Author Topic: Robservations 7/29/02 - #580-581 - Jeff Attempts the Experiment  (Read 1479 times)

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580 - (Grayson Hall) - The fate of all those who live in the great house of Collinwood will be decided by the outcome of a strange experiment conducted at the Old House on the Collins estate--behind this experiment is a man who lives in a large house by the sea--a man who lives by and for the pursuit of evil. On this night, he will learn that his carefully laid plans have gone awry--but only temporarily.

Nicholas lives by and for the pursuit of evil--I like that!

Angelique comes out to join Nicholas. He thought she was with Joe, but she sent him home over an hour ago. Nick notes she doesn't spend as much time with him as she used to, but she says nothing is wrong. He must not be very interesting, comments Nicholas, and she complains he still discusses Maggie now and then--she doesn't like that. Those two are finished, says Nick, and Ang notes that pleases him very much. Yes, he admits, he's grown very fond of Maggie. Be careful you don't make the same mistake I did and become too fond of her, advises Angelique, and Nicholas says no problem--he knows what he's doing. He touches her shoulders and tells her not to be sad--if she finds Joe boring, they'll "introduce" her to someone else. He is about to pour a drink when they hear knocking at the door. Nicholas answers--it's Adam, who demands to speak to Nick. I've been alone in the woods for many hours, reveals Adam, and Nicholas invites him inside. He spots Angelique, whom Nick calls "my assistant," and Adam tells him he's going to see Barnabas and tell him to stop the experiment. He doesn't want a mate anymore; he doesn't want ANYONE!
Adam explains he's certain that no matter how good his mate is, she couldn't match Carolyn, and he couldn't love her as much--Julia and Barnabas can't replicate Carolyn, who doesn't love him. He explains to Nicholas about Tony coming to see Carolyn--she let him kiss her and he is the one she loves. Adam knows Carolyn doesn't love him, and he doesn't think he can love his mate. There can never be another Carolyn, which is why he's telling Barnabas to stop everything. Nick tells him that would be a serious mistake, because if he stops this experiment, it will prevent him from EVER having Carolyn--Adam can have his mate and Carolyn! Adam wants to know how this is possible Nicholas refuses to tell him now--he's disappointed in Adam--he's done everything he could to help him, and he resists everything Nicholas says, giving in to his childish impulses. Adam says he's sorry, but if he can't have Carolyn. . . Nicholas grows imperious. Angelique listens intently as Blair continues--if Adam trusts him, if he lets him make the decisions--but he apparently isn't ready to do that. Adam says he'll do whatever he wants if there is still a chance. Is that a promise? demands Nick. It is, says Adam. The first thing they must do is get Adam back to Collinwood, advises Nicholas. I was angry and left a goodbye note for Carolyn, explains Adam. Nick wants him to say he had a change of heart and is sure Carolyn will be happy about it. Nick sends Adam away and orders Angelique to stay there--he might need her when he comes back. Angelique asks what Nicholas meant when he promised Adam he could have both his mate and Carolyn. I had to tell him something, says Nicholas. He'll expect you to keep your word, warns Ang, but Nick says he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it. He says they must expedite the experiment, that's the most important thing. He leaves. Ang, left alone, ponders that he's impatient and will make them go through with the experiment, soon, which will be too late for her--she'll have to stay as she is for as long as it pleases Nick, and he may never release her. She's got to do something now, tonight, this is her only chance to escape and be free again.

Ang paces the living room, then goes to the mirror and performs the special trick. She asks to see the Old House cellar. When the image appears, Julia is pouring red liquid from one vial into another. She turns and asks Jeff what's wrong, noting he hasn't said much the past few days. He rubs his throat, telling her there has been little to say--I'm going to Collinwood and will see you later. Ang commands him to remain in the lab, she needs him there--stay with Dr. Hoffman. He tells Julia he's changed his mind, and she asks what's bothering him. He wants all this over with, he says, and she says she could perform the experiment tonight. The body will be finished by midnight, but she can't do it tonight because she needs the woman who will provide the life force. Who will Barnabas get? asks Jeff, but Julia doesn't know. She asks why he's so curious and he angrily retorts he wants to get this over with. Julia agrees--Barnabas will have to get someone quickly. They might have a problem with the body decomposing, they have a week. Jeff insists they won't find anybody--what woman will jut volunteer to risk her life for this insanity? Julia says someone will have to, and if Barnabas doesn't find someone quickly, they will be in serious trouble--Adam will demand to know what the delay is and might take matters into his own hands and choose the woman himself. Select another victim? asks Jeff, and Julia says she fears he might pick the first name that pops into his head. Vicki? asks Jeff. Anyone, says Julia. Adam isn't concerned about the dangers, he just wants this brought to life as quickly as possible. Jeff looks disgusted, and rubs his head. Ang looks hopeful, turning away from the mirror. Nicholas joins her and demands to know what she was going with the mirror. Nothing, she replies. He accuses her of lying. If she won't tell him, he'll tell her, he says, advancing menacingly on her--she was using the mirror to check on the progress of the experiment. I was curious, she admits. He continues to advance on her, warning her that he doesn't accept that--he knows how her devious mind works, and demands to know what her interest is in the experiment is--or they will sit together and watch the sun come up.
She says he wouldn't do that to her, and he tips her face up to look at him and says she knows very well that he would. She says she wanted to know how much longer they had to go with the experiment--she wants to be part of it. He already told her that was impossible, he says. Why? It can't do any harm if he uses her as the life force. Of course you aren't thinking of yourself, he chides sarcastically, but me. She confesses she is thinking of herself, she wants to be a real woman again instead of what she is. He doesn't care about her petty little problems, but wants to know what is happening in the lab. Nothing, she claims at first, then describes Jeff and Julia discussing the experiment--Julia hopes everything will be ready by the end of next week, Ang lies--the body isn't complete. Are you sure? asks Nick, and she suggests he check the mirror and find out himself. They talked about other things, she claims. He warns her he hopes she is telling him he truth, because if she is harboring any ideas about "helping me out," you forget them. And remember, he says, caressing her chin, it's far better to be what you are than to be nothing at all! He leaves her sitting there, and she drifts over to the mirror again.

