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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2002, 12:09:38 AM »

Vlad has brought up an issue I'm not sure I've seen mentioned before....the fact that neither DS, nor any other soap in production at the time, was respected by the industry that produced it.   The audience was looked down upon as dim-witted housewives, star-struck teenagers and kids.  

I think there's little doubt that most (if not all) of the people who worked on these shows would have jumped ship in a New York minute if offered a job on night time TV, the movies or Broadway.

Those who did good work on DS did it out of self-respect, and respect for their co-workers....not because they thought they were making history.  Those who's work leaves much to be desired, were just marking time and paying the rent.


Excellent point!

I think to dismiss acting on DS as "bad" is a cheap shot, more often than not. These performers had to learn 3 or 4 new half hour scripts every week and play them through without stopping once. The only other venue where you will ever see this type of acting is in a live theater production - and even then the actors have weeks and weeks to rehearse! The DS players had about an HOUR to rehearse!

Considering that I'd say they did a darned impressive job more often than not. On soaps today the "actors" (and I use the term loosely!) stop and re-shoot every time they flub a line! The DS performers became accustomed to DEALING with flubbed lines and missed cues, etc. They learned to think on their feet, make instant corrections and carry on with the scene!

Now THAT'S what I call TALENT.

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2002, 07:47:31 AM »

Considering that I'd say they did a darned impressive job more often than not. On soaps today the "actors" (and I use the term loosely!) stop and re-shoot every time they flub a line! The DS performers became accustomed to DEALING with flubbed lines and missed cues, etc. They learned to think on their feet, make instant corrections and carry on with the scene!

Now THAT'S what I call TALENT.

Well said Chris!  
I think the DS actors did just great with trying to deal with their mistakes. If you ever watch the Blooper Show on TV that features the mistakes from today's actors, it almost seems like they're "trying" to make mistakes just to be funny! It's almost as if some of them are actually trying to goof off on purpose just to be funny!
"Calamity Jane"

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2002, 08:02:37 AM »
hooked wrote:
Everyone has had 35 years to analyze DS and compare it and its actors with other shows.  Where are some of these other shows?

DS is no longer the only show that old with a dedicated fandom.  Hasn't been for some time.  Between reruns and channels dedicated to replaying old programs and the internet, there are plenty of other shows out there that get dissected like this.  

There was a lot of bad acting on DS.  I heartily concur with that.  To say that there wasn't or that it's somehow remiss on our part to dare to criticize does the performances of some of the show's more talented actors an injustice.

Vlad said it all so well that I'm going to stop now :)

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2002, 03:26:04 PM »
Yes there are other shows from that period but can you tell me where their forum is on the internet with 60 pages of information and the DS FAQ page is another amazing example of dedication.  DS was still done under special circumstances compared to all of the other shows.  What is the point of analyzing the show?  Addams family? Batman? Gilligans island? Mary Tyler Moore? Dick VanDyke? ...Whatever!  DS kicks their butt everytime in everyway. (period)

Offline Luciaphile

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2002, 11:13:14 PM »
Yes there are other shows from that period but can you tell me where their forum is on the internet with 60 pages of information and the DS FAQ page is another amazing example of dedication.  

Go to any search engine and type in "Star Trek" (a show replete with its own devoted fan base, controversies, hammy performances, and spaceships made out of styrofoam, spit, and a prayer). Go to any bookstore and go look in the performing arts sections.  You'll find a bunch of books on everything from "The Twilight Zone" to "Batman."

Every show has its own fandom.  You may not think much of say, "The Andy Griffith Show," but there are plenty of fans that consider it one of the best television comedies of all time.  There are also people who weren't impressed.  I personally thought Trek boasted some great writing, but I bet I could find a bunch of people who thought it was terrible.  There are a mess of us here who moan and complain whenever SciFi does a marathon of "Twilight Zone," but again, I would wager that there are tons of people who are thrilled to get to watch these.  It's not a competition between shows.  There are multiple fandoms out there and it's just a fact.

DS was still done under special circumstances compared to all of the other shows.  What is the point of analyzing the show?  Addams family? Batman? Gilligans island? Mary Tyler Moore? Dick VanDyke? ...Whatever!  DS kicks their butt everytime in everyway. (period)

If there is no point in analyzing the show, then why are we here?  

