Author Topic: Robservations 5/22/02 - #493/494 - Baby Comes Home  (Read 1515 times)

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Robservations 5/22/02 - #493/494 - Baby Comes Home
« on: May 18, 2002, 01:39:01 PM »
493 - The new baby comes home to meet sibling Willie!

Old House cellar - Julia, Willie and Barnabas survey the sleeping Adam, cozy on a cot, and Papa Barnabas comments how innocent Adam looks in sleep. All malice and evil leave when we sleep, he suggests, but Julia advises Barn not to stand too close to him; he might awaken any moment. Brute force incarnate, disguised now as one of earth's gentlest creatures, murmurs Barnabas. Adam stirs. Julia fearfully draws him away. They have no idea what he'll do.

Willie, cringing, wonders why they are so afraid if he's as harmless they claim. They must be cautious, says Barnabas, a lesson Julia learned at some expense. Julia explains they must show no fear. Willie says he is afraid, which Barnabas says communicates itself to Adam. Julia says Adam reacts to fear the same way any fearful creature does, to which Willie responds, "Oh, he runs away." (LOL!) Sarcastically, Barnabas tells Willie not to judge everyone by HIS standards--the natural reaction is to strike out. Willie doesn't like this. Barnabas says they must do nothing to cause Adam pain. It frightened him more than hurts him, says Julia. Adams awakens. Barn tells them to act naturally. Julia asks how Adam is feeling. Barnabas tells him they brought him to a new home, and Julia introduces Willie, his "friend"--as they are his friends. Barnabas assures Adam Willie will take good care of him.
It scares Willie that Adam knows no words. He has to learn to speak, points out Julia. Barnabas gently explains to Adam that Willie will teach him certain things. As Julia taught Adam to eat (when did that happen?), Willie will teach him to speak. Willie says he's scared, he can't do this! Barn says he has no reason to be frightened, and Adam gazes angrily at Willie. Barnabas tells Adam there's nothing to fear, but Willie shakes his head and begs not to be left alone with him. Teaching him calms him, says Julia, but Willie protests he doesn't know anything (see, Adam, here's a PLAYBOY magazine). Stay with him and help him, urges Barnabas, and Adam will respond. Julia says she was the first to hurt him and he was hostile, but now that she taught him to eat, he's forgotten his anger. Willie thinks THEY should stay with him, then, rather than him--he likes them--when Barn was talking to him, Adam was calm. Barnabas assures Willie he can do the same. Barnabas and Julia start to leave as Willie again begs not to be left alone. Barnabas tells Willie he's responsible for Adam and himself--talk to him, be friendly, and there will be nothing to fear--either from Adam or Barnabas. Adam grunts disapproval when he sees Barnabas leaving and Willie points out that Adam doesn't want him to go either. Barn promises to come back and see him and says goodbye. He holds out his hand to Adam, a custom of parting, he explains, a gesture of friendship. Adam slowly, reluctantly puts his hand in Barnabas', and the latter says goodbye. Adam seems fascinated by this and examines his hand afterwards. Julia promises Willie one of them will be back to check on the two new brothers. She says goodbye to Adam, who is continuing to stares at his hand. Willie locks the door and gazes fearfully at Adam. He asks if it's OK for him to sit down, then answers himself. Adam warily watches as Willie sits down and offers him a cigarette. Willie lights it with a match and sucks on it like he's a nervous wreck. He tells Adam what a nice fellow he is. Adam is rubbing his lips. He grabs the cigarette out of Willie's hand, immediately burning himself, and Willie cries, "I didn't hurt you!" Adam knocks Willie to the floor, bangs on the locked cell door and pulls it open, gazing around him in terror. He stumbles up the cellar steps, crying in pain, leaving Willie unconscious on the floor. (Willie always had trouble following orders.)

At Collinwood, Julia examines Lang's journals. Mrs. Johnson comes in and gasps when she sees Julia. She asks if David is there. He isn't. Mrs. Johnson doesn't want to find him, she tells Julia, she's afraid to see him--she's going to her room and stay there. I've had the dream, says Mrs. Johnson--it was so terrifying! Julia doesn't want to hear Mrs. Johnson talk about bats screeching and begs her to stop. Sarah is crying, saying she tried to resist her beckoner, David, but couldn't. Never tell him the dream, Julia orders. Sarah explains that she was forced to do everything in the dream--and she must tell it to David! Julia sits Mrs. Johnson down and tells her they must stop the dream before it's too late. If she doesn't see David, she can't tell him, Julia reminds her. Leave Collinwood! Mrs. Johnson says she has no place to go, but Julia insists it could be a matter of life and death for David. Sarah keeps hearing the bats. Willie bursts in, all shaken up. Julia sends Mrs. Johnson to her room to rest. "I can't go anywhere!" wails Mrs. Johnson, and prays she doesn't see David on the way. After the housekeeper leaves, Willie tells Julia Adam knocked him out and escaped. He's gone, and he doesn't know where he is!

