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Offline testokes

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Another overview of the Fest
« on: August 24, 2007, 04:46:02 PM »
Hello from a first time convention goer.  Thought I would post my thoughts and say hello to all of you as I have just joined the board.  This is an updated version of my review on JF's yahoo group.


Living in north-central MA, I decided to take in a Broadway show (Frost/Nixon) before attenting the fest.  I leave at a very comfortable 1pm and then have to jet like crazy because I forget my banquet ticket. I just manage to see the show and arrive at my motel (stayed nearby for $110 less a night) and meet my roommate.


I arrive at the Marriot after a fast bagel and lemonade breakfast around 10am.  There's already a huge line for the Tarrytown trip.  My first chat is with a rather eccentric guy from Georgia who seems mad as heck the costume party was cancelled.  I think about mentioning that was announced months ago but think better of arguing with him and just nod.  Finally we all load up into the buses and head to Lyndhurst.

It's a massive estate, easily 60 acres but the house itself is much smaller than the sprawling mansion the first film conveys.  Still it's a very impressive house and I spent a lot of time re-imagining the dinner scene in the dining room, Barnabas arrival at the art gallery and Julia's death in her room. After about 90 minutes I do a fast tour of the grounds but can't find the swimming pool or the remains of the Old House.  All this time though I am wondering if I should have brought a friend.  Jim didn't go to Lyndhurst and meeting new people is never my thing.  Finally as we wait for the bus to take us back to the Marriot I join in on a conversation concerning MGM's tendency to edit the heck out of their movies.  It helps me a lot at easing the tension and striking up conversations throughout the weekend.

Around 1:45pm we return to the hotel and the registration line has already formed with about 150 people in front of me.  I spend much of the next few hours listening to a guy from New Orleans talk about his house being rebuilt by FEMA, he certainly paints a better picture of them than the media does.  I have to say the wait is a bit much, even for someone 27 years old, I can only imagine what some of you were going through.  After registration it's right back in line to get a photo of KLS and then one of Lara. I take the time to mention to Lara what a great warning about cheating on one's girlfriend her character was back when I started watching at 14.  She admits to having never thought about that before.  I haven't seen an episode with Marie in years so just politely have her sign my program, then head back to wait for the main convention hall to open.

I sit down and chat with a woman from Chicago there with her 20 year old daughter, both DS fans.  I defintely am grateful for a few people my age and younger being present.  As we chat Jonathan Frid walks by to applause.  He looks at us and says he hopes we do the same after his presentation on Saturday.

Then the doors open and I manage to secure a second row seat all the way to the right.  After a bit it's time for DS episodes 209 and 211. I have never seen either uncut before so it's a fun introduction for me. Still I really think they should have shown 211 and 212 since Jonathan is barely in 211.  The commercials get a lot of nostalgic laughs, though I have no idea what green stamps were!  After that is a tribute to Craig Hamrick, the designer of darkshadowsonline and so many DS stars websites (sadlly these haven't been updated since his death, Diana's is now an add for Viagra!).  It's a heartfelt tribute that makes it clear to me how much of a family the DS community must be.

After that KLS, Marie and Lara give their presentations.  All are very interesting and although I get up the guts to ask Lara something she decimates my question about underplaying evil to accentuate it with "that's acting" but I don't take it too personally.  Like most teachers, including me, she has a healthy sense of sarcasm!

After Lara wraps up around 9:30 there's a video on writing/producing DS.  I listen to the first half then run out for a walk.  Returning just in time to see House of Dark Shadows on the big screen.  The movie plays really well IMO, sure it's a colder highlights reel in essence but that works fine for me.  I sit through about 15 minutes of NODS but am getting tired. I step out and continue a conversation with a guy I met at Tarrytown, a doctor and amateur opera singer from Florida in period costume with the ring and cane.  We chat for a half hour and I begin the drive back to the motel, getting there around 12:30 am.


Skipping breakfast to get to the Marriot early (hah!) I find another massive line has formed around 9:40 am.  Around 11am the door opens and I manage to snag a third row seat towards the left.  I sit next to the gentleman I talked to in line, who looks rather like Albert Speer after Spandau (the subject of my to be written master's thesis)!

