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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2009, 05:29:16 AM »
Ack, another voiceover that shows a backwards slide of Collinwood.

Call me crazy, but I didn't sense a lick of remorse or guilt in Quentin in this ep.  What I saw (JMO) was his fear of repercussions, especially his terror of what Magda surely had in store for him.  (The voiceover described his existence as one of "uncertainty and fear" but I don't recall it mentioning a guilty conscience.)  During the dream, he made excuses (denial is a river in Egypt) for his actions, insinuating that he had no choice because she had a knife and was going to use it on him.  And I noticed that he seemed almost giddy once he thought Magda had "removed" her curse.  I half expected Q to say, at some point, "Me, me, me, it's all about ME."  I mean, how self-centered must he be to passionately kiss the woman he just murdered, even in a nightmare?

And there's also no sign here of the little bit of empathy and kindness that I thought Edward showed in #748.  BTW, I'm thinking that he had Jenny buried quickly to hide the evidence of strangulation (and the lack of injuries from a fall), but it's just a guess.

Wow, Quentin heard Jenny's voice and the doll showed up immediately after Magda declared that Jenny's "spirit will not rest."  Way to telegraph to the viewers that we were about to see was a haunting!

And now we have the funky dream (should I even bother to check who wrote this episode?) [easter_wink]

Sorry, it was written by Gordon Russell and not Violet W, if that's what you meant. [ghost_wink]  What cracked me up about the dream was Magda's secret knock on the drawing room door, lol.  And as yet more evidence that I'm easily entertained, I found it interesting to see how far Magda had to lead Q (in the dark!) to get him from the West Wing set to the foyer set.  And OMG, Quentin woke from the dream screaming like a girl!!  [lghy]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2009, 04:14:22 AM »
Voiceover: LE

They sure are working David Selby hard but I am enjoying every single minute of his time on the screen.  It goes to show you that no matter how talented someone is the may not get “discovered”  unless all the cards fall into place. He wasn't by any means old when he landed DS.  I know he worked in theatre, but this man "NEEDED" to be on the screen. :) Cool to take note of the first mention of Count Petofi..I noticed that this second time around 1897! :)  Does Q own only one suit??  I have commented on the color schemes in 1897 and I would like to comment again~~I love the colors in Q's room! Beautiful!
Love the close up on David. He has such pretty boylashes that compliment his gorgeous eyes (I seem to confuse the spelling check a lot with my made up words)  [ghost_wink] Q crazy party of one…LOL.. Poor Quentin.  I know he is horrid but one sympathizes with him.  I tend to like bad boys any way, so there is NO hope for me!  I would be just like Beth and every other woman who he fluttered his eyes at: Jello!!!

“I don't want her to see me now…not like this!” Quentin whines. Edward nods, “Well I can't say I blame you there!”  Louis deadpans which totally has me cracking up every time I watch this episode!  Moments, no matter how insignificant to “others” is what keeps one coming back to this show for more.

I love Magda’s tambourine jig.  It's AWESOME!!  LOVES IT!! Love the squiggle effect, lighting, and hazy look for the dream.  I look for Magda to break out in song.  Perhaps ‘Mr. Tambourine Man??’ Hey if Buffy can do it, then why not DS??  The characters are larger than life I can totally see a musical.  Anyhoo…Darkening the set and letting an actor travel from stage to stage is quite effective.  I think when shows are on limited budgets at times it really pushes the producers to come up with stuff.  And more times than not it's more creative than if the show had a lavish production pay scale.  I know Charmed’s budget was cut in its final year and I thought it was one of the “most creative” seasons of the show!  I am so jealous of Marie.  LOL   I have ALWAYS admired Grayson’s lovely peach colored nail polish.  It looks good on her!  Grayson and Thayer: What a dynamic duo!

I do love the purple round couch.  I think Pansity pointed it out in another thread.  It is truly lovely!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2009, 06:09:22 AM »
It goes to show you that no matter how talented someone is the may not get “discovered”  unless all the cards fall into place.

And that's getting harder and harder for actors of ability, as the emphasis in casting has changed from talent to an emphasis on pretty plastic people, with talent secondary.  [82b5]  I've never really been into soaps, but I gather a lot of times lately they hire for looks alone, then try to bring someone up to speed.  Remember hearing about a number of cases where that worked SOO well that they had to scurry and get a replacement who could handle basic acting skills.  A far cry from when DS filmed, where by and large they got good ACTORS who were attractive.

Does Q own only one suit??

Sure seems that way, doesn't it?   [ghost_wink] I think there might be two: one navy one very dark grey.  That's of course assuming it's not a trick of the lighting.  But in his first ep they did have a different outfit.  For some weird reason, the frockcoat was worn with beige or some similar color riding britches.  Seems a weird combination. That disappeared pretty quickly, and we were left with Quentin's closetful of identical suits -- instantly replaceable in case of wolf out.  [Wolfie] 

LOL I remember a running joke with some friends about that being why he didn't have the obligatory valet -- someone would have noticed the magically disappearing/messed up clothing.  And since Grandmamama only promised him a roof over his head (not even food was included, we were cracking lately   [ghost_wink] ) he better have had a good supply of clothes on hand already.

