Author Topic: Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles  (Read 1769 times)

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Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« on: July 18, 2002, 08:26:48 PM »
568 - Barnabas asks what Jeff is doing here; Jeff demands to know what's going on. Barnabas comments that Jeff's curiosity is most unfortunate. Jeff asks if Adam is Lang's creation. Barnabas admits he is, and that it was necessary. But Lang died before completing the experiment, says Jeff, so Julia and Barnabas must have brought him to life. That's right, says Barn. Why are they creating another monster? demands Jeff, saying he didn't think Barnabas capable of something like this. Jeff vows they won't get away with it this time; he's calling the police, but Barnabas advises him to listen to him first. Jeff pushes him out of the way.  Barnabas stops him (and momentarily silences him) by asking if he wants Vicki to die--because that's what stopping the experiment will mean. He tells Jeff Adam wants a mate, and if he doesn't get one, he'll kill Vicki. Jeff refuses to believe this, but Barnabas reminds him of Vicki's kidnapping--it was a warning from Adam to Barnabas--the big guy wants a mate and since he knows Barnabas loves Vicki, he's forcing him to create one for him.
Vicki's life is at stake, says Barnabas, and if Jeff loves her, he'll help them--Julia isn't well, and the experiment isn't going as it should--Jeff helped Lang when he created Adam, he should know something and can be a great help to Julia as he was to Lang. Jeff, growing upset, takes another peek at the body under the sheet. He can't do this again! Then you don't love Vicki, says Barnabas. Jeff does love her, and will do the sensible thing--go to Collinwood and tell her to pack--they're leaving! Will she leave with no explanation? demands Barnabas. Jeff feels she would do whatever he tells her (such a modern man!). Perhaps, says Barnabas, but Vicki isn't the only one whose life is in danger--Adam will kill all of the Collinses--does Jeff want to see that happen? No, says Jeff. Then you will help us, says Barnabas, and if not, you'll be equally to blame. Jeff goes into a rage--what kind of a monster have he and Julia created? Why? Barnabas can't explain the reasons, but admits he wishes he hadn't started it. What if they do create the mate? asks Jeff. Barn says Adam will take the mate away and leave everyone alone. Jeff is amazed Barnabas is trusting Adam, but Barn says he has no choice--and neither does Jeff! There must be some other way, says Jeff, but Barnabas says there isn't, so you have to help us--think about it!

Old House - Barnabas comes downstairs in his robe. Roger is at the door--he can't find Julia Hoffman, he says, she wasn't in her room at Collinwood. Barnabas explains she's staying with him for a few days. "Really?" asks Roger, looking somewhat scandalized.
Barn quickly explains she's using his library for her book--it's more convenient. Having other things on his mind besides Barn and Jul's relationship, Roger reveals that Liz escaped Windcliff and begs Barnabas to get Julia. Barnabas explains Julia isn't well and hasn't slept much. Roger is upset--Windcliff is her hospital, she can contact her staff, get information--wake Julia, Roger demands, I want to see her. Barnabas goes upstairs, where Julia paces Josette's room, touching the scarf around her throat. She sits at the vanity to glance at a notebook when Barnabas comes in. He remarks that she looks tired. She admits, I couldn't sleep--I couldn't think of anything but--and Barnabas finishes, "Tom Jennings." She tried not to think of him, but she can't, and couldn't sleep. She figured she'd try to work on Eric's notes, but can't concentrate. Jeff broke into he house in the middle of the night, reveals Barn, and knows everything, but he's got that sitch under control--however, Liz has escaped Windcliff, too, and Roger is downstairs and wants to see her. Julia protests that she can't--tell Roger to leave her alone. Roger wants her to get in touch with her staff at Windcliff, and insists on seeing her, says Barn. Julia clutches her throat and says she won't see Roger, tell him she's too ill to see anyone, just get rid of him! Barnabas encourages her to calm down, and she apologizes for her outburst--the strain of the experiment and resisting what she must resists is taking its toll and her strength, says Julia, she can't cope with Roger, too. Barnabas tells her to rest, he'll take care of Roger. He leaves. Julia stands looking out the window. She's so happy she got through the night and it's morning! But night will come again, and when it does, he'll try to summon her--and she doesn't know if she can resist him again.  She doesn't know if she has the strength. She pulls the scarf away from her throat, looking at the marks of the vampire kiss. (The holes are mighty far apart.)

