Author Topic: Robservations 7/30/02 - #582/583 - Willie Takes Matters Into His Own Hands  (Read 1411 times)

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582 - (Grayson Hall) - There are many secrets at the great estate of Collinwood, secrets that sometimes demand action--and one of them lies on an operating table in an old house on the estate. It is a lifeless body which may, someday, walk. And on this night, an attempt is being made to bring it alive--but by a man who does not have the right to do it, using a woman who knows she must give life to the body in order to escape the punishment to which she has been sentenced. And if they succeed, they will create more terrible problems than they have solved.

Upstairs at the Old House, Barnabas returns home, hears the equipment whirring and immediately races to the stairs to see what's going on. Barnabas pauses at the door, listens, and enters. Jeff is madly fiddling with the controls, but by the time Barnabas enters the room, Jeff is alone--Angelique has disappeared! Jeff turns around and is horrified when Barnabas demands to know what he's doing, but what scares him even more is the fact that Angelique is gone.. He claims he was checking the equipment, but Barnabas doesn't believe him--the electrodes are attached to the body! Barnabas also notes that someone has been on the other table--WHO? Jeff assures him no one would lie there by choice, except Barnabas himself, and he doesn't know why. Jeff feels his throat and reminds Barnabas he's doing this to save his ex-fiancee's life (nasty dig, Barn). Jeff calls it blackmail and says it's because of him that he and Vicki broke up. Barnabas says everything seems to be his fault, and Jeff's attacking him this way is a clever ploy. What was going on? Jeff claims he was trying to simulate the experiment, but Barnabas calls him a liar.
He knows Jeff was going to destroy the body--he doesn't want the experiment to work now, since he and Vicki are broken up--Jeff knows what will happen to her if they don't finish the experiment, and accuses Jeff of never loving Vicki--you hate Vicki now, want her to die, insists Barnabas, but Jeff says that's not true, he doesn't want to put Vicki in danger--that's only what Barnabas wants to believe. Barnabas frees Jeff of his responsibility for the experiment, but Jeff wants to stay. Keep out of the room, demands Barnabas, they'll save Vicki without him. "Now get out," orders Barnabas, vehemently. Jeff leaves, gazing at the lab and Barnabas one last time before heading up the steps.

Ang finds Jeff in the woods and tells him she wants to try the experiment again. He demands she not touch him and wonders why she is that she can just disappear and reappear this way. She's not human, he says, holding his head--she's a demon! When I'm with you, I'm real, she says, reaching out for him--you must meet me tomorrow night. Jeff says he can't help her--he's free of the experiment now and doesn't have to go back to the lab. She is adamant--they will do this experiment so she can be the life force. He dodges her, but she says they won't fail--and she will answer all his questions when it's over. She holds out her hand and insists he take it; she says it feels human, doesn't it?
You must not fight me, you must not! She bites his throat.

Julia assures Barnabas Jeff did no harm. She can't believe he meant to destroy the body, but Barnabas is sure. Barnabas doubts Jeff's love for Vicki--he couldn't have changed so quickly. Julia believes Jeff did love Vicki, and Barnabas calls her a romantic. No more, she says. (oh, how sad that she admits that) Barnabas wonders about the straps being fastened, but Julia says if someone were on the table, he'd have seen that person. He asks how long the body will last, and she tells him 3-4 days. He says this has been one of the most unpleasant things he's ever had to do, but now comes an even more unpleasant decision--the life force. When he gave Adam life, he made the decision himself, at least--who will provide the life force for her? The woman will also made the decision, says Julia reasonably. Who? He asks. Who can they take into their confidence, will be willing to risk her life? He had something to gain, and he's considered every woman they know. For their safety, it must be someone they can control. Julia realizes he's already made the decision--tell her who. Maggie Evans, he says. Julia gasps.

