Author Topic: #0319/0320: Robservations 01/17/02: A Trap is Set  (Read 1390 times)

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#0319/0320: Robservations 01/17/02: A Trap is Set
« on: January 16, 2002, 06:52:15 PM »
319 - (KLS) - Somewhere in this night, somewhere near Collinsport, there is one who must destroy in order to exist. He has wreaked new destruction, and a frightened, desperate man has learned to live with terror.

Maggie returns to the cottage from a short walk to find her father worriedly pacing. She feels there's no longer any need for concern, but changes her mind when her father shows her the evening newspaper, its headline proclaiming, "Another Girl Attacked." You must be more careful than ever, insists Sam, increasing Maggie's fear. He assures her that deputies will be stationed around the house around the clock. Dave joins them and explains that the girl who was attacked is all right, but remembers nothing of her attacker. Wanting to get her out of the room, Sam asks Maggie to make coffee. Woodard proposes the idea of spreading a false rumor that Maggie's memory is returning; they can then saturate the cottage property with deputies who will capture the maniac when he attempts to silence Maggie.
Sam insists he won't even consider this plan. They hear dogs howling outside, and both remember hearing them the night Maggie disappeared.

Old House drawing room - Willie is very upset about Barnabas' latest attack--the police are searching everywhere--and he knows Barnabas attacked her out of needless panic, too.
Go into town and find out what people are saying, Barnabas orders, and Willie darkly warns him that things can't continue on this way.

Cottage - Maggie tells the men she doesn't think she will ever remember what happened to her. Dave outlines his idea, but says he's reconsidered and decided it's too risky. Maggie, however, insists on going through with the plan--she has confidence it will work. She dials the phone. Sheriff Patterson shows up in response, astounding Sam, who didn't realize his daughter called in the law with the notion of putting Woodard's plan into action. Sam is adamant--he won't allow it. Patterson points out a flaw in this scheme--everyone knows Sam wouldn't deliberately let slip anything that would endanger Maggie. Pretend you're drunk, suggests Maggie (not much of a stretch) and accidentally let the information slip out. Patterson is willing to go along with it, but not Sam.
Maggie, hearing the dogs howling outside, tells her father that this ongoing fear is going to drive her insane--please go along! Sam finally gives in.

Willie is already at the Blue Whale, having a drink, when Patterson and a seemingly drunken Sam staggers in. The bartender asks the sheriff if it's OK to serve Sam, given his level of intoxication, and Patterson says one won't hurt. Any news about the new attack? Queries the bartender. It will all be over in a couple of days, chortles Sam. Keep quiet! Orders Patterson, as Willie listens closely. It seems as if you're on to something, suggests the bartender. Others crowd in to listen, too.
Patterson denies that there's any news. Maggie will make you a public hero, Sam says drunkenly to Patterson. What does he mean? Asks the bartender, pouncing on this information--is Maggie getting her memory back? Patterson and Sam continue to deny any new developments. Sam goes to a table, and Patterson quietly advises the bartender to forget everything Evans said. Willie has overheard everything. Patterson joins Sam at the table, and both are satisfied that they've planted enough seeds so that everyone in town will know that Maggie has started to remember. Make sure Maggie is guarded well, Sam soberly tells Patterson.

Old House, drawing room - Willie tells Barnabas everything he overheard at the Blue Whale, and the vampire says Julia must again erase Maggie's memories of what happened. Leave town, urges Willie, but Barnabas won't do it. What are you going to do? Asks Willie. You'll find out soon enough, promises Barnabas--before this night is over.

A dog howls outside.

NOTES: Sam is funny as the pretend drunk here, but deadly serious when he warns the sheriff not to let anything happen to Maggie. Playing drunk would never be a stretch f or old Sam, but it was funny to see him revealing secrets, and Patterson's efforts to shut him up. I give Maggie a lot of credit for agreeing to this, and completely understand her motives. She's a prisoner in her own home, and that's not a fun way to live one's life.

320 - Darkness shrouds the walls of Collinwood and hides its secrets well. Inside the great house, all seems peaceful and serene. A frightened and disturbed boy lies sleeping, but sleep brings him no peace, for dreams can bring him one step closer to learning a terrifying and dangerous secret.

David, asleep in his bed, has a terrifying dream: He;s in the cemetery and runs into Barnabas outside the mausoleum. Barnabas' face grows bigger, bigger, and he bares his fangs.
David awakens, screaming. Vicki and Burke race into his room and attempt to comfort him.
He says he forgot what he dreamed.

Outside David's room, Vicki tells Burke something has been bothering her. David comes to the door to talk to Burke, and Vicki leaves them alone in David's room. There, David tells Burke his dream--he didn't want to describe it in front of Vicki, who wouldn't want to hear bad things about Barnabas. Has Barnabas ever done anything to make you afraid? Burke asks the boy. The way Barnabas looks at me scares me, admits David. It's your imagination, says Burke (big help!) Don't tell Vicki, asks David, it would make her angry--and don't allow Barnabas in my room.

In the drawing room, Burke tells Vicki about David's nightmare (way to keep a secret--and a promise, Burke!) She's puzzled by it. Perhaps David's judgment is stronger than ours, says Burke. Barnabas isn't capable of harming anyone, insists Vicki, who then answers a knock at the door--Barnabas, who is upset. He leaves an urgent message for Julia to contact him, then quickly leaves. Burke wonders why Julia is so involved with Barnabas, and Vicki accuses him of turning everything into a mystery that involves Barnabas. They decide to drop the subject. As Vicki heads upstairs to check David, Burke wanders over to gaze at Barnabas' portrait. When Julia enters, Burke passes along Barnabas' message--and asks who else she's been conducting her research with.
Julia gives him a vague response, and leaves him still staring avidly at the portrait.

Old House drawing room - Barnabas again shares his concern about Maggie with Willie. Julia joins them and the first thing Barnabas tosses at her is that Maggie's memory is returning. Impossible, says Julia, but Willie reveals what he overheard at the bar.
There's no way Maggie could remember, persists Julia. Make certain, commands Barnabas, and gives Julia one more shot--go check on Maggie tonight! I'm no longer Maggie's doctor, admits Julia--Dave removed me from her case. Another blunder! rails a livid Barnabas. He wants to kill Julia, but decides not to--he'll wait and see about Maggie. I'm glad you didn't panic, says Julia approvingly, and heads to the basement to prepare his next injection. After she leaves, Barnabas paces the room. I know you're going to kill Maggie, says Willie. I wanted to spare her, confesses the vampire, but she's now too much of a threat to me--I have no choice--Maggie will die tonight.

NOTES: Barnabas has made that same threat many times now--how many nights was Maggie due to die at his hands? Quite a few, I think. Julia, too, but he's growing softer, perhaps because of the injections, and killing seems less acceptable to him now, even to protect himself. Why he felt compelled to attack again seems strange; the need for blood is surely less now, if not completely gone, and I wonder why he brought suspicion on himself once again when it wasn't necessary. Does part of him want to be caught and done with all this?

The trap will be set now; will Barnabas fall into it? Will Maggie not be properly protected by Collinsport's finest and end up a victim again? Will Barnabas ever again come through on his threats to kill?

Love, Robin