Down in the lab, Julia realizes the sun will be setting soon, very soon, and Tom will be rising and call to her. . .she'll try to resist, she promises Barnabas, and he promises to help her--he'll lock them together in Josette's room and he'll stay with her. Jeff calls to them. Barnabas says perhaps Jeff will give them the help they need. Barnabas asks for Jeff's decision. Jeff agrees tol help them. Julia thanks him, but he says he's doing it because of Vicki, not them. Jeff tells Barnabas he can't see anyone die, even though he hates every bit of this and would avoid it if possible. Julia says they would all like to avoid it, but they can't. Jeff asks Julia if she's all right, and while she assures him she is, Barnabas darts forward to support Julia and says he'll take her upstairs if Jeff will take over. Julia asks Jeff to out a scope together, and he says he did it for Lang.

Jeff fiddles with some dials, looking miserable. Vicki must never know what he's doing, he resolves. She must never find out--never!

Barnabas escorts Julia to Josette's room, where she tells him it isn't necessary for him to stay there with her. He won't leave her, he vows, and she says, when the sun sets. . .Barnabas swears he will prevent her from going to him. You're forgetting one thing, Julia reminds him, Barnabas may prevent her from going to Tom, but can't prevent Tom from coming to her. He WANTS Tom to come to her, explains Barnabas. He wants him to come to this room. Julia fears that Tom will attack Barnabas, but the latter assures her he won't get the chance. How can you stop him? asks Julia. Barnabas pulls out a gun filled with silver bullets, explaining that he had a silver candlestick forged into bullets to destroy Tom. "You're setting a trap for him then," says Julia, looking away from Barnabas--"That's dangerous."
Perhaps, agrees Barnabas, but the only answer--Tom must be destroyed; when he appears in this room tonight, Barnabas will do that.

Dusk - Barnabas caresses the gun in his hand. Julia glancing out the window, informs him the sun is setting. He's rising from his grave, says Julia, frightened, and Barnabas tells her not to be. She can't help it, she says.

Tom rises from his top-loading coffin. "Joooolia! Hear my call and come to me!" he demands. Julia hears, and tells Barnabas she can hear him. Barnabas tells her she can't go, and she clutches her fingers together, knowing she must resist him. Bathed in green light, Tom calls her name, over and over. Julia, unnerved, tempted, shakes her head.
"His voice!" she cries. Tom tells her she can't ignore his call, she must come to him, now, Jooooolia! Jooooolia! She gasps, crying, "No!" She starts to run from the room, and Barnabas chases her, grabs her, fights with her. "I've got to go to him!" she sobs. Barnabas grasps her and forces her to look at him. "You are not going to go to him!" he tells her forcefully. "You're going to stay with me!" "With you," she repeats, "yes, I want to bee with you, but for a moment. . ." "You lost control," finishes Barnabas, "but you must regain it." He releases her and she assures him she has. She twists her ring around her finger, listening. "Barnabas," she says, "he's very close to me. Very close. I can sense it." Barnabas tells her to sit. "Sit?" she repeats. "Yes--sit and be silent," says Barnabas. She does as he tells her. Barnabas hides behind the double doors, gun ready in his hand, a determined look on his face. Tom appears beside Julia and demands to know why she didn't come to him. She gazes at him, tells him she wanted to, but. . . Barnabas emerges, but Julia deliberately stands between Tom and him. Barnabas orders her to get out of the way, twice, but she protests that she can't let him destroy Tom. She refuses to listen to Barnabas, blocking his shot, and Tom disappears. "He's gone," says Barnabas. Julia, looking like she's about to cry, agrees. "I don't know what came over me--it was the sight of him, the sight of him." Sadly, Barnabas says his one chance to destroy him is gone. From now on, Tom will be more cautious. Julia apologizes, and Barnabas says he's sorry, too. They hear the howling of the dog, and Barnabas goes to look out the window for Tom. I see Jennings out there, waiting for you, says Barnabas, but when he turns around, frantically screaming, "Julia!" the front door to the Old House is open and she is gone!

