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Discuss - Ep #0261
« on: March 26, 2007, 05:24:02 AM »

Offline loril54

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 06:54:14 PM »
Good Show, a little bit Anti Climatic in some way.

Couple things why didn't Barnabas hear the flute music? Why did Barnabas climb into passage, Maggie crawles? Why didn't Barnabas recognize the Doll?

Last not least why did Barnabas go to the hospital and check on Maggie. Criminal returning to scene of the crime.

Our favorite Dr. is coming in a few days.

Good acting.
Vote for Jonathan in the Walk of Fame.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 07:05:15 PM »
Great episode.

It was great to see Sam finally reunite with Maggie, but it would prove a bittersweet reunion, her reverting back to her childhood. With all she went through, it's a miracle the poor thing didn't wind up a raving, screaming lunatic!

Maybe Sarah hadn't wanted Barnabas to hear her because she was mad at him for what he did to Maggie. [spoiler]Remember how angry she was at him when she finally appeared to him to the Old House....after he tried to strangle Julia? Sarah was mad at him for hurting people.....and I think that was a major factor in why she didn't appear to him for so long.[/spoiler]

Barnabas just wanted to see whether Maggie was dead or alive, and/or if she spilled her guts about him. I believe Dr. Woodard thought it was a bit odd for Barnabas coming around too.

Oh yeah....Julia Hoffman, Medicine Woman, will be arriving soon, lol. Hurray!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 12:23:04 AM »
Once again, on the replay-plus, I loved the chase through the underground passages.  Of course, if I were Barnabas, I'd be saying to myself, "Hmm, gotta come back here when I'm not so busy.  This is just the place to hide my coffin!"  But we know from later events that he wasn't that smart.

Shakespeare never does much for me; I find the language too contrived.  But I always enjoy seeing plots re-hashed.  It was Friar Lawrence who came up with the idea of pretending that Juliet was dead, right?  I kept thinking of the Apothecary, because Robert Gerringer looks a little bit like Tom Wilkinson, who played the guy who played the apothecary in Shakespeare in Love - but a quick google tells me it was the Friar who came up with the feigning-death idea for Juliet.  Anyway, I was waiting for Dr. Woodard to break out into blank verse, there in the hospital.

By the way, why did Dr. Woodard, Sam, and Joe leave Maggie alone in the hospital room?  Don't they remember what happened the last time Maggie was left alone in a hospital room?  I'm trying very hard to believe that there was a nurse lurking in the corner - but Dark Shadows isn't usually that subtle.

Barnabas had an interesting expression on his face when he learned of Maggie's death.  What was he thinking?  Her death had to be a relief, since now nobody would learn the truth from her - although he should have been worrying that Maggie's ghost would tell the tale.  There did, however, seem to be dismay in Barnabas's expression as well - and not just pretended dismay.  (Thank you, Jonathan Frid, for muddying the waters.)  After all, Barnabas could have killed Maggie on the beach with a quick blow of the cane to her head.  (I did not  hear the cane begging "Please, master, let me take care of her for you!" but perhaps the cane speaks on a frequency that only bats can hear.)  Alternatively, if Barnabas didn't have time to kill Maggie before Sam arrived on the scene, he could have knocked off both Maggie and Sam after that without any trouble.  But he didn't.  A conscience is an inconvenient thing to have.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 09:17:23 AM »
Excellent episode!  Barnabas did seem to have had a change of heart, didn't he?  He was so menacing when he was chasing Maggie; but then he let Maggie and Sam go, when he easily could have killed them.  It was heartwarming to see Sam reunited with Maggie. [cheesyg]

Indeed, Dr. Woodard's suggestion to pretend that Maggie was dead was illegal, but I'm glad they went through with it.  Just in the nick of time, too, because Barnabas showed up. [shkdg] I agree that it would seem suspicious to Dr. Woodard, Barnabas showing up at the hospital so late - at 3:30 AM.  [hdscrt]

Poor Maggie was traumatized so much, she reverted back to her childhood.  I felt sorry for Joe when Maggie didn't recognize him. [sadg]  Julia Hoffmann will be making her first appearance soon!  Hooray! [cheer]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 05:45:41 PM »
If the show had stuck to the plan to kill off Barn during the fall of '67, wouldn't it have been a fitting twist if Sam had been the one to do it, particularly after the emotional torture he went through during Maggie's kidnapping? But alas (for Sam), Barn stuck around (and Sam never got that satisfaction - in fact, given the way things actually played out with him, one could easily say that it was Sam who got the stake, er, shaft.  [sad3])


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 06:29:04 PM »
Yes, poor Sam did get the shaft in the end, I wished he had stayed on the show. Maggie was never quite the same without her beloved Pop. [bawl]

[spoiler]Some people blame Barnabas for Sam's death, which I have never understood. I do agree Barnabas was responsible for Sam's blindness, he never should have involved the guy in his scheme to get rid of Cassandra (Barnabas should know himself Angelique shows no mercy to anyone who dares to defy her). But it was the dream that killed Sam, brought upon him by Cassandra.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0261
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 09:22:17 PM »
Regarding Sam's fate--
[spoiler]Some people blame Barnabas for Sam's death, which I have never understood. I do agree Barnabas was responsible for Sam's blindness, he never should have involved the guy in his scheme to get rid of Cassandra (Barnabas should know himself Angelique shows no mercy to anyone who dares to defy her). But it was the dream that killed Sam, brought upon him by Cassandra.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]While Barnabas shares some responsibility for Sam's blindness by putting him in harm's way, Cassandra bears most of it.  But can we know for sure that Sam wasn't dying from injuries caused by Adam's attack when Cassandra made him have the dream?  It's a little silly, but the writer of that ep even seemed to imply that Cassandra may have actually postponed rather than accelerated his demise by insuring he stayed alive long enough to tell it to Vicki.[/spoiler]