Author Topic: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion  (Read 7059 times)

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2006, 06:19:22 PM »
I don't trust any reporter who thinks Night of Dark Shadows was shot at Lockwood-Mathews!  [hall2_grin] [hall2_wink]

Or that NoDS was a vampire movie.  [hall2_rolleyes]

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2006, 06:44:32 PM »
Or that NoDS was a vampire movie.  [hall2_rolleyes]
Sheesh....even  I would have gotten THAT part right.... [hall2_rolleyes]
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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2006, 07:49:59 PM »
I don't trust any reporter who thinks Night of Dark Shadows was shot at Lockwood-Mathews!  [hall2_grin] [hall2_wink]

Or that NoDS was a vampire movie.  [hall2_rolleyes]
LOL! Can you say...research? (Obviously this writer was not familiar with "And God Created Google" - one of the lesser known films from Hammer Studios) [hall2_grin]

And, maybe I didn't get exactly what was meant by the title but, wouldn't the sighting/detection (alleged or whatever) of any kind of spirit point to the idea that this house just  might  be considered haunted? 
“There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery." ~ Joseph Conrad

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2006, 12:06:37 AM »
A few years back when we were at the mansion I spoke to a caretaker there who seemed like a very normal woman. She said she did not see any ghost in the house but did have some unusual experiences after closing on several occasions. She believed something was going on there but said it was just her feeling and nothing concrete.
Now as far as that most haunted show.  I saw a youtube video recently that kind of proves the guy is a hoex. He was in a basement "channeling" a spirit named Mary. They were all into it and acting so worried about him. Then the segment ends but the video kept rolling and he started cracking up with the other cast people. They were all laughing because he kept saying" Mary loves Dick" over and over. I guess they did not realize the camera was still on. I like the Ghost Hunters show.
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Offline Darren Gross

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2006, 01:19:53 AM »
I don't trust any reporter who thinks Night of Dark Shadows was shot at Lockwood-Mathews!  [hall2_grin] [hall2_wink]

Or that NoDS was a vampire movie.  [hall2_rolleyes]

The really funny thing about that was that the Belgian title was 'CURSE OF THE VAMPIRES'! Must have been some head-scratching at those theatres!

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2006, 01:29:07 AM »
I loved collecting and reading all the books by or about the Warrens - really creepy stuff!  Ed Warren's passing is sad, and I know he had been in bad health for quite a few years, even the past decade, but he, and his wife, continued to work nevertheless.


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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2006, 01:45:24 AM »
When up there preparing for the Frid Christmas/charity benefit in December 2001, I got to the mansion early to start setting up.  I was in one part of the mansion by myself trying to sort out tangle extension chords and I distinctly felt someone poke me in the back. I turned around and no one was there.

Nobody anywhere near me.

I just thought I imagined it or maybe I hit myself in the back with one of the cords while untangling it and didn't realize it.

However, I was poked harder the second and third time and then I realized there wasn't any reasonable explanation to be found.  I mentioned the incident to a volunteer at the Mansion who informed me with a wave of her hand that it was "nothing" just the mansion ghost and the favorite thing was to poke people in the back.  I overheard another one of the volunteers I had brought up for the show remark to a mutual friend something kept hitting her in the back as if to get her attention but when she turned around no one was there.

Very weird.


Nancy, if you don't mind my asking - who, what, and when?

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2006, 05:26:47 AM »
Oh No! I just jumped on here at 12:04 and saw the 666 notice! I can say I made it through the day with nothing unholy happening to me, so Whew!

The thing about Chris Flemming and Derek both (IMO) is that they tend to jump in way too fast. I'm sure it could just appear this way at times due to editing.  Not knowing anything about it from personal experience, it would seem that they would need to collect their thoughts a little. Derek also drives me nuts with his tendency to somehow find a spirit named John in nearly every haunted house in the UK.  I know it's a common name but pahleez! I think he needs to get his spirit guide Sam a baby name book for Christmas.

::laughing out loud:: I so agree with you on that one!

OMG!  That's pretty damn scary!!  Are you sure it wasn't someone playing w/you all, like someone who saw you in the cemetary and they decided to have a litle fun?  Ghost or real, it's pretty bone chilling and I woulda been one of the folks dashing for the car!

I'm 99.9% sure that there was no one else around, it was around 2:30 in the morning and just beyond the trees was a small street with a street light and there was no movement at all. We left the cemetery on that street and there was no one around. I can't rule it out, but I am confident it wasn't someone playing a joke.

