Author Topic: Robservations 7/18/02 - #566/567 - Barnabas Learns the Truth  (Read 1428 times)

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566 - Barnabas wanders the woods, searching for Tom Jennings. At the Old House, in the basement, Julia lies on the floor, unconscious. Willie comes in, calling to her, and goes downstairs. He finds her, kneels and slaps her hands. Can you hear me? he cries. She opens her eyes and looks at him. He asks if she recognizes him, and she does. She feels her neck, but when Willie asks what's wrong with it, she says nothing. He observes how weak she seems, but she says she just has a stiff neck. Willie helps her up and seats her on a stool. She assures him she's all right, but he says that can't be, given how he found her. She says she fainted from too much work. Willie says she needs to take it easy. She says she'll return to Collinwood and go to bed. She tells him she'd appreciate it if he doesn't tell Barnabas about this, and he wonders why not. She doesn't want Barn to worry about her, and makes Willie promise to keep mum. Willie offers to walk her back to Collinwood, but she assures him she'll be all right. She looks deathly pale as she heads upstairs, her hand on her neck. Willie notes how messed up the lab is, and seems perplexed. There is glass on the floor, the notebooks, too. Why?

Mrs. Johnson, annoyed, answers the door at Collinwood. It's Julia. Mrs. Johnson apologizes for locking her out, but she thought everyone was in the house already. Julia, looking near collapse, stumbles in. Mrs. J tells her it would make things a lot easier if people informed her of their comings and goings. Seemingly in a trance, Julia walks upstairs, ignoring Mrs. Johnson, who is irritated she didn't even get a thank you.

Barnabas finds Willie straightening up the lab and inquires after Julia. Willie evasively says she returned to Collinwood--he doesn't know why.  Barnabas thought she'd be working late, at least that is what she said. She must have changed her mind, suggests Willie, she was tired, needed rest, was working too hard. Barnabas can tell Willie is holding back information and demands to know what.
Willie says nothing, but Barn says he's behaving strangely--why? Willie says he promised not to tell, but Barnabas forces it out of him: Willie found her unconscious. Barnabas is angry he didn't tell him before, but Willie says it's just overwork and she'll be fine tomorrow. Barnabas says he had better be right, and hurries upstairs. Willie is angry at himself for revealing what he promised Julia he wouldn't.

Julia ties an orange scarf around her throat to cover her vampire hickeys. Mrs. Johnson knocks at her door--she thought Julia would already be leaving. I'm not leaving today, says Julia, I'm staying in bed all day--not feeling well--a bit rundown. She tells Mrs. Johnson to have the room curtained off; there's too much sunlight. Julia stares at her pale countenance in the mirror. She doesn't want to see anyone or take any calls, too, says Julia. Mrs. Johnson promises she won't be disturbed.

Barnabas lets himself into Collinwood after knocking. He's in dark blue, my favorite color on him. Mrs. Johnson greets him. He asks her to tell Julia he wants to see her, but Mrs. Johnson says Julia gave her strict orders that she wasn't to be disturbed today--she wasn't feeling good and was staying in bed all day. She isn't herself, says Mrs. Johnson. In what way is she different? inquires Barnabas. Hard to explain--she's in some sort of daze, says Mrs. J. Barnabas insists on seeing her, but Mrs. Johnson refuses--no exceptions! Barnabas says he must talk to her. He asks if she'd bring Julia a note from him, and Mrs. J says Julia didn't tell her she wouldn't accept notes. Barnabas sits and scrawls a note, then gives it to Mrs. J and tells her he wants an answer as soon as possible. Barnabas contemplates. . .something.

Julia lies in bed, fingering her fang marks. She adjusts her scarf when Mrs. J. knocks. The housekeeper indicates Barnabas' note and tells her he's waiting downstairs. He was upset over Julia's not wanting to see any visitors, explains Mrs. Johnson, but Julia says he has to wait until she's feeling better. She hands Julia Barnabas' note, explaining that he's awaiting a response, but Julia rips in up into little pieces. (how much did this shock you--has another taken Barnabas' place in Julia's heart?)

