Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--The Man Who Came to Dinner 8/13 & 8/14  (Read 2298 times)

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Idle Thoughts--The Man Who Came to Dinner 8/13 & 8/14
« on: August 15, 2002, 06:37:56 AM »
Fashion notes first . . .

Eve's dress.  Well, I've addressed this on the other forum, but what the heck, I'll repeat myself.  First of all, I like it.  Marie Wallace can carry something like that off.  It's got that whole slightly trashy/sexy thing going on.  I do, however, have to wonder just who was the one to pick that out for her and also who had the honors of dressing the body.  I mean, it really doesn't seem like Barnabas' type of thing--he always goes for the ingenue look, yards of chiffon and lace.  Willie?  Well, okay, I can see Willie liking that on his lady friends, but then I can also see the reaction of Barnabas when Willie came home with the new outfit for the Experiment.  Julia?  Well, I suppose she's the most likely, but if that is the case, it just adds some intriguing layers to the character, lol.

Very much admired Elizabeth's scarlet robe.  I noted the collar was quite cool and then in today's episode, Julia had a new robe (in a really pretty pastel plaid) with the exact same collar.  Apparently, Mostoller bought in bulk.

Sorry, they're sparse.  Oh, and before I forget, I thought Frid looked very spiffy in that medium gray shade.

Onto the shows . . .

I am so glad that Marie Wallace is on the show.  I had meant to comment on last week's shows but they were just so bad and so painful to watch and I'm taking notes and reading them back.  Now I know I'm usually acerbic (who me?), but my comments were positively blistering and to spare you all  8), I threw the notes in the trash and decided to wait until Eve was nice and settled in Collinsport.

Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas.  He should know better.  Anytime Barnabas and Angelique get together, the situation becomes explosive.

Adam gets more and more like his "daddy" every day.  

Why is Jeff's pulled out from the wall like that?  Sorry, I found it hard to watch Angelique making nice-nice with Jeff.  He's just too, too icky.  

Hehe, Tricky Nicky made Jeff sit down and shut up.  He could bottle that trick, sell it, and make a fortune.  The man deserves an award from the mayor for getting Jeff to shut his trap.

And incidentally, just where is Jeff living these days?  That's definitely not the cottage.  He has no visible means of support.  Is that supposed to be a boarding house or what?

Ah, the young lovers at home.  God, Eve is so refreshing.

HAA, Marie Wallace, and Lara Parker made this episode a positive pleasure to watch.

Oh. My. God.  A scale model.  Is that a fanfic waiting to happen or what?  (Are those the sparks of inspiration pricking at my thumbs? Hmmm, we'll see.  I call it anyway  8) ).  

I so don't care about Elizabeth and her death fixation though.  Found Vicki's "pep talk" interesting with her "you can fight it" mentality.  Urging Liz to get help is one thing, but telling her it's up to her to lick it and "think of something else" is another.

Um, Elizabeth, sweetie.  If you're interested in preserving yourself in perpetuity, building on a cliff is probably not a good idea.  Erosion. Salt water.  Crumbling cliffs.  Think about it.

Always glad to see Louis Edmonds.  Okay, yeah, he's got the same unhelpful attitude as Vicki in that he seems to think Liz can just shake this thing if she tried, but what can I say?  I love Roger.   And it was highly entertaining when he tried to smash the little model with the cute little plastic trees.

I wonder what Joan Bennett thought about this plot.  Probably not much.  Or, of course, she was thinking "so many more days till VACATION."  Alas, a mystery we will never solve.

Good grief.  Vicki.  Vicki was making actual sense.  And then she forgot everything she said and made up with the dork.

I have to wonder.  Just how is Elizabeth getting to the cemetery?  Is she driving in her hostess gown?  Or is she hoofing it?  Because if it's the latter, she should be looking a lot less put together.  Think about it.  It's night time.  The "paths" are most likely unpaved.  Pools of standing water, branches, leaves.  I wish I looked that good after traipsing to graveyards through the woods at night (and for the record, yes, I've done it once or twice, although never for the purpose of scoping out burial plots).

Another one of Julia's famous diagnoses.  "She's dead, Jim!" (er . . . Barnabas) and then her victim sits bolt upright.  Her study of psychiatry becomes clearer.  She probably flunked the basics, like taking vitals.  And then, not knowing what prompted the collapse or the catatonia, she starts pushing sedatives???  Hello?  Like take the woman to a hospital and have her checked out before you start prescribing the mother's little helpers?  

BTW, it occurs to me that for a hanged man who supposedly helped a witch, Peter scored a pretty nice tombstone, and in consecrated ground too.

Some good dialogue here.  Watching HAA and Thayer David doing their verbal thrusting and parrying was hugely entertaining.   Interesting to hear that Adam and Eve aren't sharing a room.  Heh.  Loved the remark about Nicholas having an overdecorated bedroom.  

All in all pretty good!

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Man Who Came to Dinner 8/13 & 8/14
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2002, 09:39:59 AM »
It's fun to see this back again!  A lot of good points there.

I think they did refer to Jeff having a job one time.  I don't recall if they said what it was, and surely while he was helping with the "experiment" he couldn't have been doing it.  But, I suppose we'll just have to assume he does have some sort of employment and therefore is renting a room or apartment somewhere.

Again, we get into the distance question.  You're wondering about how Elizabeth got to the cemetary.  Sometimes they act as though it's almost their back yard!!  And Julia's instructions today.  If she leaves Collinwood at 10:15 she'll be 30 to 35 minutes late.  Presumably it doesn't take 15 to 20 minutes to drive there, so she must be walking.  That does seem to make sense, but other times the places must be almost next door for their timing to work.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Man Who Came to Dinner 8/13 & 8/14
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2002, 10:45:07 AM »
I had to laugh at some of your posts. You hit the nail right on the head so to speak.  It's so funny to see these people trecking through the woods at night without so much as a flashlight, and still be able to get around. Gosh, if you ever saw the wooded trail around here at night, you'd be lucky if you can even see your feet.

I agree about Eve's dress, I think she looks great in it, even though it's the only one she gets to wear throughout this storyline. Also liked Liz's & Julia's robes as well.

Im wondering also what Joan Bennett thought of this awful drawn out death scene? She's such a fine actress and to have to act through these scenes must have been awful for her. Liz was always such a strong character and I hate seeing her this way.

The producers must have really had a soft spot for Roger Davis in order for him to have so much female attention during this storyline. I noticed that about the tombstone also and was equally suprised to see that he had a decent headstone considering what happened between him & Vicky in 1795.
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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Man Who Came to Dinner 8/13 & 8/14
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2002, 02:09:36 AM »
Well, I've addressed this on the other forum, but what the heck, I'll repeat myself.  First of all, I like it.  Marie Wallace can carry something like that off.  It's got that whole slightly trashy/sexy thing going on.  I do, however, have to wonder just who was the one to pick that out for her and also who had the honors of dressing the body.  

I addressed this issue on the Current Talk board too. It occurred to me that this might have been the dress the body was buried in before Willie dug it up and brought it down into the cellar for the experiment. It's the right color to be buried in. The style is a little odd for a burial dress, but she might have been one of Collinsport's many - a'hem - working girls.
;) It raises the question of who "Eve" was before she was dug up; but answers the troublesome "Who put that dress on her" question.