Author Topic: Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki  (Read 1528 times)

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Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki
« on: August 22, 2002, 10:30:11 PM »
618 - (Grayson Hall) - It is late at night at Collinwood, but for one man, there will be no more sleep this night-for he has had a strange and perhaps prophetic dream, a dream which has warned of tragedy in the life of a young woman. Now his task is to warn her and hope that she will listen and change her plans for the future.

Vicki glances at the foyer clock-2:30. (when does she sleep?) Roger, clearly upset, pads downstairs and tells Vicki he must speak to her in the drawing room. He closes the doors and nervously asks her if she and Jeff have set a date. Sometime next month, says Vicki. Roger tells her to cancel it immediately--if she marries Jeff Clark, it will be the most tragic mistake of her life!

Vicki, confused, demands to know what Roger means. I had a dream, he explains, and woke up so terrified, I knew he had to warn you. He relates the dream, and how radiant and happy she looked. Then he turned to look at her--beneath the bridal veil was only a skull! I woke up trembling, he says. This isn't like you, remarks Vicki, you don't believe in dreams or the supernatural. I took the nightmare as a warning, he says--steps must be taken to stop it.
Vicki finds it hard to believe a nightmare, no matter how realistic, could change his mind--she thinks there is another reason-why the hostility toward Jeff? (let's count the ways.) Roger denies this, but she believes he should have the decency to tell her what's happening. Think about it, he asks. Vicki insists she is going to marry Jeff, no matter what. It will be the greatest mistake of your life! Shouts Roger. She turns and asks what he has against Jeff. NOTHING! Yells Roger. Vicki believes there's more to it--does he know something she doesn't? No, says Roger, but Jeff's behavior has been strange lately--look at the way he treated her in the recent past--not the way a gentleman should treat a lady. I have forgiven him for that, she asserts, and thought you had, too. Perhaps we both made a mistake, suggests Roger. Vicki demands he tell her what is on his mind. Roger finally admits he believes Jeff isn't trustworthy. Why not? asks Vicki, but Roger can't tell her. Because you don't know, accuses Vicki, refusing to hear anymore on the subject. She storms out, leaving poor Roger is horribly distressed.

Julia enters as Vicki leaves, looking exhausted. She greets Roger, who asks if she's just getting in. Yes, she says, refusing a drink--I can't risk being sleepy. He says she looks like she hasn't slept for some time. I haven't, she says--I've been terribly worried about Barnabas--he hasn't been himself since Joe tried to strangle him. Roger understands. Julia says earlier this afternoon, she made Barn go to bed to get some rest, and he did, but then later, after sunset, she went to his room to bring him food and he was gone. Roger is shocked. I've looked everywhere for him, but he's completely disappeared, she says, tears in her voice.

Abandoned hut by the sea - Angelique closes the door and troops down the stone steps. Barnabas is seated on a rock, looking around like a lost child. "Where have you brought me? he asks, his voice dead. "What is this place." She tells him he's by the sea, far from where anyone would try to find him--this is where you'll stay, she says, "until it's time for you and I--for us to go away together." She slips a hand over his shoulder, kneels behind him. Barnabas, his face showing he knows what's coming, has an expression of euphoria and despair. "No. . .no," he moans, yet he cranes his neck toward her waiting fangs, grunting in pain (pleasure?) as she plunges them into his throat.

