Author Topic: Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!  (Read 1794 times)

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Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« on: July 16, 2002, 08:29:02 PM »
564 - When Julia finds Joe sitting in the hospital, she asks about Tom. He did regain consciousness, reports Joe. I'm glad, she says--did the police speak to him? Joe, seemingly in a daze, says Tom told him what happened. Julia asks if it was an animal who attacked him. Ashamed, Joe hangs his head. If it wasn't an animal, she says, the police should be involved.
But they won't be, ever, says Joe--Tom's dead. Julia is stunned.

Julia expresses her condolences. She said she called the night before; Tom was better. He was, says Joe, but then he just died. Julia notes the self-hatred in Joe's voice, and she offers to call his doctor. She can see he isn't well, but he says he's just upset. There's medication for that, too, says Julia (for everything!), and Joe says if you're as guilty as I am, it wouldn't help. She says she knows he couldn't help it, and he agrees with that. She offers to call Maggie, but Joe says she doesn't know yet and he keeps putting it off--Maggie once dated Tom, and they always liked each other a lot, even if it wasn't serious. Julia says Maggie will be upset if she doesn't hear this from Joe, and he says he can't quite believe it himself. He came to settle the account this morning, saw Tom last night, and he was talking--but he isn't going to talk anymore! Julia asks Joe if his car is outside, and when he says it isn't, she offers to take him home. There are things to do that can't wait, insists Joe, and she observes he's been under a strain and should rest today. There's going to be a funeral, says Joe, today. She remarks how fast that is, but Joe says that's what Tom wanted. He saw him a few hours before he died; if something happened, Joe is his only relative, so it's up to him--the funeral is today and that's the end of it. Julia comments on how upset he is, and he screams at her, "It's my life"--and he doesn't want her interfering. She doesn't understand, she says, and isn't sure she understands what happened to him--at all. She walks away, and he gazes mutely, sadly, after her.

Old House - Willie drapes a sheet over the woman's body on the table, looking grossed out. Barnabas comes down to the basement and Willie is immediately frightened. Barnabas is annoyed over Willie's fright and disgust. Willie was terrified, no one should ask anyone to rob a Grave (or drain a calf, something else Willie once had to do--which is worse?). Barnabas points out that he did do it, but Willie vow he will never do it again--every time he touched it, he felt sick, and couldn't sleep last night. Barnabas says Julia will give him a sedative next time, and Willie backs away, swearing there won't be a next time. Willie accuses Barnabas of not listening to him--he doesn't know how it makes someone feel not to be paid attention to. People pay attention to you, points out Willie, because people listen to you--no more, insists Willie. Barnabas is revolted by all this too, he says--he and Julia don't want to create this mate for Adam. Willie reminds him he told them to kill Adam. Well, I didn't, says Barnabas.
Willie says Barnabas should kill Adam--he'd think of something. Barnabas reminds him why he's doing this, and Willie bitterly comments that it's to keep Vicki alive--he'd do anything for her. It's not just Vicki, Barnabas reminds him, but every member of the family. Listen to Willie Loomis for once, says Willie, this is going to be a lot of trouble, it's dangerous!--this equipment will be found! This room has seen other secrets, says Barnabas. David might come playing around, says Willie, and the cops will descend on them again. Barnabas understands the risks, even more than Willie, he says. If they bring this person to life, says Willie, who will provide the life force? Barnabas doesn't know. Willie says he wants nothing at all to do with it, but Barnabas says he's already involved and can't cry about it now. They hear a door slam upstairs; Barnabas sends Willie up to see who it is. He orders Willie to control his nervousness, and Willie retorts, "If that's Adam up there, or if I go up and find Adam, I'll kill him, even if you won't!" Barnabas calls after Willie, and shoots him a stern look of warning.