Night - Julia lies in bed. Willie enters her room and smiles at her. He shakes her leg, waking her up. He asks her not to get mad, he's only following orders from Barnabas. She orders him to go. Willie tells her Barnabas is upset with her for not seeing him today--Mrs. Johnson told him she tore up the note. Julia says she just isn't feeling well, there's no reason for Barn to be upset. Willie reminds her she was supposed to be working on the experiment, and she quickly says she knows that and hopes she can get there tomorrow.
Willie asks if she'll be all right then--she looks like she could go back to the Old House right now! I don't want to, says Julia--is that why Barnabas sent you? He wants to see you, says Willie, but Julia says it ain't gonna happen, and to tell him that. The dog howls. Willie glances sharply at Julia. Is she sure there isn't something else she wants to tell him? Julia asks if he wants her to call Miss Stoddard in there, and Willie backs out as the dogs howl more ferociously.

Tom, in the woods, summons Julia. "Can you hear me, Julia? I am waiting for you. You will leave the house and come to me now. You will know the way, Julia, I am waiting!" He grins, anticipating his food heading his way.

Mrs. Johnson spots Julia leaving the house, but when she asks where she's going, Julia walks right past her, in a trance. She doesn't know if she's sick or she's not, complains Mrs. Johnson, but she leans against the closed door and listens to the howling dogs, looking sickly herself.
Julia meets Tom in the woods, like a lover. "You heard me call to you," he says, "and you knew where to come.""Yes," she says, sounding downright ecstatic. "Come here, Jooolia," he says, and, pulling her into his arms. He bends down and eagerly sinks his fangs into her throat.

At the Old House, Barnabas paces, worried, twisting his fingers around each other. Willie comes in, walking slowly. Barn asks where Julia is. She wouldn't come with me, confesses Willie. I'm worried about her, says Barnabas, as the dogs howl. Willie says Julia looked OK when he saw her, but she seemed a little healthier than the night before. Yes, but it won't last long, says Barnabas, light dawning. He heads out the door. "I must see Julia," says Barnabas, leaving Willie looking upset and fearful over what new horror has befallen all of them.

Julia stands in the woods, looking like a woman who has just had the most erotic experience of her life. Tom circles her, asking if she's sure no one knows where she is. Yes, very sure, she says. He tells her she now knows she must come to him here, every night. "Yes," says Julia happily. She must tell no one, he says, and tells her to return to Collinwood. Eagerly, she tells him she will stay with him, if he wants her to, but he says no, if she's gone too long, it might arouse suspicion. Reluctantly, she leaves him. He gazes after her, pleased. Barnabas enters Collinwood.  Julia comes in, surprised to see him. He comments that he thought her too sick to go out, and she says she just went for a walk right outside. He's looking at her very closely. She's touching her blue scarf, adjusting it, and he wonders why he didn't see her, since he just arrived--she must have come through the woods. She turns away from his scrutiny, saying she's tired and must go to bed. He stops her--she has to answer some questions first. Not now, she protests. Yes, now! He asks if she was walking in the woods. She points out that it's ridiculous for her to walk alone in the woods at night. Relentlessly: "Why were you unconscious when Willie found you last night? And why did you remain in your room today--and not see me at all? And finally, why are you wearing that scarf?"
 She starts to say it was cold out, and he points out it isn't cold in there, so she should take it off. "Take it off, Julia!" he demands, against her protests, and he yanks it off her throat, revealing the puncture wounds.Julia gazes at him defensively while he stares at her, stunned.

NOTES: Who thinks Barnabas should have figured out Julia's problem as soon as he heard she'd been found unconscious in the lab--or at the very least, suspected? He knew Tom had escaped his stake and would be trolling for victims.

What do you think of Tom as a vampire? Sloppy, erotic, something Julia deserves, perhaps craved. What a difference between Julia and Joe as victims, huh? Whereas Jonathan Frid abhorred having to open wide and show his fangs, Don Briscoe reveled in it.

Julia is so engrossed in her new fella, she orders Barnabas to stay away from her--and even rips up a note he sent her! How unJulia-like is that?

