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A Few Fest Observations
« on: July 10, 2002, 04:41:56 AM »
Howdy all! I have never attended a DS Fest before, but I always look at people's pictures and accounts because I love hearing what went on. Having been reading and looking at these pictures and posts for three years, I have noticed many things that go on at the Fests. Specifically, here are some wierd things I pick up on from this year's Festival...

1. In almost every single picture I have seen of David Selby at the cast reunion, he is leaning back in his chair and looks as though he is going to fall backwards! This reminds me of many of my elementary teachers (and still today's) always yelling at kids to stop leaning back, and "it's your fault if you fall and crack your head open!" I wonder if David Selby ever got in trouble for that...?

2. I was looking at pictures of the skit KLS and John Karlen performed and it just looked so weird to see "Willie" riding around on a scooter, wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. What was even wierder was the fact that I have that exact same scooter in my garage.

3. I love KLS's clothes! She always looks so stylish and lovely.

4. I love how someone described how Robert Rodan pulled out a camera to take pictures of the audience. What was even funnier was how he took a picture of himself to "prove to himself that he was here"!

5. All the stars look like they are having a great time (as well as everyone else :) ) and seem to really enjoy the Fest. They all look very approachable and friendly. Though many claim they have trouble remembering all the storylines from the show, I think they remember more than they realize.

6. Bobulas, I noticed on your new 2002 pics the picture of the little boy in your Anaheim 2002 t-shirt. I was wondering, since I could not see clearly, who the two characters in the lower right corner are. It looks like an awesome t-shirt and great for commerating the event!

All in all, the Fests look like so much fun, and I can hardly wait to attend my first one,whenever that may be (hopefully before I finish high school!).

"What is the truth?" 
"That I love you.  No matter how much I fight my feelings, I will always love you."
                          -Barnabas and Angelique 1840