Barnabas pages through a notebook, glancing with revulsion at the body under the sheet. Julia comes downstairs and Barnabas tells her they must do something about Willie; he'll give them away without knowing it. There are more important things to do today, she explains. Now you can start your work, says Barnabas, then notices she isn't paying attention. She tells him of Tom's death, which upsets him. She explains that she saw the official reports, and the cause of death was animal bites and loss of blood. There were two fang marks on his neck, which mystified the doctors. They wouldn't think vampire.
Julia says the body was taken to the mortuary, so there will be no further investigation--until next time. Julia tells Barn they should go the police, an idea he calls mad. They can't track down Tom's killer, says Julia, and Barnabas sarcastically asks her if they should tell the police all they know about vampires. She realizes it's ridiculous, but they have to do something. Tom will rise from his coffin--tonight. Julia tells him Joe decided to bury Tom this afternoon, and Barnabas believes Haskell must know, if the burial is that swift. Julia feels he's misreading Joe, he wouldn't be a party to something like that. But Joe didn't go to the police when he caught Willie in the cemetery, points out Barnabas. He came to you, she says. They agree Joe wouldn't keep this secret, and that Tom himself requested the quick burial. Jennings knew, they realize, and blood lust will overpower him upon awakening. We know how to stop him, says Barn. Julia pointedly asks if he COULD. Yes, says Barn firmly, and calls upstairs to Willie. Barnabas asks Julia to recall those moments before dawn when he'd have to go crawling back to his coffin, hoping someone would find and stop him before another dusk released him. He remembers that agony only too well to let anyone else experience it. Barnabas tells Willie there's something they must do, and Willie shakes his head. Barnabas says all three of them will do this together, taking an equal chance. He orders Willie to make a wooden stake with a sharp, dagger-like point. Willie wonders what the joke is, gazing fearfully at Barnabas, and Barnabas assures him this is no joke. "Start. . .now!" barks Barnabas.

Cemetery - It's storming. Joe stands beside Thomas Jennings' fresh grave (1944-1968 reads the tombstone). Joe looks pretty creepy in the lightning, asking Tom if he should go to the police--what good would it do now? What could he say, that he, last night, let Angelique into his hospital room? The dogs howl, unnerving Joe. He won't go to her, not tonight, he tells himself. How could he, knowing she put Tom there? Barnabas, Julia and Willie come across the lone mourner. Willie begs them to come back later. Julia says she'll get rid of him, and leaves Barnabas with the lantern. Joe again vows not to go to Angelique. He sees Julia and demands to know if something else has happened. Nothing, she says, she's worried about him. He assures her he can take care of himself, but she went to his house and Maggie's worried about his depression. He says he's the only one who can help himself, and she encourages him to join her at Collinwood. He thanks her, but says no. She says he can have dinner--Carolyn and Vicki would be delighted to see him. She doesn't know why he doesn't want to be with Maggie. . .he says nobody knows that. Don't punish yourself anymore than you have, it's dangerous to be out here, says Julia. How? he asks. She asks him to accept the help of a friendly doctor, and he seems to acquiesce. Willie, on the other hand, is pure basket case--Joe isn't going to leave? What's Julia telling him? They see Julia and Joe moving, and Barnabas tells him they aren't robbing a grave, but dealing with an enemy, one he knows only too well. Barnabas moves toward the grave, and Willie, clutching the stake and hammer, reluctantly follows. Willie joins him at the graveside, fretting about someone coming. Barnabas orders him to start digging, and Willie takes the shovel in hand and begins.

Julia and Joe walk through the woods, where Julia notes the sounds of the dogs nervously. Suddenly, Joe tells her he can't go to Collinwood, not tonight. You aren't returning to the grave? she asks--where are you going? I have somewhere I have to go, says Joe, not the cemetery.
She tells him he can't go back to the cemetery, and he screams at her that he isn't and disappears into the night.

Willie and Barnabas have lifted Tom's coffin from the ground. Barnabas asks Willie for the mallet before they open it, then orders him to open it. It's empty! He's gone, says Barnabas. They're too late!

NOTES: Anyone for a rousing chant of Jooooooooolia?

Poor Joe--does Julia have an idea of what he's going through? Does she suspect the vampire who attacked Tom has also victimized Joe? He's working so hard to resist Angelique's siren call, but having a very hard time.

Julia asked Barnabas an interesting question--COULD he stake a vampire, given what he's been through? Or will he make Willie do all the dirty work, as usual? Willie sure was sniveling in this ep, but who can blame him? He's always given the worst, most back-breaking jobs!

565 - Julia works alone in the lab, surrounded by multi-colored bottles of fluids. Barnabas comes downstairs and gives her the bad news--Tom Jennings' body was gone when he and Willie dug it up, and now, just as he walked in the darkness such a short time ago, another vampire walks. What are they going to do?
Julia tells him they will go on with the experiment, but Barnabas feels he must find Tom Jennings. He wonders if Cassandra is somehow involved, they never did find her body--this is the sort of thing she would do. But Cassandra aged and died, points out Julia. Nicholas must have something to do with it then, says Barnabas, but Julia says they must stop thinking about this. For nearly 200 years, he was like that man out there, night has a special meaning to him and always will, says Barn. He remembers well his own urges to attack someone. "I must find him, Julia," insists Barnabas, but she refuses to let him go. Barnabas knows the agony this man and his intended victims are going through and has to stop it. Remember Vicki, advises Julia--Adam kidnapped her once, if anything happens to Barnabas, what will happen to the experiment? "You will do it," says Barnabas, but Julia reminds him that she can't deal with Willie, Adam, plus do the experiment--she needs Barnabas, and he must face his responsibilities. Barnabas agrees with her. Adam has allowed them so little time.