Adam wanders the woods, cradling his hurt hand, terrified.

Julia orders Willie to stop sniveling and come with her. She chastises him for the cigarette incident. He clutches the chair--he wants to find someplace to hide. She orders him to get hold of himself, come with her and look for Barnabas. He needs to go someplace safe, he whines, but she again orders him to come with her. Reluctantly, Willie follows her.

Adam finds his way to the terrace. He sticks his hand in the fountain and finds the water soothes his burnt hand. (A doctor in the making?) He also finds it good to drink, and catches it in his hands and takes it into his mouth greedily. Something upsets him and he angrily smacks the fountain. Mrs. Johnson catches him and demands to know what he's doing there, who he is, what he wants?--you don't belong here, she tells him, and he opens his mouth, unable to speak. He holds out his hands in a gesture of supplication, trying desperately to communicate.
She orders him not to come closer and begins to scream for help. Adam runs away as Barnabas, Julia and Willie join her. She saw a huge, huge man, a monster, she cries. Barnabas looks to where the man ran away.

Julia and Mrs. Johnson wait on the terrace. Mrs. J thinks Barn should have called the police before going after the man. Julia thinks it was only a stranger who wandered onto the grounds, but Sarah said it seemed the man was more animal than man. Julia says her imagination is running away, but Mrs. J says the man really frightened her. Julia again suggests Mrs. J leave Collinwood, visit her sister in Boston, but Sarah says she's too scared to do anything or go anywhere. Sarah hears a sound. She and Julia stand. Maybe it's the bats or that mad animal crashing in the woods, suggests Mrs. Johnson, who decides to leave Collinwood for her own sake and David's. Just pray it doesn't come any closer, whoever or whatever it is, frets Mrs. J. Julia is grateful the housekeeper has decided to leave.
Barnabas and Willie have found Adam in the woods. Barnabas offers him his hand. "You know I'd never hurt you," says Barnabas--I want to take you home. Willie says they need help, but Barn says that's impossible. Gently, Barnabas tells Adam to come home with him, there's nothing to be afraid of. Adam is nervous, afraid. He very reluctantly accepts Barnabas' hand gazing happily at "Daddy", and they walk off, leaving Willie staring unhappily after them.

At Collinwood, Julia paces the drawing room. Barnabas tells her they got Adam back to the Old House; he took the medicine she left for him and fell asleep. Was the restraint applied? She asks, and he sadly says yes. It was the only thing they could do under the circumstances, says Julia, trying to comfort him, and Barnabas sighs and replies, "I know." They look like two very depressed parents with an unmanageable little boy.
Adam awakens in the basement and finds an iron cuff wrapped around his ankle. He's chained to the wall. Moaning piteously, angrily, he tries to wrest the cuff off, at this new confinement.

NOTES: Poor Adam. You can't help wishing they could find a better, more humane, way of caring for him. Newborn babies are small and can't wreak much havoc (besides parental sleeping), but Adam is a huge newborn and difficult to control. He just seems to bewildered about his surroundings--and growing very close to Barnabas.

Of course they never get into this, but is Adam wearing adult diapers, or did they potty train him from the get-go?

It's apparent Willie isn't ready for any of this. He's really not much better than a child himself, a kid with a tad more restraint, but not really much beyond Adam in the brainage capacity. But Willie is still providing sterling comic relief!

494 - From the intro: Man and mortal, life and death, have been drained of meaning.

Adam sits on his cot in his cell. Willie brings him some food, but Adam seems too dejected to eat it. Willie says he's doing this to help him, but Adam looks like he doesn't believe that. Willie reminds Adam that he knows how to eat, so he can do it himself. Adam looks sad. Willie tries to hand feed him. Adam, annoyed, knocks the tray off the bed, and Willie flees the cell, leaning back against the locked door, breathing hard.

Julia tells Willie he must expect this kind of reaction from Adam--time and patience are necessary. Willie fears Adam will "get through" to him first, and Julia says she dislikes his attitude. I'm scared, says Willie, and Julia says Adam must be convinced they won't hurt him again, and that will gain his trust and they can begin teaching them. Willie would rather return to Windcliff, and Julia says if that happens, he'll be admitted as a patient beyond cure (that's not fair, Julia!)--she needs his help with Adam. I'm too scared, he whines. She orders him to learn to work with Adam or return to Windcliff never to leave again. (You're a bitch, Julia.) She takes the tray from Willie and orders him to stay with Adam--perform your duties! Willie nervously closes the door. He and Adam are alone again. Adam pulls a pair of shiny buttons from Willie's jacket and holds them up to his eyes. He tastes them. This is one thing Willie and Adam have in common, so Willie opens the secret panel, counting down the bricks, and takes out Barnabas' jewel stash.
Willie is gleeful as he opens the box loaded with shining, glistening diamonds and gold. They belonged to Josette Collins, explains Willie, and hands Adam a long strand of pearls to play with. Now we're friends, says Willie as Adam takes out a pretty earring. Willie says he saw a girl who looked just like Josette, named Maggie, wear those earrings. She came downstairs into the drawing room, candles alight, and made Willie feel in a special way. He helped her, sort of, but she was scared of him, and he can't feel the way he wants to toward Maggie because she's scared of him and he can't be near her. Adam listens raptly to this tale of woe, even though he might not comprehend all the words. Willie takes back the jewelry and returns it to the secret spot. Willie decides he could secretly give those pretty earrings to Maggie and make her happy--something he'd like to do. Grinning at his idea, Willie puts back all the jewels--except those earrings, over which he laughs with pleasure.