Afterwards, Barnabas struggles to get up. Angelique anxiously tells him not to--she doesn't want him to stand because he won't be as steady on his feet as he thinks. She urges him back onto the rock. He asks what she's going to do with him. "Don't you know?" she asks, amused. You said something about our going away together, he recalls. Yes, she agrees, just the two of us. You can't do that, he says, Nicholas won't let you. Nicholas will have no idea what's happened to us, she says, pleased. Barnabas doesn't understand--"after all these years of hating me. . .in spite of how you feel about me." Softly, Angelique says, "Regardless of what I am, what I have been, I'm still a woman, Barnabas. I think and feel like a woman. I hate the things you've done, but I've never hated you yourself. How could I? The memory of a night in Martinique has never left my mind." "Angelique!" says Barnabas, embarrassed or irritated, a combination of both. (THIS again??--how much do I have to pay for some hot rolls in the hay all those years ago?) She continues, "You came to me that night, and I was full of love for you. How else could I have given you so much of myself? And I knew then that no power in the universe could prevent us from one day keeping the pledge we made that night." His voice filled with anger, Barnabas insists, "I made no pledge!" To which she replies, "Not every pledge is made with WORDS, Barnabas." (I guess he let his body do the talking.) You'll never succeed, says Barnabas--Nicholas will find out. She insists that won't happen--Nicholas has his own involvements, and won't have time to find out--in a few days, I'll have all the preparations made. . . Barnabas, realizing the full import of her words, sinks back on the rock. She asks if he can hear her. "You're going to turn me into what you are," he says, defeated. "Yes," she says, sounding surprised at his reaction. "Well, it's too late, he says--you've moved too quickly, you've been too anxious." What do you mean? She asks. He replies, "You can't afford to let me die now, before you're ready--dawn is approaching."
She assures him he won't die yet, and he says, with a grim smile, "I will if you don't leave me." She touches him. The cock crows. She caresses his head and says, "Perhaps you're right. I must be more careful. I must keep you alive until the moment comes." "I hope I disappoint you and die before dawn," he says bitterly. (Too bad he didn't disappoint her in bed, in Martinique--perhaps he wouldn't be in this mess at all!). She assures him he will survive this night and a few others but will be too weak to move, which is why she brought him here. She realizes she must go, it's close to dawn--I needed a place where you'd be safe while I slept during the day. Barnabas, horrified, scared, asks if she's going to leave him here. I can't stay, she says--"Don't be afraid, Barnabas. You'll be too weak to do anything but sleep today, as I will. And when night comes again, I'll come back to you. Until tonight then," she says, raising her arms as if to hug him, and she fades away, leaving Barnabas weak, miserable, and heartsick.

Vicki comes downstairs. Julia is in the drawing room. It's about 9:00, says Vicki, asking Julia how long she's been here. All night, says Julia, despairing--I've looked everywhere and don't know what else to do--Barnabas left his bed early last night and has disappeared--I can't find him--I'm so afraid something's happened to him. What? asks Vicki. Julia says she doesn't know, but it scares her just to think of it. Since Julia hasn't been to the Old House since midnight, Vicki suggests she go back there and check.
No, Willie is there watching for Barnabas, says Julia--I don't know what else to do. Vicki advises that Julia sleep. Awaken me if Willie comes to tell me Barnabas has returned, says Julia. (Alex Moltke looks quite pregnant in this beige belted dress.)

Hut by the sea - Barnabas, fading in and out, realizes he must leave this hut, but where can he go where she won't find him? Who can help him? Julia? No, Angelique would think of her and might harm her, not Julia--or Willie--not even Stokes, she'd suspect him, too. Who can help me? Vicki! Yes, Angelique knows how I feel about Vicki and feel I wouldn't go to her in my condition--yes, Vicki will find safety for me. Barnabas struggles to stand, clinging to anything to support himself, repeating "Vicki" over and over. He opens the door and flinches at the sunlight pouring in, covering his eyes with a moan. He keeps saying "Vicki" to help propel himself out the door of the hut, and with great effort, he finally succeeds.

Roger comes downstairs to find Vicki drinking coffee in the drawing room. They are cold to each other at first, and he knows she's still angry at him. I stayed in my room all morning, thinking about last night, he says--I want to apologize--my reaction to the dream was wrong. Vicki assures him she isn't angry about the dream. Roger reminds her how he and Liz feel about her--she's a member of the family. She asks about his mistrust of Jeff--not telling me isn't fair. Roger agrees, and offers an apology--I spoke without thinking--will she forgive him? She smiles and says she will. She asks if he was up when Julia came in, and if he heard about Barnabas. Roger asks if there are new developments. Vicki says he still hasn't been found.

Barnabas walks through the woods, clinging to trees, muttering, "Vicki, I need you! I can't make it alone! Vicki, hear me!"
And Vicki does. Roger notes her expression and Vicki's trancelike stare. She goes to the foyer and stares at Barnabas' portrait. Roger pursues her--what's wrong? I must go to the Old House, she insists, Barnabas is there now, I have a feeling--he's in danger and needs help. Roger wonders where she got that idea, but Vicki hastily flees, leaving Roger puzzled.

