script autographed by Frid ($400), Shadows on the Wall, mint Josette's music boxes, Curtis' English language episode kinescopes, and sets of bordered trading cards.

From the '91 series-- a framed cast photo from Curtis' office ($100), a set of videos, DS Resurrected video and hardcover book, and a set of the Innovation comics.

From Curtis' walls-- his framed Emmy plaque for War & Remembrance and the series' Golden Globe certificate.  Also, a package that included the DVD set, soundtrack autographed by Cobert, booklets autographed by Hart Bochner and Jane Seymour, and a plaque (a mere $200).  The Humanitas certificate for Saving Milly was also auctioned, as was his 16 Magazine award plaque.

The neatest item may have been the original artwork of Collinwood used on the Volume 2 LP; it sold for $265.  A promotional poster for Night Whispers autographed by Barbara Steele went for $230.

After the introduction of Frid's nephew and his children, a pair of JF's shoes, autographed, went for $60.  Next, his handwritten genealogy notes-- research for "My Fridean Connections"-- sold for $200.

I should mention that there was a slight communication problem this year that resulted in personal items from Frid's collection NOT arriving in Los Angeles.

Dark Shadows Reborn, Session I

The panel:  producer/writer Stuart Manning, Ursula Burton (Susan), Andrew Collins (Barnabas), director Darren Gross, writer Eric Wallace, producer Jason Haigh-Ellery

To prepare for the role, Andrew Collins watched a cross-section of DS to get a sense and feel for the character.  Ursula Burton called her experience wonderful; she is the only castmember to have recorded in both the UK and the US.  The latest series ("Kingdom of the Dead") recorded in LA, NY and London, and its cast hails from every version of DS.

Darren found the experience challenging-- the last day used 8 or 9 actors in one massive session.  There was a chemistry the cast had that was evident behind the scenes-- it was "like 40 years ago."  Jason noted a love that the actors had for the series, and said it was great to meet them.

Eric said he was a Trask fanatic to begin with and meeting Jerry Lacy caused him to "geek out majorly."  He mentioned that his wife was pregnant when he co-wrote KotD in 2008, and Urusula said she was pregnant twice, beginning with her participation in the first series.  Stuart said he wasn't pregnant during any of this.

Listening to Frid reprise his role as Barnabas had some of them "grinning like schoolchildren."  Andrew recorded lines that were later replaced by Frid, and the end result was seamless.  Stuart was excited when Barbara Steele agreed to join the cast, and neither Frid nor Steele said they would never do it again.

Andrew Collins, who occasionally gets recognized for his work on The Bold & Beautiful (Nancybe is one of them!), said that two others who work on B&B are also good friends with Jerry Lacy, so the first time he met him was on the set of that show.  He was also approached once by someone who told him, "I do your voice in Spanish."

Nancy Barrett was keen to work on the series.  The cast is their greatest asset.  David Warner was complimented as being an amazing actor.

Charles Ellis mentioned Louise Jameson's participation (in "London's Burning") and asked if there will be a Dr. Who/DS crossover.  Eric excitedly volunteered to write it.  Properties and rights were mentioned as an issue.  A panel member added, "You never know."

Andrew Collins and Ursula Burton were available later for autographs.

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2010, 12:14:23 PM »
Thanks for sharing these Midnite!!! I haven't been able to attend a DS convention yet, so these write ups are the next best thing! Again, thanks much!  xo



In case you didn't realize....Julia rules!  :-*

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2010, 10:54:42 PM »
Again, my thanks Midnite for this excellent reporting.


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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2010, 01:44:53 AM »
Yes, thank you! I hope someone recorded this panel. I'd be interested to hear what the new Barnabas and Mrs. Griffin have to say first hand!

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2010, 03:43:50 AM »
Very grateful for the inside scoop, Midnite. Thanks for sharing. Wish I'd been there to croon an evening tune with the gang at the hotel lobby piano like we did back in '02.


