Author Topic: Robservations 8/22/02 - #616/617 - Barnabas Flies the Coop; Roger's Terrible Nig  (Read 1578 times)

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616 - (KLS) - The western sky is streaked with red from the reflected sun that has already set on Collinwood. And even the fast-gathering dusk cannot hide the blood-colored stains that announce the coming of night--a night not dark enough to conceal a new-found terror, nor prevent the rebirth of an old despair.

Julia asks Barnabas if he can hear her. Outside, the dogs howl. How did it happen? demands Julia. She screams for Willie. (one wonders where he was when Ang was fanging Barn.) She shows Willie the fang marks; he's horrified. We thought him safe forever, laments Julia. Willie asks what they'll do. Julia doesn't understand. The howling dogs upset them both. We must hide him, says Willie. Julia reminds him that when Barn is summoned, he'll go-we don't know to who--if we only knew. (these two are both only too aware of what it's like to be vampire victims.) The one who got Joe? asks Willie. The WOMAN, agrees Julia.
They must get him somewhere safe, says Julia. Barnabas stirs. Willie suggests the upstairs bedroom. Julia feels downstairs, the cell, would be better. We'll watch over him until-until-we've got to keep him safe, Julia tells Willie. Together, they help the sickly Barnabas to his feet.

They bring Barnabas down to Adam's cell. Willie lights a candle and Julia locks them in. Barnabas looks at her. "No," he whimpers, wanting to know why he's there and what they're doing to him. It's the only way, says Julia--we know what's happened. You know nothing, insists Barnabas. You must stay here or something worse will happen, Willie warns. Barnabas denies anything happened, but Julia tells him they saw the marks. He feels his neck. Oh no, he says. We want to help you, she assures him. Barnabas says he doesn't want help--I feel nothing I doesn't want to feel. That isn't true, Julia says, and Willie begs him not to say it. Julia points out he's only saying it because he's weak and it's night. Please, begs Barnabas, let me out. We can't, she says--don't make it worse. He appeals to both of them--you know how I'm suffering, don't keep me here, let me go free. We're trying to make you free from whoever she is, says Julia desperately. Willie agrees they want to help him. You want to torture me, accuses Barnabas--I know I've been terrible to you both in the past. Willie sobs, "We're your friends." I neither need nor want friends, Barnabas assures them. You need us, counters Julia gently. I want you to go away, says Barnabas--"Don't look at me," he cries. We're staying, insists Julia.  We can't leave you alone, insists Willie--we'll stay with you, protect you, keep you safe. "Then I'll say no more," says Barnabas, bowing his head in defeat. Willie says, "Barnabas, we're your friends-try to remember that." Julia asks him a tough question-who did this to you?. Willie reminds her that he doesn't have the power to answer that; neither of them did! Barnabas gazes at her soberly. I know it's a woman, she tells him, can't you tell us anything about who she is? Willie begs her to let Barnabas rest. Julia agrees--Willie will stay with him until she comes back. The dogs howl, and neither Willie nor Julia look terribly sure of what they've decided to do.

Maggie apologizes to Nicholas at her front door--she forgot he was coming over. He says he'd have waited indefinitely, just to see her. He tells her she seems upset, but she says no one can do anything--she doesn't know where to begin. Nicholas guesses it's Joe--they both know he's been heading for disaster for some time, and he's sorry to hear it. She doesn't know how she feels. Nicholas reminds her that despite the changes in Joe, they were close at one time, and his death must come as a great shock. HIS DEATH? asks Maggie--Joe isn't dead! Nicholas is taken aback. It's what he did to Barnabas, says Maggie. Nick is confused--he thought Joe was near death! Maggie explains about Joe's attempt to strangle Barnabas--she knew he would try--Joe was convinced Barnabas was trying to poison him, he told her that himself. Nicholas demands to know exactly what happened--it's an extraordinary tale. For Joe to accuse a man like Barnabas. Maggie thought Joe delirious, but he was convinced Barn was trying to poison him. The whole thing was so far-fetched, she couldn't take it seriously--Barnabas had just saved his life--why would he turn around and try to kill him? That's right, says Nick, if anything happened to Joe, Barn would be the least likely suspect. Yet Joe is convinced, says Maggie, and tried to kill Barnabas. He was delirious, says Nicholas, poor fellow-and when a woman has a man in her power, there's no telling what he will do.
Maggie wishes she knew who the woman was, but denies being concerned about Joe. He means a great deal to you, says Nicholas knowingly. Maggie insists he doesn't. You almost sound like you mean that, says Nicholas. Maggie says she does--I can sympathize just so long, but when someone turns on the person who saved his life. . . Nick calls that judgment harsh, but Maggie says whatever Joe does from now on is no concern of hers. Nicholas says it's better to be completely free of Joe--now she can get back to making decisions she avoided making before. She agrees with a wan smile. She asks him to take her to see Barnabas, now, but Nick says he's in no condition to receive visitors. She feels responsible; she could have warned Barnabas. Nick asks how she could possibly have taken Joe seriously--don't you think a quiet evening at home would be better? I must see Barnabas, she says. I am yours to command, says Nicholas. (Great line!)

