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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #60 on: July 08, 2002, 03:16:44 PM »
Hi, Cheryl thanks so much for sharing the report
on the DS Fest glad you had a great time!!!
Wish i could of seen The Q-man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe next yr!!!     I will attend!!
                              Love Anne
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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #61 on: July 08, 2002, 05:54:59 PM »

Welcome back jennifer - you've been missed. Glad you're feeling great. [thumb]

Hmmm - and is it really just a coincidence that you resurfaced the week Don Briscoe is set to make his first appearance during this DS run? [wink2]

Thank you MB i do believe it he will be on Wed can't wait!!!!

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Offline Philippe Cordier

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2002, 05:13:44 AM »
After reading Professor Stokes' latest (but not last?) installment, I'm beginning to wonder if I was even at the festival ... I don't know how I managed to miss so much of it!  It seems I was always arriving late for an event or having to leave to go eat or something.  Let's see, I did see one thing in its entirety -- the Roger Davis real estate development video!  ;D

Just kidding, I did see all of David Selby's presentation and some others, though that often seemed to be by accident rather than by design.

My apologies to Bobubas for not commenting on your theatrical performance ... I didn't realize that was your stage debut, and unfortunately this was another instance where I had to leave shortly after the event began ... from the brief glimpse I had, though, Bob, you may want to consider a career move!  :D

Gosh, where to start.  Well, maybe I'll be nasty and pre-empt Prof. Stokes' account of the banquet dinner (I don't think she's gotten to that yet, anyway).  I have to say that the dinner was very, very good -- like virtually everything I ate in California! The fresh mixed greens and vinaigrette whetted my appetite, followed by the main course which was chicken breast.  I know people joke about "rubber chicken" banquets, but as with the dinner at the festival in NY last year, this was delicious.  I also was impressed by the fact that each plate proved to be steaming hot when the server removed the cover.  In addition to the chicken were some wonderful fresh asparagus spears done just right, a rather small dollop of whipped potatoes (I admit I prefer heaps and heaps of mashed potatoes -- with gravy!), a single fresh steamed baby carrot that was so much more flavorful than the packaged kind.  There was also a square of something that I couldn't identify.  It was hot (temperature) and had a rather gritty texture -- in fact, I wondered if it might have been grits, but the guys I was sitting with were from Texas, and they didn't know what it was either, so it couldn't have been grits. Hmmm, I can't remember what else and I don't think I took notes on the dinner.  The dessert was not as fantastic as the one in New York; this was a type of baked apple dessert and the apples were the rather typical dried apples you find in this type of dessert.  The wait staff offered coffee or hot tea (I'm more of a tea consumer, though I had aromatic coffee at my Starbucks breakfasts every morning ...).  One thing I did miss was wine, though.  If memory serves correct, we were served wine at the dinner at the Marriott World Trade Center last August.

As far as actors from the show whom I talked with or saw up close ...

I got in line (when it was fairly short) to say hello to Kathryn Leigh Scott and mentioned a subject we had chatted about last year (briefly, this had to do with one of her non-DS publishing ventures and someone I met who knows KLS through that).  Next I mentioned that I had purchased the video of "The Great Gatsby" recently and had been shocked to discover that the Academy Award winning score had been completely gutted from the video, and wondered if she knew anything about why that was done.  She didn't.  I then said that luckily AMC had run the movie shortly after that, with the original music ("What'll I Do When You are Far Away ...") and had taped it.  I wanted to ask her about working with Sam Waterston, but I thought I shouldn't take up any more time, so I just said it was nice talking with her again this year, and she turned to say something to her assistant and that was it.

John in SC, you were wondering about Robert Rodan.  Because of unscheduled time changes in events, when I arrived in the ballroom his appearance was already underway.  Or I should say his steamy bedroom scenes were heating up the screen.  I learned that this was a movie he had made called "Minx" and the guy next to me said it was really horrible.

After the clip, Mr. Rodan answered some questions from the crowd and said that he was 6'4", although he has shrunk.  This was something I had been curious about (his height, not his shrinking).  His hair was pulled back in a pony tail and I thought he would look better if it had just been cut short, but that's just my opinion.  He did his "Bar - na - bus" line upon request and he sounded exactly the same as he did on the show.  That was really the only thing I recognized about him from the show.

Regarding the soft-porn scenes (well, I may not have seen all that Professor Stokes reported, because there was nothing that couldn't actually have aired on prime-time TV that I saw), Mr. Rodan said that he had gotten very "hot and bothered" filming these scenes and then went back to his apartment and "took it out" on his girlfriend (wink, wink).

After the Q&A, Mr. Rodan walked to the back of the ballroom where I was standing and gave a  friendly nod in my direction.

