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Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« on: September 27, 2008, 02:00:11 AM »
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 04:43:06 AM »
daphne is being guarded as this episode opens.

i'm not sure if i could sleep with a sheriff's deputy seated a few feet away from my bed in a room with the lights on but then again this is not my sleep it's daphne's.

when she leaves her dozing watchdogs and heads outside to meet barnabas it looks like daylight to me but this must be one of those pesky "day for night" photography issues so whatever.i was surprised to see them making other vampire tales it's lustful nature is implied but here it's spelled out quite graphically.

daphnes funeral was very had the air of an old agatha christy mystery where all of the suspects are gathered together in the drawing room.well done.

we learn that roger and maggie evans are hooking up.i'm not sure where this is going.does maggie live somewhere on the collins estate?her place looks like it's somewhere on the grounds with all that gothic statuary and the dilapidated greenhouse and such.speaking of which have we learned why so much of the estate in in disrepair?

here we episode one i said it bothered me that vampires were being mentioned so soon.that it took alot of the mystery and suspense out of it.still it was just a mention.but here we are in episode three and the cat is already out of the bag.the central mystery has been solved and everyone in collinsport knows vampires are on the loose.i find this pacing to be astonishing.again,for me this takes an enormous chunk of the suspense and mystery and atmosphere out of the proceedings but i'm sure others will differ.

so now we get law enforcement that runs around with crucifixes.and not just ordinary,every day,run-of-the-mill crucifixes but big,shiny,mirrored crucifixes(the better to showcase that big,shiny,1991 budget!).

daphne is quite creepy when she tells joe "don't worry" and goes in for the kill.still with the orange "thriller" contact lenses the way this sequence plays out has a cheese factor that is quite high.

the collins family knows there is a vampire in their midst and yet no one thinks that their very recently arrived(the very night of the first attack to be precise),never seen during the daytime relative might play a role in this.elizabeth only comments on what a "comfort" barnabas' presence always is which is odd since he's only been around for a few weeks at most.much is made of what a "dear" relationship barnabas has with his "cousin elizabeth" but whatever.we don't see this being played out so it's sort of irrelevant.

finally,in a neat trick,julia has the presence of mind to glance into the massive drawing room mirror that no one else seems to notice that cousin barnabas casts no reflection in.strange but hoffman's got the goods.

fun episode.

sleep 'til noon and your punishment shall be the dregs of the coffeepot.

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 06:22:46 AM »
 [batang] I sit here watching DS '91 Episode Two feeling as if I am 14!  I think back 17 years ago when the show premiered and I am filled with YUMMY GOODNESS inside! Even though I will be 31 in a month I still feel that YUMMY GOODNESS!  And what sets my senses off even more are MB's video post with the dramatic NBC mini series opening  music.  I always loved that little promo and watching it brought so much excitement to my heart!  Amazing how the senses can take us back. [ghost_wink]  So like I said in many ways I feel 14~~I am watching DS on Friday's, the country is at war, and I still hold a grudge against NBC! [ghost_mad] However, the best thing remains.  Even though all this bullshit is going on in the world even today, like it was  in 1991 and even in the 1960's (I hope that flys because I am not comparing!)  You and I have had Dark Shadows to escape into.  And thankfully in 2008 we have a wonderful board of cousins to come fellowship with and discuss our love for a wonderful show! So thank you DS for providing much needed escapism in 1991, 2008  all the years in between and many other ways!   I know I am off but hopefully you all think it's in a good way!  [blackbat]

I am gonna post my review tomorrow.  It is gettin late and I need to try to rest.  I hope you enjoy these pictures I captured!! [confused_ani]
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2008, 06:33:00 AM »
(more pictures!)
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2008, 01:09:01 PM »
Have I missed where the discussion for episode 3 is?  [ghost_undecided] I watched the debate last night so I didn't get over to the board to see the discussion.
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2008, 03:39:22 PM »
Have I missed where the discussion for episode 3 is?  [ghost_undecided]

This week's discussions is here, Miss Winthrop.  It's episode 2, or the 3rd hour of the series.

And Taeylor, the smiley codes need spaces to work.  The space at the beginning is automatically added when you click to add them, and leave another space if a character follows.  However, the formatting codes (quote, bold, strikethrough, spoiler, color, move, center, etc.), do not need spaces before or after.  I hope I haven't lost anybody.  [ghost_smiley]

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2008, 04:52:53 PM »
does maggie live somewhere on the collins estate?her place looks like it's somewhere on the grounds with all that gothic statuary and the dilapidated greenhouse and such.

I believe Maggie's studio is in town, but you're recognizing Greystone because the scenes were filmed there.

