Author Topic: What I didn't like about the fest.  (Read 5763 times)

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Offline borgosi

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What I didn't like about the fest.
« on: August 07, 2008, 03:36:11 PM »
I just went to the IMDB and going by them the youngest actor or crew member that was at the fest, from the original show, was a very young 63. The oldest, and there were two this age was 84, or will be this year. The idea that any of these people would want to even show up for a fest, for a show that they get paid nothing for the sale of is a credit to them. IMHO every fan should be extremely greatful that anyone from a show that ended 37 years ago, and pays no royalities, were ever care if they watched or not. And I know many fans are extemely greatful but...

There were many people that that seemed to enjoy complaining about every aspect of the fest. From the lines, to the content of the shows, to an actor charging for his autograph ( the money went to help animals ), to fans that wanted to take a few minutes to talk with an actor while getting an autograph. If you can think of it, I heard someone complain about it.

David Selby does an except from a show about Lincoln and fans complain that today's politics go included in it. Keep in mind that this is a subject he cares so much about that he took the time to write a book about it, a book that has received some very good reviews. I'm glad that David wanted to share something that is this important to him with us even if I don't agree with his politics. I stood in line for hours to get his autograph, I'm happy to have done it, with a guy that claimed to have been to over twenty fest. Everytime someone would take the time to try and connect with David for just a few minutes he would start complaining. He would say that we should have to just hand David something, have him sign and move on. If that's all the actors were allowed to do I don't think they'd go to many of this things. What would be the point? If that's all they're going to do then why not just give them a stack of photos to sign, then have the fans walk by as the photos are handed out? As a fan I want to be able to connect with the actors, I want to be able to look into their eyes and tell them what I know they have heard a thousand times before, "I'd run home from school..., you're my favorite, etc. Everyone that stands in line for any of these actors  should be able to do that without having to listen to someone complain about it.

This fest is my second but I've wanted to attend for many years. I'm the kind of fan that has not only bought even DS dvd but I also buy every movie and TV show that a cast or crew member has worked on, good or bad, movies like "Blood Bath" with Jerry Lacy and "Satan In High-Heels" with Grayson Hall. Even the actors in these movies want to forget them. Knowing how big of a DS fan that I am and that this is just my second fest I know that for every one of us that attends there are thousands that don't get to. We are lucky to be able to go to these fest. We are lucky that actors want to attend a fest for a show that ended 37 years ago. If an actor, that hasn't acted in years is asked "what have you been doing the last few years" tells us about the new business that they are involved in, we should be happy that they tells us anything. They would be justified in says that they don't act anymore and that part of their life is private. Maybe it's because this is only my second fest but when Lara Parker tells me about her new grandchild or when Roger Davis tells me about his land devolopement business I feel like I have been let behind the charaters and into the real person and I'm greatful for it. It makes me feel like they care about us and what we think on some level.

Now maybe none of the people that I heard complain at the fest come here, I really don't know, but if they do, and if they read this, I hope that if they go to another fest, of anykind, that they might think before they complain and just maybe they will understand they are very lucky to be there at all.

If you went and then after you returned home, you came to this site or some other site and complained about this thing or that thing that the actors did, understand that all of these people could be retired. I'm thinking they don't need the money or sore hands from signing for hours on end. If I set down and signed my name for one hour I'd be tired of it. I'm sure they could spend this part of their lives with their kids and grandkids and never feel bad about it. So if you write on any web-site what this or that actor said or did, write it with the understanding that they could come here and read it, and that enough complaining and one day the only ones attending a DS fest could be the fans.

OK, I'm off my soap box. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just want every new fan or old fan that gets to that first fest to enjoy it as much as I did my first. I want the actors to know how greatful we are and for them to come back for as long as they can. I'd be happy to attend a fest with the Dorrie Kavanaugh, David Jay, James Hall, Florence Stanley, Carolyn Groves, or Rosemary McNamara or anyone else that worked on the show, and I'd be just s greatful to them.

That's all I have to say about that.
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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 07:42:35 PM »
The actors are friendly & approachable, they desrve OUR thanks!
And hearing Selby talk about his politics gives him more
dimension as a person and lets us know who he really is~~I'm all for that!

