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Rules of DS Vampires
« on: January 11, 2009, 06:58:05 PM »
Because this is the kind of thing I do, here's my breakdown of how vampirism works in the DS universe.

1.  Vampires are living corpses, hence their extreme pallor.  During the day, i.e. while the sun is above the horizon at their physical location, a vampire is to all intents and purposes dead.

2.  They cast no reflection in the mirror, although at least one vampire (Angelique) most certainly did.  Perhaps she was an unusual vampire for some reason, in the manner of her creation.

3.  Vampires are usually created when a victim dies from the bite of another vampire.  This is an important point.  Being bitten, and then dying will not turn you into a vampire.  You need to die as a direct result of that bite.  Which actually brings up another point...

4.  Vampires can change into bats, and can even feed in that form.  It is entirely possible that some kind of vampire exists in bat from only, perhaps as a kind of demon which must do the bidding of certain evil magic users.  This would explain the bats that attacked Barnabas, summoned by Angelique and Jeb.  But we know of no such creature being summoned to transform Angelique.  Perhaps this accounts for the presence of her reflection?

5.  Vampires can dematerialize and re-materialize at will, with at least one observed exception.  They cannot do this when confronted by a cross.  We have seen at least three vampires who logically should have teleported away fail to do so when in the presence of a cross.

6.  Vampires are repulsed/weakened by a cross.  Interestingly, this seems to work only if a cross is deliberately used as a weapon against them.  They can walk through cemeteries filled with cross-shaped headstones without a worry.  Yet even a makeshift cross composed of fire pokers will hold them at bay.  Interestingly, said cross need not remain in the wielder's hands or even their presence to work as a weapon.  Fixing a cross on the inside of a coffin's lid will bind a vampire there, all-but-powerless.  A cross given to, or placed near a victim with the express purpose of warding off a vampire works as well.

7.  Vampires are somehow magically connected to coffins.  Evidently, they need to be in a coffin during the day or they will dematerialize forever in the sun.  Yet they cannot use their powers to enter or exit a coffin for some reason.  One would think that maybe any old box might do, but no--it has to be a coffin.

8.  Vampires crave human blood.  The craving is like an addiction, although not so constant.  Interestingly, the bloodlust itself seems almost random.  A vampire might need to feed several times in a week, or go months without the craving.  However, there are other reasons a vampire might feed.

9.  When a vampire feeds on a victim, said victim becomes addicted/enslaved to them.  Between individuals of opposite gender, there is often some kind of sexual element to this binding.  Not always, however.  One gets the impression that if some kind of attraction exists already, then it is magnified as part of the bond between the two.  It can even reach the point where a victim longs for the bite.  Others simply behave as if they've been hypnotized or addicted against their will to heroin or some such.  At any rate, it takes enormous willpower for any victim to resist the orders of a vampire successfully.  The bond also seems somehow telepathic in some ways.  A vampire can speak to their victims from great distances, giving orders.  However, evidence suggests that if a vampire refrains from feeding on their prey, then the bond grows much weaker, in time vanishing altogether.

10.  When a vampire is finally killed and/or cured of their curse, then the bonds between vampire and victim are severed.  The latter might not even remember very much of what happened.

11.  Vampires can be killed in only three known ways:  A wooden stake through the heart (although this can be reversed by simply removing the stake), Silver bullets through the heart, and Direct exposure to sunlight.  Whether a vampire can burn, be decapitated, drown, starve, or some other method of destruction is unknown.

12.  Vampires do not age.

13.  Vampires have fangs, but these appear only at will or when they feed.

14.  Evidently vampires can drink other liquids than blood--coffee, wine, etc.  But given how rarely they do so, this is something they evidently dislike doing.  Perhaps they have to regurgitate later.

15.  Vampires gain some kind of instincts when they die and rise from the dead.  They "know" how to use their powers and how to feed, and are much more prone to anger or giving in their more negative desires.  For example, feels of romantic love often cross the line into a sense of obsession and extreme possessiveness.

16.  Vampires, being magical creatures, can access magic more easily than others, evidently.  Having one at a seance, for example, may give startling results.  One vampire was able to raise the dead.

17.  Despite the magical nature of vampirism, it is potentially curable via advanced medical treatment.  This has proven successful twice, albeit with the same individual which may or may not have been significant.  The fact that in the second instance the vampire in question was "possessed" by his future human self might have been a factor.

Comments?  Questions?  Suggestions?

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 09:14:05 PM »
Well done!  Though I would add supernatural physical strength as exhibited by Barnabas, especially in the earlier episodes.  As I recall he once threw Willie against a brick wall, one-handed, while lying in his coffin.  And then there were the bent iron bars in Woodard's office.  Interestingly though, when Barnabas was human, he was able to physically battle the vampire Tom Jennings which I always found odd.  I'd imagine the older a vampire is, the stronger they become.