The deputy helping to guard Daphne is named Harker, and when a different guy is with Joe, we hear Sheriff Patterson giving patrol instructions to Jonathan... Are they kidding?!  That's about as subtle as the thunderstorms over Collinwood.  But I'm confused about Harker's character or characters-- he was the paramedic on duty for two of the attacks in the pilot, and now he's guarding Collinwood as a deputy.  If I'm supposed to believe that Collinsport is so small that the paramedics are also deputies, then why was the Sheriff cruising around earlier in car #27?  ;)

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2008, 08:07:12 PM »
Because the sheriff and his deputies have nothing else to do and they've been hot rodding and crashing, ohhh, about 26 cars now?  [ghost_tongue2]
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2008, 08:48:31 PM »
I was dead tired as I watched this episode.  Maybe I should have put it off until after I got more sleep.

As Barnabas and Daphne kissed passionately before he bit her, I thought to myself: "This is silly.  Let's get down to business."  Then, as Daphne and Joe kissed passionately before she bit him, I thought to myself: "Oh, come on, Lydia.  Give it a chance."  I tried to get into the whole romantic aspect of it, but as Daphne moved her mouth towards Joe's neck for the bite, all I could think was: "She's going to get lipstick on his neck."

When Daphne was staked, we got another romantic moment as Joe lamented what was happening.  I wanted to see Joe's expression change as Daphne expired - as if he were waking up from a beautiful dream only to realize that it had in fact been a nightmare.  But instead we just got more romance.

Suddenly David, the little terror, is a nice, scared little boy who needs to be comforted by his governess.  Victoria Winters sure is a quick worker!

I once watched an interview in which an actress said that on soaps the idea was to give the audience the fun of watching the troubles of the rich folks.  Or something like that.  But right now I'm looking at these rich folks with their fancy clothes and their fancy houses and their fancy dinners and I'm thinking: "What do I care?"

I still like Maggie, though.

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2008, 12:02:04 AM »
I have to agree with Lydia on who cares.  Daphne who we know nothing much about get's attacked, died and then gets staked.  None of the character's seemed to show much emotion about it except Joe and it appears that Carolyn is waiting like a spider to snare Joe. 
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2008, 04:37:28 AM »
My notes on episode 2 --

Michael T Weiss is HOT HOT HOT.  But I thought at first his sexy stubble was because he rarely shaved because he's a fisherman.  This episode it's now obvious that he manicures that 5 o'clock shadow as if he was Wham's number 1 fan!  [ghost_cheesy]

When Woodard came in I could almost see DC with the other writers ticking off a checklist of Vampire Movie Cliche's:

give a cross to the victim, check.
the ones who look after her fall asleep, check.
the victim rips off the cross and goes walkabout, check

I am again reminded of my comment last week.  Moving Daphne to the first floor is a BAD idea.  I agree with Lydia - the kissey face with Daphne had me rolling my eyes.  Later, with Joe, because of his and Daphne's relationship, it makes a kind of sense, but here, it just looks, ew.  And definitely gives the lie to Barnabas' later protestations that he hates his existence.

"Harker."  cute.

Okay, but damn is he a messy eater or what?  For someone who lives on blood, I find it odd that he would leave behind so much of it and sprayed around so liberally.  It kind of took me out of the narrative.

Rain during a funeral, check.

The minister - obviously he is in a hurry to get out of the rain because he is speeding through that ceremony like nobody's business.  And is Daphne's favorite Psalm really 23???  [ghost_rolleyes]  Now, I've been to funerals where the minister obviously didn't know the deceased from Adam's off ox, so I kind of got the feeling this was written that way, but the performance was more like "Hey, buddy, can you speed it up a little? We need to get this in the can and move on to scene 104." Three takes later, DC is having a fit.  "We're running out of water, the designer costumes are being ruined and the scene's STILL TOO LONG.  SPEED IT THE F**K UP!"   [ghost_wink]

Daphne - I seem to recall she was a pretty regular kind of girl, fairly straight hair, subtle make-up, sensible dresser.  I would have thought, when she was being prepared for burial, this would have been taken into account.  So, either the funeral parlor thought they were being funny by perming and teasing her hair (adding some length too), troweling on half a stick of harlot red lipstick, and dressing her in a low cut diaphanous gown they picked up half price at Tramps R Us ("It's gonna be closed casket anyway, no one will see") or Daphne upon waking up, did all this to herself before she ventured out to terrorize David.  Again, it pulled me out of the narrative, wondering "Did they really bury her dressed like that?"

