Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0726  (Read 705 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0726
« on: June 17, 2014, 04:52:07 PM »
Robservations #726

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0726


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0726
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 06:03:27 PM »
Quentin and Jamison are restored to normal. After this Judith is more than willing to allow Trask to take Jamison to Worthington Hall against the boy's wishes. I understand that she doesn't want him to be more like Quentin but I really do feel she could have at least waited to send the boy there until Edward came back.

It is too bad that Judith chose to believe Trask over Jamison but his supposed miracle of returning Quentin and Jamison back to their rightful bodies has convinced her that Trask can do no wrong. [spoiler] Sadly she is going to learn the hard way herself that really isn't the case. [/spoiler]

I still think Angelique was the one who restored Quentin and Jamison. What better way to really stick it to Barnabas than allow the descendant of his arch-enemy Trask to appear to be the one who saved the day.

Quentin demands that Judith tell him where Jenny is but she refuses. It's sad to see he won't even acknowledge the damage he did to Jenny and is hellbent on getting to her before she gets to him again. I don't blame him for not wanting to end up dead again, but I do blame him for not thinking twice as to exactly WHY she ended up wanting to do him in.

Jamison with Quentin's help runs away from Collinwood. Trask vows to find him. Good episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0726
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2014, 07:41:55 PM »
Barnabas makes some rather nasty remarks about the so-called Rev. No church would claim him, Barnabas says--except a sect he founded himself. He suggests that Judith have Trask investigated. Judith is surprised, For someone who has been in America such a short time, you have formed many opinions already, she observes. Barnabas answers, If I had only been here a matter of a few hours, I would have thought it idiocy to assume that a preening bigot could turn a zombie into a man. [Our Barn does have a way with words, doesn’t he!] Do you prefer witchcraft? Judith retorts, ending the argument. They both stare at the drawing-
room doors.

The foyer clock strikes ten, marking an hour since Trask entered the Great House.

I think that pretty soon we will find out who was responsible for restoring Quentin and Jamison. Interesting that Quentin's first words are to ask if they've locked HER up.

Between them, Trask and Judith manage to corner Jamison very nicely.

In the study, the astonished Quentin asks Barnabas, So Trask was my savior? Noting Barnabas’s skepticism, he adds, I see you don’t believe that. Cousin Barnabas, do give me some credit--who do _you_ think saved me? We know what Judith believes, but I want your opinion. Carefully Barnabas answers, You dabble in-- odd things. Perhaps one of your interests resulted in this. Delicately put, Quentin comments approvingly. What an interesting life I have led, don't you think? he asks dryly. Barnabas replies, I’m starting to find out just how interesting. He asks Quentin to talk about Jenny. Quentin is too shocked to dissemble. Brusquely he tells Barnabas, I  married very young. Did you know that she was still here? Barnabas asks, but Quentin goes on, A girl... beautiful... quite talented in her own way. A girl of unknown origin--as Edward so succinctly put it. Did you drive her mad? Barnabas asks. Insulted, Quentin says, I resent your questions. Why this curiosity about my life? If I wanted you to know about me, I’d make you a friend. Barnabas says, You have only been interested in making me an enemy. Quentin retorts, A situation that is your own fault. I’m willing to help you, Barnabas says. I think we can be useful to each other. But Quentin is still suspicious. Wrong, he answers. Whenever I think of you I only think of one thing: What does he want from me?

Trask terrifies poor Jamison out of resisting him. Later, Judith and Quentin argue about sending Jamison to Trask's school. Trask arrives and Quentin leaves. Trask tells Judith that Jamison will lose his mind if he stays at Collinwood. Out in the foyer, Jamison pleads with Quentin to help him. Quentin winks encouragingly, and poor Jamison returns to the drawing room.

Somehow time has traveled backward an hour; according to the foyer clock, it’s nine again.

In front of Trask, Jamison tells Judith that T. made him lie about wanting to go to the school. Trask feigns defeat, and Judith takes the bait, telling him that Jamison will go to Worthington Hall.

As the foyer clock strikes ten (again), Barnabas tries to talk Judith out of sending Jamison to Trask's school. But he doesn't succeed. While Judith goes to get Jamison, Barnabas enjoys himself by needling Trask about his illustrious ancestor, who vanished under mysterious circumstances. But a moment later, Judith tells them that Jamison is gone!