Also, at least one vampire (Barnabas) exhibited the ability to control the weather and cause a storm (in 1897).

As for the "curability" of vampirism, I think the medical cures were always doomed to failure in the end.  The use of medical science to remove a magical curse?  Feh.  I think of these as mere reprieves from the vampirism which would inevitably return in some form.

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 04:41:15 AM »
Mostly I just wanted to say I really liked this post & appreciate the time/effort/thought that went into it, but I guess I can try to throw my own one-cented theories in as well..

8. Regarding bloodlust, there's atleast the early mentions of the cattle being drained, but I wonder if Barnabas drank from animals at other times..

Between individuals of opposite gender, there is often some kind of sexual element to this binding.

Heeeeeeeeeeeey...Why only of the opposite gender?  [naughty]

With the relationships of vampires to their victims, I find it interesting how in PT 1970 Barnabas also mentions how he knows that Will is in trouble, being able to hear the 'vibrations of his fear.'

- I think it's worth adding the 'substance' that will apparently show up in the blood of a victim of a vampire (or atleast in the case of Maggie) ..most likely transfered via the vampire's saliva?
- Also, atleast in the early stages, a victim will be very weak during the day but regain strength at night. Also, they may refuse nurishment.

Whether a vampire can burn, be decapitated, drown, starve, or some other method of destruction is unknown.
I think starving can almost be ruled out, or atleast based on Barnabas's experence, a vampire could last a good 170 years or so without blood.

- For vampires themselves, it seems there may be a personality change after being turned into this form.

Offline Zahir

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2009, 07:06:58 PM »
Good point about the starvation!  And about Barnabas drinking from animals.  It was never (I think) mentioned again after the initial storyline, but one has to wonder during those long periods when he never seemed to pierce anyone at all with those fangs.  Perhaps also Dr. Hoffman stole some blood from a local hospital for him?

Heeeeeeeeeeeey...Why only of the opposite gender?
Well, I'm only going by what actually takes place in the DS universe as seen.  Honestly, while there were plenty of sexual/romantic overtones between male and female bites, I didn't see any between male and male, while I can only think of one female/female bite, likewise devoid of any sense of erotic feeling.

Darn it.   [snow_wink]

But should DS ever return to television, I for one would like to see that corrected.

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2009, 09:36:10 PM »
Marvelous list.  Another of Barnabas' powers was that he could also turn into a big dog, or at least it was strongly implied that he once did.

I do have a question or two regarding:
Quote from: Zahir
11.  Vampires can be killed in only three known ways:  A wooden stake through the heart (although this can be reversed by simply removing the stake), Silver bullets through the heart, and Direct exposure to sunlight.  Whether a vampire can burn, be decapitated, drown, starve, or some other method of destruction is unknown.

Nice!  After [spoiler]Roxanne was destroyed, Randall placed a cross on the spot where she had stood while (literally) disintegrating.[/spoiler] Do you know if this had any significance in terms of preventing her return, or was it just a neat flourish?

I'm guessing that the wooden stake through the heart includes the use of a bow and wood arrow.  Do you suppose that using the bow or silver bullets are any more merciful than using sunlight or a stake and hammer, which on DS were sometimes shown to cause excruciating pain for the vampire?

Offline Zahir

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2009, 07:01:32 PM »
Sorry, but when was it implied Barnabas turned into a dog?  [snow_huh]  Sad to say, I still haven't seen every single episode.

Methinks the bit with Roxanne was probably some kind of personal thing, rather than to do with anything needed.


Presumably, an arrow or crossbow bolt would indeed work, as might almost any piece of wood (why wood?  I dunno) large enough to pierce the heart and stay there.  The crossbow bolt might seem canon, given the circumstances.

I don't think any vampire was ever dispatched with a silver bullet on DS, come to think of it.  So can we be absolutely certain such worked?  Hmmmmm...  But yeah, the other two proven methods clearly hurt and hurt a lot!  Well, they would wouldn't they?  Ever been poked with a sharp stick?  Or had even a second degree burn?  Well, those would be pretty mild by comparison, don'tcha think?

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2009, 08:10:23 PM »
No problem, a search of the Robservations board, and...
Burke and Sam and completely demoralized when Sheriff Patterson tells them there was no sign of Maggie at all. All they saw at the cemetery was a big, ugly dog (Barnabas?)

Methinks the bit with Roxanne was probably some kind of personal thing, rather than to do with anything needed.

I don't think any vampire was ever dispatched with a silver bullet on DS, come to think of it.  So can we be absolutely certain such worked?
Barnabas provided Joshua with a gun and silver bullets so his father could destroy him, so he must've been certain it would work.  [idontknow]

Silver does seem important as a repellent on DS-- if it's used in specific ways.  Joshua made sure the cross affixed to the inside of Barn's coffin was silver.  Were the crossed candlesticks used against Tom made of silver?  (I don't recall fire pokers used on a vampire, but I could be forgetting something.)