First up around 11:30 am is a fan panel with Marcy Robbins. I listen to it, still waking up and regretting no breakfast.  After her Diana Millay comes out to talk about her love of animals and travel. She seems like a very interesting lady whom I get to know better later on! (can't tell though, some of her comments were amusingly honest).  Having never seen an episode with Betsy I skip her presentation to buy DSM by KLS and thank her for being the inspiration for Christine Daae in my version of POTO done at college. She seems interested, she's either the nicest lady ever to seem so charming and into meeting her fans or still a great actress (or both and she looks great).  I wanted to buy the Salem Branch from Lara at this time but her line is still long so instead I pick up Jonathan's DVD from Nancy.

Returning for the end of Betsy's presentation we await the arrival of the man himself.  Jonathan enters to massive applause around 1pm.  Honestly the energy and love in that room (and attendence seems to me up to 1000) was like nothing I have ever felt, it was really an electric atmosphere.  Jonathan presents a kind of academic look at his and Barnabas evolution, using clips mostly from his early days and the 1795 flashback. I would have included one of his early scenes with Grayson but other than that the clips are a good selection and he really seems to care about Barnabas, something I wondered about.

Then it's the charity auction which I watch. I almost bid on a VHS of NODS but it ends up going for like $75!  The highlights are Lara's debut episode and script going for $550 and Dan Curtis lil black book going for $1100!  I wonder what the value of any of these items are.  Personally selling clothes from DC seems a touch morbid to me and I remark that perhaps Williie Loomis was enlisted in acquiring the auction's selection, a rather tasteless joke I guess but it gets laughs.

The man himself returns for a series of readings.  His first story I just couldn't get into but the rest are great.  Very funny are the dinner story and Groucho's letter to a studio.  My really special moment comes next.  Jonathan reads a story about a ghost urging his friend to commit suicide. I have had a rough couple of years and gotten very depressed I honestly thought Jonathan looked right at me during his last line of this story.  Imagination no doubt but still special.  The Tell-Tale Heart is gripping of course but Here there by Tygres is my favorite, so brilliantly drawing memories of my years at a Catholic grade school (few nuns by my time).  I wish he had read something of his own or something from Shakespeare but from what I gather he cut his presenation short to allow for questions from the fans, a very generous thing to do.  Unfortunately the questions are rather mixed, his memories of KH are great but asking him to return to the part (well MAYBE for an audio or something) seems silly if you ask me.  Asking his opinion of Letterman at the Oscars is too much!

After this the Collinsport players do a Golden Girls meet Dark Shadows skit.  Not to be a critic but I honestly felt the actor playing Barnabas should have not sent the part up, played straight the incongruity would have been even funnier IMO.  Then I snag a quick photo of me and KLS at the foyer (and lord do I look tense, well heck I had a huge crush on her in the mid 90's) and get in line for the banquet.  I heard a lot of complaints but honestly what could be done while the room was transformed?

I sit at table (errr....28 or 29 I think) along with the guy from LA, a superfan who posed the Oscars question, two teachers and a few other slient people.  We have a great chat during dinner.  Eventually my table is called. I think I catch a fast glance from Jonathan as I sputter out a thank you sir and back off, photo in hand, back to my table and then the room darkens.  KLS gets up for some memories, Jonathan puts one last bite on her to deafening applause, they kiss and then Lara and Marie give some last Joanthan stories.  Finally the man himself comes up to thank us all, he seemed really touched by the experience of signing all those photos.

As has been reported Jonathan didn't finish (and lord who expected him to?  Why the names weren't signed in earlier and we got the pics during the weekend is beyond me) but in a great gesture came back Sunday.


Up at 9am to help my roommate get his pic signed. I snapped a few photos of Jonathan and he seemed more chatty with people so to me it wouldn't have mattered when it was signed.  Left around 11am after opening a door for KLS and getting the Bunny Years from her.

All in all I had a lot of fun this weekend. I wish there was a New England DS club to meet every other month or so.  I assume this is JF's last convetion and that makes this historic. I will def be there in Burbank next year, hopefully David Selby and John Karlen will attend and I still need to buy that book from Lara!

