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Discuss - Ep #0915
« on: January 18, 2010, 11:13:34 PM »

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 05:17:33 AM »
What a fascinating episode!  Barnabas, the bulwark of the Leviathan gang, attempts a rebellion!  I must say, he takes a very individualized view of murder.  He was all set to kill Carolyn's new love, without any direction from above, until he discovered who it was.  And now he says a child cannot order him to kill because he doesn't want to kill Julia.  If Michael had ordered him to kill some random stranger, he probably wouldn't have had a problem with it.
The Leviathan that we saw today appeared to be much further up in the Leviathan hierarchy than Oberon and Haza were.  He also appeared to be much more human in his emotional enjoyment of his power.  We learn from him that no matter what Barnabas, David, and Elizabeth do, no matter how many times they prove their devotion to the Leviathan cause, they will never be accepted as true Leviathans.  Bummer!
The Leviathan described how things were in the beginning, before humans came along and messed everything up: all energy and intelligence and power.  No corporeal forms, apparently.  As a corporeal form myself, I find it hard to imagine all this.  Maybe if I read some Lovecraft I would understand it, but that shouldn't be necessary.  One shouldn't have to do homework for Dark Shadows.  So, let's see...I've got to listen to that Thing That Breathes again sometime.  Is it in fact not breathing we're hearing, but waves?  Waves nourishing each grain of sand?  But why sand, anyway? I repeat: A fascinating episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2010, 12:45:10 PM »
No overlapping (with last ep.) first scene.   Barnabas experiences candle snuffing malfunctions.   I wished I could have been in the mood to appreciate all the cool exposition from the Star Wars emperor.... Barn asks "Who are you?" and hoodie man answers "I am one of them."   Odd and awkward somehow.  Say hi to Van Morrison for us.

The Leviathan helper who play acts being a vampire is very good at it.   It's very evident from her face that she's just entered another world and existence, but finds the world of the living more astonishing, already.   Everything around her is strange to her, and her reaction isn't one of normal human surprise but... something else.

Boss Wraith says Barnabas's new vampire progeny isn't "up to his usual standards"-- huh?

The moment when the guy lets Barnabas off the hook and says not to kill Julia--  one of the biggest examples of the writers "crying wolf", and one of the most damaging stabs into the heart of this whole storyline.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 08:46:41 AM »
A GREAT episode, and the high point of the Leviathan story!  It contains all the best elements of DS: it's atmospheric-- taking place at the Old House by candlelight and the lamplit docks at night, and the music is just right.  Barnabas is at his angstiest, JF is flawless, and Marie Wallace is excellent-- Megan's fear of Michael is palpable yet not at all over the top.  There's a black candle ritual,, a fanging, a future multiple Oscar nominee in a small role, and not simply a dream but rather a dream within in a dream; also, impressive camera work (i.e., drawing our eyes to Megan's neck), nice FX (the mirror that does not reflect Barnabas' image, and his portrait morphing into Josette's), and an amazing script with brilliant dialogue such as this from Adlar:

Before man, in a time before he existed, we ruled. When there was only essence and intelligence and nothing more-- none of these shapes that human beings wear today. Then there was only energy and power, and there was darkness. When man was formed, he became dominant; we had to submit or be destroyed. Some of us did, awkwardly, but in our hearts we were waiting... waiting, silent as the serpent, swift as the snake, powerful as a Leviathan. Some of us did not choose to take on what you call human shape. They went underground and kept their true shapes-- [he smiles] demons, fiends, creatures of the night, and of darkness, and of evil.

At last, we see the pervasive evil promised in multiple voiceovers, and once again we're made to feel for Barnabas' plight while we fear for him as he faces one punishment after another.  Is any fan not touched when Adlar gets around to throwing Josette in his face?  Maybe Julia fans, who get a payoff/frustration dynamic in a final "I must obey ... Forgive me, Julia, dear friend."  Barnabas is fierce is his loyalty to her, but ultimately she must take a backseat for Josette's sake.

There were no end credits (though in this case I would've hated to lose even the smallest of scenes in order to make room for them), so if not for outside sources we wouldn't know the names of the two new characters:  Marsha Mason was Audrey the Leviathan/vampire, and Pierrino Mascarino (a future Buffy alum) appeared as Adlar.  It was penned by Violet Welles and Lela Swift directed.

Boss Wraith says Barnabas's new vampire progeny isn't "up to his usual standards"-- huh?

Because she's a tramp-- someone that Barnabas would have discarded and not turned.

The SW Emperor, snort.  LOL for the Morrison/Them reference.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 09:01:47 AM »
Oh thanks Midnite for pointing out the fact that Pierrino Mascerino (what a name) was on Buffy! Also thanks for the heads up on who wrote this ep.  I am personally convinced that Violet was the best DS writer. And another thanks for typing out the speech that Aldar gives.  It is perfect and beautifully written.  It's interesting that PM was on Buffy as Joss Whedon's mythology borrows heavily from Lovecraft!  Again thanks! ;)

I am with everyone else that this is one of the most compelling ep's of Dark Shadows to date and one of the best from the Leviathan period! It's glimpses of what could of have been such as this that makes one sad [spoiler]about the way this all plays out.[/spoiler]  I may have not needed a spoiler but wanted to be safe!

It's nice to see Barnabas finally questioning his loyalty to the Leviathan people!  It's neat that Aldar points out that most humans can never be true Leviathans. I think that this helps one understand why Barnabas is starting to question his actions. 

Do you think that the Leviathan child was aware of what was going on as a baby?  I apparently didn't finish my thought on paper but something made me wonder this while watching the episode!

There are a lot of obvious cuts in this episode as I imagine this was a hard one to film with the dream, few actors and all the special effects.  Kudos to everyone working on this ep! Fantastic job!
As Midnite pointed out this episode if very stylistic episode with the lighting, acting, and mood,  This is DS at its best!  I especially love the purple light beaming through the chandelier.  Cool effect with mirror and teeth! 
I love the sparkly look the Leviathans have and I agree that he seems to be above Haza and Oberon! 

Do you really think that Josette is being held hostage in the past?? 
Did anyone notice Audrey in the background when she wasn't supposed to be there? 

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 03:02:52 AM »
I too enjoyed the episode.

I always wondered though, assuming that the Leviathans really do have Josette in their power...are they really going to just let her go once they go through with their plan? Or would they just let her die? Barnabas won't call their bluff
because he's too afraid for her but...just what would he be saving her for if the Leviathans succeed in their quest for an all-Leviathan world? Hasn't Barnabas stopped to think about that just once?

This other Leviathan is a lot more creepy than Oberon and Haza, I must say.

Glad to see the crack in Barnabas' Leviathan-shell self starting to crack with his refusal to kill Julia. However, the head honcho has made it clear he has to deal with Julia one way or another or...back to being a vamp permanently and Josette's blood would be on his hands (forgive the irony here).

It was interesting to see Marsha Mason as the Leviathan vamp-girl.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 08:19:38 AM »
I always wondered though, assuming that the Leviathans really do have Josette in their power...are they really going to just let her go once they go through with their plan?
Excellent question, IluvBarnabas!  I suppose where there's life (or anyway, life after death), there's hope, even if the hope is unreasonable.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0915
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2010, 07:03:11 PM »
It is good that Barnabas is worrying about Julia, did they have to put Josette in there again.

I wonder if Barnabas used it as an excuse for everything.

I like the effect with the mirrors.


I came back to realize that the writers and the folks at DS, realized that the fans might not
be liking Barnabas being so mean, there might have to be a reason. [ghost_undecided]
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