Julia says they can't use Maggie--she's been through enough, and Adam caused Sam's death. He'd never be able to talk her into it, insists Julia, but all that aside, SHE won't do it. She'll never know, says Barnabas. Julia says he sounds so like the old Barnabas in saying such a thing. He realizes Julia doesn't like to be reminded of him, and she agrees--she doesn't like being reminded of how cruel he can be. He points out if they don't find someone to use at the life fore, Vicki will die, as will the Collinses, and Julia herself. Julia once hypnotized Maggie, but Julia won't now--she only did it before because she knew about Barnabas! Barnabas expresses his gratitude for Julia saving him, but now the trouble is even more serious--and surely Julia realizes it. They can use Maggie in the experiment and Julia can induce her to forget. If she even lives, Julia reminds him. I lived, says Barnabas, following her around the table. Eric Lang didn't think he would, says Julia. Barnabas tells her to conduct the experiment the same way. Julia says she isn't sure, but Barnabas is. Julia says they can't ask Maggie to take that chance. Willie comes down and listens to the rest. Julia says she knows Barn isn't doing this out of maliciousness, but he must find someone. She doesn't agree with his decision, however, and he asks her to suggest someone.
Until she does, says Barnabas, Maggie is their only choice, and Julia had better prepare herself for that and find a way to get her here. Not until she has to, says Julia, and Willie's eyes widen as he listens to this.

Julia opens the straps and tells Barnabas she doesn't feel like working anymore, she wants to return to Collinwood. He feels if she seriously considers Maggie as the life force, she'll realize he's right. She doesn't know, she says, and bids him goodnight. Barnabas wonders if he should talk to Jeff, since he isn't a part of it anymore, can they trust him? Will he talk? Julia feels seeing Jeff wouldn't do any good--she'll deal with him. Barnabas thanks her for volunteering for that. Willie comes down and Julia bids him good night. Willie asks if he can talk serious-like to Barnabas, who seems reluctant to interrupt his reading. Willie is insistent, needing more than a moment, but Barn asks him to wait until tomorrow. Willie agrees, reluctantly, and goes upstairs as Barnabas, oblivious, pours over a notebook. Julia is putting on her coat when Willie asks to speak to her. She's tired, but more obliging than Barnabas. Willie asks her to do him a favor and talk privately with him. She sees something is eating him and sits down in the drawing room. He tells her he didn't want to get mixed up with the experiment, and is sick inside. They keep on going when they're sick inside, her and Barnabas, but he wants to stop now. Your work is done, says Julia. Willie knows what they're going to do--and not with Maggie Evans! He heard it all downstairs. Julia says that's up to Barnabas, and Willie must speak to him. Barnabas won't listen, says Willie, and he wants Julia to refuse to conduct the experiment with Maggie. Willie kneels as if in supplication and she tells him Stokes in a master hypnotist. But Julia is the one who knows how to work the equipment, says Willie desperately, and Barnabas needs her! She can dictate what will happen and she likes Maggie--they must make Barnabas listen! Julia says she doesn't think anyone can talk him out of this, but Willie comes close to hysteria--they must make Barnabas listen!--he gets an idea in his head, there's nothing stopping him, but Willie can't think that way!
They can try, says Julia, but Willie screams that isn't good enough--Julia doesn't understand about caring about someone and watching them go through this. . .Julia looks at him sadly. "Don't I?" she asks. "You forget, Willie, I watched Barnabas. (sigh, very sad, too) Good night, Willie." And, back straight, she leaves. Willie thinks. Barnabas comes up and tells him to lock up--I'm going upstairs to try to sleep. Willie says he does have trouble thinking, and Barn asks what he means by that. Willie is going down to clean up, and Barnabas watches him, forehead furrowed, wondering what his servant is thinking. Willie trudges downstairs to the lab and walks around the draped body, an ugly expression on his face. He picks up a scalpel in his fist and smiles at it. To the corpse, he says, "Maggie Evans. No. She ain't gonna die for you!" And he raises the scalpel high, preparing to plunge it into the body.

NOTES: I wonder what everyonethinks slashing the body is going to accomplish? You can't "kill" it, it's already dead! Are they trying to make it more scarred-looking than Adam? I can't figure out Jeff and Willie's motive for sticking a scalpel into the body. Willie would only be forced out to get more parts and create a new woman.

It does seem cruel of Barnabas to home in on Maggie for this experiment's life force. She HAS been through so much, and losing Sam to Adam seems like something that would surely eliminate her for this experiment altogether. But Willie knows Barnabas too well, and Barn will do what he wants.