He has such pretty boylashes that compliment his gorgeous eyes
  You can see the Black Irish and Welsh ancestry there.  Light eyes "put in with a dirty finger".  Totally ironic that he and JB looked so much like siblings in this storyline, since that's not the coloring she was born with.  Yet it's so perfect for her  (especially with the previously mentioned dark green dress!).

  Poor Quentin.  I know he is horrid but one sympathizes with him.  I tend to like bad boys any way, so there is NO hope for me! 

Yeah but the thing with Quentin is that he's three dimentional horrid.  You see the bad behavior but they also show you hints so when they develop the character it's not totally out of left field where you go [scratch] where did THAT come from.  And LOL Bad boy rakes are more interesting anyway -- more levels and more places to go with the character for actors AND fanfiction.  [ghost_wink]

“I don't want her to see me now…not like this!” Quentin whines. Edward nods, “Well I can't say I blame you there!”  Louis deadpans which totally has me cracking up every time I watch this episode!  Moments, no matter how insignificant to “others” is what keeps one coming back to this show for more.

Yes, I love the wisecracks and the dry humor.  LOL thats something seems consistant across the shows I've really gotten involved with -- not to mention my addiction to 30s movies.  And FYI Falcon Crest has the same kind of witty humor -- I have a friend who made up a "legendary quotes" site with all the great snappy dialog.


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Offline Taeylor Collins

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2009, 07:18:03 AM »
I love Old Hollywood movies too and that is why I enjoy seeing Joan Bennett so much on DS.  She really brought the "class"
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2009, 10:30:25 AM »
Yes, I love the wisecracks and the dry humor.  LOL thats something seems consistant across the shows I've really gotten involved with -- not to mention my addiction to 30s movies.  And FYI Falcon Crest has the same kind of witty humor -- I have a friend who made up a "legendary quotes" site with all the great snappy dialog.

How 'bout The West Wing and Gilmore Girls?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2009, 02:45:52 AM »
How 'bout The West Wing and Gilmore Girls?

LOL I could probably bore people to death with my list of good ensemble shows with great wisecracking writing.  Never seen Gilmore Girls (too many shows, not enough time), but West Wing is  a particular favorite to the point where I invested in the entire series on dvd.  Matter of fact, the reason I went to the National Cathedral was actually NOTHING to do with Selby, but EVERYTHING to do with the episode "Two Cathedrals".  I've got a youtube clip of the finale on my facebook page  [ghost_wink].

We've discussed Blakes 7 before in that vein, and I'd add goodies like Babylon 5, original Trek and Blackadder (and that's the short list  [ghost_rolleyes].


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2009, 12:42:31 PM »
And here we have the first mention of... COUNT PETOFI.[milestone]

Oh, no, Jeannie! You beat me to it!  [8311] Oh well... Here's another milestone: This was the episode when Magda and Sandor tricked Quentin into drinking the potion. [milestone]

I like the profile of Quentin superimposed over the image of Collinwood. Great effect. [thumb]

[spoiler]Quentin's nightmare reminds me of the Dream Curse. Quentin didn't want to, but he was compelled to follow Magda. Also, Magda knocked on the door, just like in the Dream Curse. I enjoyed watching Quentin in this dream - it's almost like he participated in the Dream Curse![/spoiler]

I, too, really enjoyed watching all the colors in the dream. I always love the dreams on DS. Psychedelic colors are fun! [color] It was great to see MW again as Jenny, so she could give Quentin the "kiss of death".

David Selby does a fantabulous job as the frightened Quentin. [clap2] It was thrilling to watch him be so afraid. It was humorous to watch Edward tell Quentin to "get a hold of himself". That's the second time Edward uttered that line since Jenny died - I guess he liked to say it! [ghost_wink]

It was entertaining to watch Quentin be so scared of what would happen that he begged Edward to give him money with which to brag Magda and be so agreeable to leaving Collinwood. He was so terror-stricken that he even wanted Edward to stay with him! [ghost_cheesy]

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----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2009, 09:09:08 PM »
I think that's part of the genius of 1897. I don't think we're ever meant to know for sure because Q himself doesn't know for sure.
Part of the genius of 1795 is that we never know for sure what exactly happened between Angelique and Barnabas, beyond the fact that there was sex.

I liked the way Sandor and Magda worked so well together when they were fooling Quentin: Magda saying no to Quentin's offer of money, and Sandor apparently persuading her to think again.  I daresay they had done that sort of thing many, many times when they were on the road together.

It must have been nice for Louis Edmonds to get a good line like “Well I can't say I blame you there!”  He got lines like that all the time in the first year of the show, and now he's playing straight (rigidly straight) man to David Selby most of the time.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2009, 02:27:02 AM »
Part of the genius of 1795 is that we never know for sure what exactly happened between Angelique and Barnabas, beyond the fact that there was sex.

Ain't it the truth.  You can play that one any which way tickles your fancy (or any other body parts).  Then again, the more obscure the original telling, the more fanfiction people can get out of it.  Almost never a bad thing.

I liked the way Sandor and Magda worked so well together when they were fooling Quentin: Magda saying no to Quentin's offer of money, and Sandor apparently persuading her to think again.  I daresay they had done that sort of thing many, many times when they were on the road together.

Yeah they were a great team.  I bet they had the schtick down to a science.


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