Jeff is in the lab, exhausted. Julia sees him leaning his head down on a table and rouses him. He was just resting. She notes his exhaustion and he points out she's tired too. She suggests he go to Collinwood and see Vicki, and he curtly tells her he broke another date--and Vicki broke their engagement. Julia sympathetically touches his shoulder and tells him how sorry she is. She offers to go speak to Vicki, but he wonders what she would tell her: "Jeff can't see you because he's helping us put together an artificial woman." He chuckles ruefully.
She realizes she has no explanation for Vicki, but Jeff appreciates her concern. He suggests she get some rest and he says he'll stay in the lab and do some reading. Not tonight, she says, but he says he wants to stick around--he can always put his head down and cat nap. She bids him good night, looking at him thoughtfully before heading upstairs. Jeff opens a notebook, then tosses it down on the desk. He checks the body, rubbing his forehead, looking around at the dials on one of the machines, then the vials of liquid. This is absolute insanity, he mutters, reaching for a scalpel. He brandishes it over the draped body. Angelique stops him. She pries the instrument from his hand, telling him he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life. He touches his throat. The time has come to begin, Jeff, tonight, she says--you will conduct it and will use me as the life force. He tells her it's impossible, but she says she knows everything is ready, and she is ready, too.
He backs away. He already told her, he can't do these things, he doesn't know what to do, it's too dangerous. She advances on him as he futilely protests. She grabs him, fangs him, and Jeff grunts with pain.

NOTES: This is one vampire who really knows how to bite a guy! Notice this lady has no female victims?  Joe, Jeff, and she almost went for the deputy--interesting!

Poor Adam--he decides if he can't have Carolyn, he doesn't want any other woman, and is all set to scuttle the experiment that Nicholas is depending on to raise him high in the echelons of his "organization" down below. He assures Adam he will have everything, even though, at this point in time, he has no idea how he will accomplish that. Adam doesn't like empty promises.

Angelique has destroyed two relationships--Vicki and Jeff and Maggie and Joe. She sure hasn't changed much from the 18th century, still destroying lives as she trips merrily along to what she thinks SHE deserves in life!

581 - (Nancy Barrett) - In the terrible darkness of this night, while Collinwood sleeps, a frightening encounter will take place in the Old House on the Collins estate. There, in a cellar laboratory, a young man feels the sudden impulse to destroy a creature that has not yet been brought to life.

Jeff fingers his neck marks as Ang tells him it's useless to resist her. He wonders about the power she has over him, but she tells him to forget it. She insists he do the experiment; Jeff says no--get Julia to do it--she is more knowledgeable. She tells him she doesn't want other people involved. Jeff wonders who she's afraid of, and we see her reflected in the mirror again, and can almost hear her thinking: Nicholas. Jeff realizes she doesn't want that person to know she is double crossing him, but she tells Jeff he has a job to do. If I perform the experiment, it will fail, he warns her, but she doesn't believe him. He isn't qualified, even though he was supposed to help with the first experiment.
He knows about the life force, but he just knows a little something, not enough. She orders him to learn all he needs to know by tomorrow night--he has 24 hours, then she will come back. He again reminds her of the danger. She could die if he performs the experiment, he warns, but she insists that's the least of the danger--the shadow of death is never as far away as we think, she muses--death has possessed me more than once, and we are old friends, so I'm not afraid of it. This cryptic remark silences Jeff.