I feel sorry for Julia. She loves Barnabas and understands Willie's torture, because she went through it herself, but she will bow to Barnabas' wishes in this as she nearly always seems to do. Julia COULD put an immediate stop to this by simply refusing to use Maggie. A stranger would make more sense, really.

583 - (Alexandra Moltke) - Dark clouds hang over the great estate of Collinwood. The sleeping house seems to be at peace. But in an old house on the grounds, an act of treachery is about to take place. For one man intends to end a project and the end will mean misery and death to many.

The music cue is seriously botched as Barnabas comes down into the basement and shouts, "Willie! If you touch that body, I will KILL you!" Face trembling, Willie doesn't move, even after Barnabas orders him to drop the knife. Willie's face crumples as he finally does so, and Barnabas demands an explanation. Adam will kill Vicki and everyone else, Barnabas reminds Willie, who cannot bring himself to speak at first, then mentions using Maggie as the life force. Willie first suggests using Julia, but Barn says she must run the experiment. Calculatingly, Willie suggests, "Use Vicki." Barnabas guiltily walks away from him, and Willie wants to know why Maggie? Willie reminds him about helping Maggie become Josette, to which Barn retorts, "Before you fancied yourself in love with her." (low blow, Barn, others can be in love besides you) Willie reminds him that Adam killed Maggie's father--he can't ask her to risk her life for him! She won't die, insists Barnabas, but Willie reminds him Barnabas wasn't supposed to survive. This time it might, says Willie, and his face crumbles again as he contemplates Maggie's possibly dying.
Barnabas orders Willie to look at him and makes him promise he won't try to ruin the experiment again. If you promise not to use Maggie, counters Willie. Barnabas can't make the promise, even after Willie promises to get him another girl. Barnabas tells Willie he must accept it, and Willie shouts at him he wants him out of the way so he can use Maggie. Barnabas tells Willie he doesn't want to involve anyone in this. Willie says they all do what they have to do, a weird expression on his face.

Vicki and Maggie sit out on the back terrace, drinking coffee. Vicki can't believe Jeff changed so completely and suddenly. Just as Joe did, laments Maggie. Jeff always wanted a good, steady job, says Maggie, yet turned down Roger's offer. Maggie tells her that Joe quit his job. They both changed, with no reason, the ladies say. Vicki wonders if it was her fault that Jeff turned down Roger; his pride was hurt. Yet Jeff is more sensible than that. Maggie ran into Joe in town. He grinned at her as if they were merely acquaintances, and she was going to spend the rest of her life with him!--I wanted to run home and cry. Vicki wonders what it will be like to see Jeff--she dreads it, yet daydreams about it all the time. She hopes he'll come to her and say he was wrong. Most men have trouble doing that, Maggie remarks. Barnabas joins them and tells Maggie it's a pleasant surprise to see her. Vicki leaves to get a cup for Barnabas and he sits down with Maggie. He was going to call on her, see how she was getting along. He imagines she's lonely without her father. Yes, she says, and she has had to make many adjustments. She seems to be waiting for something, she says, but doesn't know what--she feels as if she's in a vacuum, but she must get a job soon, probably in Boston. This shakes Barnabas, who says he hopes she doesn't do that. She feels like changing her whole life, but doesn't really think she'll be able to leave. Have you told anyone else about your plans to leave? asks Barnabas. Just Vicki, she tells him.
Barnabas offers his friendship and says if there's anything he can do, please think of him--he'll do anything for her. Vicki brings the cup and pours coffee for Barnabas. Maggie rises and tells her she might not go to Boston. She thanks Barnabas for everything and promises to let Vicki know her plans. Barnabas comments that Vicki is looking well. David left on a camping trip, says Vicki. Barnabas says he heard about her and Jeff and he's sorry if she's unhappy about it. Vicki walks away from him, looking sad. He apologizes for causing her pain, but says it's better to know these things now. He asks her to come to Bangor for a concert next week. She accepts, seeming glad. Adam is listening at the gate as Barnabas tells her he'll get the tickets and help her get over Jeff. She just wishes she knew if she wanted to forget, sighs Vicki. Barnabas spots Adam, and, looking at him, vows to see to it that Vicki isn't unhappy. Adam turns away.