Rubbing elbows with the actors at the festivals really drives home the reality that the actor is NOT the character you see on "Dark Shadows."  And although the actors are very talented and interesting people, I began wondering if I would really prefer to meet the characters on DS ... not the real people behind them.  I mean, just think:  Barnabas, Julia, Maggie -- all of them -- they are the ones who continue to fascinate me, more than the real-life actors ...

Well, I've written all this and haven't even gotten to my notes yet (and this is my second installment!), and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will.  Maybe it won't be necessary, and I think I have to wrap things up for tonight ...

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #63 on: July 09, 2002, 06:39:13 AM »

Rubbing elbows with the actors at the festivals really drives home the reality that the actor is NOT the character you see on "Dark Shadows."  And although the actors are very talented and interesting people, I began wondering if I would really prefer to meet the characters on DS ... not the real people behind them.  I mean, just think:  Barnabas, Julia, Maggie -- all of them -- they are the ones who continue to fascinate me, more than the real-life actors ...

Vlad, I'm glad that you brought up this point because that has been what has stopped me from attending any of the NY Fests.

Even tho I know that these characters do not exist, I want to meet Willie Loomis, Maggie Evans, Jason McGuire, etc.  Will my preconceived notions be altered once I meet the actor/actress behind the facade?  

I guess what I'm asking is: once you meet the actor/
actress behind the character, does your opinion of the character change?  For example,  I could never see Maggie Evans turning into a KLS or downtrodden Willie Loomis being a lively John Karlen.

Does you opinion of the character change once you meet the actor/actress? I hope I made myself clear.

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2002, 06:39:22 AM »
There was also a square of something that I couldn't identify.  It was hot (temperature) and had a rather gritty texture -- in fact, I wondered if it might have been grits, but the guys I was sitting with were from Texas, and they didn't know what it was either, so it couldn't have been grits.

Cornbread.  :D

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival 2002 Reports
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2002, 07:06:32 AM »
Does you opinion of the character change once you meet the actor/actress?

I can't say that's been the case for me. In most instances, meeting the actors and hearing them speak about their character(s) and how they approached the role(s) has only made me enjoy the character(s) more. Well, with at least one big exception, and I've never made a secret of who that is. ;) LOL!
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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #66 on: July 09, 2002, 09:06:22 AM »
After reading Professor Stokes' latest (but not last?) installment, I'm beginning to wonder if I was even at the festival ...

LOL, yes, I've finally finished my accounts of the Fest.  I apologize for my wordiness; people have told me in the past that I talk too much.  I'll have to moderate my reports of future events.  :-X

Let's see, I did see one thing in its entirety -- the Roger Davis real estate development video!  ;D

Ironically, that was one of the things that I didn't see.  Somehow, I always seemed to find something more pressing to do outside the ballroom whenever Roger's documentary was playing.  ;)

Well, I've written all this and haven't even gotten to my notes yet (and this is my second installment!), and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will.  Maybe it won't be necessary, and I think I have to wrap things up for tonight ...

Thank you for posting your continued report, Vlad.  I hope that you will continue to share with us; I'm curious as to what notes you made on the Festival.  


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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #67 on: July 09, 2002, 05:17:51 PM »
just curious about The roger davis video
Did a lot of people stay for it? i don't know if
I would have been happy hearing that when i came to see things about the show kind of like those
time sharing places you go too!

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #68 on: July 09, 2002, 06:07:33 PM »
LOL @ timeshare comments...

Like pretty much everything connected to Roger Davis over the weekend, I think most people just gritted their teeth and tried to ignore it as politely as possible ;) | The Dark Shadows News Page | Visit the Dark Shadows Journal Online

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #69 on: July 09, 2002, 07:31:41 PM »
just curious about The roger davis video
Did a lot of people stay for it? i don't know if
I would have been happy hearing that when i came to see things about the show kind of like those
time sharing places you go too!


I would have at least hoped Roger was gracious enough to serve the requisite stale pastry, small glass of oj and one cup of coffee before boarding the tour bus to see the overpriced model homes.

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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #70 on: July 09, 2002, 09:01:10 PM »
Hi Vlad, Thanks for the great report on the fest. It sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. I really enjoyed reading all about it.   Looking forward to hearing the rest! :)
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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #71 on: July 09, 2002, 11:57:48 PM »
I've just finished uploading Bobubas' 2002 Dark Shadows Festival photos on his web site. You can find them at the url below:


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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #72 on: July 10, 2002, 03:47:43 AM »
Exit "lurking" mode ~~  :P

Hi  :D

This was my 9th festival.  I have attended all of the festivals since 1994, as well as, many of the one-day DS trips including DS day in Tarrytown, NY ~ DS dinner at the Le Bar Bat in NYC, and also last year's NODS Anniversary showing in LA.  I really enjoyed this festival as it was more intimate and not as crowded as the NY festivals since to be each year.  This was my second year for volunteering at the information desk which was fun.  I also was fortunate to be asked to assist Marie Wallace at her table when she was needed elsewhere at the festival, and also assisted her with escorting her to her room when she was done selling her photos and prints.  I really enjoyed listening to Jeanne Avery talk about David's life and career.  David's character on DS has always been my favorite and it was a real treat to hear the "missing pieces" as to how his life and career has turned out.