And now Barnabas knows what Julia's been hiding from him--how did you like the leadup to his ordering her to "take it off"? I'm sure under other circumstances, Julia would be wishing he'd meant remove something else. Absolutely fantastic, that last scene!

567 - Barnabas tells Julia, "I feared this all day long. "--I kept telling myself it might not be true. She ties the scarf back around her neck and says she tried to keep it from him. He asks how long she expected to keep it from HIM--of all people. She asks what he's going to do, and he says he'll find and destroy Tom--and Julia will help him. "Good night, Barnabas," she says coldly, but he continues relentlessly: where did she meet him tonight? She says she doesn't know. He asks if she's seen the coffin, knows where it's hidden, but she reminds him she can't answer his questions, even if she wants to. Barnabas promises her he will destroy Tom, and she responds, IF you find him, like a challenge. Barnabas knows more about Tom's affliction than other people, but he must get him before he gets Julia.
She says it's too late, but Barnabas assures her it isn't. When she goes to meet Tom tonight, he will follow her there and find out where his coffin is. Julia tells him she can't do that, and he knows why. He agrees. He's going to take her back to the Old House; she won't be safe being left alone at Collinwood. She won't be safe no matter where she is, she reminds him, but Barn promises to lock her in a room at the Old House and prevent her from seeing him--he'll be forced to come to you, says Barnabas, and I will be ready for him. Julia protests the danger Barnabas will be placing himself in, but he urges her not to worry about that--will you come with me to the Old House, he asks--"For me?" She agrees, reluctantly, and he says she can resume the experiment in the morning. She can't, after what happened last night, she protests--I couldn't function during the day, I'm too weak. He reminds her that many lives depend on their going ahead with the experiment. Although Julia realizes Adam will carry out his threat, but she's too weak during the day to proceed with the experiment, no matter what Adam does. They realize this is a huge dilemma.

Adam comes to the terrace, where he runs into Jeff and Vicki. She tells Jeff Adam is the man who kidnapped her, and Jeff attacks Adam, who knocks him to the ground. Vicki screams for help and Barnabas and Julia hear her and race outside.

Jeff is regaining consciousness when Julia and Barnabas appear, and Vicki tells them Adam attacked him. Julia kneels to check Jeff, who has a bad bump on his head. Jeff wants to get inside and call the police--the man who hit him is the same man who attacked Vicki in the woods. Vicki realized that as soon as she saw Adam, she explains. Vicki helps Jeff into the house and Barnabas tells Julia they must go to the Old House, since Adam was clearly on his way there to check the experiment's progress.

Jeff calls the police and tells them Adam ran into the woods after hitting him. The sheriff is sending all six of his available men to search for Adam, reports Jeff. He and Vicki go into the drawing room, where he asks if she's sure the man who attacked her was Adam. It's not possible, he mutters, just a hunch he had about a week ago.  He rubs his head and asks her about the incident in the woods. I was walking back to Collinwood; Adam suddenly appeared, picked me up--I fainted--I don't know where he took me, and the next thing I remember is returning to Collinwood to see you--the two days I was missing are still a total blank. He asks her to try to remember more, and she says she has tried, but. . .something Adam said--"You will help me."
That puzzles both of them. What could it mean? Jeff tells Vicki to wait there for him; there's something he must check on, something to do with the hunch he mentioned earlier. He smiles and kisses her before he goes, and it's a nice moment. Before he leaves, Vicki asks him why he can't tell her, but he promises to tell her everything as soon as he gets back. He kisses her again, caresses her hair, tells her not to worry. (She looks pretty in green.)