Woods - Vicki searches for Barnabas, coming upon the Old House. She heads that way. Barnabas, rapidly losing strength, clutches a tree in a death grip, begging Vicki to hear him. He finally loses his grasp and falls to the ground. Vicki hears a moan and follows the sound, finding Barnabas lying on the grass. "Barnabas!" she cries, kneeling beside him. "Vicki," he whispers, "you've come to find me." She asks what happened, and he murmurs, "You've come to find me, but it's. . .too late!" He passes out. Vicki grabs his hand and calls his name. "It can't be!" wails Vicki. "It can't be!"

NOTES: One of the best Angelique Barnabas scenes in the series, IMHO, and an erotic bite, for sure. This couple has a fascinating history, and this scene told us a few more little things about their time together. For him, it was a good time, for her, it was apparently "a pledge made without words." Typical!

How interesting that Barnabas is able to psychicly link with Vicki and draw her to him. How? Was it their former vampire-victim link? The fact that they met in the past? Or are they such close friends, he was just able to delve into that bond and make her realize he needed her? In any event, ir was fascinating.

Poor, desperate, exhausted Julia, searching for the man who loves who only considers her a friend at this point. She knows he's a vampire victim and fears that by the time she finds him, it will be too late to save him. Now Barnabas tells Vicki it's too late! Does that mean he's about to die and rise as a vampire? Will Vicki be able to save him?

I'm glad the tree they had Barnabas clinging to was fairly strong. We know how easily props topple at Collinwood, and it surely would have destroyed the drama to see Barnabas go down with the tree.

619 - (Grayson Hall) - Even in the warm light of day, the effects of evil forces can be felt and seen in and around the great house at Collinwood. In grave danger and too weak to move on, Barnabas Collins realizes her is lost in the woods and may die before help can come--but through some strange mental bond that exists between them, Victoria Winters has sensed that Barnabas is in desperate need of her.

Woods - Vicki shakes Barnabas--it isn't too late! She protests. He comes to, and Vicki asks if he can speak to her. She asks what happened, but he says it's too horrible to relate. Hide me quickly, he pleads, there's so little time. She wants to get him a doctor, to Julia, but Barnabas insists no doctor can help him, only you can--please don't disappoint me. She promises she won't. He asks her to take him somewhere no one will find him. People are worried about you, says Vicki, how will I get around that? That doesn't matter, he says, but hiding me does.
She isn't sure she knows where to take him, but she suddenly decides she knows a place--the secret door to the west wing of Collinwood, which hasn't been used for years. She helps him up (I always worried about that, given her real life pregnancy). Barnabas tells her he needs a day's strength before darkness. She helps him along the path.

Collinsport Hospital - Joe hides his face from the sun's glare, hoping Angelique will come to him tonight. Julia enters. She greets him and asks how he's feeling. He asks her to close the blinds. She does so, blocking out the light. He asks about Barnabas. She tells him he's gone, and she hoped he would tell her where. Joe claims not to know. You know a lot more than you've been telling, says Julia--I know you've been under a vampire's spell.  Joe denies knowing what she's taking about, but she goes on that she knows how much he's suffered, because it happened to her, too. He glances sharply at her, saying he doesn't believe her. It was Tom Jennings, reveals Julia, I was his victim. Joe asks if she knows what happened to Tom. The same thing that must happen to the vampire who put you under a spell, she says--he was found at dawn in his coffin, a stake driven through his heart. Joe doesn't like hearing this, but Julia says it's the only way he can be free, and begs him to tell her who it is. He covers his face--it's no use, he says--even if I wanted to, I don't think I could.
Summon up all your willpower, urges Julia. Joe reminds her--if you've been through this yourself, you know how impossible that is. Yes, agrees Julia, defeated--you aren't my last hope. Joe asks if there have been others beside Barnabas and him. Julia is thinking of the vampire's protector, and asks Joe to tell her who that is--who's been behind all this, and don't pretend you don't know--"I know you do?" Joe suggests she get out right now, but, intrepid Julia forges ahead--is it Nicholas? Ridiculous, pronounces Joe. If that's so, says Julia, I can go ask him a few questions. Don't go to that house, warns Joe, stay away, don't go near that man--I can't tell you why, you've just got to believe me. She nods and assures him it's all right--he's told her a lot more than she ever expected he would. She turns to go. Joe asks what she's going to do. I have no choice, she says--no matter what the danger, I have to have a showdown with Nicholas Blair (YOU GO, GIRL!) Joe leans back unhappily on his pillows.