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2006, 04:43:40 PM »
The thing about Chris Flemming and Derek both (IMO) is that they tend to jump in way too fast. I'm sure it could just appear this way at times due to editing. Not knowing anything about it from personal experience, it would seem that they would need to collect their thoughts a little. Derek also drives me nuts with his tendency to somehow find a spirit named John in nearly every haunted house in the UK. I know it's a common name but pahleez! I think he needs to get his spirit guide Sam a baby name book for Christmas.

I read somewhere or other that this show, Most Haunted, is indeed a fake. They feed the information to Derek before they begin shooting and he times it right and acts dramatically in time with what should be happening when they go in each room. I used to watch this show a lot but when I found this out I stopped. I watch Ghost Hunters now. Season Premiere was on Wed. and they went to Tombstone, AZ. That was exciting!

Anyway, I'm glad that a link to that article was posted. I went and read it and I'm not at all surprised that the house has spirits present. Certain ways of thinking teach you that spirits are around you all the time, so if that is true, every house has spirits present because you are there!

And I too, have had my own ghostly experiences. Some friends of mine and I went down to a state park about a 40 minute drive from where I live. This park served as a Condfederacy Prison camp (if memory serves) where the Yanks would keep Confed. solidiers. (You'll like this Buzz!!!) Well one winter they had thousands of these soldiers there and it was bitterly cold as this park is right on the water, and many of the soldiers died. I believe it happened in Jan-Feb of 18-whatever. 60-something. lol. Well me and my friends went down there with our handy dandy digital cameras and went to the grounds around the lighthouse, as this place is on the most souther tip of MD (Point Lookout State Park if you want to look it up) and took picture, but we didn't really catch anything. We thought there were some shadows in the windows of the lighthouse, but it was subject to opinion.

There is a Civil War Monument up the road a ways, about 5 minutes from the lighthouse, so I wanted to go there because I had heard that you could capture TONS of orbs and ghostly things on camera and on tape. We pulled up and my friend Laura rolled down her car window and snapped a picture, SCREAMED, and then sped off, kicking up dirt onto my car. I followed hurridly after her, and when she finally stopped we all gathered 'round and asked what the hell had happened. She showed us a picture on her digital camera that made it look like it was snowing. It was the middle of July. I don't think so. We looked closer and saw that there were HUNDREDS of orbs in this picture, some even inches away from our faces. It literally looked like a blizzard was going on, and were it not for the date on the picture no one would've known the difference. We went back to the monument and when Laura turned her camera back on to look at the pic again, it was gone. She said she thought she had deleted it maybe by mistake, but I don't know. We have other pictures almost as good as that original one.

And here lately, sometimes before I go to sleep I hear voices. I'm not sure if I'm just crazy or what, but I swear to the big dude up top that about a week ago I was almost asleep and I heard voices. Not just one voice, like my Mom or something, but VOICES. Plural. Like there was a flipping party in my room. Three people live in my house, and the other two were asleep. I opened my eyes and looked around and I didn't see anything, so I laid back down, and I didn't hear it again. Freaky deaky.

BTW, I absolutely LOVE the new smilies!!!!!!!!!  [female_skull] That is so freakin awesome! [candle_in_skull_2]

Brandon Collins

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2006, 08:55:26 PM »
Oh No! I just jumped on here at 12:04 and saw the 666 notice! I can say I made it through the day with nothing unholy happening to me, so Whew!
What a relief! 
“There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery." ~ Joseph Conrad

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2006, 12:54:26 AM »
And I too, have had my own ghostly experiences. Some friends of mine and I went down to a state park about a 40 minute drive from where I live. This park served as a Condfederacy Prison camp (if memory serves) where the Yanks would keep Confed. solidiers. (You'll like this Buzz!!!) Well one winter they had thousands of these soldiers there and it was bitterly cold as this park is right on the water, and many of the soldiers died. I believe it happened in Jan-Feb of 18-whatever. 60-something. lol. Well me and my friends went down there with our handy dandy digital cameras and went to the grounds around the lighthouse, as this place is on the most souther tip of MD (Point Lookout State Park if you want to look it up) and took picture, but we didn't really catch anything. We thought there were some shadows in the windows of the lighthouse, but it was subject to opinion.

Indeed I *was* intrigued Brandon!  I'm not only a CW buff, but a ghost buff too!  I've got several books on not only ordinary hauntings, but one that specifically covers Gettysburg Battlefield!  And I've heard of Lookout Point, that one was a notorious Union prison if I recall my history correctly.  I used to LOVE when Unsolved Mysteries would do their Halloween special.  And I used to love Haunted History, though I think it's gone from the airwaves, and Fear on MTV which is also gone but they would send 7 kids to a haunted place to track paranormal activity.  Scared the s*&% outta me.

