Author Topic: Robservations 6/10/02 - Liz and Stokes vs. Cassangelique - #513/514  (Read 1580 times)

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513 - Collinwood - Cassandra contemplates her plans for destroying Barnabas and then summons Tony Peterson. He tries his best to resist, but can't; as he's heading door, Professor Stokes appears and asks: "Going somewhere Mr. Peterson?" Tony discusses with Stokes the events that transpired in the basement of the Old House; they also talk over their strategy for destroying Cassandra (Angelique), which Tony believes impossible. Stokes explains to Tony that it's important that Cassandra believes Peterson successful in killing him with the poison she provided.  Stokes thinks Cassandra wants Tony now because she plans to bring back the dream curse and will attempt to communicate that dream to Sam Evans. Resist her summons, says Stokes, but if you can't, at least don't let her know I'm still alive. Stokes heads to the cottage to warn Sam.

Cottage - Joe tells Maggie that that he went to both the Old House and Collinwood--nobody knew where Barnabas was-they're worried Adam has harmed him. Maggie asks what was going on between Sam and Adam the other night. When Stokes arrives at the cottage Joe and Maggie are there, but Sam has gone to the Blue Whale to have some drinks friends. Stokes explains his concern that Sam is going to have the dream, which upsets Maggie-her father has been through enough!
Stokes assures them he will do whatever he can to prevent Sam from experiencing the dream. Shortly after Stokes' arrival, Cassandra appears at the door, bearing a gift of pipe tobacco for Sam. When she sees Stokes, she is shocked. He grins at her, enjoying his victory, and compliments her on how wonderful she looks. She asks him how he is; Stokes replies: "I'm alive and kicking." Yes, she says, I'm sure you'll outlive all of us. I shouldn't be surprised if I did, he says, beaming. Cassandra asks about Sam, and Joe tells her that Sam refuses to allow his handicap to interfere with his social life, and is at the Blue Whale. Cassandra leaves her gift for Sam with Maggie, and when she announces she must leave, she promises Stokes they will be meeting again.
Stokes' parting shot to Cassandra: " If you see Vicki tell her I am no longer interested in buying the portrait because the one she has is a copy and I have found the original." When no one is looking, Stokes swipes and pockets the pipe tobacco and says he's heading to the Blue Whale to look for Sam. After he goes, Joe and Maggie notice it's missing.

Collinwood, terrace - Cassandra once again summons Tony Peterson, angry with him both for his earlier resistance and because Stokes is still alive. Why don't you let me go? He asks-you know I don't want to help you. It isn't a matter of what you want, she retorts, it's what I want, and need, and what I have the power to get. You have no concept of my power-what I've done to you until now has been child's play-but you're going to learn just how powerful I am!
Tony tells her that he knows about her powers and that Stokes reversed the glasses when he poisoned Stokes' glass of sherry--he thinks she's afraid of the professor. Ridiculous! She insists. Maybe you're equal, suggests Tony-or perhaps he's a little better than you are. Eyes a-kindle with fury, she outlines her punishment: you will fall in love with me next time you kiss me-and you'll stay in love with me as long as I want! Tony looks up and spies Liz looking out a window-she's seen everything. He takes the awkward moment as his opportunity to slip away.

Tony's returns home to find Stokes awaiting him. He confesses he couldn't resist Cassandra's summons, and Stokes assures him it's nothing to be ashamed of. Stokes explains to Tony about Cassandra's little gift for Sam Evans-pipe tobacco mixed with some powder that would have induced Sam to have the dream. He hands it over to Tony, who stares at it.

At Collinwood, Elizabeth confronts Cassandra about the incident she overheard between Tony and her. Cassandra insists it's all a mistake, but Liz, unconvinced, decides to tell Roger about it. He won't believe a word, insists Cassandra, ordering Liz to gaze into her eyes. Liz can't help but feel compelled to obey. You spend too much time thinking about other peoples' problems, accuses Cassandra, your way of escaping the emptiness of your life-I'll give you something to think about, something that will fill your every waking moment-death, in all its forms-and most of all, your own death!
NOTES: Cassandra seems to be trying to outdo her blonde counterpart in the Spell Department! This woman loves to cast them in bunches these days-a spell on the pipe tobacco, a threatened spell on Tony to make him fall in love with her, and Liz's nasty Death Spell. Angelique performed her share, but this dark-haired witch is really racking them up!