I guess while I have exited the "lurking" mode I should also introduce myself, my name is Dean - and I am original fan of DS.  My sister used DS as a babysitting tool to keep my attention when I was a little kid - by placing me in front of the tv - so she could do her homework.  I loved the show then, and I still do to this day.  In 1977, DS aired on our local PBS station, and showed the introduction of Barnabas up until her was ready to kill Dr. Woodard - then it was gone! POOF!  :-[

I hated math as a teen - and so it was also about that time while taking a math class - that my math teacher learned from a parent-teacher conference with my mother that I loved DS.  We found out that my math teacher's sister (who was in her 40's at the time) also loved the show and had collected all of the DS Marilyn Ross novels.  So, a deal was struck - as long as I could pass my math tests each week - she would borrow the DS novels from her sister and allow me to read them.  Well, needless to say, I passed my math class with flying colors all the while - reading all of the DS Marilyn Ross Novels.  ;D

In 1989, I started collecting the DS MPI tapes while living in Chicagoland.  Funny thing, I never looked closely at the back of the DS VHS tape jacket and noticed the DS Festival information - until 1993 when I purchased a copy of KLS, DS Companion.  I sent away for information - and then joined a fanzine called the DS Collectible Classifieds.  It was through the fanzine that I met Bobubas and after a lunch at Chili's Restaurant ~ looking at his scrapbooks and purchasing a few DS Marilyn Ross novels from him as well - I attended my first DS festival in LA in 1994.   :)

I have also been fortunate to sponsor two Jonathan Frid shows in my hometown in 1999 & 2001.  Both were extremly fun to sponsor and have the opportunity to bring Jonathan to the Midwest for fans to see his one-man shows.  

I continue to enjoy the DS Festivals each year and fandom.  I rarely post to boards, but do enjoy reading everyone's comments.

~~ now back to LURK mode ~~~  ;)


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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #73 on: July 10, 2002, 04:26:18 AM »
Cassandra and others, I'm glad you enjoyed my commentary on the Festival; I could literally write pages and pages more, but I think I'm going to have to limit myself to a brief wrapup now ...

First, to respond to Carol's question  -  yes, your question is crystal clear, and it's a good one. Speaking for myself, I really do not find any "overlap" between the reality of seeing or meeting the actors and watching the characters on the show. This may partly be due to the fact that this is 30 years later, and most of the actors have changed so much in appearance. Still, Lara Parker is probably the most unchanged of any of the DS performers, and when I watch the show, I do NOT see OR think of Lara Parker, a real woman who lives in Southern California. I see only Angelique, a witch. And the same is true for all of the other actors, too.  I do not think of the real-life actors behind the roles when I'm viewing the show. I think this speaks well both for the overall quality of the acting, but even more I think it's because DS is truly another world  -  fantastic, escapist, what have you  -  that I immediately enter the moment I tune in to the show.

Speaking of escape, fantasy -  perhaps one of the best things about the Festival for any avid viewer is that the Festival allows you to become almost completely immersed in the world of Dark Shadows for an entire weekend.  Nearly any time of day or late into the night and early morning hours, you need only step into the convention hall to enter the world of DS.  Even if there's nothing else going on, a video of the show or one of the DS movies will be showing.  It's a wonderful escape for a few days from the real world.

Ms Criseyde identified the mystery food item at the banquet as cornbread.  That was my first thought upon tasting it, too, but this was unlike any cornbread I've ever eaten, and I'm crazy about cornbread!  So, I'm not entirely convinced about that ...  Oh, and MsCriseyde, after looking at the photos on Bobubas's site, I realize that I saw you among others at various times during the festival.  I'm sorry we didn't actually meet.  Actually, you did look familiar, so if we met in NY last year, and I've forgotten, my apologies (as I had to do last weekend with Teresa, who said we met in NY, but the details were very hazy for me ... )  :D

Prof Stokes says she did not see the Roger Davis real estate video ... dear, if you were at the banquet, you saw it, believe me!  Perhaps you've had all memory of it erased from your mind ...

Another note about the banquet:  I was truly pleased with the "free gift" of the magnet reproducing Barnabas' portrait from the Great House.  The black background is the perfect setting and it now graces my refrigerator, alongside "Wizard of Oz" and "Gone With the Wind" magnets.

Speaking of merchandise, I really, really wish now that I had bought one of those miniature Josette's music boxes back when MPI offered them.  I spoke with an MPI rep at the festival and she said they would not be offered again.  I have the feeling that they didn't sell too well, which is understandable given the price.