Collinwood - A dog howls. Jeff, standing in the drawing room, hears it and looks nervous. He sits down. Vicki comes in and notes he's early. He had to see her, he says, but she says she was just about to go to the Old House--Barnabas sent her a note and wants to see her. Jeff is perplexed. Vicki knows Jeff doesn't like her seeing him, but Jeff complains he doesn't like Barnabas "hanging on" her--Barnabas loves her. We're only friends, says Vicki, but Jeff knows if it were up to Barnabas. . .Vicki asks Jeff if he's always going to be this jealous. Probably, he says, caressing her hair, hugging her, and gives her an out (take it!) He suggests she go see Barnabas tomorrow, but she insists she promised Barnabas. Jeff isn't happy, but says she should just call him. He has no phone, says Vicki. Jeff suggests she wants to be alone with him. (no trust there) Vicki counters that she just doesn't want Jeff glowering at Barnabas, and it will be quicker if she runs to the Old House. Jeff insists on driving her, and she relents on that. He says someday, he'll find out why she's so fascinated by Barnabas Collins. Outside, as they leave, the dog howls, and lightning flashes outside in the storm.

When Vicki shows up at the Old House, Barnabas greets her with, "You shouldn't be out tonight!" You asked to see me, she reminds him as Barnabas gazes nervously around. I should have come to Collinwood, he says. Vicki tells him she can't stay long, and he says he's delighted to see her. Barnabas offers her some sherry and tells her he has something that belongs to her--he presents her with her engagement ring. She puts it on, pleased--she thought she lost it forever. Barnabas says Willie found the ring in the woods.
Vicki is puzzled by the ring's appearance, but wants to offer Willie a reward. Barnabas says that isn't necessary. She can't wait to show it to Jeff, she says, and thanks him. They hear the dogs howling. Barnabas says she shouldn't go alone tonight. She assures him Jeff is waiting for her in the car. Barn says he wishes Jeff would come in. (I don't believe he really feels that way!) Julia interrupts, greeting Vicki. Barnabas explains he was escorting Vicki to her car, but Vicki says that isn't necessary, if Julia's been waiting for him. Julia says she's been doing research, and Barnabas says they've been doing a project on Eric Lang. Julia has found something in a journal she doesn't understand, so Barnabas tells her to leave it on the desk and he'll look at it later. Julia sits down to look over the notebook.

Jeff doesn't believe Vicki when she tells him Willie found her ring in the woods, but Vicki says she must have dropped it there. He chides her for believing everything people tell her, and she says that's better than doubting everything, like him. She thought he'd be happy she found it, but he just wishes he understood. So does Vicki. Vicki feels if someone other than Barnabas had given the ring to her, like Carolyn, he wouldn't be angry.
Jeff doesn't want to hear anything about the three days Barnabas spent looking for her; he wishes she knew what had happened to her. Vicki, staring at her ring, wishes the same thing. She is thinking deeply, and says she keeps listening to the sound of the sea. It makes her feel as if she were in a room alone, looking at her ring, and wondering if she'd ever see him again. She keeps hearing the sea. . .Jeff asks her to describe the room, she might be remembering. Vicki can't get a picture of the room, she just keeps hearing the sea, over and over, against the shore. What does it mean? she asks, but he has no idea.

Jeff kneels in front of Vicki and tells her he thinks she was locked in a room alone, and heard the sea, and there was nothing to do but stare at the ring and wonder when they'd be together again. She would have remembered, she insists, then puts it down to some sort of daydream. Jeff agrees it's always easier to dismiss it than face the fact she was kidnapped and locked in a room. Vicki can't figure out who could have done such a thing, but Jeff says he wonders if Barnabas has an answer. The night she left the Old House, she started back to Collinwood--but Barnabas stayed there, insists Vicki. Did he follow you? asks Jeff. No, replies Vicki vehemently. Odd how he came to have her ring, points out Jeff. Perhaps, says Vicki, but it's just a coincidence. Jeff says she might be right--or might not--he's leaving to see Barnabas! Vicki is sure Barnabas had nothing to do with what happened to her, but Jeff thinks he knows more than he's telling--if Barnabas were involved, asks Jeff, would she rather not know?