NOTES: OK, did it seem Barnabas was more concerned about Julia because of the experiment or because he cares? It was hard to tell in these eps, wasn't it? Could go either way.

Quite a scene there, and Barnabas made the huge mistake of turning his back on Julia. He used to be a vampire himself, has he so quickly forgotten how desperately his victims want to be with him and how crafty and sneaky they can be to accomplish this goal? Julia wants Tom far more than Barnabas right now, and he should have been more careful than to turn his back on her. We knew Jeff would agree to help with the experiment, didn't we? He wouldn't allow his Vicki to be killed by big, bad Adam!

569 - That smoky voice of Grayson's makes for the best voice-overs, doesn't it?

Mrs. Johnson stares fearfully out the window at Collinwood. Nicholas Blair's gloved hand knocks at the door. He enters jauntily, asking for Roger. Mrs. Johnson explains that Mrs. Stoddard disappeared from Windcliff in the night--she's been missing 24 hours. Nicholas is distressed, and Mrs. Johnson is obviously upset, too. She tells Nick how strangely Liz behaved before taken to Windcliff--her preoccupation with death, behaving as if she were Naomi Collins.
Nicholas hears this and instantly seems to recognize the MO. He covers smoothly, suggesting a mental breakdown. Mrs. Johnson doesn't believe that--she feels she was under some kind of spell! Nicholas considers this.

Nicholas asks who'd put Liz under a spell, but Mrs. Johnson doesn't know. She's superstitious, but too many things have happened in this house that are unexplained--like some evil force is hovering over the house--and it's trying to destroy this family. Nicholas calls her idea melodramatic, but she believes it. He says she can believe whatever she wishes, and she tells him some nights she wakes up trembling because what's happening is scaring her so. He calls her fears unrealistic. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, she says enigmatically. Roger enters--no news of Liz. Nicholas expresses his concern, but Roger says there's no sign of Liz anywhere. Nick expresses how sorry he is. Roger says Liz was far from being herself when she left, and he's really worried about her. Mrs. J offers Roger coffee, but Roger opts for a stiff drink and invites Nick to join him. Julia stumbles into the house, clinging to a sconce for support. Roger demands to know what's wrong. "I couldn't find him," says Julia falteringly, but Roger doesn't know who she's talking about. Then she says, in a faraway voice, "Tom. . .Tom!" As Nicholas listens in alarm, Roger says the only Tom he knows is Tom Jennings. Julia agrees--yes, he's the one--and she couldn't find him! Tom is dead, Roger tells her, and Julia gazes at him, shocked. "No," she mutters, then falls to the floor. Nicholas picks her up in his arms and carries her into the drawing room, placing her on the sofa. Roger, Mrs. J and Nicholas hover around her. Roger feels her forehead. Barnabas told him she was ill, but he had no idea she was this sick. He send Mrs. J to call a doctor and Roger goes for the all-purpose cure--a brandy. Nicholas, left alone with her for a moment, finds the fang marks on her throat.

