Author Topic: Reunion of DS Friends  (Read 2638 times)

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Offline AllenCollins

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Re: Reunion of DS Friends
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2002, 11:26:12 PM »
Hello everyone!,

I knew Bob was going to post pictures of the weekend so I didnt post about it on purpose because I didnt want to steal his thunder. Besides I havent been on line much lately because the weather is turning for the better and there is so much to do outside.

A little insight into how this all went down. I was sitting home last Saturday night when around 10:30 - 10:45PM the phone rings. Typically we dont get calls that late, (Olivia goes to sleep round 8:00 so most people dont call after 9:00),  so I answered immediately thinking it was some sort of family emergency. All of the sudden this voice on the other end says, "Why arent you here with us?" My initial reaction was to say who the @#%** is this, (thank God I didnt). Then it dawned on me, this isnt a crank call, but a voice from the past, but I still couldnt place it. So minus the profanity I asked who is this? I was floored when I realized it was Bob, and he wasnt far away. We put together plans to meet on Sunday half way between our place and Mary's place which put us in Laurel MD.

So on Sunday afternoon, Linda, Olivia and me pulled our hats down over eyes and headed for those Southern skies, (I believe Bob Dylan said that). It was a great experience seeing Bob as the last time I saw him was at the Halloween party in 1996. I have known Guy since 1991 and havent seen him since probably around the same time and I had never had the pleasure of meeting Mary, who like most DS fans I know was very cool. It was a real pleasure meeting her.

And yes the dinner we had was full of remincing. As Bob said time does fly particularly as we get older, (a doctor of mine proved this mathmatically by saying that as we get older a year as a measure of time, is less a part of our life. For example Olivia who will be 3 in August, one year of  her life is 1/3. For me one year is 1/35 of my life and I wont do this calculation on Linda because divulging a womans age is rude, besides if I did and she sees it she'll kick my a**).

I was glad to see that both Bob and Guy looked basically the same since the last time I saw them, unfortunately time hasnt been as kind to me.

Anyway we all chatted about past good times, some of our favorite DS moments and at least on Linda's and my end we got to know Mary a little better. It was very amusing when Guy brought up my fan profile from TWODS which he saw years ago, (1986-87 if memory serves),  and commented that I looked like a pretty mean guy. Although I was pretty helly looking, (long hair and all) mean wasnt a word which I would have used to describe myself, (freaky and wild yes but mean no). We all got a good laugh out of that and again it made me wonder about how much time has past.

I hope we will be able to do something like this again. Linda is already talking about arranging a Chicago trip so watch out Bob we may all end up on your doorstep one day! Until then we are looking forward to the Halloween trip this year. I think our budget will permit and the job I am working on will be winding up around that time so we should be able to make that happen.

I believe someone commented on how cute Olivia is and I will add that pictures do not do her justice she really is a cutie, (thank God she has Linda's looks and not mine).

Bob, thanks again for thinking of us while you were in town. It was really great seeing you again, you, Guy and Mary made both Linda and my weekend.

Do you ever feel like lifes a tuxedo and your the pair of brown shoes? - George Gobel

Offline Darren Gross

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Re: Reunion of DS Friends
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2002, 12:33:52 AM »
I've talked with him in person or email, but it's nice to see what Guy looks like in person! I was unaware that he was on this board.


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Re: Reunion of DS Friends
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2002, 12:53:31 AM »
I've talked with him in person or email, but it's nice to see what Guy looks like in person! I was unaware that he was on this board.

Not at the moment, Darren; but he's been on the previous boards.