I have seen some amazing acting on DS.  Really, really talented performances, some good writing, some really cool ideas.  All that came about under the same limited circumstances.  I've also seen some stuff that even I could do better at (and I cannot act my way out of a paper bag).  

See, I don't get this.  I've heard this before and I still don't get it.  Okay, they had crappy circumstances, little to no rehearsal, terrible production values, and a producer with a limited attention span.  No question.  I'm with everyone there.

But even in these conditions, some of the actors really and truly shone.  They could have just come to work, said their lines, and gone home.  But they didn't.  They contended with all the trouble and the mess and what sounds like a lot of confusion and did a great job.  I cannot in good conscience say that the entire cast did that.  Some of them were less talented than others.  Sorry, but that's the way it is.  If we're going to single out people and say, "so-and-so was amazing," then it logically follows that there are going to be people who were merely adequate or out and out terrible.


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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2002, 11:55:36 PM »
I really think that when we criticize some of the performers and praise others, we really aren't talking about 'talent' at all.  The obviously talented are easy to spot.  So are the less-than-talented.

I think what we nit-pick and whine about are those performances that come across as fraudulent.

When John Karlen is over the top, I love it....this is an actor who looks like he's died and gone to heaven playing Willie Loomis.

When Addison Powell does the same thing, I hate it...because (to me), his performance is condescending and he appears (to me) to believe that the role and the material are beneath him.

I think we're willing to accept different levels of talent, but not different levels of honest effort, from the actors.

Oh, and I'm one of those people who can spend hours on end dissecting the writing of Twilight Zone.  I may adore Dark Shadows, but when it comes to writing...well...I'm sorry, but IMHO, there is absolutely no comparison, on any level.

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2002, 11:58:39 PM »
Yes there are other shows from that period but can you tell me where their forum is on the internet with 60 pages of information and the DS FAQ page is another amazing example of dedication.  DS was still done under special circumstances compared to all of the other shows. What is the point of analyzing the show?  Addams family? Batman? Gilligans island? Mary Tyler Moore? Dick VanDyke? ...Whatever!  DS kicks their butt everytime in everyway. (period)

When VantageNet was our host, the posting board that followed behind us in the entertainment category in terms of traffic was called The Wonderfulness of I Spy-- a board dedicated to the show that ran from '65 to '68.  I've also seen message boards and websites for The Avengers, which ran from '61 to '69 and had a revival series (The New Avengers), and was brought back recently as a movie (but I'm not bitter ;)); there are also posting boards for Man from U.N.C.L.E., which ran from '64 to '68 and had a Return of... in '83.  Those are the ones that come to mind cuz they were personal favorites. :D

I don't know much about the production circumstances of the others, but I've heard Patrick Macnee speak about similar experiences, particularly in the early years of Avengers, to what we know about the making of DS.


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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2002, 05:18:34 PM »
OK you guys try to remain calm here!  Some people like LIVER too, but what about it!  If we search the internet we can come up with a site for people who chat about liver and its virtues too...but I still say a nice hunk of my mothers lasagne thrown in a bowl looks and tastes a lot better than LIVER.  What I meant by why do we analyze it (and did not get a definitive response too) is what is the pont?  To make some negative determination that there was indeed bad acting on DS?  I am not in disagreement with that statement I just dont see the point.  We are here for a good time right? The show is over and done with and it has shaped and influenced our lives enough to come here so lets enjoy ourselves while we can.  The show rules and I want to leave the trekkies on their site where they belong. Remember now...RELAX

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2002, 12:41:47 AM »
When John Karlen is over the top, I love it....this is an actor who looks like he's died and gone to heaven playing Willie Loomis.

When Addison Powell does the same thing, I hate it...

Same here! Not for all the same reasons, or at least I don't really think about the reasons. It is just PAINFUL to watch! When I finally got to watch Willie's dream last night, I thought "That's not so overly done..." Willie was supposed to be a coward and it was totally in keeping with his character. I enjoyed him having fun and going with it.

I do realize that the directors may have preferred AP being over the top, but then I ask myself WHY? "Let's see, let's have Frid playing his role in a stately and dignified manner. Then lets hire Moe to play off of him! Yeah, that's the ticket."
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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2002, 05:01:46 AM »
I was a DS watcher during its original heyday and it was no secret that other soap performers felt Jonathan Frid and Lara Parker were the best performers on DS. Nancy Barrett, Louie Edmonds, Joel Crothers were also well thought of. However, Grayson Hall could be good and she could be REALLY awful. AT least Grayson admitted she considered DS to be professional laziness. She camped up the show WAAAAY too much at times. There is a scene in the Leviathon eps where Julia is threatened by a Ghost and Halls' performance has to rank as one of the worst in tv history. John karlen was also hit or miss for me. Geoffrey Scott WAS consistently terrible in all of his scenes. Kate Jackson on the other hand, improved every day and was really good by the end of her run.