After Roger urges Julia to drink the brandy, she coughs and comes to, gazing up at Roger. She wonders why she's at Collinwood, she only recalls being in the woods. Nicholas asks what happened to her in the woods. She says she feels weak, but otherwise all right, and drains her brandy glass. You scared me, says Roger, stumbling in saying all sorts of strange things. Julia asks what she said, and Roger tells her about her search for Tom Jennings, the man who died last week.
Nicholas listens intently. Roger says she wasn't making any sense, and she says she remembers what happened--she was walking through the woods on her way there and she passed the place where Tom Jennings was attacked; the memory of it frightened her, made her feel faint, but luckily, she got back to Collinwood. Roger asks her why she said she was looking for Tom Jennings. Nicholas' face shows us he knows all. Julia smiles and says she was delirious to have said that. Mrs. Johnson comes in to tell them the doctor is on his way, but Julia protests that she doesn't need a doctor--send him away, she insists, getting snippy. He tells her to go upstairs and lie down, and asks Mrs. Johnson to help her upstairs. Julia tells Roger that the things she said when she first came in were just nonsense. Of course, he says, but Nicholas gazes at her sharply. Roger admits to Nicholas that when Julia spoke of Tom, she frightened him, because it brought back the memory of the horrible attack and the possibility the man is still around--my sister might be on the property, says Roger--her nurse at Windcliff said Liz kept babbling about wanting to die at Collinwood. Liz thinks she's going to die and wants to die at home and, afraid to come to the house, could be hiding out on the grounds, in danger from the maniac who killed Jennings. Nicholas offers to help him search the grounds. Roger is appreciative.

In the graveyard, Liz Stoddard wanders, gazing at the rows of tombstones. So many of them are buried here, she thinks, so many of her ancestors, and this is where they will want to bury her. She wonders if any of them were buried alive--to awaken in the coffin, buried in the earth, and to still be alive, to die, gasping for breath, crying out--and yet no one can hear. What could be worse? She must not let it happen to her, she vows, covering her face with her hands. Tom Jennings appears. Who are you? She asks--the caretaker?
His only response is to open his mouth to reveal his fangs, causing Liz to scream in terror. When Roger, out searching the woods, calls to Liz, Tom dematerializes. Roger and Liz meet and hug. Why were you screaming? he asks. She tells him about the young man who was smiling at her, who scared her. Roger says there isn't anyone here, but assures Liz he's gone now. Liz can't figure out where he went, but Roger assures her she's safe. He introduces Nicholas as Cassandra's brother and a friend. I will take you home, he promises. Liz pathetically says she'd like that. Nicholas follows them as they leave the cemetery.

Mrs. Johnson paces the drawing room, looking worriedly out the window. She sees the trio coming up to the front door and greets Liz happily. Nicholas asks if he can be of further help, but Roger tells him to go ahead home. Liz says, "I know you, you're Mrs. Johnson!" Both women are happy to see each other, and Roger asks Mrs. Johnson to stay in the foyer while he speaks to Liz in the drawing room. Roger closes the doors. Liz looks hopefully at her brother. He asks if she knows who he is. Of course, she replies, my brother, Roger--and I'm your sister, Elizabeth. She's puzzled by the odd-sounding questions, fearful he'll send her back to the hospital. He says he must speak to Dr. Hoffman, but she protests, begging that she doesn't want to return to the hospital, she wants to die at home. Roger tells her she's NOT going to die. She says she knows that, but all of them will think her dead--they'll bury her alive! She knows it will happen and must stop it. She begs for his help and he swears to give it. He makes her promise to wait here for him; he has something he must do. She says she will, and he exits the drawing room, closing the doors behind him. Roger tells Mrs. Johnson he's getting his car to drive Liz back to Windcliff. For a moment, he thought her rational, then she changed--she's still very troubled. Liz, listening on the other side of the door, realizes Roger lied to her, he's taking her back to Windcliff. She's got to stop him, somehow, she's got to!
Roger orders Mrs. Johnson to stay with Liz while he gets the car, then calls Windcliff to let them know he's bringing her back. Mrs. J. is sorry it has to be this way, as is Roger. Mrs. Johnson goes into the drawing room and Liz asks her if she was going to make a phone call, because if she was, she can't--she cut the wire. She shows Mrs. Johnson the cut wire and Mrs. J. realizes Liz overheard her and Roger. Yes, says Liz, every word. Julia comes in and is surprised to see Liz, who begs her not to let Roger send her back to Windcliff--you have to stop him, you're the only one who can. Mrs. Johnson excuses herself to make the phone call elsewhere and Liz continues pleading with Julia to let her stay home--I'll prove myself sane, says Liz, but Julia's attention is diverted when she hears the dogs howling. He's calling to me, says Julia, wants me to come to him--I must go! Liz begs her to stay, but Julia, caught up in the summons, heads out the front door, leaving it open as she races to Tom. Liz follows her. Mrs. Johnson finds the drawing room empty and the front door ajar. She calls to both women, but the only response is the howling dogs.

