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Discuss - Ep #0941
« on: June 23, 2015, 05:22:48 PM »
Robservations #941

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0941

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0941
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2015, 03:24:33 PM »
A very well done fight scene: Just as Jeb is about to start up the stairs, Quentin walks in. He doesn’t exactly say, Unhand her, you fiend! but his meaning is clear. In fact, he says, Put her down, Jeb! When Jeb doesn’t move, Quentin says, You heard me--I said put her down! Jeb lays Carolyn down on the stairs. I don’t know what you have done to her, Quentin tells him, but I am going to take her back to Collinwood. Get out! Jeb shouts back. You are not taking her anywhere! Oh, yes I am, retorts Quentin, and they close for the struggle. Jeb throws Quentin; Quentin charges Jeb. Jeb picks up a chair but Quentin ducks underneath and the chair lands on the banister. Quentin moves toward Jeb, but Jeb picks up a handy dagger and charges Quentin. Quentin grabs Jeb’s wrist, and they struggle for a few moments until Quentin pries the knife from Jeb’s fingers. Jeb grabs Quentin again and throws him. Quentin picks up a handy vase and hits Jeb over the head. He drops like a stone. Having thoroughly enjoyed himself, Quentin surveys his fallen enemy with satisfaction. Then he bends over Carolyn to pick her up and take her home.

Barn is fretting about Quentin when Maggie comes downstairs, about to leave on an errand for Elizabeth, and innocently offers to go to town with him. Barn is forced to tell her that Carolyn is at the antique shop--and Maggie says, Then we'll both go get her. Elizabeth (still in black with a long rope of pearls) comes downstairs. We get a hint of the Collinses' power over their world when she asks Maggie with uncharacteristic impatience, Why haven’t you left for town yet? The shop is staying open just for you. Maggie hurries out.

Good scene with Elizabeth and Barn. With great concern and even a little unaccustomed humility, Elizabeth wonders why Leviathan 4.0 (that is, Jeb) hasn't made himself known to her--especially since he is the version that is to marry Carolyn. Barn is forced to improvise a bit but is spared any further adlibbing when someone knocks at the door. Perhaps it is he! Elizabeth exclaims eagerly. But she gives a strangled scream when she sees a man who is a dead (so to speak) ringer for the evil, ghostly Quentin carrying the still unconscious Carolyn in his arms.

Back at the antique shop, Jeb slowly revives and picks himself up off the floor. (He is wearing very pointy boots--no wonder he is cranky all the time!) He rubs his head, and his hand comes away bloody. Totally enraged, he knocks over a beautiful set of copper pots and snarls, I will get that Quentin Collins! I will!

Barn phones the hospital for Julia. He is full of remorse for having sent Quentin to the antique shop instead of going himself. But Quentin (probably still feeling very pleased with himself) points out their big advantage--that the Leviathans still believe that Barn is one of them. Still full of even more remorse about Paul Stoddard, Barn pleads with Quentin to leave Collinsport for his own safety. Quentin assures Barn--and we've seen it for ourselves--that he can take care of himself. He's more worried about the effect he's had on Elizabeth. Barnabas wrings his hands with worry as he says, I’ll think of something. We must not mention Jeb to Elizabeth, since he has too much of a hold on her. He tells Quentin, You speak to Elizabeth--she will want to thank you. Quentin replies dryly, I’m not so sure she will, given the effect that the name Quentin Collins had on her. Stay here at the house with Carolyn, Barnabas tells him. He goes upstairs to see Elizabeth himself.

I wish we had more mother-daughter scenes with Elizabeth and Carolyn--the actors had a real rapport and it shines through. Carolyn lies on the bed as Elizabeth softly calls her name. Barnabas arrives and prepares her for Quentin’s appearance by telling Elizabeth, Carolyn fainted at the shop. Mr. Collins brought her home. You should thank him. Why is Carolyn is still unconscious, if she only fainted? Elizabeth frets. Barnabas says that Julia will have to find that out (talk about passing the buck!) and urges her to talk to Quentin. It’s strange, Elizabeth comments, his being a descendant of Quentin--perhaps that’s why I’m reluctant. I didn’t know the first Quentin had any children. Well, we can hardly blame this Quentin for being the ghost, Barnabas remarks. We never really knew him. Eventually she goes downstairs.

Meanwhile, Jeb is lurking at the edge of the woods, glaring at Collinwood, his forehead still bloody.

In the drawing room, Elizabeth thanks Quentin profusely; he smiles with manly modesty. Elizabeth goes to the french windows to look out at the usual impending storm; she gasps and exclaims, I think I someone standing at the edge of the woods! By the time Quentin checks, the person is gone. Elizabeth offers Quentin coffee or a brandy. Now that he has a reputation to maintain, Quentin actually turns down the brandy for coffee! After Elizabeth leaves to get it, he smiles somewhat ruefully.