Old House - Adam fondles the equipment down in the lab, looking around. He checks the mirrors, the notebooks, seems angry. He takes a glass beaker and smashes it. He hears a door slam upstairs and is soon joined by Julia and Barnabas, from whom he hides at first. I've been waiting for you, he complains--where have you been? They were at Collinwood, explains Barnabas, and heard what happened on the terrace. Vicki recognized me, says Adam, and Barnabas chastises him for not being more careful--the young man called the police. Adam says they won't find him. They will eventually, says Barnabas.
Adam accuses him of wanting him to be captured, that would relieve him of his promise. Barnabas says he hasn't gone back on his word, but Adam impatiently says it's been 2 weeks since he promised him a mate. Barnabas tells him to be reasonable, but Adam says they have an agreement--no one at Collinwood has been hurt. Barnabas says they need more time, and asks Julia to try to make him understand. She says she is a doctor, but there are many complex factors in this experiment, and they need several weeks to complete it. Adam isn't pleased to hear this, but Julia says it's her fault--she's been ill. Adam doesn't believe her, but she says it's true. Adam suggests maybe they're hoping the police will find him so they don't have to go through with the experiment. Barnabas denies this and says he must give them the time they need. How many weeks? demands Adam, but Barn says they can't be that specific. Adam insists on hearing a time frame and Julia says she might be able to complete it in 4 weeks. Adam agrees to that. Barnabas reminds him of the MIGHT; it isn't that easy. Adam says four weeks--that's all. Barnabas asks him to keep away from here, but Adam says he doesn't trust him and will come back sometimes to check the progress of the experiment and remind him of what happens if he fails--Vicki first, then everyone else at Collinwood. Barnabas assures him this reminder isn't necessary, but Adam believes it is--he wants Barnabas to think about it, and not forget, and do what he asks. Adam bids Julia and Barnabas good night. They watch their "son" leave, exchanging a look of despair. Barnabas sits down and Julia caresses his shoulder.

Jeff searches the woods, flashlight in hand. He sees Adam exit the Old House and disappear into the shadows.

Julia tells Barnabas she didn't know what else to tell Adam except that she was sick, and Barnabas says she couldn't very well have told him the truth--he wouldn't have known what she was talking about--he's going out to destroy Tom. She wishes she could help; he knows it isn't her fault. Fearful, Julia asks what they'll do when Tom summons her again;
Barnabas promises to do everything possible to keep him away from her. He has no choice--despite the danger, they only have 4 weeks to complete the experiment. They've barely gotten started, says Julia, promising him she will try to work tomorrow. He escorts her to Josette's room, where he plans to lock her up.

Jeff watches through the window as Barnabas tamps out the candles in the drawing room. Jeff finds the doors to the Old House locked (AMAZING!) and tries the window, which, miraculously, is unlocked! (as usual!) He climbs in, sneaks downstairs and gazes at the laboratory equipment. Why do they have all of Lang's equipment and instruments down here? he wonders. He picks up a scalpel and stares at it. He finds Lang's private journals. He was right, Barnabas lied to him. They didn't dispose of the creature's body, they found a head and completed the experiment! They brought that THING to life, created Lang's monster--but why?? What was their interest in such a project? What could they gain? Jeff ponders all this, then comes across the woman's body on the table. "Oh, no!" he cries, holding his head in horror. "Yes, Mr. Clark," says Barnabas, walking from the shadows, "we're going to create another one."

NOTES: What a finale! We knew it was only a matter of time before Jeff realized Adam was Lang's creation. Now that Barnabas has admitted the truth to them--that they are creating a mate for Adam--how will Jeff react? He'll probably want to go to the cops right away, but Barnabas will explain about the danger Vicki and the rest of the family is in, and insist Jeff assist them, given that Willie isn't proving reliable.

How solicitous Barnabas is toward Julia, but it sounds like his main concern isn't her, so much, as the experiment, and that he's counting on her to complete it. Once again, misguided motives--and it looked like he really gave a damn about Julia herself, didn't it?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/18/02 - #566/567 - Barnabas Learns the Truth
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2002, 12:20:06 AM »
>>trolling for victims.<<

Wasn't there a clip of this on Greatest Moments of Game Shows on last nite?  When Wink Martindale asked "Where is the strangest place you were ever bitten...."  or was that Gene Rayburn [who does a [fangs] pretty mean vampire, himself!] who asked "When I met Julia in the woods, I bit her on the <BLANK>"

Robservations sure do 'sing' since the addition of the photos!!

I love Dark Shadows!  ;D
We sing, we dance.....and we don't need pants!


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Re:Robservations 7/18/02 - #566/567 - Barnabas Learns the Truth
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2004, 08:47:20 PM »
 DVD episodes for March 18th and 19th.

The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#9/Disc#4 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #67)