Author Topic: Robservations 8/2/02 - #588/589 - Carolyn, Enslaved; Maggie Remembers All  (Read 1436 times)

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588 - (Nancy Barrett) - A starless night obscures the walls of Collinwood. Not far from the great house, on the grounds of a cemetery that reaches back into the past, there is a mausoleum containing a secret room. In it, a frightened girl is trapped, hidden away by a man who is trying to protect her from being a part of a terrifying experiment. But by bringing her to this place, he has put her in greater danger than ever, for she has just had a dream, and because of the dream, she is on the verge of remembering a horrifying secret.

Maggie wonders what her dream means. She was in a house, not a strange house, someplace she'd been before, and someone was with her--Willie! She and Willie were in a room together, and a man came in, Barnabas Collins. She was frightened of him, more than frightened, she was terrified, and when she thinks of him now, she's still frightened. Why? Why is she afraid of Barnabas, why? She leans on the coffin and asks herself these questions.

Maggie sits on the step, hand over her face. That dream was more than just a dream, too vivid, it actually happened. After she disappeared, during those months she couldn't remember, she's got to remember, she's got to know what happened to her then. Concentrate, she tells herself, the dream, the room, the house--what house was it? She sees candles in her mind, hears the music. The drawing room at the Old House--what was she doing there? Willie was there, he was doing something. . .lighting candles on a table. Willie asks Maggie why she isn't upstairs in her room, it isn't time yet. Soon, she asks? Yes, says Willie, voice shaking, soon. She looked out the window and couldn't see the sun. It hasn't set yet, Willie says, but when it does, he'll come to you. Yes, she says, observing the portrait of Barnabas, he will come to me. Willie lifts and hands her Josette's wedding dress--he wants her to wear it, says Willie, because it belongs to her. He likes to see her in it. She takes the dress and pirouettes in a circle, proclaiming it beautiful.
Willie's face shakes with misery. You have to go upstairs and change, Maggie, he tells her, the sun will be setting soon. "Maggie?" she asks, but he says he meant to call her Josette--that's her name. No, she says, Josette is not her name. Willie got mixed up! Don't say it isn't your name, warns Willie, frantic. She says she doesn't want to see him and puts the dress on a chair. Willie begs her not to say that, it isn't true. Maggie hugs the mantel--she's frightened. Willie opens the music box and holds it to her ear. She calms immediately and smiles. She agrees with Willie that it's pretty. It makes her feel better, she agrees, but doesn't look convinced. Say you aren't afraid, he says, and she agrees--she will cooperate with Barnabas, be what he wants her to be. Willie tells her to go upstairs, change into her dress, and he will call her when Barnabas is ready to see her. She floats away, takes the dress, and goes upstairs. Willie holds Josette's music box aloft, then, looking miserable, turns away.

Back in the tomb, Maggie wonders why she was in the house, and why did Barnabas want her there. Why did he want her to think she was Josette--it makes no sense. She must remember more, she's got to!

Collinwood - Carolyn comes downstairs, slowly, almost secretively. She stands in the foyer, stops, then goes into the drawing room. There's a knock at the door, and she looks unhappy. It's Nicholas Blair. He stopped by to ask about Vicki. She came to, hysterical, says Carolyn, and needed a sedative, but will be all right. He asks about Roger, who went to see the sheriff. Nicholas hopes someone is guarding Vicki. Carolyn says the whole house is up there. You are alone, observes Nicholas, smiling evilly, and invites himself for a drink. She seems thrilled for the company, she hates being alone. He says she should never be left alone. She points out the brandy and he closes the double doors. She asks why, and he says he wants to talk privately with her. "Carolyn, come here," he orders--"Look at me." She says she doesn't understand. "You cannot move," he tells her. "Try to move your hand." She can't! She asks what he 's doing to her. "You cannot speak," he says. "You will neither move nor speak until you understand exactly what you are to do.
You will be my slave. You will do exactly as I tell you to do. You will be completely rational, but you will be my slave. Do you understand?" Carolyn nods. He allows her to speak, and she asks what he wants her to do. Tell Adam you will participate in an experiment that will provide a mate for Adam. "A mate?" asks Carolyn. The mate has already been created, he tells her, but the mate needs to be infused with a life force--and the life force will be yours. She doesn't understand, but he says that isn't necessary--she will participate in the experiment, to help Adam. He tells her not to be frightened, she won't he harmed or in danger. He orders her to tell him she isn't afraid, and she repeats the words, smiling. Remember three things, he says--you will participate in the experiment, you will do it willingly, you will do it to help Adam. Yes, I will help Adam, she agrees, and he grins broadly.