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2002, 02:43:05 AM »

Every show has its own fandom.  You may not think much of say, "The Andy Griffith Show," but there are plenty of fans that consider it one of the best television comedies of all time.

I think the point was that DS is the only SOAP (daytime serial) in constant rerun. The only other soaps in reruns are from prime time, or current soaps on SoapNet. Prime time shows like Andy Griffith et. al. also had the luxury of stopping the film and reshooting any time something went wrong.

Certainly some of the actors on DS sucked (Sky Rumson? Oh dear lord!) but unless I missed the original point in this thread, some viewers unfamiliar w/DS might look at it today and think all the actors are bad because of the line flubs or what have you. It's when you know when and how the show was made you become more impressed with the acting in general (except for Sky Rumson).

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2002, 02:56:09 AM »
Off topic- - -You know, I happened to be watching an episode of Charlie's Angels the other morning, and it hit me how very AWFUL both the writing and acting were!  It happened to be an episode made after Kate Jackson had left the show, but all three "angels" and even "Boz" were just horrendous, the villains cartoonish, and I wondered how I ever could have seriously watched the show for even one moment!  Then I remembered, I was a lot younger, and even watched Gilligan's Island and F-Troop with great enjoyment.

The point I wanted to make is, when I watch any of those programs today, I'm appalled at the idea that I EVER thought them funny or even sat through them!  When I watch DARK SHADOWS today, I never feel that way.  DS transcends the other shows from my childhood/teen years, and always will, I am sure.  I feel the same way about this program as I did 35 years ago, and that's saying something about how special and unique it was.

Sure, we had Addison Powell and Geoffrey Scott, we had other God-awful performances that smell up the room when we see them on the screen--but much as DARK SHADOWS transcends other shows of its era, so Jonathan Frid, John Karlen, Lara Parker, Louis Edmonds, David Henesy and so many others transcend the disgraceful acting of those few dreadful actors and make the scenes shine despite them.

Love, Robin

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2002, 03:46:38 AM »

What is the point of analyzing the show?  Addams family? Batman? Gilligans island? Mary Tyler Moore? Dick VanDyke? ...Whatever!  DS kicks their butt everytime in everyway. (period)


What I meant by why do we analyze it (and did not get a definitive response too) is what is the pont?  To make some negative determination that there was indeed bad acting on DS?  I am not in disagreement with that statement I just dont see the point.  We are here for a good time right? The show is over and done with and it has shaped and influenced our lives enough to come here so lets enjoy ourselves while we can

Why analyze the acting -- or the writing, or the directing, or any other aspect -- of DS?  Why analyze or critique anything?

I analyze something if I want to understand it, see what's behind it.  If I'm puzzled, pleased, or angered by something, I want to know why it has had that effect on me.  That's the way my mind happens to work -- analytically (sometimes, anyway).

I also analyze DS because it is worth analyzing.  In fact, I'm continually surprised how much the show lends itself to analysis.  This is my second viewing of the series (plus a partial viewing as a child), and after posting regularly during the last run on SciFi, I didn't expect I would have much of anything to say this round -- but I've surprised myself.

As nostalgic as I feel about many other shows I grew up with -- The Beverly Hillbillies, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch -- I don't have any interest in studying them the way I do DS.  DS seems to reach to a different level with its classical storylines, nightmarish features, mythological underpinnings, and theatrically trained company of actors.  There's just so much more to it than the other shows, for me.

I enjoy discussing all of these aspects of the show with other intelligent, informed viewers -- and there are many of them here.  DS is far from mindless entertainment -- again, my opinion -- which might not warrant much discussion.

Also, preaching to the choir doesn't interest me, if there's a more interesting angle.  Little did I know, though, when I made what I thought was a fairly obvious comment in that earlier thread that so many impassioned postings would result.

I asked the question at the top of this thread -- was there bad acting on DS? -- because there were strongly made statements in the previous thread that denied that there was.  Some comments in that earlier thread seemed to imply that either 1) there was no bad acting on DS, or 2) that it is better to close one's eyes and not see the bad acting.