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who collects movies featuring DS actors, I have more than thirty!
Here's a few:

Race With the Devil (Lara Parker)

Save the Tiger (Lara & Thayer David)

Savages (Thayer David & Chris Pennock)

Frances (Chris Pennock)

Play It Again Sam  and Blood Bath (Jerry Lacy)

The Great Gatsby and Last Days of Patton (KL Scott)

Suspiria, Scarlet Street, Woman in the Window, Father of the Bride, Woman on the Beach, Secret Beyond the Door,
(Joan Bennett)

The Minx (Robert Rodan)

Pretty Poison (Clarice Blackburn)

Seizure, The Devil's Daughter) Frid

Joe (Dennis Patrick)

Willy Wonka (Denise Nickerson)

Daughters of Darkness (John Karlen)

Scandalize My Name (Alexandra Moltke, director)

Making Love, Satan's School For Girls, Death at Love House
(Kate Jackson)

A Wedding (Virginia Vestoff)

Satan in High Heels, Night of the Iguana, Gargoyles, Polly Magoo (Grayson)

Ryan's Hope (10 episodes with Nancy Barrett, from Soap Net)



Offline borgosi

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 10:00:52 PM »
I have Brannigian only because KLS has one line in it! [ghost_smiley]
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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2008, 10:16:58 PM »

Besides appearing on screen with legendary John Wayne in Brannigan, KLS shared screen time with Sir John Gielgud
in  Providence, which I don't this is available.
Too bad, Kathryn's scene is a hoot!
"Ah, Miss Boon" thunders the 75 year old Sir John to a prim, proper KLS. "How delightfully erotic we're looking today!"

Oh, and I also have two with Mr. Selby:
Up the Sandbox & Grave Secrets



Offline borgosi

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2008, 10:23:00 PM »
Yes, I have those as well, and Selby in "Touched By An Angel" as Lincoln.
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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2008, 01:37:35 AM »
I think it's wonderful that the actors participate in the Fests. The experiences I've had have been pretty darn good, 'cept for the Tarrytown Halloweeny events, where the volunteers reminded me of Getstapo agents, who ushered all but the meekest of the meek into formation, and shouted absurdities. But that's another story.
I have been greeted with kindness and admiration for the drawings I had the actors sign, and yes - even Roger Davis was pleasant. I don't have a single unkind word to say about any of them.
I watched Jerry Lacy on YouTube thos morning - thank you all, whomever you are, for posting on YouTube - he was just wonderful, and everybody seemed to adore him. It was quite special.
You know, I tune into DS when I've had an especially yukky day at work, and by golly, it does me a world of good. The only thing missing are the Prell commercials and maybe the cigarette commercials. And Mike Douglas.
I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.

Offline Zahir

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2008, 07:02:08 PM »
Personally, I am very grateful to all these actors who show up and endure what are surely mostly the same questions for decades now.  I have my own complaints about the Fest--mostly, its shrinking size which I hope will start to change after the new movie, but the length of lines are part of what makes the Festival what it is.  If actors want to state their opinions, more power to them (I may or may not disagree, but surely that is beside the point).  Myself, what I miss most (especially as compared to other cons) is enough activities in which to participate.  Wouldn't a panel about writing DS fanfiction be a welcome idea?  Or one about how DS themes ending up in other, later programs from Forever Knight to Supernatural and Passions or even Dante's Cove?  Things like that...

Offline loril54

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2008, 08:07:35 PM »
This was my first. I had a great time and meet many people. I am glad the crowd wasn't huge. I don't like large crowds.

The thing that I like is that they let people in that are challenged first. I really appreciate anyone who let me get in line or let me cut in front. I had a hard time standing and I could get up front so that I could see. Thank you all.

I wish things were not so crammed together. I had to miss thing to do other things. Maybe my second fest will be easier, though I may not be able to go to another one.

All the actors were very nice. They appreciate us, as we appreciate them.

Thanks again all.
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Offline Gerard

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2008, 12:24:34 AM »
You know what I didn't like about it?  That I wasn't there!

Gerard  (Who's grateful that he got to attend one.)

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2008, 12:46:01 AM »
Myself, what I miss most (especially as compared to other cons) is enough activities in which to participate.  Wouldn't a panel about writing DS fanfiction be a welcome idea?  Or one about how DS themes ending up in other, later programs from Forever Knight to Supernatural and Passions or even Dante's Cove?  Things like that...