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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2010, 07:22:12 AM »
Robert Cobert

Cobert, dressed in white, entered to music and tremendous applause and immediately started dancing.  After bonding with the audience by having them shout, "Hi, Bob," he began his praise of Dan Curtis, without whom none of us would have been there.  He was a man who wanted immediate gratification.  Cobert, who was introduced to him by Bob Costello, was hired after 10 minutes.  He was [only] doing 6 other shows at the time, but read the script and it smelled like a hit to him.  He offered to have something in a couple of days, but Curtis asked if he could have it today, then, tomorrow?  Cobert thought he was "dealing with a maniac here."

The theme came into his head while he was shaving, so he found Curtis putting golf balls in his office and whistled it for him.  Curtis smiled with his many teeth and said, "I ___ love it."  [He didn't actually say the word.]  Curtis:  ""When can I hear it with the orchestra?"  Cobert:  "Tomorrow."  Curtis to Costello, "I love this guy."

Later, when Curtis asked how soon he could have a theme for his new spook named Quentin, Cobert said in a minute.  "I did it for Jekyll & Hyde and you loved it."  It was re-engineered; he said he wasn't in the mood to write something new.

Cobert admired Curtis' loyalty.  The only way you would not work for him was if you screwed up really badly, or you were nasty or not good people.

Paramount wanted someone else to score Winds of War, i.e. Jerry Goldsmith (Cobert was a NY composer), but Curtis told them, "I want Cobert and Cobert is the best... I'm going with Cobert."  Cobert:  "And the rest is history."  At Chasen's later, Brandon Stoddard would tell Curtis that he was right ("You made us forget all the rest of those bums").

Cobert repeated a question during the Q&A:  "Do I have a favorite movie composer?  Yeah, his name is Bob Cobert."

Some personal background-- he was originally pre-med but shocked his family when he changed career paths.  Once he had his penthouse on 74th and Park Avenue, he asked, "What about your starving composer son now?"

He said he did not earn a cent from the other (Nancy Barrett/David Selby) commercial record.  ("Crooked company.")  He did, however, make a fortune on Quentin's Theme.

A fan thought they heard his music in a commercial.  Cobert:  "All I can do right now is call my lawyer."

The theremin effect was created using a Yamaha with a string attached-- it was more accurate to handle than a theremin.  NBC used a 25-piece orchestra, whereas the series did it with 5 guys and a piano (also bass, vibraphone, harp, alto flute).  It was much more effective.

For Burnt Offerings, he thought the music in the opening scene should have been done differently, and instead of the music stopping when Karen Black entered the room, it should have carried through to the closeup of the pictures.  He and Curtis fought about it for a half hour, they took a vote and his side won, and yet they wound up doing it Curtis' way.  Later, both of them were watching the movie, and his phone rang and Curtis told him, "It should have gone until she got to the pictures."

Cobert said that the DS theme, and others, will be used for the new DS movie; it's contractually important to them.  He said he doesn't need the money, and why knock himself out?  "But I might."  Jeff Thompson added, "Otherwise, it's not a Dark Shadows movie."  But the bottom line, Cobert said, was that no one has asked him.

Regarding the Blue Whale themes, he said there were 3 or 4 pieces written for the BW.  [It seemed he could hum any piece at a moment's notice-- amazing!]

He said the Revival Series had wall to wall music-- 30 - 40 minutes of it, but he never had more than 3 days to write a score.  Chris Ledesma was the music editor for the '91 series (and is credited on the soundtrack [the first Festival mention of it?!]); his job consisted of taking notes, followed by a spotting session the next day; but for the series, the music supervisor (Sybil Weinberger) determined during rehearsal "what music went where."  Cobert would not be in the DS studio, but when the time came, he would be told, "Bob, I need more music."

He ended with a second mention of the '91 soundtrack.

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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2010, 04:51:46 PM »
Interesting.  I thought there was a London session with full orchestra for Jekyll and Hyde and these were the versions of the cues used in hoDS and, subsequently, in several of DC's early 1970s telefilms.


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Re: Fest Reports
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2010, 05:47:27 PM »
Gothick, that's what he has said in other interviews, but if you're referring to his comment that Quentin's Theme was re-engineered, he was referring to the tracks heard on the series.