At the Evans cottage, Willie looks in the window and watches Joe and Maggie sharing a nice evening. She's cleaning brushes. Joe volunteers to clean up the coffee mugs while she gets ready for their date. Willie enters the empty room, drops the earrings into Maggie's purse, and flees. Maggie teases Joe for breaking one of the cups while he helps her into her coat.

Julia praises Adam for his excellent eating habits, annoyed that Willie left him. When Willie returns, Julia expresses her displeasure. Willie was gone at least half an hour--where did you go? she demands. He says nowhere, and she points out his muddy shoes. She doesn't believe his fresh air story and orders him to remain with Adam at all times. She promises to check him, periodically, and threatens to send him right back to Windcliff if he leaves. (she sounds like a nasty schoolmarm!!) Willie grins at Adam. Adam indicates he wants to see the jewels, but Willie says not now--Julia might come back.

Cottage - Maggie is annoyed--she can't find her keys--maybe Sam left with both sets? Joe says they can stay home, but she wants to find them. Joe suggests she check her purse, he didn't see her do so. She opens her purse--the keys are there! She also finds the diamond and emerald earrings. Josette's music begins to play. Joe swears he didn't give her the earrings; he couldn't have afforded them. Sam couldn't, either--how did they get into her purse? Joe suggests she ask Sam, and if he didn't give them to her, turn them over to the police--she'll get them back if no one claims them. Maggie admires them in the light and says the woman who wore them must be beautiful. All you need is money, remarks Joe, but Maggie says she thinks of someone lovely, elegant and--sad owned them. Joe says she has sentiment and imagination, but she says they remind her of something she's forgotten. Joe tells her to put them safely away so they can go out, but Maggie feels compelled to put them on. Josette's music plays, and she admires the beautiful, thoughtful gift. Joe wishes they were from him, and she says only a man who had gazed into her eyes with deepest love would know they were meant for her--in a very Josette-like voice. Joe eyes her uncomfortably, she's getting carried away. She thinks he looks worried--why? He's surprised--he didn't think she was the diamonds and emeralds type. Laughing, she assures him she loves a good book or a box of candy as a gift any day of the week. She hugs him and says the earrings are different. He agrees they look special. She's never felt this way about jewelry--she feels drawn to them. He agrees they're beautiful, any woman would love them.
It's more than that, she says dreamily, and he gets kind of angry and tells her to put them away until their owner can be found. She takes them off and says he must admit they're really exquisite--there's nothing like them in the world.

Adam is banging on the walls while Willie cowers in a corner of the cell. Like a kid having a tantrum, Adam wants to see the pretty jewelry. Julia comes in and calms the big guy down.
Willie tells her to give him her necklace, it will calm him down and save Willie's life. Julia holds it up, per Willie's orders. When she does so, Adam takes it, happy, and sits back down on his bed. Julia tells Willie to leave quickly, which he does, and he informs Julia outside the cell he won't go back in there--he thinks Adam should be destroyed. No, says Julia. Then Adam will destroy YOU warns Willie, but she disagrees. Adam has an alert mind, but it's trapped inside him. They must free it so he can learn. Willie calls Adam dumb, and Julia haughtily informs him "It takes intelligence to know intelligence." (Julia's being even more nasty to Willie than Barnabas, I swear!) Willie refuses to go back in there, and Julia agrees--he's done enough damage. Julia tells Willie she's going to play Adam some music and reach his intelligence and imagination. Willie thinks Adam needs a bullet between the eyes. They leave Lang's recorder--with the infamous tape!--outside the cell so Adam can enjoy it. Willie and Julia head back upstairs. When they are gone, the music on the tape is interrupted by Lang's dissertation on "if both live." Adam listens very carefully to this, peering out the cell door, and says, "Barna--Barna-bas."
NOTES: Adam he said his first word--Daddy's name!

Isn't Julia being cruel to Willie? I think so. She must realize they made a mistake letting him out of Windcliff!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 5/22/02 - #493/494 - Baby Comes Home
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2002, 08:08:34 PM »
I agree Robin julia is being cruel to willie
but he was great!
loved "i don't know anything"

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Re: Robservations 5/22/02 - #493/494 - Baby Comes Home
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2002, 05:58:38 AM »
Ahh come on. . .Willie is acting like a fraidy cat, adoloscent girl. . .Julia's just tellin' him to act like a man!