Where in MD do you live, I'm in the DC Metro area as well.  ;)

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"I know just the place!?Over in Logansport!"
"If ya feel it, SIT it!"
"Come on, before he offers me a side car too!"
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Offline D_Friedlander

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2006, 01:19:35 AM »
After listening to the mysterious sound a few times, I thought it sounded familiar (I live in a Conn. suburban area that borders on woods.)  After going through dozens of nocturnal animal sound wavs. listed on Google, this one comes the closest:

Not exact, but IMO, rather close, and there are probably foxes in that area, especially if the cemetery borders on woodland.

A few years ago, a fox tried to attack the rabbit hutches next door--- the combination of the fox's howls and the rabbits' shrieks were similarly unearthly.  (Fortunately, the rabbits were physically safe in their cages, but the owners subsequently built a shed and put the hutches indoors.)

Offline BuzzH

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2006, 01:40:05 AM »
After listening to the mysterious sound a few times, I thought it sounded familiar (I live in a Conn. suburban area that borders on woods.)  After going through dozens of nocturnal animal sound wavs. listed on Google, this one comes the closest:

Not exact, but IMO, rather close, and there are probably foxes in that area, especially if the cemetery borders on woodland.  A few years ago, a fox tried to attack the rabbit hutches next door--- the combination of the fox's howls and the rabbits' shrieks were similarly unearthly.  (Fortunately, the rabbits were physically safe in their cages, but the owners subsequently built a shed and put the hutches indoors.)

Wow, that may have solved the mystery.  If so, I'm actually disappointed it may NOT have been a shrieking ghost!   [hall2_cry]

"I like the bike I got, & the chick I got!"
"I know just the place!?Over in Logansport!"
"If ya feel it, SIT it!"
"Come on, before he offers me a side car too!"
"Her nose needed some powder!"
"You askin' me to give up something I like?"

Offline Brandon Collins

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2006, 03:51:48 AM »
Indeed I *was* intrigued Brandon!  I'm not only a CW buff, but a ghost buff too!  I've got several books on not only ordinary hauntings, but one that specifically covers Gettysburg Battlefield!  And I've heard of Lookout Point, that one was a notorious Union prison if I recall my history correctly.  I used to LOVE when Unsolved Mysteries would do their Halloween special.  And I used to love Haunted History, though I think it's gone from the airwaves, and Fear on MTV which is also gone but they would send 7 kids to a haunted place to track paranormal activity.  Scared the s*&% outta me.

Where in MD do you live, I'm in the DC Metro area as well.  ;)

I live in St. Mary's County (the one farthest down there lol boon-docks fo' sho.) It's about a 30-45 minute drive to DC from where I'm at.

Speaking of Pt. Lookout Park, hopefully I'll be able to get people together to go with me down there in Feb. because a local ghost hunter friend of mine said that because many people died during that time that the activity is REALLY in action during this time. There are even several reports of gray-ghostly apparitions of men in their CW uniforms walking around in the woods, down the road, or across the road etc etc. That would flip me out! I guess I should pack an extra pair of undies!! lol [skull_winks]
Brandon Collins

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Re: "Friendly Ghosts" reported at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2006, 03:58:25 AM »
Fascinating stuff, Brandon.  I am a civil war buff and made the trip to Gettysburg on the recommendation of my friend the late Dean Wilson (who was also a big DS fan) and a collector.  Dean was a ghost hunter for several years, belonging to a ghost hunting organization in his native Indiana.  It's not a surprise that DS fans would also develop an interest in the paranormal.

I collect books of ghost stories from all over the world. Currently, I am writing a novel of a "ghostly" nature that I hope to have published in 2008.  I should consider dedicating it to DS! [hall2_rolleyes]


And I too, have had my own ghostly experiences. Some friends of mine and I went down to a state park about a 40 minute drive from where I live. This park served as a Condfederacy Prison camp (if memory serves) where the Yanks would keep Confed. solidiers. (You'll like this Buzz!!!) Well one winter they had thousands of these soldiers there and it was bitterly cold as this park is right on the water, and many of the soldiers died. I believe it happened in Jan-Feb of 18-whatever. 60-something. lol. Well me and my friends went down there with our handy dandy digital cameras and went to the grounds around the lighthouse, as this place is on the most souther tip of MD (Point Lookout State Park if you want to look it up) and took picture, but we didn't really catch anything. We thought there were some shadows in the windows of the lighthouse, but it was subject to opinion.