Vicki takes Barnabas to Adam's former room and helps him lie down on the bed. I didn't think we were going to male it, says Barnabas weakly. Vicki sits beside him and asks him to tell her why he wants to hide. Barnabas begs her to trust him. If you're sick, you needs a doctor! She cries. She gets no response from Barnabas.

Nicholas stands by his mantle, rubbing his fingers on a piece of statuary. He answers the knock at his door and greets Julia cordially--an unexpected pleasure, he says--he's been meaning to call and thank her for the delightful evening at the old House. Julia pulls off her gloves with decisive motions and suggests they level with each other. He feigns not knowing what she means. "Let's stop playing games--I know what you are and we both know why I'm here."  He assures her he never plays games, and she retorts, "Nonsense, you've been playing a very cruel game with all of us ever since you left Collinwood--now let's not waste time--I know you were behind the experiment from the beginning, the experiment that created an artificial mate for Adam. I also know what you've done to Barnabas, or HAD done to him." Then perhaps you'd be good enough to tell me, suggests Nicholas. "Barnabas is the victim of a vampire," says Julia. Nicholas bursts into laughter. A vampire?--you have a fertile imagination, Doctor, he says, grinning. Julia continues relentlessly, "And for whatever reasons, you are protecting that vampire." She is twisting her gloves in her hands like she wants to slap him with them. I am? he asks. "But what I don't understand is why you've allowed it to go so far. I didn't think you were a man who is subject to serious mistakes." Nicholas rises from the sofa and tells her it goes without saying he hasn't the slightest idea what she's talking about, but there is one thing she said that was quite accurate--he doesn't make serious mistakes. Julia informs him there is something he isn't aware of--Barnabas disappeared early last evening. Nicholas' grin dims. He was in a weakened condition, says Julia, and probably even weaker today--if he's not found and saved by tonight, he may die. Nicholas carefully asks if she doesn't know where he is at the moment. If I did, I wouldn't be here, would I? she asks. Nicholas says he fails to understand why she felt he could help her. Julia is glad to tell him: "You have a plan involving Adam and his mate--but for your plan to succeed, it is imperative than Adam remain alive and healthy. Nicholas glances out the window. "And you know as well as I do," says Julia, "that if Barnabas Collins dies, Adam will die, too."
He asks if she's finished. Not quite, she says. Nicholas says, "Well I have. If you'll excuse me, I have a great deal of work to do." It can wait, she insists. It can't, he counters, still urbane and gentlemanly--I'm sorry I haven't been able to help you. Smiling prettily, Julia says, "I do believe I have upset you." He chuckles and says, "Don't be absurd." "I'm not, she answers, "you don't seem quite as self-assured as you were when I first arrived." Grinning, he begs her to excuse him--I'm busy and must get to my work. Julia glances out the window and says, "Yes, it is getting LATE in the day, isn't it?" Nicholas' grin disappears as he retorts, dangerously, "Don't try my patience, doctor. Don't do it." (I love the way he says this line!) Is Barnabas in this house? she demands. He is NOT, replies Nicholas. Do you know where he is? Asks Julia. I haven't the vaguest idea, says Nick. She suggests it would be to their mutual advantage to find out. Through gritted teeth, he responds, "I will do everything I possibly can to help you, doctor. Good day." As she turns to leave, he says, "I rather admires you for coming here this afternoon." "What do you mean?" asks Julia, rattled. "You know what I mean," he says softly, significantly, and sees her out, smiling. She gives him a "we understand each other" look and leaves. He stands there, intensely pissed off.

Julia walks through the woods, musing that Nicholas was lying when he said he didn't know where Barnabas was. He must know! Or maybe he doesn't. He was anxious to get me out of there, after he went to the window and looked out at the sky. The sun will be going down soon, then he'll take some kind of action. But. . .what? I must stay. She pulls her jacket around herself, a determined look on her face.

Barnabas sleeps. He opens his eyes and calls to Vicki. She assures him she's still there. He asks the time, but she doesn't know; he's been asleep for hours. He asks if the sun's gone down. Vicki checks out the window and reports the sun is just setting. You shouldn't have let me sleep so long, says Barnabas. You needed the rest, she says. I know that, says Barn. Vicki again asks what's happened. Barnabas ignores the question and begs her to find him a cross. This alarms Vicki--do you fear you're going to die? He again begs for a cross--there's no need for you to understand, just bring me a cross. Disturbed, she heads out the door, giving him a look of concern.