I don't doubt the other methods are painful, but was wondering if a silver bullet or arrow through the heart might hurt less.  Yeah, I'm being considerate of the vampire's pain threshold.   [cheesyg]


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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 08:27:19 PM »
I would think that a silver bullet throught the heart would be the most painless way to die. One shot...bang!...and it would be all over. Joshua himself said that once the silver bullet hit the heart death would be instant.

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2009, 12:26:39 AM »
A little aside...

In Tolkien's The Silmarillion is the "Creation Myth" of the Elves, in which the World was fashioned by a group of (essentially) Archangels trying to recreate what they could recall of God's image and plan for it--but with one evil Archangel trying to mar that was done.  Thus nothing in this world was as it should have been, although of course to different degrees.  Gold had been tainted by Melkor (the evil Archangel) whereas Silver had barely been touched, so Silver was a more pure and good substance.

One of the curious things about the mythology of DS is trying to figure out how much anyone knew about what would work.  Count Petofi, for example, certainly one of the most gifted occult scholars and magic wielders ever, was surprised more than once by how magic worked.  Likewise, Cassandra's dream curse didn't work the way it should because of something she simply didn't know anything about.

So unless we see things actually happening the way legends say, how can we necessarily be sure that what we've been told is true?

We know vampires can turn into bats because Barnabas did so.
We know they have fangs but not reflections, because that was true of every vampire we saw save one (Angelique had a reflection).
But we don't really know if silver was effective at all, particularly.  Not against vampires, anyway.

And my memory was wrong--it was crossed candlesticks, not iron poker.  My bad.   [snow_blush]


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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2009, 12:45:50 AM »
Actually, I do recall one instance where silver can have an unpleasant effect on a vampire on DS.

[spoiler] Quentin sends Jamison to the Old House to steal Barnabas' silver wolf-head cane. He does and brings the cane to Quentin. Quentin is holding a voodoo doll representing Barnabas and he uses the silver cane to touch the doll and Barnabas starts to feel instant pain. [/spoiler]

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2009, 03:24:32 AM »
But we don't really know if silver was effective at all, particularly.  Not against vampires, anyway.


It's true that we didn't see silver bullets actually used on a vampire, but the intent to use them popped up at so many different times during the show's run--

    In #460, Barnabas insisted that Joshua use silver bullets to end his suffering.

    In #568, Barnabas had silver bullets made to stop Tom from coming after Julia.

    In #608, Julia wanted to use the silver bullets to protect Joe from Angelique.

    In #787, Edward carried a cross and silver bullets to use once Barnabas was found.

    In #1070, the Sheriff in 1995 confronted Barnabas in his coffin with a cross and silver bullets.

    In #1168, Trask handed a pistol with silver bullets to Gerard to use on Barnabas.

-- that perhaps we can assume the writers meant it to be an effective method, no?

And the script writers apparently felt the need to tell us that Barnabas' cane was not pure silver.  The only significance of this that comes to mind is that it allowed him to carry the thing around.

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2009, 12:01:39 PM »
Wouldn't it have been funny if somebody had shot Barnabas in the heart with a silver bullet and then, to the surprise of both the shooter and Barnabas, Barnabas survived without a scratch!

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2009, 07:24:00 PM »
That remind me of the scene in Love At First Bite when Dracula is shot three times in the heart with silver bullets.  He calmly says "No, Rosenberg--that is a werewolf."  [snow_laugh]

I'd've loved to have something like that with Barnabas and Reverend Trask!

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2009, 05:18:07 AM »
I was watching "The History Channel" lastweek about the history of vampires. It said ever since Barnabas Collins, vampires have changed in movies and television.

But I remember the vampires series "Forever Knight" back in the 90's. It showed him sleeping in the bed and couch as long as no sunlight can enter the room. I have always believe vampires doesn't have to sleep in a coffin during the day.

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Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2009, 01:52:42 AM »
The thing is--every vampire on DS always ended up desperate to get inside a coffin.  Not, for example, a nice empty room somewhere underground (Collinwood had plenty of those if you recall).  And their powers seemed definitely restricted by said coffin.  Else, Barnabas and Roxanne and others would have simply dematerialized in and out of the things at their convenience.

As far as I know, Barnabas was the first "good guy" vampire, certainly on American television.  He is direct precursor of Nick on Forever Knight, for Henry Fitzroy on Blood Ties, Angel on the show of that name, Mick St. John on Moonlight and methinks also Bill Compton on Blood Ties.  I would personally include Edward Cullen of Twilight, Vlad on Young Dracula and the Count of Saint Germain in the novels about his character, as well as Louis in Interview With The Vampire.

But Barnabas was first!