I was rather taken with a poster I saw at the festival that was a portrait of Quentin by Jim Graziano, which was only $10, but I had no way of transporting it (they had no mailing tubes).  It would have been fun to have framed at home.  It didn't sound like these were available by mail.

The rest of this will just be random things tossed out.

Jeanne Avery:  I hadn't realized until reading the program that she is Jeanne Avery the astrologer. She truly has a toehold in -- or should I say "grip" on that market (wink to midnite).  Quote:  David "never wanted to be a normal kid."

KLS:  Interesting to hear in the Q&A about her experience working with George C. Scott.  Couldn't have been too pleasant from the way she described him trying to throw off her concentration.  I was a bit surprised by KLS's repeating the anecdote about how they decided to make David Ford's character go blind because he couldn't remember his lines.  This after how many months or years on the show?  I confess I am a bit skeptical of her story, entertaining though it was.  What would the point have been in doing this since his character was about to be killed off anyway?

An aside regarding this Q&A event with all of the DS actors/guests:  this was billed simply as "DS Cast Reunion" in the printed materials, which I assumed meant that the actors would be off in a private room somehwere sipping wine and catching up amongst themselves.  It was only by accident that I didn't  miss this event, but only because I was already seated in the convention room.

The Display Room:  A little publicized and not explained aspect of the festival.  It wasn't mentioned in the printed program, and I only heard about it when Jim Pierson annoucned at one point where it was but didn't say what it was.  I wasn't the only one in the dark about this, as several people I talked to hadn't heard anything about it.  When I tried to access the room during posted hours, the door was locked.  Fortunately it was open the next day that I tried.  There were some interesting displayed photos, such as of the actual Old House, that were interesting to see.

Joan Bennett:  I hadn't known that she attended her last couple of festivals in a wheelchair.  Wow, she must have had good feelings about the show and the fans.  :)

David Selby:  I was unaware that he either has a Ph.D., or came close to completing one, in philosophy.  Very impressive.  Also that he hung out with Robert Lowell and Anne Sexton  -  two great American poets.  That must have been a trip, considering their talent, Sexton's beauty, and their highly volatile emotional conditions.

Alexandra Moltke:  I missed most of the recent video interview with her that was presented, but noted that she spoke highly of Joan Bennett as well as Thayer David.  She said that David was a recovering alcoholic and that as far as she knew he never slipped, which I was heartened to hear.  She also acknowledged that he had a dark side, but she obviously cared a great deal for him.  Someone mentioned to me that the only major actor on the show that Ms. Moltke-Isles didn't mention was Grayson Hall, but I don't know whether anything should be read into this since she was asked about each of the individual actors by an off-screen interviewer.

Finally, a note on the hotel:  the rooms were beautiful, decorated in a tropical style, with colorful paintings, gilt-framed mirrors, and excellent lighting.  I couldn't believe how spacious and comfortable mine was, much more luxurious than the WTC Marriott's rooms (and without those annoying adjoining doors on each side that you could hear everything through).  Nothing could beat the WTC's staff for cordiality, however.  My view from the Anaheim Marriott's Oasis Tower overlooked the fountain and flowers at the front entrance and the palm-lined boulevard, and I could watch the arrivals and departures of all the guests.

These few days in California were a brief paradise.
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Re: Dark Shadows Festival  2002 Reports
« Reply #74 on: July 10, 2002, 05:17:17 AM »
I thought the mystery food was Polenta ( which may be cornbread ). I also did not eat the apple strudle thing and I love sweets but was hoping for something yummy and chocolate. There was a bar set up that sold wine ($$$) I settled for the water at my table.
ProfStokes and Vlad, Keep those detailed reports coming. I love reading your accounts and they help me refresh my memory about some things.
The display room was locked due to the lack of volunteers to watch the room. Remeber all the kids running up and down the hall from the piano recital? Well, I heard they made their way into the display room unsupervised and that  could have been a disaster.
I also made too many trips to Starbucks and am now addicted to Ice Chai Latte's. I am trying to break that addiction as I do not want to have to add another day at the gym. I hear those things are loaded with calories.
Did anyone watch the rock opera "Evensong"? I decided to stay and check it out and was quite impressed. I found some of the songs to have quite lovely lyrics and was planning on buying the cd but by the time I got to the dealers room, it was closed. Fortunetly, I found the guys email address and have ordered one. He said he would sign it for me.
Today is a week since I returned and I still have not gotten back to my sleep routine. I find myself wide awake at 10:30 ( late for me on a work day) and having a terrible time getting out of bed at 5:00 am. Gaining those 3 hours is great but coming home is another story.
I hope to get my pictures developed tomorrow and will get them up asap.
" Some day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"