Maggie hears Willie opening the tomb door. He tells her it's OK, she isn't in danger anymore, she can go home, right now. He starts to lead her out, and she asks him who Josette was. Taken aback, Willie's eyes widen in fear.

Willie tells Maggie he knows no one by that name, and she accuses him of lying. She tells him she's remembering things that happened AFTER she disappeared. Like what? He asks. Being in the Old House, with him, she says, though she doesn't know why. She found Willie lighting candles in the drawing room, and he gave her a dress to wear, said Barnabas wanted her to wear it and believe herself Josette. "That's crazy," whispers Willie, terrified. He played a music box, she goes on, and for some reason, it had a strange effect on her. It never happened, says Willie, but she goes on relentlessly. She remembers a room in the Old House, something special about the room. Willie begs her to stop, but she goes on--it was Josette's room, and Barnabas wanted her to believe she was Josette--he wanted her to stay in that room, held her prisoner there. Willie wrings his hands and asks why he'd do that. She doesn't know, but he had a strange hold over her, odd, sometimes she was frightened of Barnabas, other times not. Willie begs her to stop thinking, but her face contorts as she remembers she tried to escape and did, to get to her father, but Barnabas found her  She remembers this place, Barnabas took her here after she tried to escape from him. He did something terrible to her, what was it? Willie tries to shut her up, but she continues: Barnabas brought her to the room outside. . .
"MAGGIE, PLEASE STOP NOW!" screams Willie. She was outside in that room with Barnabas and there was nothing she could do! Nothing!

Flashback - Maggie's present day face morphs into her Josette persona, complete with sausage curls. Barnabas enters the tomb and glares at her. He opens the secret room with the ring in the lion's mouth; the coffin is there. He orders her to come with him. Please, she begs him, but he says she must be punished for trying to leave him--she must always remain with him. She tells him she wants to be with him, but he says she should have remembered it tonight--she will remember it after tonight. He starts to drag her with him. She begs him, don't. Please! She starts to cry, and he says, "Don't cry, Josette." That is her name, he says, a beautiful name, as she is beautiful. She seems lost in a trance as he asks why she forgot what he taught her.
He tells her she is Josette--say it! She repeats "I am Josette." And they will be together, she will be his bride, the bride of Barnabas Collins, he tells her. She repeats that. They will be together through all eternity, he says, and she agrees, believing it fully and completely. He tells her she's beautiful, very very beautiful. Don't ever forget they will be together, he tells her, and she says she believes. Perhaps it isn't necessary to punish you now, he says, but you must promise never to escape again. She says she wants to be with him, forever. He tells her they will leave this place now and return to their home. "Home," she repeats. When he goes to close the door, she bolts to the gate, attempting escape. He grabs her--she lied to him, she will never escape from him. He won't pity her again, he says harshly, and she clings to the wall containing Sarah's plaque. Barnabas grabs her, fangs bared, and sinks them into her throat. Her hand, clutching his sleeve, stiffens, then drops as she falls unconscious, and he carries her into the secret room. Maggie awakens to find herself in a coffin, Barnabas gazing down at her with blood in his eyes. "Where am I?" she asks., and he tells her she will remain there until he sends for her. She screams as he closes the coffin, screaming wildly, and her screams melt into those of the present-day Maggie Evans, who blares to a bug-eyed Willie, "I KNOW! I KNOW WHAT BARNABAS COLLINS IS!!!!!"

NOTES: Very dramatic stuff, folks. I guess Julia's hypnosis doesn't work under stress, and heavy reminders. Nicholas' hypnosis of Carolyn was cool; when he hypnotizes, you really believe it's happening to you, too.

This reminds us what a terrible man Barnabas once was, and the dreadful things he did to Maggie. Now, however, he's free of that curse, different from the man who tortured her. Is he going to have to suffer for his past? Will Maggie reveal all to the law? And what will become of Willie, who did all this with the purest of motives?