Barnabas is preparing to go out to meet Willie, whose courage is lost when Barnabas is late. He tells Julia to keep trying to make sense of the notebook. Julia leans against the chair in which she's sitting and says she's really tired, and wishes he and Willie didn't have to go out. They must--Adam is impatient. Barn asks her if she'll be there later, and she asks if he needs her. Tomorrow morning is soon enough, says Barnabas. She tells him she'll close up the lab, then. Barnabas tells her he's very grateful for what she's doing, and she smiles at him, looking happy--and like she wishes he'd said something more intimate. (poor woman, wishin' and hopin') She's down in the lab, listening to the radio (can't identify the song playing), putting things away, when Jeff knocks at the door, calling for Barnabas. When no one answers, Jeff comes right in (will they NEVER lock that damn door)? He looks around the living room, touches a piece of statuary, finds Lang's notebook. Uh oh, what's this doing here? he wonders. Why would Barnabas be reading that? Why? Jeff picks up the notebook and reads about assembling the strongest legs and sturdiest heart, and finding a mind of genius caliber. Jeff rubs his face like he's getting a headache. He hoped he'd never see that handwriting again. The months he made him do his work. . .then again, if he hadn't worked for Lang, he wouldn't have met Vicki, so some good came of that association. Why is Barnabas interested in this? Why? Jeff paces the living room, glances out the window. Julia wanders in and sees him--you frightened me, she says. He apologizes--he was waiting for Barnabas. Barnabas isn't here, says Julia. She asks if he simply walked in. Jeff says yes, the door was open. Julia came up for the notebook, she explains, and he says he recognizes it as Lang's journal. Julia tells him she and Barnabas are considering writing a book, and Jeff begins to laugh, crazily. He doesn't think exposing Lang's attempt to create a man would do Lang's memory much good. That isn't what the book's about, says Julia, and they're going through all the journals. Jeff notes Julia's nervousness, which she puts down to exhaustion. She tells Jeff Barnabas and Willie drove to Bangor, but Jeff says Vicki told him Barnabas would be home all evening. He changed his plans, says Julia, but she'll tell him Jeff stopped by. Jeff is sure she will (but doesn't look like he believes it). He says he'll be interested in reading her book on Lang, then departs. Relieved that he's gone, Julia returns to the lab. Unknown to her, Tom Jennings is looking through the window.

Down in the lab, Julia writes Barnabas a note--she found Jeff Clark in the drawing room, and he saw Eric's journal. He didn't believe. . .she hears footsteps and stops writing. . .my story about the book--your story, really. More footsteps. "Barnabas," calls Julia, "is that you?" Tom Jennings steps into her line of sight, smiling. Julia asks who he is and what he wants.
He approaches her, his eyes feral and full of need. He opens his mouth to reveal large, long, sharp fangs. "I know who you are!" screams Julia. "Stay away from me! Stay away!" The vampire, lasciviously opening and closing his mouth, lunges at Julia, who screams and screams.

NOTES: There was a time when Julia would have been delighted to succumb to Barnabas' vampire bite, but one senses she doesn't appreciate or desire the attentions of Tom very much at this point. Julia being attacked by a vampire is going to compromise the experiment, and what if she becomes a vampire, too? Would Barnabas be able to stake the woman who has become his closest friend?

I can't stand Jeff. Just because he knows Barnabas' feelings for Vicki doesn't mean she returns him, and his jealousy is unfounded and childish--but then again, so is he. Vicki accepted Jeff's engagement ring, and that should be enough for him to trust her--the lout!

That was one exciting ending, wasn't it?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2002, 08:22:33 AM »
WOW! - Tom Jennings is a very intense and driven vamp, eh?  Just look at that pic of him here :o  If this performance mirrors what is to come from him, then we should be having some really cool episodes now. ;D


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Re:Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2004, 10:21:33 PM »
DVD episodes for March 15th and 17th.

The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#9/Disc#4 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #67)

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Re:Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2004, 11:04:41 PM »
Thanks for these pictures of Julia!  What a Goddess!  Vicki looks like Miss Milquetoast in comparison.

And, of course, the snap of Tom preparing to vamp sizzles so hot, I had to put on oven mitts to type these words.

Thank you Maestro Mysterioso!


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Re:Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2004, 04:12:29 AM »
LOL!! And Starring as Miss Milquetoast. . .