Old House - Julia tells Nicholas and Maggie Barnabas isn't here. Did you take him to the hospital? asks Maggie. No, replies Julia. Nick, trying to avoid seeing Barnabas, chimes in that Mr. Collins isn't home to visitors, a statement with which Julia quickly agrees. He's resting? asks Maggie. Yes, says Julia. Maggie begs to see him--are you sure he's all right? Julia suddenly seems frightened. Nicholas tells Maggie it's unfair of them to insist. Dogs howl. Julia listens, unnerved.

Willie hangs a cross on the cell door. Barnabas stares at him. Willie begs him not to look at him like that--say something, anything! (he was just begging Maggie to talk to him under eerily similar circumstances.) Willie tells Barnabas I hear the dogs, too, and know what you must be going through--I've got to keep you here, safe. "Please, Willie," begs Barnabas, "let me go free. As your master, I cannot command you now, I beg you--I beg you to let me go free." Willie insists he can't. Barnabas begs him again. "Can you ask for more?" Willie assures him I would do it if it would set you free, but I can't. "I beg--I beg," repeats Barnabas, "listen to them howling--but the true howling is in my blood, tearing at my heart. Please, Willie, please." (this is so hard to hear. Frid is just marvelous!) No, repeats Willie.

Angry, annoyed, Maggie agrees to leave--I know Barnabas isn't here--if he were, you would let me see him, she tells Julia. He isn't here, says Julia, he went out. Maggie pounces--he couldn't! Julia asks if she has to be questioned like this. I'm just concerned about Barnabas, says Maggie. Julia understands--I didn't tell you about his going out because I knew you'd be worried--I don't know where he is. There's nothing they can do here, opines Nicholas.
Julia promises that at this very moment, Barnabas is getting exactly the care he needs.

Barnabas suddenly remembers there's a way out, Maggie found it a long time ago. He looks at the bricks on the wall. A loose brick, a secret passage leading to the sea. . .he glances sideways at Willie, then asks him for something to eat. Julia will bring food soon, says Willie, but Barnabas needs it now. I can't leave, Willie says, Julia's locked the door from the outside and I couldn't get out even if he wanted to. "You and Julia have taken every precaution to keep me here, haven't you?" asks Barnabas. We have to, answers Willie. Barnabas asks Willie for some water from the jug. Willie nods--I can do that. When Willie turns to get it, Barnabas grabs a bottle and smashes it over Willie's head. Willie falls to the floor. Barnabas quickly finds the brick that opens the door.

Upstairs, Maggie apologizes to Julia for getting so carried away--we're all upset. Julia assures her Barnabas is all right. Nicholas adds he's quite convinced Barnabas is perfectly all right. Julia sees them out and, face tight, goes to the cellar. Barnabas, about to crawl out the exit, says to himself,  "I said you were my friend, and how I wish that were the truth. But I'm past the point where friends are possible. I'm sorry, Willie." He slowly crawls out the door, heading for Angelique, closing the door behind him. Julia, returning to the cell, looks in, sees Willie on the floor, calls to Barnabas and gasps as she hears the dogs howling. Barnabas is gone!

NOTES: GREAT episodes. The scenes where Barnabas is pleading with Julia and Willie are so powerful, and Frid's performance stellar. How touching it was to see Willie and Julia declaring their friendship, Barnabas begging to be let free, reminding them he knows he was terrible to them in the past, but. . .a true gem!

Nicholas helped Julia in her efforts to prevent Maggie from seeing Barnabas. I guess he feels he has a lot to lose, too. And his faux pas regarding Joe, saying he was dead! Love is making old Nick very careless!

617 - (Joan Bennett) - Autumn dusk has settled over Collinwood, bringing with it not the fear of night but a renewed hope of happiness for a young woman long acquainted with the terrors that have plagued these premises. And as the deepening dusk surrenders to the night, a new threat, evil in its creation and awesome in its consequences, will reveal its final purpose--the destruction of Victoria Winters.

Collinwood - Vicki doesn't understand why Jeff wants to get married next month at the latest. For a long time, she's hardly seen him at all--he says he couldn't--but she feels it doesn't makes sense. He caresses her shoulders and tells her he loves and missed her and thought of her all the time. If you felt that way, you would have come to see me, she insists. I couldn't and can't explain why, says Jeff, but I will--you trust me, right? If I don't, there's no one I can trust, she says.
We belong together, says Jeff. They kiss and she smiles like she doesn't really mean it--I have worries and doubts, admits Vicki, when you hold me, I feel safe and believe no one will ever hurt me. They kiss again. Eve is watching them from the window, looking like SHE would like to hurt Vicki--and very badly.