You can't help but root for Stokes in this fight. He's just too cool for school, LOL!

514 - Joe waits impatiently in the cottage as Maggie combs her hair. He says he should go pick up Sam at the Blue Whale, but Maggie thinks her father might still be talking to Stokes. Joe wonders if Stokes ever showed up, considering he had the nerve to steal Sam's gift from Cassandra. He's sure it was Stokes, he was the only one who could have done it. The rich give cheap gifts, it's the thought that counts, suggests Joe. Maggie cheerfully sends him on his way to pick up her pop. Maggie slips the emerald earrings Willie gifted her with, and Josette's music box theme begins to play. She surveys herself in the mirror, and, looking as if she's fallen into a trance, leaves the cottage. Outside, Adam stares through the window at the empty room.

Old House - Willie sweeps up the brick debris left behind when Trask walled up Barnabas. He slips off his jacket, spits on his hands and moves a heavy trunk out of the way. He sweeps under it (hey, hire him at my house). Maggie, wondering what drew her to the Old House, lets herself in. Willie hears the door closing upstairs and leaves; behind the brick wall, we hear the sound of something knocking (don't knock, Barn, yell!). Willie calls out to Barnabas and Julia, but is delighted to see his guest is Maggie. She tells him she doesn't know what she's doing here; she was in the cottage, putting on the earrings, and started thinking of the Old House. Maggie hears the mysterious knocking, but Willie assures her the house is filled with old noises. The sound stops. Just a mouse, says Willie. Maggie is puzzled about why she keeps thinking of this place, but Willie puts an arm around her and leads her to a chair. He's been lonely, and he wanted someone to talk to, and bam, she showed up. He's been thinking a lot of her lately. He wants them to get together. Perhaps, she responds, which pleases him greatly. He leans in close and asks her not to wear those earrings next time she visits--they look too valuable, she might lose them.
He wants her to take them off and put them in her purse, perhaps they can take a walk, then go downtown. Once the earrings are off, the trance is broken; Maggie switches gears--she has to go home, she tells him. Willie is confused, did he say something wrong? No, she says. She can't understand the strange feelings she has while in the Old House. Willie again asks her to stick around and keep him company, but she races out. Down in the basement, the knocking recurs. Willie listens.

Liz, on the phone at Collinwood, says she finds it hard to believe Adam jumped from Widows' Hill and survived, but there have been numerous reports of Adam sightings. Liz takes her coat and leaves the house.

Down in the Old House basement, Willie is shrugging into his jacket when he hears Liz calling to Barnabas upstairs. Willie is surprised to see Liz. She joins him in the basement. He doesn't know where Barnabas is, he says, and she says to tell Barnabas the sheriff has had reports of local vandalism-and a man fitting Adam's description has been seen. Willie is shocked-isn't Adam dead? At the sound of the latter word, Liz looks perturbed. Carolyn is safe, says Willie, but Liz says death isn't always as swift or certain as people would like it to be.
Sometimes it seems to take forever, and the waiting is unbearable. Willie asks if she's all right, and Liz continues, "She told me I'd think of nothing but death, and she was right. How long before my time comes?" Willie finds Liz' introspection disturbing, and tells her she has everything to live for. Except the will to live, says Liz. They hear the knocking, or at least Liz does. She says it sounds like someone is behind the wall, but Willie says no one is there. Buried alive, murmurs Liz, she can't bear it-why doesn't she kill her now and get it over with? Liz races out, the second woman in only a few moments to leave Willie flat. Willie leans against the wall, listening, and mutters that Liz should see a doctor. Again, we hear the knocking behind the wall.