Someone had suggested that the reason why viewers of the show often dismiss the acting on DS is that they are reacting negatively (and ignorantly) to the show's theatrical style of acting.  

I wanted to respond to that statement because, although it provides some explanation, I think it falls short in explaining a lot (if not most) of what many viewers see as bad acting on the show.  Since I didn't accept this explanation, I wanted to consider the range of acting presented on DS, to consider why much of it is excellent and -- in stark contrast -- a certain amount is poor.

MB wrote:


I find it hard to believe that most of what the actors were doing wasn't at least with the directors' blessings, if not their actual designs. Just think of how shocked some of us might be if we ever learned that Lela Swift and John Sedwick were actually in the rehearsal room telling Powell that his performance wasn't broad enough and to take it up a notch.

I remember that from the old board now that you mention it, MB.  Although your explanation may be right, I shudder to think so!  :o  As Kuanyin says:


I do realize that the directors may have preferred AP being over the top, but then I ask myself WHY? "Let's see, let's have Frid playing his role in a stately and dignified manner. Then lets hire Moe to play off of him! Yeah, that's the ticket."

It never made sense to me that stage-trained actors (with no television experience) such as Frid, Parker, and KLS regularly kept the overacting well in check while a handful of others did not, if the over-the-top style was what the directors truly wanted.

However, something that would tend to support your view are comments Lara Parker has made ... I'm pretty sure that in one the Pomegranate Press books she expressed her horror at being continually asked to blow things up to a point far beyond any realistic human emotion or behavior.  If that's true, we can be thankful that she and many others were either unable or unwilling to produce such "acting" and instead gave powerful and nuanced performances.  Actors like Powell, on the other hand, and the one who played Aristede (sorry I can't remember names), and a few others, apparently had no problem accommodating.  As a result, their performances are viewed by many viewers to be quite wretched much of the time.

Maybe someone can put this question about what the directors wanted in terms of performance to one of the panels at the upcoming festival?

As is apparent, there isn't going to be agreement on the quality of the acting among those discussing the show here.  C'est la vie!


I was done writing this when I saw RobinV's comments:


Sure, we had Addison Powell and Geoffrey Scott, we had other God-awful performances that smell up the room when we see them on the screen--but much as DARK SHADOWS transcends other shows of its era, so Jonathan Frid, John Karlen, Lara Parker, Louis Edmonds, David Henesy and so many others transcend the disgraceful acting of those few dreadful actors and make the scenes shine despite them.

Well said.  Such comments prove that someone who cares about the show can also view its shortcomings realistically -- or analytically!

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2002, 04:49:01 AM »

I think the point was that DS is the only SOAP (daytime serial) in constant rerun. The only other soaps in reruns are from prime time, or current soaps on SoapNet. Prime time shows like Andy Griffith et. al. also had the luxury of stopping the film and reshooting any time something went wrong.

If you do enough reading about most television shows and films, you find that most of them dealt with difficult circumstances of some kind.  Even some of the makers of films from some of the better endowed studios in Hollywood's golden era coped with problems that other might have felt insurmountable.  

Difficult working conditions, insistence on only using one take (W.S. Van Dyke was a favorite director of studio bosses because he was notorious for only using one take, hence his nickname "One-take Woody"), actors, writers, directors who were horrendous to work with or who were battling addiction problems--the list goes on.  

And if you do enough reading or watch enough interviews of the actors from those shows or the old movies, you will often hear them saying "we never expected anyone to see this more than once."  (Which is why movie actors often lost out on television royalties--they never expected it to take off and their agents often didn't insist on them including the clauses in the contracts).

Yeah, they're not soaps, but you don't need to be on a soap to have a hard time of it.  It happens.  

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Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2002, 07:02:17 AM »
Wow this took me a while to sort through and read all these comments! very interesting but have to agree if you look on the net or any bookstore a lot of shows in the past have a lot of fan following today was there bad acting on DS ?(the original ? )of course (One common theme Sky Rumson was awful) but what i find a lot is people who can't believe anyone cares about any old show and if you mention DS they just think that because of the kind of show it was it must have had bad actors! some days i laugh my head over some of the bad acting scenes and others I'm moved to tears over the wonderful acting! After all this time!hey works for me!
love the T Zone marathons too!
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