Julia has examined Carolyn (off camera) and Carolyn is beginning to revive. Quentin leaves for town, in spite of Barn's misgivings about the weather. Alone with Elizabeth, Barn puts his plan into action and tells her that
Carolyn is stressed out what with her father's death and that Elizabeth should take her away. At first Elizabeth is terrified that Carolyn is to be eliminated. Elizabeth says, I so want to see our leader in his true form. It’s not a pleasant sight, Barnabas says sharply, then catches himself--but it’s too late. Barnabas! Elizabeth exclaims, shocked, shocked. With dotty loyalty, she huffs, Whatever his true form, I’m sure I will find it beautiful--and so should you. I still can’t wait for the day when Carolyn will join the Leviathans and can share my joy. Barnabas says, Carolyn must be in the best possible condition when she becomes one of us. I’ve arranged a charming retreat for the two of you on a nearby island. Elizabeth asks where, but he replies, I won’t tell you where it is until we’re on the way. We will leave within the hour.

Jeb is still lurking in the woods when Quentin walks by. Then Maggie comes the opposite way, back toward Collinwood from town. When Maggie hears footsteps behind her, she turns around and is shocked to see Jeb. Why are you there? she asks. Jeb doesn’t like her now any more than he did when he was Michael, and he doesn’t bother to hide it. I’ve been waiting for Carolyn, he says coldly. Maggie decides this would be a good time to leave, but he stops her. Not yet, he says with an evil smile, not yet at all. His intense stare seems to mesmerize her.

Elizabeth helps Carolyn down the stairs; both are dressed for travel. Elizabeth asks Carolyn what happened, but all Carolyn can remember is that Jeb was at the antique shop. Elizabeth asks what he's like. Sometimes he's quite mad, other times charming, Carolyn replies. She phones the shop, but gets no answer. At first she tells Barn that she doesn't want to go until she finds out who killed her father. Eventually Barnabas persuades her to go and mentions his 10:00 appointment with Maggie. They all leave, even though Barn is supposed to meet Maggie at Collinwood.

Jeb returns to the shop and is actually picking up those copper pots and pans when Barn walks in, demanding to know where Maggie is. He tells Jeb that Elizabeth has taken Carolyn away. Jeb is more furious than ever. Barn tries to tell him that the books says it isn't time yet for the wedding. I know nothing about Maggie and I don’t care, Jeb says coldly. You lie as well as you kill, Barnabas says. Have you killed her? Should I? Jeb asks. You always seem to find a reason, Barnabas replies. I know you don’t like me, Jeb says, and neither does your friend Quentin. Quentin isn’t my friend, Barnabas replies. He’s just interested in Carolyn--and I kept him away from her [by taking away his memory] to clear the field for you. Why did he take her away? Jeb asks. Barnabas starts, Perhaps Quentin was... Jealous? Jeb supplies hopefully. Barnabas nods agreement. Well, he is going to be a very unhappy man, Jeb says smugly. Once more Barnabas asks where Maggie is. You dig her, don’t you? Jeb says with a jeering laugh. Tell me where she is! Barnabas says angrily. Don’t talk to me like that, Jeb warns him. But Maggie isn’t my type--luckily for you. I will find Maggie! Barnabas vows angrily and plays his last card: If you’ve harmed her, I will call on Oberon--he knows about punishment and will tell me what to do. He storms out, but even as he shuts the door, Jeb bursts into mocking laughter, shouting, He’s in love with her! Then he mimics Barnabas: Where is Maggie Evans? Where is she?

Meanwhile, in an unknown crypt in an unknown cemetery, Maggie Evans lies unconscious on a stone slab.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0941
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2015, 06:55:22 AM »
Maggie distracts Jeb on his way to "get" Quentin at Collinwood.  Jeb takes her prisoner, why I can't remember.  What about Q and that revenge?  I wonder if they'll go back and say it was to have insurance against betrayal by Barnabas, because he struck Jeb as being in love with her, even though Jeb only decided that after taking her.  DS seems to do that sometimes, rearranging the immediate past a little, to explain what's happening currently.

Good post, DL.  I missed that about Liz making the shop stay open.  There actually were good solid scenes throughout, but nothing for me to remark on very much.

Should Maggie know Jeb?  Why the talk about arranging a fake car breakdown?
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0941
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2015, 06:25:43 PM »
Good point, MT, about how DS seems to rearrange recent history to suit the current episode. I've always thought Barn had a soft spot for Maggie, maybe because he wants to make up for his early cruelty to her and maybe because she does remind him of Josette. Being a gentleman, he's not pushy about it, but I'm sure everyone who knows him knows that he cares for her. Jeb is mean and nasty enough to take advantage of it. If he can Leviathanize her, it would be a major strike against Barnabas.

I think that when Maggie runs into Jeb in the woods, that's the first time they've met. But she could have heard about him from anyone at Collinwood.

Regarding the car thing, Julia is supposed to take Carolyn to Portland, supposedly to meet a friend of Paul's. Julia's car will have a convenient breakdown on the way back--causing Carolyn to miss her eight-o'clock appointment with Jeb.

Good scenes and good acting in this ep., yes.