Cottage - Maggie admires her earrings and answers the door. It's Joe, telling her that Pop is still at the Blue Whale and Sam had better shape up--he wanted Joe to help him get up a search party to search for Adam. Maggie laughs, but Sam was dead serious, says Joe--Sam feels his "friend", Adam needs help. Joe explains that Sam couldn't call Adam a friend--he was a total stranger three days ago--something is strange, adds Joe--Sam was hostile towards him.
Maggie suggests her father doesn't like their pity and that Adam treats him differently--they must be patient; Sam is making a difficult adjustment. She sends Joe back into the breech to get Sam, predicting they'll be back in a few minutes. Willie saunters up to the cottage door as Joe is leaving, and Joe, infuriated, grabs him by his jacket. I warned you not to see Maggie again, says Joe--Maggie is afraid of you. No, she likes him now, asserts Willie-she has visited him at the Old House. Joe accuses him of being crazy and orders him away. "Beat it!" says Joe, and they begin to argue. Willie asks Joe if he isn't afraid of a little competition, ragging on him about maybe losing Maggie. Joe punches Willie out, leaving him unconscious on the ground. Joe returns to the cottage, his face set and angry.

Joe returns to Maggie and asks her about her relationship with Willie--he got me all worked up, complains Joe, tried to tell me you had been out to see him at the Old House, more than once. Maggie hesitates, but admits it's true. Joe wonders if she has lost her mind, considering what Willie did to her in the past, but she doesn't believe he tried to kill her--he came to warn me of danger that night, she insists. He's a potential killer, protests Joe, upset she has really gone to the Old House. Maggie can't explain why, she didn't go to see Willie, she doesn't know why she went. Joe demands an explanation, and she says there's no law against going where she wants. Joe grabs her arm and demands to know why she went there. She doesn't know! Find out a reason, he demands--by tomorrow. Maggie is angry at this ultimatum. He storms out and she sits down, looks at the earrings and gazes uncertainly around her. Willie stumbles into the cottage, telling her Joe hit him. She helps him to sit down on the step inside and tells him she'll get a cold cloth from the kitchen.
She gazes up, shocked--Adam is there. "WILLIE BAD!" he yells, pointing to the other man. He grabs Maggie's arm, drawing her back from Willie. "BAD!" he yells, and, terrified, she screams fiercely.

NOTES: Joe has suddenly developed a set, hasn't he? He's never been this way with Maggie before, but I guess her odd behavior is both upsetting him and pissing him off. She goes to the Old House and sees Willie, who clearly believes/hopes there is a chance for him and Maggie, so much so, that he's even challenging Joe! Joe makes some valid points, of course, but Maggie is going into these Josette trances and seems oblivious. Is Cassangelique causing this? If so, why?

Adam has returned to the cottage-will he harm Willie and Maggie? Given his violent track record so far, it doesn't look good.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 6/10/02 - Liz and Stokes vs. Cassangelique - #513/514
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2002, 06:18:43 AM »
Maggie is going into these Josette trances and seems oblivious. Is Cassangelique causing this?

I'm sure Cassangelique has nothing to do with it.  I wouldn't think she knows anything about it.  I think that the earrings bring back the memories to Maggie.  They are still suppressed from Julia's hypnotism, but actually wearing the earrings probably makes her vaguely aware of something.  She knows it has to do with the Old House, but so far, apparently nothing more.

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Re: Robservations 6/10/02 - Liz and Stokes vs. Cassangelique - #513/514
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2002, 01:48:19 PM »
i agree Josette some day Maggie will remember everything herself!

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Re: Robservations 6/10/02 - Liz and Stokes vs. Cassangelique - #513/514
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2002, 02:57:44 AM »
I agree with Robin that Cassandra is scattering her spells left & right. She gets distracted from her objective of restoring vampirism on Barnabas, by trying to use other people to do her dirty work for her. That way, if anyone gets caught, it won't be her. Such cowardice! Oh well, she will get her just desserts from the spirit of Trask.

  Be well...vampire675