An aside - it's rarely talked about in these kinds of stories because, well, it's like toilets, in that we know they are there, and that the characters must use them, but they are never ever mentioned or talked about.  Embalming.  Unless there is a specific religious restriction or the deceased is being cremated, I can imagine few other instances where the body would not be be embalmed in the modern way.  Given that the back story here is that that a cell in the victim's body needs blood to survive and so in some way as yet unexplained causes a mutagenic change the carrier of this "disease" making them rise to rise after death to seek the nourishment it craves, I would think that the process of embalming, would pretty much destroy this process.  Obviously, Barnabas is an exception, as 200 years ago, most people when they died were simply buried asap, before they started to stink up the place.  Anyway, that is just me, thinking too much.  Generally, I let it go because, that is just one of the things one has to ignore in stories of this kind.  And while Julia is convinced this is simply a biological problem that can be solved by science, we see an early example of her hubris, convinced despite both Woodard's and Barnabas' warnings that this is beyond the realm of science.  Anyway, end of aside.

*sigh* smoking at the dinner table, heck, smoking inside the house!  Those were the days.....

Like Lydia and mscbryk, I too found the introduction of the concept of vampires to be early, not to mentioned rushed.  Woodard came off looking like a complete fool.  I think a better actor (or some different direction) might have conveyed the concerns a bit more earnestly and upped the creep factor a bit, something that they were going for in the next scene when Joe goes to the Collins mausoleum, whick is covered in dust and years of cobwebs.  Despite this, all I could think was, "Why didn't they tidy it up a bit for it's newest tenant?"

Why is Joe not in a hospital?  For that matter, why isn't he restrained?  One thinks they would have learned their lesson with Daphne.

Misread the Tarot Death card as meaning literal death, check.

Cool old dilapidated greenhouse.  I thought at first that it was on the Collinwood estate, probably because I suppose I assumed that since Roger was picking up Maggie "to take her to the estate" that their scene was actually on the estate. (I think I remember thinking when I first watched the original broadcast, that it must Roger's studio, or am I remembering something from a future episode?)  But now I am confused, because it seems to be Maggie's place. She doesn't live there does she?  Anyway, his and Maggie conversation about the need to create never going away was interesting.  Despite her misreading of the cards, I liked that brief scene with her pop too.  She quickly became a character I liked.  She has a down to earthiness about her that makes her more real than many of the other characters right now. 

Right now I still am having a lot of trouble liking Barnabas.  His final scene with Julia was well played and meant to elicit sympathy for him, and I wanted to believe that he was telling truth and was disgusted by his curse and his behavior.  But his actions to date mitigate very heavily against his words.  He turns Daphne, and then makes no effort whatsoever to rescue her from his own cursed existence by getting to her first to destroy her.  He is nowhere to be found during the bulk of this episode when Daphne is on the rampage.  Obviously, the "trip to Boston" was a lie to cover for him not being around during the day, but how many days have passed since he killed her?  At least a couple to arrange the funeral (I am guessing that a new vampire doesn't rise immediately the next night), then the night she scares David, and bites Joe.  Is it only one more day, where Joe is treated and then that next night Daphne is cornered and destroyed? So at minimum, four or five days, that Barn hides out at the Old House? or did he really go to Boston for a few days with a spare coffin and take care of some necessary business dealings in the evenings to keep him solvent?

Patterson and Woodard missed a perfect opportunity - they had Daphne restrained and helpless.  Did no one think to ask her who did this to her?  She had a few seconds of human lucidity before she died, too, but that was all about Joe and her, not trying to solve three murders.

Anyway, along with the whole Daphne episode, to me he sounded incredibly insincere during his visit to Collinwood to apologize for not being around.  He does seem to have a modicum of gentlemenlyness, given that he didn't attack Julia the first chance he got, but that could also just be him "playing with his food."  I could tell he didn't really believe that Julia could affect any change in his nature through science.

Since at this point, we don't know anything about his origins, I'm having a hard time buying his line that he isn't inherently evil.
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2008, 05:07:04 AM »
Also, regarding Barn and Daphne -

Isn't it just like a man?  Knock a girl up and then take a hike! [ghost_tongue2]
There's not a man on my ottoman, there hasn't been one in weeks.
There's not a man on my ottoman, he's gone off to fight the Greeks.

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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 06:12:17 AM »
I haven't gotten around to my review yet (another crazy week) but this episode is worth, if for nothing else, seeing THE GODDESS Barbara Steele deliver this line "WLLIE LET GO OF ME and in not so many terms telling him to f**k off!! And her confortation with Barnabas!!  Or I think so!!
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 01:51:19 PM »
I sense a little bit of [comparison to a character who's off limits for this project] creeping into some of the comments.  Since Barnabas doesn't go out in the daylight why is he looking so tan?  [ghost_huh] If it was a few days before Daphne's funeral wouldn't the funeral home have taken precautions to assure that the body is prepared for open coffin viewing and how would that have affected her rising from the dead?
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Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2008, 03:59:31 PM »
I have to agree with Miss_Winthrop's first remark. Be very careful to avoid comparisons to anything that for all intents and purposes doesn't exist so far as these discussions go.  [ghost_wink]