589 - (Nancy Barrett) - A cold moon illuminates the walls of Collinwood. There is terror in this night, for two women are in great danger. Victoria Winters has just been attacked by an unknown assailant and, hidden away in the Collins mausoleum, Maggie Evans has come to a horrifying realization, one which may cost her her life.

Maggie realizes what Barnabas Collins is (was), and Willie is terrified. She asks if he knows, too, and he insists he knows nothing. One night, after she tried to escape, he brought her here, to this place, to this room--he brought her here and put her in this coffin. Before that, what he did to her.he tried to make her what he is. She knows what he is, inhuman, Barnabas Collins is one of the living dead!

Willie, his voice hoarse, tells her she doesn't remember ANYTHING, but she insists she remembers all. A bad dream, says Willie, but she knows differently. Willie argues with her, but she remembers Barnabas wanting her to be his bride, Josette, and the terrible things he did to her. He came to her room one night, after that, she didn't' know what she was doing, he cast a spell over her. Willie tries to tell her it was a terrible dream, and she remembers going to Eagle Hill. . .Willie grabs her and demands to know if she wants to live--she had better stop thinking and believing these things, he screams in her face, if she wants to live! She remembers it all and will remember as long as she lives! Willie is sobbing with fear. She also remembers Willie tried to help him, tried to make her think she was Josette. Willie tells her he had to, he didn't want to, but had to--he made him do it! Then everything she said actually happened, she realizes. Willie looks at her. He had to help him, he says, he was under his power, just as she was. Maggie asks if he still is, but Willie says no. She recalls Willie being kind to her, trying to help her, and he said he never wanted anything to happen to her. She begs him to help her now--let her go to the police. They must tell the police everything about Barnabas, and Willie must come with her.
Willie tells her Barnabas is different now, but she refuses to believe it. Why go to the police--they'll think them crazy. He grabs her arms, swings her around. He told her he was releasing her, but he can't now that she remembers. He can't let her go to the police, who will come after Barnabas. Maggie stares at him--he was lying to her! She knows why he brought her here, and not to protect her--but because Barnabas told her to. He still wants her to be Josette, and Willie is under his power. He wants it to happen all over again! Willie denies it, but Maggie goes to the door and pounds on it, screaming. She sinks to the floor, sobbing, begging him to release her. He wishes he could--but he can't. Maggie presses a hand to her forehead, sobbing, and Willie looks like he's going to burst into tears, too.

Roger leads Vicki into the drawing room, Barnabas behind them. She wants to talk to them, despite her painful throat. She woke up and someone was strangling her, but she didn't see the man enter her room. She felt his hand around her neck but couldn't see his face. She saw a man, a very large man, and she thinks it was Adam. Barn asks if she's sure, but again she says she didn't see his face.
She saw a huge figure looming over her, and he had his hand around her neck so she couldn't look up. She couldn't fight him. Barnabas says she then can't be sure it was Adam, but she doesn't know who else. Roger reminds Barnabas HE thought it Adam, Carolyn said so, but Barnabas assures him he wasn't certain. Why, then, did Barnabas come tearing to the house thinking Vicki in danger? Carolyn said it was because Julia had seen Adam in the woods, heading for Collinwood. No proof Adam was going to attack Vicki, says Barnabas. Roger is perplexed by this swticheroo, and now Barn is defending the man, but Barnabas insists he's trying to be fair. Carolyn comes in and petulantly says everyone always blames Adam when anything happens, and it isn't fair. Roger accuses her of defending him, but Carolyn points out neither she nor Barnabas saw the man, and he was gone by the time they got there. Roger ponders who would want to harm Vicki as Barnabas stares at Carolyn, surprised. Earnestly, Carolyn asks why Adam would want to hurt Vicki. Vicki herself can't think of one reason, and Carolyn suggests is was a prowler. Barnabas asks Vicki how she's feeling and offers to help her upstairs. Roger assures her she's safe now as Carolyn bites her lips. Roger says it's odd how Barnabas was convinced someone was going to attack Vicki, as if he had foreknowledge, yet he wouldn't admit to having such knowledge. Carolyn suggests ESP gave Barnabas the clue, but Roger is dubious. Barnabas has no reason to lie, says Carolyn. Carolyn tells her uncle she's leaving for a few days, leaving immediately. Her bag is packed. She's going to Boston. Roger is outraged that she is leaving at a time like this--what about Liz and David?
Mrs. Johnson can take care of David, says Carolyn, and she'll only be gone a few days. Roger calls her actions inconsiderate, but there are tears in her voice--she has nerves, too, and what's happening in the house frightens her--she needs to get away. She turns on her heel and walks off. Roger tries a last-ditch effort--Vicki! Vicki will be all right, Carolyn says, and she doesn't want to argue about it. She's leaving in the middle of the night, Roger points out, which makes no sense to him, but plenty to Carolyn. She leaves despite his repeatedly calling her name. Barnabas comes downstairs and Roger tells him of Carolyn's abrupt plans. Barnabas is shocked and seemingly upset she's leaving for several days, Roger goes on about her selfishness. Barnabas was just worried about Vicki, plus he's tired, he says, making a hasty retreat. Roger glances at Barnabas' portrait, goes into the drawing room. It's 10:50.