When Angelique rises, Nicholas is sitting in the living room, rubbing a yellow tea rose over his chin. She greets him and remarks how chipper he's looking--Maggie's company has had a good effect on him. He doesn't respond. She asks if he's seeing her this evening--is something  wrong? No answer. Then, his voice filled with venom, twirling the tea rose in his fingers, he asks if she'd REALLY like an answer. Yes, she says. "All right," he says dangerously, rising, sniffing the rose, "I'll give you one." And he viciously backhands her across the face. She falls into a chair with a cry of protest and asks what he did that for. Still inhaling the scent of the rose, he orders her not to ask stupid questions.
She claims not to know what he's talking about. He grabs her by the throat and forces her to look at him. "I'm talking about Barnabas Collins, and what you've done to him and what you're doing to my plan and how you had better UNDO them--immediately." Chastened, she tells him she understands. He asks where Barnabas is. Angelique, caressing her stinging cheek, admits, "in a hut by the sea." He tilts her head up with the rose and says, "I don't have to ask you WHY you brought him there, do I?" She complains that he hasn't been fair with her. Under ordinary circumstances, says Nick, "I would let you have your precious Barnabas--what you see in him is your own peculiar problem, not mine," but if anything happened to Barnabas, Adam will die, he reminds her. If that happens. . . You don't have to say the rest, she assures him. Apparently, I do, says Nicholas--I won't just punish you, I've done that before, and it doesn't work--"No, Angelique, if you've gone too far this time. . ." and he pats her blonde head as if she's his bad child, leaving the words unsaid, but the intention obvious. He's still twirling that rose between his fingers. Angelique bows her head. Now, says Nicholas, go get Barnabas back to the Old House, leave him there, and stay away from him! Yes, Nicholas, says Angelique obediently. You are to be waiting for me here when I return, says Nicholas--Maggie is expecting me, and you've already made me late. When it comes to your interests, she says bitterly, you do very well. He puts an arm around her back, caresses it, and says, "That's one of the advantages of being the master, my dear." He sniffs the rose, kisses it,  grazes her sore cheek with it. She touches her cheek, furious, as Nicholas puts on his hat, takes his gloves and takes his leave.

Julia waits in the woods. There's no reason to stay; if Nicholas had intended to do anything about Barnabas, he's done it by now. She hears the door of Blair house opening. Someone is coming. Nicholas tucks the tea rose in his lapel and heads off. Julia wonders why he's leaving now, where's he going? She could have been wrong, the vampire could be hiding elsewhere, and Nicholas is going there now. Should I follow or try another look inside the house? If Barnabas is in there, I could get him out before Nicholas comes back. She hears someone else exiting the house--a woman! She notes--she's coming this way. Julia ducks behind some trees, then gasps, getting the shock of her life. She lifts her hand in front of her mouth and says, with horror, "It's Angelique Collins!"

NOTES: How did Julia feel, knowing Barnabas was once a married man? How much did he tell her about their relationship? Did he confess it started with an affair in Martinique?

One of the best eps of the series. The scenes between Julia and Nicholas and Angelique and Nicholas were sheer beauty, and HAA put in a superb performance all the way around. The bit with the rose has always fascinated me; whoever put that little bit in was a genius. The rose was used brilliantly in a mesmerizing scene!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2002, 10:08:18 AM »
I had forgotten about that conversation.  For one thing, when Angelique first showed up at Collinwood in 1795, she referred to "nights" in Martinique.  Now she is talking about one night, unless one in particular was more special than the others.

But, there is also the comment about not every pledge is made with words.  We've often wondered just what behavior Barnabas exhibited in Martinique and how much he might have promised her or led her to believe that he was promising.  It would appear from that comment that he never actually promised anything.  He was an upper class man having a little dalliance, and apparently from the physical encounter alone, she just assumed it meant more than it did.


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Re: Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2002, 02:17:43 PM »
I always felt that Angelique was referring to their first night together when she speaks of this.   Must have been really special for her, although perhaps Barnabas just treated her in a gentlemanly manner.  Other lovers probably were not so kind, considerate or great!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2004, 08:22:31 PM »
DVD episodes for June 1st and 2nd.
The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#11/Disc#1 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #77, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #78)