Vicki asks if she'll see Jeff tomorrow. Just try and stop me, he invites teasingly--you're happy, and I plan to make it my personal responsibility to make sure you stay that way. Liz, looking elegant in velvet, comes in and greets Jeff. She says he's made himself a complete stranger, but Vicki assures her that will change. Jeff says he must go, but Vicki has something to tell her. Liz grins--I hope it's what I think it is. Jeff kisses Vicki once more and tells Liz they will see him soon and frequently (stop threatening, Jeff!). Liz guesses they set their wedding date. Next month, says Vicki. Liz has no objections, per se, but doesn't look thrilled--next month seems so near, yet so far, but she fears she won't be. . ..You'll be there, insists Vicki--and my matron of honor, too. Liz expresses hope she will be--I want to so much.

Out on the terrace, Eve calls to "Peter." She was looking for him, she says, but he angrily tells her his name is Jeff Clark. No, your name is Peter, she insists, Peter Bradford. She notes that he acts as though he almost remembers, but he asks how he can remember something that never happened. He recognizes her only as someone who came to his house--stay out of my life! He doesn't remember her, even though she doesn't look the same. They met before, a long time ago, says Eve. I was never Peter, he says. She insists he was, far in the past. She sits beside him on the bench and gets flirtatious, running her hand up his sleeve. Go away, he says, leave me alone. She asks why he's afraid of her, afraid to remember the past. He isn't afraid, he maintains. Then look at me, she demands, pulling his face around to meet hers.

Liz happily tells Vicki she refuses to be gloomy--they have so many plans to make! They hold each other's hands, and Liz assures her it will be all smiles and cheers--Vicki will be married right here in the drawing room, filled with candles and flowers--can't she see it? (sounds like a daughter's wedding to me!) I can, says Vicki, glowing. Liz asks her to let Roger give her away. Vicki wonders if he'd like it. Liz assures her he would--Roger, coming downstairs, rather pompous and proud, you, a beautiful bride on his arm, all in white. Vicki can hardly believe it. Vicki will come into the room, lift her veil, and be so radiant, gushes Liz.

Jeff tells Eve she shouldn't be there. I had to see you, she says--does the name Peter have an echo you don't want to hear? I must go, he says, standing up to avoid her. I want to go with you, she says--you weren't always so afraid of me. I'm not afraid, says Jeff, just in a hurry--we had no past together! Jeff's memory is perfect, but Eve says neither of them have a perfect memory. If they try, perhaps they can both remember. She makes him look into her eyes, and her into his, deeper, deeper--perhaps there we can find the clues, she suggests. He moves away from her. She says there's only one way to remember--hold her--kiss her. She kisses him, wrapping her arms around him, and who should catch them but pompous Roger, who is scandalized.

Roger interrupts them. He hasn't met this lady, he says coldly, and asks Jeff to introduce them. "No introductions," says Eve, and flees, leaving Jeff rubbing his just-kissed lips guiltily. Roger joins Jeff and remarks that she is a stunning woman--who is she? Jeff doesn't know, but Roger sarcastically says he got the impression they were well-acquainted.
She claims she knows me from a while back, blathers Jeff. Roger suggests they were trying to recapture old memories. Jeff admits he knows how bad this looks, but it isn't what you think--I can explain. Roger asks if an explanation is necessary. Jeff says for him to think what he wants--but it WAS a mistake! Roger agrees with this--a mistake that was caught in time! Jeff asks what he means. Roger says they have apparently been mistaken about his character. Jeff refuses to discuss that. Roger says it would be a bigger mistake not to tell Vicki. Jeff asks him not to do that. Roger refuses. Jeff says the woman thinks he's someone named Peter Bradford. "And how do we know that you're not?" asks Roger pointedly. You know who I am, Jeff says. We know who you SAY you are, says Roger, and we know little about his past. Jeff asks for the benefit of the doubt, but Roger says no--I have no doubts, especially after what you just said--you said this woman mistook you for Peter Bradford--if that's true, why object to his going to Vicki and telling her that very thing. Don't do it--for Vicki's sake, begs Jeff. Roger continues, "a woman who claims that they knew each other a long time ago." Jeff pleads with him not to tell, but Roger says you are confirming my worst suspicions by your behavior--you're asking too much considering the circumstances, and for Vicki's sake, I'm going to tell. Jeff pursues Roger into the house, where Liz is saying goodnight to Vicki on the stairs, thanking her for these few moments of being unafraid. Vicki tells her she should never be afraid.

