Author Topic: OT=Computers  (Read 831 times)

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« on: July 17, 2002, 02:09:05 AM »
Been hearing a new TV commercial for Apple computer.
I hear the guy saying...."I was scared, I was used to [size=24]wintel[/size] lol!!! wintel (get it...Window meets Intel!)
Midnite...I thought of you :)

Is there anyone on here who runs an Apple?

(Specifically, is there anyone who has been running win 95/98/00 who has switched to Apple?)

Or...let's live on the edge there anyone who
runs BOTH?[/i] (one @  home/other @ work)?

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Re: OT=Computers
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2002, 02:41:35 AM »
Been hearing a new TV commercial for Apple computer.
I hear the guy saying...."I was scared, I was used to [size=24]wintel[/size] lol!!! wintel (get it...Window meets Intel!)

I haven't seen that one yet. Sounds hysterical. :D

Is there anyone on here who runs an Apple?

There are at least two that I know of. But I'll leave it up to them to reveal themselves or not. ;)

Or...let's live on the edge there anyone who
runs BOTH?[/i] (one @  home/other @ work)?

I have - in exactly that situation (Apple and Windows computers at work - Windows at home). IMO, they both have advantages and disadvantages. The really interesting thing is that, as Windows has developed from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95/98/2000/XP it becomes (at least in look and interface) more and more like Apple's operating system - though, natuarally, Bill Gates doesn't like to acknowledge that! [wink2]

I actually prefer main frame computer operating systems like Wang's VS and Data General's AOS - but I teach Computer Programming (so you can't go by me [winkg]) and, of course, they're not an option on a desk/laptop. However, the more I hear & read about and see Linux, the more I think it just might give Windows a run for its money once it becomes more home user friendly. (I know of at least a couple dozen people (IT types, though) who run it at home now and swear by it.) And now that Microsoft can no longer coerce - oops, of course, I meant to say  - persuade PC manufacturers to install Windows on their machines, the market should eventually open up for other types of operating systems.

I can only hope! [lghy]

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Re: OT=Computers
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2002, 03:20:37 AM »
I have a mac and its been that way since the original LC.  That comp was really bad  :)  But anyway, macs are great, the OS and interface are (in my opinion) still cleaner and more refined than windows, though the lack of compatibility bothers me.
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Re: OT=Computers
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2002, 04:12:46 AM »
I have both at home and both at work. I prefer Macs overall but I don't care for the new OS 10 operating system. I would not advise Windows XP for anyone - it's slower than Windows 2000 Pro.

MB pointed out that the newer operating systems for Windows look more and more like the Mac environment; at the same time, the new OS 10 operating system on the Mac looks more like the Windows environment! I think they're trying to become more and more interchangeable, but that's not a good thing for Macs, as they will eventually lose their advantage of being easier for people to use, especially for first-time computer users.

It really depends on what you do with a computer - if it's mainly for internet stuff and word processing stuff you can get away with a Windows PC; but if you're into graphics and design, especially if you use PhotoShop or an Illustrator program, you definitely want a Mac. Most design programs are designed for Macs and work better on Macs. Also, Macs have a better preview system than Windows so you get a sharper image that looks more like what you'll see if it's printed out.

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Re: OT=Computers
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2002, 04:14:11 AM »
I use a Mac at the office (G4, OS9) and Windows 98 at home. I'm no fan of Bill Gates (in fact, I'd often like to wipe his face with a cheese grater just for fun), but I'm far less a fan of the Mac. While it does have some nice qualities to it, the Mac is far less versatile and comfortable than Windows for routine functions. I hate using the mouse, and the Mac makes me use the mouse ten times more than Windows. Windows usually gives you more ways to do something so you can figure out what's more comfortable. I hate dragging and dropping, for example. In Windows, for file management, I can just copy or cut and paste to move files around. Can't do that on a Mac.

I absolutely detest the small Mac keyboards and stupid little round mice that all the Imacs were shipped with. I had to get my old mouse and keyboard back from IS&S. What kinda idiot doesn't put a forward-delete key on a keyboard? I use that far more than the backspace / rubout.

A lot of people tell me they don't have problems with Macs crashing. In five years' time, on a half-dozen different Macs, I've never seen anything crash MORE than the Mac. Perpetual network problems. Netscape 4.5 on the Mac doesn't even allow me to post on the DS boards; the reply windows turn to little unusable boxes.

I'll have OS 10 in a week or so; the machines that I've seen with it seem to be pretty stable. We'll see. Lest some Mac users with their usual religious fervor brand me an infidel, I will say that I dont absolutely hate the Mac. My G4 is certainly the most attractive paperweight I've ever had on my desk.


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Re: OT=Computers
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2002, 06:23:43 AM »
I don't care for the new OS 10 operating system.

It's interesting to see you say that because I just finished reading an article in the latest issue of E Week that said that OS X is a major leap forward for the Mac. Though they were mostly discussing its internal features (i.e. real memory protection, real virtual memory, real concurrent threads, etc.). They did say, however, that when it comes to programs written for OS 8 and 9, they will run, but they're relegated to a segregated task (similar to running a DOS program on Windows) and subject to Multitasking and Memory management limitations. But at least Apple is still supporting older Mac programs. Because of features of Windows XP that have been completely rewritten, it doesn't support anything that was written for earlier Windows versions. People basically have to go out and buy an XP version of any piece of software that doesn't come standard.

I would not advise Windows XP for anyone - it's slower than Windows 2000 Pro.

And that's a surprise because:
  • 1) Microsoft never exaggerates their claims when they release a new Windows version?
  • 2) Windows releases always live up to their hype?
  • 3) Bill Gates is the most honest man on the planet?
  • 4) All of the above?
  • 5) None of the above?

I feel pretty confident that we can all pick out the right answer! [wink2]