Julia enters Tom's crypt. She circles his coffin. "I heard you calling me," she murmurs. "Where are you?" Liz follows her into the crypt and asks if the coffin is hers. "No," says Julia, "now get out of here!" Julia tells her she can't help her now and orders her: "get out, get out, get out!!!!!" she screams at Liz, chasing her away. Liz, terrified, leaves the crypt. Julia wanders the crypt. "You called to me," she croons. "Why won't you appear to me? Where are you?" Tom materializes in the corner of the crypt "I am here, Julia!" he responds, and comes toward her with a smile. Ecstatic, looking like a woman in love, she unravels the scarf from her throat and succumbs with ecstasy to Tom's vampire kiss.

NOTES: Another sexy nibble for Julia, and what an erotic experience it appears to be! If she's behaving this way with a guy she didn't even know, imagine her ecstatic response to Barnabas if HE had ever bitten her!

Poor Liz is back and is sure she's going to be buried alive. I remember hoping that this tired portion of the storyline would be dropped once Cassandra "died," but her curse continued on without her, and I find the whole thing almost as tedious as the dead-end dream curse.

Nicholas knows that the vampire feasting on Julia is most likely Tom; Angelique wouldn't dare to meddle with Julia with the experiment in the offing, not unless she's looking for BIG trouble. She'll get THAT later, I guarantee! Nicholas won't want Julia interfered with, either, so will he be the one to stop Tom's "visits" to her? If anything happens to Julia, the experiment is compromised, and no one wants that--but Tom Jennings doesn't care about anything but blood!

It seems too easy to escape Windcliff--first Maggie, now Liz. Little Sarah helped Maggie, did Liz have a ghostly ally, too?

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2002, 06:34:05 PM »
Robin I just found your review posts perusing the board! I never knew you did these but they are excellent! The pictures bring the ep to life and continue the good work!

Offline ROBINV

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Re: Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2002, 08:17:50 PM »
Thank you, Thom!  For years, I've posted Robservations to several DARK SHADOWS lists and on the Sci Fi board, which I can't seem to give up on, even though posts there are few and far between.

When Midnite and the Mysterious Benefactor set up this board, they invited me to post Robservations here, with the added incentive of screen captures to illustrate them.  I was delighted, and have been posting here since the beginning.

On this wonderful board, I'm a five star general, LOL, and the MB says that means I'm "godlike."  Since I sure as hell haven't reached such a lofty place in real life, I'm thrilled to have attained it SOMEWHERE, and consider this board a magnificent showcase for Robservations.

Thanks again, Thom, and tell your friends, LOL!

Love, Robin



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Re:Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 08:38:34 PM »
DVD episodes for March 22nd and 23rd.

The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#9/Disc#4 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #67, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #68)

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Re:Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2004, 04:23:46 PM »
Ooh baby!  I know most folks don't care for the heavy use of eyeliner on DS, but Julia and Tom look absolutely combustible here, and the makeup really helps.

It gives the actors the look of heroes in one of those tragic sex dramas of the early 1930s, before the RC church invoked the Hays code and the movie moguls made all the men put their shirts back on (but then Errol came in and the shirts started flying off again, hooray hooray).

Julia looks particularly sultry in her closeup paired with Nicholas, and I love Tom's eee-vil grin.  why do I suspect that Julia's neck wasn't the *only* thing he had on his mind to take a bite of???

Great closeups of Clarice and Joan, too.