Old House - Barnabas returns home and wonders why Carolyn left tonight of all nights? They need her to finish the experiment, since Adam will only accept her as the life force. Vicki is in real danger now! How will he stop him--how? He turns around the column and there is Carolyn, smiling at him. "Hello, Barnabas," she says, staring into his stunned face.

She tells him she lied to Uncle Roger, but it was necessary. She needed an excuse to come to the Old House to help with the experiment. She knows all about it, she says, Adam told her that Barnabas and Julia are going to provide Adam with a mate--and I am willing to be the life force. She's calm, rational. She wonders why he looks so distressed, she's willing to do this for Adam's sake. He asks if Adam means that much to her, and she says she owes it to him for saving her life--she can repay him this way. Barn finds her calmness peculiar, but she says Adam told her no harm would come to her, and asks if it's true. She admits to him she was frightened when she first learned the truth about Adam, but not now--she feels sorry for Adam and wants to help him. She asks her cousin if he'll accept her help, and he replies of course, but he says he must be honest--there is a risk involved with the experiment. Carolyn is willing to take it for Adam's sake.
Barnabas had no idea she was that attached to Adam, and she says of course she is--if not for him, she wouldn't be alive now. She tells him she's tired and asks to rest for a while--call her when she's needed. Barnabas, left alone, is perturbed.

In the mausoleum, Maggie and Willie are at a stalemate. He lights a cigarette with a candle and asks why she won't say anything. It never occurred to her before, she says shakily--he could be the same as Barnabas. That's crazy, he tells her. Is it? she asks Sure, he's the same as her, the same as anyone. He asks her to touch him, but she orders him to stay away from her. She flings herself out of his grasp, fails against the coffin and lies unconscious on the floor. Willie apologizes to her, then opens the secret door and flees the tomb.

Barnabas wonders how Adam convinced Carolyn to take part in this--is she really this attached to him? It's incredible--it just doesn't make sense. Willie races in and Barnabas accuses him of taking Maggie--he ought to kill him, he says, grabbing his lapels. Barnabas tells Willie Adam tried to kill Vicki, and if she had died, he would have been responsible. Willie begs him to listen--Maggie remembered everything, including what Barnabas WAS! "And if she tells, they'll come and get you, Barnabas, and they're gonna destroy ya!" cries Willie.

NOTES: This is a pickle more serious than Adam's attempted attack on Vicki. If Barnabas is turned in to the police (assuming the cops believe Maggie) then everything at Collinwood will be in a serious uproar! Will Maggie be able to escape and get to the police? Will Barnabas have to kill her to keep her quiet? Can Julia re-hypnotize her?

That hypnotic spell Nicholas put on Carolyn is sure cool, isn't it? She's very much herself, just insistent on serving as life force for Adam's mate. It might be easier (and less deadly) if she just falls in love with the big fella herself. Her sense of self-preservations kicks in, and she's still concerned enough to mention her safety during this experiment, but her desire to help Adam, who saved her life, seems uppermost in her mind. Cool trick, Nick!

Julia was so sure that Maggie would never remember what Barnabas did to her, but she did, every detail, and it's very exciting to speculate what's going to happen now!

Love, Robin


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DVD episodes for April 19th and 20th.

The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#10/Disc#2 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #71 and 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #72)

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Julia was so sure that Maggie would never remember what Barnabas did to her, but she did, every detail, and it's very exciting to speculate what's going to happen now!

I think Julia hardly could've thought the son of Satan would come to town. . .