Maggie sits in her bedroom at the cottage, writing a letter. Someone knocks at her French doors, startling her. It's Willie. She protests he frightened her. He says he tried the front door and she didn't answer. She asks what's wrong, but he can't tell her. He asks her if she'd like to go away for a while, and hands her 50 dollars. He knows she hasn't much money and it's expensive to travel. She must leave, tonight, and there's a bus leaving for Bangor--he'll drive her to the bus station in half an hour--pack and he'll take her. She says he isn't making sense, but he reminds her he's a friend and she's got to take his advice. Things are going to happen, he says, people have plans for her, and she doesn't know about it. I'm worried about you, that's why I'm here, believe me, pack a bag, you're in danger!
She can't understand him, and he can't tell her who or what is putting her in danger. He babbles that it's Barnabas, and he's involved whether he likes it or not. She shakes her head. She finds this hard to believe, she saw Barnabas and he offered to help her. Willie says she must leave, and soon, and he gets more and more hysterical--she's got to go! She asks what's wrong with him, and he insists he isn't crazy, he's never been saner! They raise their voices and Willie says he's loyal to Barnabas because he's been good to him (?), and he's being as loyal as he can, but if she isn't there, he can find somebody else! Willie becomes incoherent, looking like he's tearing out his eyeballs, and Maggie gently says they have no more to talk about--she isn't leaving tonight. If he wants to be her friend, he can't get so worked up. She doesn't know what happened, but she doesn't believe Barnabas would harm her.

Terrace - Adam waylays Barnabas by putting a hand around his throat. Why aren't you working? Demands the big guy--you've been here twice today!--while you visit the girl you love, I am still alone! Barnabas assures him the body is nearly ready, but Adam says it would be even more so if he had worked today--he isn't living up to his bargain.
Adam threatens to go to Vicki's room and kill her tonight, clenching his fist under Barnabas' face.

Old House basement - Willie comes downstairs, looking around. He must do something about Maggie, he tells himself, even if she hates him. After it's over, after they find another life force, he'll explain it to her. How can he save her, he wonders, pacing. Then his eyes light on a bottle of chloroform in the cabinet. He takes it. That's it, he says gleefully, knocking over a stool. Barnabas calls "Julia!" Willie runs out of sight as Barnabas descends the stairs. He glances around but all he finds is a knocked-over stool. Why was it knocked over?--no one is here--it must be his imagination. He heads back upstairs and Willie, hiding crouched behind a piece of equipment, appears to be biting his nails.

Evans cottage - 11:35 PM - Maggie sleeps. Willie opens her unlocked French doors and observers her. He opens the bottle of chloroform and applies it to a piece of cloth. Maggie awakens and screams as Willie covers her mouth and nose with the cloth. Willie says, "I'm sorry, I've gotta do it, forgive me, forgive me, Maggie!" She is unconscious.

Barnabas knocks at her door, calling to Maggie (I guess the word has gotten around that she accepts all late-night callers)--he must see her! He opens the door, but she's gone! He remembers Adam asking him if he should kill Victoria Winters tonight, and a tortured look comes over his face.

NOTES: So, Willie has kidnapped Maggie--to keep her safe! How bizarre! What will Barnabas and Julia do now? Can they find a new life force before the body deteriorates?

Willie is a loon, but his motives are the right ones. He loves Maggie and wants to keep her alive--but at what cost? Will he tells her why he did this? Will she believe him and be grateful? Willie's done a dangerous thing, because vampire or not, Barnabas is a man to reckon with.

Angelique has destroyed two relationships. I doubt she care about either Maggie or Vicki, but she never seems to care who she hurts in pursuit of what she wants.

Love, Robin


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DVD episodes for April 9th and 12th.

The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#10/Disc#1 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #70)

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I loved the Willie/Julia scene in this show.  It was one of the few moments where some REAL emotion came through in the whole wacky let's-create-Eve storyline, which otherwise didn't work all that well, in my not-so-humble opinion.