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 04:51:05 PM »
Thanks for posting your overview, testokes. It's always especially nice to get the perspective of a first time Fest attendee.  :)

And welcome to the forum! As Midnite said, it's really nice to see you've just jumped right in. We definitely look forward to reading more from you.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 05:53:53 PM »
Personally selling clothes from DC seems a touch morbid to me

Couldn't agree more!  We were saying that at the auction that selling off dead ppl's stuff is just demented.   :-

"I like the bike I got, & the chick I got!"
"I know just the place!?Over in Logansport!"
"If ya feel it, SIT it!"
"Come on, before he offers me a side car too!"
"Her nose needed some powder!"
"You askin' me to give up something I like?"

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 06:13:22 PM »
Your report is great!

Never say never re Frid.  Many DS fans said he would never attend another festival even if it was in his backyard and lo and behold, here he was at a day and a half DS event with over 1,000.  If he is still in good health in another two years or so, there is always the chance he will return for another event or festival. Who knows . .. ::)

Also, people would say JF had no interest in Barnabas or talking about him and here at this event he hosted a series of clips from DS, brought the Barnabas cane with him from Canada, danced with it, and tried to bite a few of his DS colleagues on stage and off.


All in all I had a lot of fun this weekend. I wish there was a New England DS club to meet every other month or so.  I assume this is JF's last convetion and that makes this historic. I will def be there in Burbank next year, hopefully David Selby and John Karlen will attend and I still need to buy that book from Lara!

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 06:18:38 PM »
Well, it looks like I have to defend myself here.  I was the one who asked Jonathan regarding David Letterman's hosting the Oscars, and I do feel that was more than appropiate as he opened the door with his recitation of Thomas Meehan's great satirical piece Yma Dream.  If you remember, David tried to do the "Yma-Ava-Ooona-Ona-Eva-Abba" thing with both Oprah Winfrey and Uma Thurman in the audience, and failed miserably.  Here is an online reference to the incident:

Unfortunately, Jonathan doesn't watch the Oscars, yet several fans came up to me later and they remembered the Letterman incident.

BTW testokes, if you're gonna hurl critical opinions of other fans on this board, be prepared for payback.  On the other hand you did call me a "superfan", and that's something I can wear with pride- after all, it may have been your first DS Festival, but I've been attending them on the East Coast since 1984, so learn to respect those who've been around longer than you.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 06:38:00 PM »
I just thought I would answer what green stamps were.  When you purchased at certian stores you would get stamps. I can't remember the  amount it  has been so long ago.  I think it was 1%, I don't think 10% of your pruchase. one stamp per, percentage.  You would them put them in a book. You would fill those books  and trade them in for things like houseware.  I think I got a lamp once. (  It has been so long )

Here is a piece of trivia for you, and I can't remember where I read  it. But when Jackie  Kennedy got into the first lived on her own ,  she was really into Green Stamps.  Would do what she could do to get them.   I really believe that is right. correct me if I am wrong.

The commercials get a lot of nostalgic laughs, though I have no idea what green stamps were!  
Vote for Jonathan in the Walk of Fame.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 06:56:23 PM »
I remember how much fun it was to go with my mother to the Green Stamps redemption place. We kids would rotate being able to chose something for ourselves, a reward for licking all those stamps and getting them into the books.

I must say that I am very relieved to see the lack of pissing and moaning over the autographs at the banquet deal. I think it was far too ambitious a proposal, and was glad to have seen understanding from the majority.
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Screw Thoreau - sheenasma

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 07:59:37 PM »
BTW testokes, if you're gonna hurl critical opinions of other fans on this board, be prepared for payback.

If by "payback" you mean defending oneself in a purely respectful manner and by calmly explaining something from ones own POV (which, to your credit, is how you handled yourself  :)) and allowing others to do the same, well perhaps. But the term "payback" itself has an ominous retaliatory/revenge connotation that's certainly frowned upon here. And no one should ever expect that sort of reaction - particularly when Guideline #3 states in part:

Retaliation, sharp reproof and cynicism are to be avoided. Disagreement is a natural occurrence, but as stated above, should be done in a respectful manner.