Collinwood. Carolyn lies asleep, and thank God, it's OUR Carolyn. Her doorknob turns. Adam's oversized feet enter. He touches her red hair ribbon and, when she awakens with a start, tells her not to be afraid--I wanted to leave forever, confesses Adam, but couldn't--I couldn't bear not seeing you again. She asks where he went. The woods, he replies. She seems upset that he stayed there alone. He sadly tells her he missed her very much--did she miss him? She reluctantly says she was terribly concerned about him, hiding her real feelings. Did you miss me? he persists. She finally admits of course she did. He's pleased she isn't angry he came back; she felt it her fault he left because she treated him badly. He grins when she says she WANTS him to stay. They must be honest with each other, she says, and he says he isn't afraid of that. She says his expression of feelings makes her uncomfortable, and she fears hurting him or making him feel rejected--like the night Adam saw her with Tony--she knows that depressed him. She knows he means it now, but if his feelings about her are the same, it will be difficult. He considered it while in the woods and realized he wasn't fair with her--he must live his life and she must live hers. She calls him an amazing creature and he turns away. Just a creature, he says to himself, not a man. She notes his change of mood and he turns curt again. She knows something is wrong. He just wants them to be friends like before, he says, and she says nothing would maker her happier. I want to make you happy, he says. She tells him to go to his room, because she'd have to explain much if he were found in hers. He asks her to come see him in the morning and she promises she will. He'll be waiting for her. She presents him with a gift--a green sweater to replace the one shirt he has.
He's so touched, he's close to tears, and rubs his face in the shirt. He's very happy, he says--no one ever gave him anything before. Carolyn asks if he's serious--no presents as a child? He asks if people love all children, and she says yes. He wishes he. . .nothing. She apologizes if her gift has upset him, and he calls her the nicest person he's ever known--there's no one like her, he says, holding her hand--no one in the whole world. And, crying, he runs out of her room.

Carolyn answers the door--it's Jeff. He asks for Vicki, who isn't home--she took David out for the day. She says Vicki should be returning soon and he should wait, but he feels it wouldn't do any good. She asks what went wrong--why? Jeff can't say. She asks him to stay and wait--Vicki is brokenhearted. He is, too. She says it's none of her business, and he asks Carolyn to tell Vicki he came by. It will be getting dark soon, he notes, and nothing will be the same. She is perplexed by this statement. Jeff adds his life won't be his own anymore--and he doesn't know why.

11 PM - Adam goes downstairs into the Old House basement and looks around. No one is there. He gazes at a notebook and slams it down on the table. He checks the sheet-draped body. Angelique interrupts him, demanding to know what he's doing. He tells her he came to see when everything will be ready. She said he was supposed to go back to Collinwood and stay there with Carolyn. Carolyn is asleep, says Adam, and won't know he left the house. Angelique says Carolyn will be disappointed in him, but he says he'll be back in his room when she comes in the morning. He wants to know what SHE is doing here. She explains that she's there, per Nicholas' orders, to oversee the experiment. He believes she is lying and has another reason, and he will find out what it is. She claims she has no interest in the experiment, she's only looking after his interests. Adam wonders why Nicholas didn't tell him of this change in plans. Nicholas feels as Adam does about Barnabas, says Ang--Barnabas has tried to trick Adam in the past and Ang is there to ensure it doesn't happen again.
She hints she'll tell Nicholas about his being there, and suggests he return to Collinwood. Reluctantly, he does, but you can tell he doesn't trust her much, either. Ang looks at the body, musing that, in a few hours, it will be over, she will be free and there will be nothing Nicholas or anyone else can do about it!

Lab - Angelique lies on a table next to the draped body. Jeff is fiddling with the controls. She warns him they must be finished by morning, and it's already 1 AM. He tells her there's too much he doesn't understand, but she says she can't wait another night. She forces him to look at her, and, feeling her marks on his throat, he does. They must go ahead with it, and he must do as she says, she tells him. Mesmerized, he agrees. Begin, she orders. He warns her they are taking an insane risk, he doesn't know what he's doing, but she assures him she trusts him. He doesn't understand anything about her, but she says he must do this, and that's all he needs to know. He fires up the equipment, looking nervous and uneasy. Start now, she demands, looking worried, breathing hard--"Jeff, there is no more time!" The equipment begins to beep and chirp. Ang smiles. Lights brighten and she screams in pain. Electricity begins to whirl from one point to another, and she twists her head from side to side, moaning.
Liquids flow through the various tubes and vials, lights flash. Angelique's face twists in agony and she cries out, her body lifting from the table as things spin into high gear.

NOTES: Will Angelique's essence flow into the female creature, releasing her from Nicholas' vampire curse as it did Barnabas? Will both live, both die, or will this experiment turn out the way the other should have--with Angelique's dead body lying next to a living creature?

Will Jeff and Vicki ever get back together? Won't Joe and Jeff both be free of Angelique if she is destroyed in this experiment?

How touching was the reunion between Adam and Carolyn? I always get the impression that she's holding back her real feelings from him, that she does care about him, perhaps deeply, but feels there is too much difference between them to take him seriously as a boyfriend.

It was good having Nancy Barrett back on the show. That substitute just didn't cut it!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/29/02 - #580-581 - Jeff Attempts the Experiment
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 01:39:48 AM »
I agree Robin that no one could ever replace Miss Barrett or for that matter any of the original characters on the show!
It is a good day because I am still ticking!

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Re: Robservations 7/29/02 - #580-581 - Jeff Attempts the Experiment
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2002, 07:53:39 PM »
I liked the effects they used on Angelique at the end of the second episode, but I felt they lasted waaayy to long.


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Re:Robservations 7/29/02 - #580-581 - Jeff Attempts the Experiment
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2004, 04:46:57 PM »
DVD episodes for April 7th and 8th.

The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#10/Disc#1 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #70)