I am gay as a 3 dollar bill but please NO Dante's Cove.  The acting on that show is like nails scratching down a chalkboard. LOL  I could excuse myself if clips were shown. LOL   I am just half jokin'.  JMO.  Interesting ideas you have though.  I think the Fest needs to revamp itself as well.

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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2008, 02:51:42 AM »

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself at the fest and you have every right to say so.  I also have every right to say what I did, and did not, like about the fest.

Realize that most of the actors do get paid to be there by Jim, and get the money for the pictures they sell.  They also get to bask in the limelight and adoration of their adoring fans... something most actors and athletes miss once they are no longer on center stage.  I am not meaning to come across like I don't appreciate their efforts to be with us, I very much do, however, their reasons are not as noble overall as you are making it sound.  With few exceptions, the actors that do go haven't had tremendously successful careers since DS went off the air and many owe their current income from books, fest appearances (not just DS but all sci-fi conventions) to DS so by continuing the promotion of it, they continue to support their own income, lifestyle and ego. 

We all paid the fees to get into the fest and banquet, if applicable, and many of us paid for airfare to fly from one side of the country to the other, as well as the hotel stay.  So there is a reasonable expectation to receive benefit for all that expense, time and effort to attend.  And if I don't feel like I got my money's worth, I will always say so no matter what event it is I am attending.

With any performance, there will always be reviews... and not all reviews will be positive.  I pointed out the things I liked about Burbank, just like I did Tarrytwon.  And I pointed out those things I did not like about both.  And they were both fair and accurate from where I was sitting. 

Like I say, I'm glad you had a great time at the fest and4 I hope you enjoy any others you go to.  I just don't look at it like I should thank them for being willing to spend a weekend with the "llittle people." 
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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2008, 03:19:15 AM »
I am gay as a 3 dollar bill but please NO Dante's Cove.  The acting on that show is like nails scratching down a chalkboard.

Are you absolutely right!  It was horrible! A friend of mine bought the first season (which was mercifully short) on DVD, watched the pilot and nothing more, and gave it to me.  I watched the pilot, and nothing more.  I still have the DVD set somewhere; I think I'm using it to hold up the float ball in my potty.  Fred Phelps was more of a friend to gays than that lousy show.


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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2008, 03:53:47 AM »
i didn't attend this year's fest but i'll throw my two cents in anyways...

i always think it gets a bit treacly when we express "gratitude" for the actors who attend the festivals.this is a two way street as much as anything.

perhaps they too should be "gratefull" that there are fans out there so devoted to a forty year old soap opera,and the actors who starred in it,that we travel,at our own expense,hundreds if not thousands of miles to see them every year.most actors do not enjoy such loyalty.i've spent hundreds of dollars over the years on books,cd's,pictures and the like i might not have been particularly interested in but did so as a gesture of support for the actor involved.

i adore all our stars but as had been stated many(with david selby being a notable exception)have not had much in the way of big-time acting success since their days on d.s..i know it's not fair but it's true.and they are in the end professional actors who make decisions to do personal appearances based on a number of factors the same as any others do.many of them...kathryn leigh scott,diana millay,lara parker...have built businesses based on their time on the the case of ms.millay this was only a few months.

so as i said,i love our actors and am indeed very pleased and "gratefull" that they attend this event each year but they also owe us such a debt of gratitude.
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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2008, 04:17:20 AM »
Realize that most of the actors do get paid to be there by Jim, and get the money for the pictures they sell.

The DS actors do not get paid for their appearance at the festival (unless that has changed and I'm not aware of it).  They get their expenses paid for.  Most other conventions not only do the actors get paid a fee, they also sell their photos and autographs. Some even charge to have a photo taken with them!


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Re: What I didn't like about the fest.
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2008, 04:31:41 AM »
We forget John Karlan, Kate Jackson and Louis Edmonds. Some have used it, and its benefits to go off and do other things. Theatre, Movies, Publishing, Music and Drama, not all of these were Dark Shadows related. Don't we all use the opportunities in life that we have to move onto different things.

I am sorry if I sound upset, not all performers go on to be famous. There are many that do not make a living at it but do it as a avocation. I love to draw and play music but I was never a professional. People that are in the Arts are just people as we are, and they put themselves out in different ways. They put themselves out there to make a difference  or create something, even for just a short time. I am glad we have people in the arts. Every discipline can be an art.

Sorry if I hurt anybody. I wish I had the talent to just do music or art. Again I think they are grateful.
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