Offline testokes

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 08:47:12 PM »
That's okay I was mostly making a joke anyway Charles and thought you did make a good point in that Letterman ripped off whoever wrote that story.  Of course Letterman bombed that night and hurt his career a bit forevermore whereas Jonathan had us in stitches.  Sorry if I offended you.

I don't mean superfan in a negative way at all. It merely means you're an expert in the show and have a wide range of knowledge about the show, at least compared to me, who's probably only seen 800 or so episodes (nothing earlier than 209, nothing 1841 PT and nothing from Nicholas Blair's debut-Quentin's debut) and has only around 300 or so on DVD or VHS.

I definitely understand now how much Dark Shadows means to Jonathan.  It would be great to see him back someday but I don't want to get my own hopes up.  I just meant going into the convention I wasn't too sure.  BTW Nancy if there's a recording ANYWHERE of Jonathan doing Shakespearian highlights sign me up as your first customer!

I think what impressed me the most was the almost academic tone of his presentation.  He completely understands why the character and actor work so well.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 10:26:05 PM »
I remember how much fun it was to go with my mother to the Green Stamps redemption place. We kids would rotate being able to chose something for ourselves, a reward for licking all those stamps and getting them into the books.

I *vaguely* remember Green Stamps being in the kitchen drawer when I was a kid, but don't recall my mom ever redeeming them although she probably did.  Mostly my knowledge of Green Stamps is from that infamous episode of The Brady Bunch when the kids were all fighting over whether or not they were going to redeem the 'family' stamps for a rowboat or a sewing machine, LOL!    ;D

"I like the bike I got, & the chick I got!"
"I know just the place!?Over in Logansport!"
"If ya feel it, SIT it!"
"Come on, before he offers me a side car too!"
"Her nose needed some powder!"
"You askin' me to give up something I like?"

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2007, 02:22:12 AM »
I remember licking them until my tongue was green. And quite dry. Bah! 150,000 stamps for a telephone index, my eye!
I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2007, 02:48:10 AM »
Thank you so much for sharing your report with us, testokes!  I like reading everybody's different perspectives.  :)

I wish there was a New England DS club to meet every other month or so. 

There is a New England DS fan club, though I don't know how active it is.  If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll try to get you in touch with some of the members.


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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2007, 05:53:39 AM »
It wasn't just S&H green stamps.  There were Top Value stamps, Gold Bond stamps, and some sort of plaid stamps.  All the supermarkets had them.  And then Stop & Shop stopped, and did mini-pricing instead, saying they could charge less because they weren't doing the stamps.

My cousin got a sunfish (a sort of not-quite sailboat) with trading stamps.  I can't remember how many thousand it took.

I'm very happy that I can watch Dark Shadows without the commercials now.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2007, 07:14:41 AM »
I'm very happy that I can watch Dark Shadows without the commercials now.

But commercials gave you time to run to the bathroom, especially  if you ran home  and ran to the TV, with no break in between.  Just think we thought we would never see it again.

I used to have the chair set  up the channel and the volume set on the TV before I left for school.  One of those latch key kids.
Vote for Jonathan in the Walk of Fame.

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Re: Another overview of the Fest
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2007, 02:13:21 PM »
But commercials gave you time to run to the bathroom, especially  if you ran home  and ran to the TV, with no break in between.  Just think we thought we would never see it again.

I used to have the chair set  up the channel and the volume set on the TV before I left for school.  One of those latch key kids.

Oh, yes, back then commercials were an absolute necessity for us kids to take care of nature's calling when watching DS.  My school got out at 2:55 and the show came on at three, so that didn't leave a lot of leeway for taking care of business.  I would make it home just in time for the start.  Most of the time, after the opening scene and credits, they started pushing Tide, Winstons, Malto-Meal or whatever so you could have relief.  But on occasion, they went right into the story.  So I had to kneel there on the floor, rocking back and forth, biting my lower lip, waiting for Palmolive to appear on the screen ten minutes later before I could tend to things.  What we original viewers had to suffer and endure for our DS back in that "Golden" Time!