Jeff and Roger burst through the front door arguing about whether or not Vicki should be told. Vicki wants to know what's happening. Roger asks her to come into the drawing room--there's something she should know. Jeff looks quite perturbed. In the drawing room, Roger paces. Vicki is seated on the sofa and Jeff once again begs him not to tell. Roger tells her he has a bit of distressing news, concerning someone near and dear to her. Vicki looks at Jeff and asks what it's about. Jeff says if Roger insists, he's destroying some of the happiest moments of Vicki's life. This upsets Vicki, who demands to know what's happened. Roger thinks it over and says she'll learn it sooner or later anyway. David? asks Vicki. No, says Roger. Roger exchanges a look with Jeff, who dares him to tell her. Roger backs down and says perhaps it can wait. Vicki wants to know. Roger, noting how happy she's been tonight, touches her shoulder and relents, saying perhaps it wasn't as important as he first thought.
That isn't true, says Vicki. She asks Jeff to tell her. It's about Barnabas, says Roger, but nothing that can't be discussed later. Vicki insists on knowing. Roger tells her he went to the Old House to see Barnabas and couldn't find him. Vicki finds this odd, but Roger says he expected him to be there and he wasn't. Vicki asks if he thinks something happened to him, but Roger assures her he was just having one of his moments of inexplicable hysteria--why should Barnabas be there just because he expected him to be? (Weird explanation, Rog.) Temporary hysteria, unfounded and ridiculous, says Roger. Vicki goes up to give David a book, saying she expects a better explanation later. After she leaves, Jeff thanks Roger. Don't thank me, I did it for Vicki's sake, says Roger. Jeff expresses gratitude for that. Roger angrily tells him Vicki is one of the few people in this world he finds worth caring about, and if he ever discovers or hears the slightest rumor about him and that woman. Jeff promises him he never will. Roger assures him he'll go straight to Vicki and tell her if it does happen--to keep silent imposes a great threat to her happiness--does Jeff understand? Yes, says Clark. Vicki comes down to report David is asleep. Roger says he's ready for bed, too. He kisses her goodnight and says goodbye to Jeff, assuring Vicki he's sure Barnabas is all right. Vicki tosses up her arms and says, "I just don't understand it." (so what else is new?) Jeff, relieved, tells her it's just what Roger said--he let his imagination get the better of him. Why were you two arguing about it before? she asks. I told you, says Jeff--I just didn't want you to worry on such a joyous night. Why would I worry if it's so unimportant? demands Vicki (being brighter than usual, I might add). Jeff tells her to give him a great big smile, and she does.

Roger tells Liz he should have told Vicki, but he couldn't. Liz says he shouldn't, but he says you didn't see what I saw, or Jeff's reactions. Liz agrees it would only have hurt Vicki, but Roger is concerned about what will happen if she marries Jeff. She'll be very happy, predicts Liz, who feels Jeff's explanation was good enough. Roger insists Clark was behaving guiltily. You're making a great deal about nothing, says Liz--Jeff is a fine man who will make Vicki happy. With another woman following him around? asks Roger. We don't know she's following him around, objects Liz. A perfect stranger, points out Roger, with no reason to be here, of course she's following him. Jeff told you she had mistaken him for someone else, says Liz, so we probably won't see her again.

Eve is staring through the window at Vicki and Jeff as he assures her Barnabas is all right. She agrees she doesn't want anything to spoil tonight. She tells Jeff about the wedding plans, and that Roger is giving g her away. This gives Jeff pause. It all sounds just like a dream that's going to come true, exults Vicki. Eve stands and defiantly shakes her head--she knows differently!

Roger dreams of Vicki's wedding. The wedding march is playing, Liz walks downstairs, stunning in light blue. Roger, in a tux, has Vicki on his arm as they slowly walk into the drawing room. Liz is smiling joyously. They enter the drawing room where Jeff waits. When Jeff lifts Vicki's veil, Roger is horrified to see a skeleton underneath!
Roger awakens, terrified and says, "If she marries him, she will die! She must not marry him!"

NOTES: Pretty boring to me, folks. I enjoyed Liz' joy in making Vicki's wedding plans, but Eve and Jeff blah blah blah and I really don't care. I wanted to see Barnabas, Ang and Julia! This just seems a stall for Vicki's wedding/happiness and totally unnecessary and senseless.

Love, Robin

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I loved the dream sequence at the end. It seemed very well done. Too bad they didn't use it for the actual thing. I wonder if they might've done it if AM had stayed? Or maybe Dan Curtis would've been just as cheap as usual  ???


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DVD episodes for May 27th and 28th.
The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#11/Disc#1 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #77)