Author Topic: Inflationary Cosmology Predicts Life in Parallel Universes  (Read 786 times)

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Offline Philippe Cordier

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ProfStokes' announcement about a new book addressing parallel time and paranormal events on DS spurred me on to locate an article I had noted a few months back.

The article concerns inflationary cosmology, specifically "eternal inflation" or "chaotic inflation" theory as proposed by physicist Andrei Linde of Stanford University.

I think this article would be of great interest to such DS characters as the Parallel Time Quentin Collins (the one who built the stairway through time), Professor T. Elliot Stokes, and Count Petofi.

I'll include a couple of quotes below as well as a link to the article.


Inflationary cosmology has some jaw-dropping implications: that ours may be but one universe in an
eternally self-replicating “multiverse”

. . .

“Instead of a universe with a single law of physics, eternal chaotic inflation predicts a self-reproducing,
eternally existing multiverse where all possibilities can be realized,” Linde says.

Eternal inflation predicts that in some other universe, you are reading this article right now.
Not someone like you with a different haircut or middle name, but you, or at least a person who is
entirely indistinguishable from you. Not on another planet like Earth, but an exact replica of Earth.
This is the power of an infinite ‘multiverse,’ as emphasized by physics professor Alex Vilenkin of Tufts Univesity.
In yet another universe this article is in German, in another you just today found the cure for cancer,
figured out how to travel faster than light, and discovered the secret to immortality.

End of quotations.

Link to complete article:

"Collinwood is not a healthy place to be." -- Collinsport sheriff, 1995