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Discuss - Ep #0951
« on: July 21, 2015, 05:38:07 PM »
Robservations #951

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0951

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0951
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 06:37:17 PM »
Jeb gloats over his fallen and now openly declared enemy. He leaves, taking the Leviathan box with him. I guess the Bat of Hell just flies away?

But as we will see, Jeb’s spiteful punishment has restored all of Barnabas’s supernatural powers. That and the knowledge that Josette is not a prisoner of the Leviathans have left him with nothing to lose.

Eventually Barnabas revives. But he is no longer human. His face is drained of color. His eyes are set deep in his skull. His face is sunken; his high cheekbones and jawline are brutally outlined. His hair is white at the temples. He realizes that everything is different. He touches his neck, and his hand comes away bloody. His howl conveys boundless grief and agony; his fangs gleam in the moonlight.

[Why would the Leviathans be able to re-vamp Barnabas? The writers must have forgotten about Adam, or else the Bat of Hell is an Adam-resistant strain.]

Jeb returns to the shop, where Quentin is waiting outside. Quentin accuses Jeb of killing Barnabas, but Jeb says he didn't. They go at it again, but Jeb pulls a knife--so I suppose he thinks he can kill Quentin. In any case, Quentin retires from the field. Why did Quentin let Jeb go? His portrait would have protected him! Or does he not want to give another secret away to Jeb?

Quentin returns to the Old House and tells Julia everything. Julia realizes from Jeb's words that Barnabas isn't dead--but that Jeb's revenge has taken a terrible form. Remembering Barn in 1897, Quentin guesses a moment later. Julia sobs, brokenhearted, as Quentin tries to comfort her. They figure that Barnabas must be at the Leviathan cairn and set off.

But Barnabas is at Collinwood, staring up at Maggie's window. It's all he can do to keep himself from biting her. How can I do this to Maggie? he wonders. One hour ago, I would have killed anyone who tried to harm her. Yes, harm her--that is what I would be doing. I must not. No! He hurries away.

WELCOME, ELIZABETH EIS! Nelle Gunston, a young woman from the South, arrives at the Blue Whale, where Barn probably was looking for a victim. Instead he has found another Leviathan disciple eager to meet "Jabez." (Nelle Gunston is from Virginia, making her the southernmost DS character; Suki Forbes, the previous record holder, was from Maryland.) Nelle describes her dreary life before her conversion: Just getting up and going to work, she says, listening to Mama and Papa and wanting to get out so bad. Then in Richmond I met a man named Bruno. He gave me the pendant. Everything has been different since I met Bruno. I can’t wait to meet our leader and serve him, she gushes. Julia and Quentin arrive and start worrying the moment they see the situation. Barnabas introduces them to Nelle and says they are having a discussion. Julia and Quentin go to the bar for a drink, and Julia notices Nelle’s pendant. Barnabas looks different somehow, Quentin notes. Has Jeb put a spell on Barnabas to reconvert him? Julia wonders.

Barn tells Nelle, Once you open the sacred box and becomes a true Leviathan, “our” leader will make all kinds of demands for your obedience. You will be required to steal. I wouldn’t be scared, Nelle declares. To go against your own friends--even to kill! Barnabas continues. Even that, Nelle assures him fervently. Please, take me to the shop right away! I have to see our leader too, Barnabas replies, but I don’t know where he is. If you’ll will come with me.… I prefer meeting a gentleman like you to meeting Bruno, she replies loftily. It’s better with you, she declares, and I’m not a girl that would say it if she didn’t think it. Still at the bar, Quentin and Julia watch their departure. Julia wonders what has happened to Barnabas, who uncharacteristically didn’t even stop to say goodbye.

Barn takes Nelle to the Old House, but when Jeb doesn't immediately appear, she becomes suspicious. Where is your ring? she asks. (Barn has never worn a Leviathan ring, only his own black onyx one.) Barnabas says he doesn't need to, since he brought the box to Philip and Megan Todd himself. I’m not sure I believe you, she says. I don’t have to prove anything to you, he retorts. When Barnabas tells her she is attractive, Nelle decides that Jeb isn’t coming. What did Bruno say to you? Barnabas asks. Rather crossly she says, A Mr. Strack brought him in--that’s all I know. He offers her a drink, but she pulls a knife on him. He stares her into putting the knife down. You’re not one of us! Nelle finally realizes. You’re right, Barnabas replies with a deadly smile. I will show you what I am. He bares his fangs. Nelle shrieks and tries to get away but he pulls her back almost negligently. You are a Leviathan and you will do anything, he says, even try to kill! The Leviathans will avenge me, I swear it! she screams. No, they won’t! Barnabas replies, and she shrieks as he sinks his fangs into her neck.

Quentin and Julia arrive at the Old House--only to find Barnabas standing over Nelle's body. He is too ashamed to look at them. Julia finds that Barn strangled Nelle with her own scarf. He tells the others that Nelle was going to join the Leviathans. What did he do to you? Quentin demands sharply. Julia pulls the scarf aside and cries out when she finds the bite marks on Nelle’s neck. (Presumably he strangled her after biting her so that she wouldn't rise as a vampire.) His dreadful shame exposed, devoured with remorse and self-loathing, Barnabas says, He’s turned me into... he’s turned me into.... He can’t make himself say it. He tries to leave but the others stop him. Please stay with us, Julia begs him. They found out that I am a traitor, Barnabas tells them, so this is my punishment. Julia is horrified but declares stoutly, I will start the injections again immediately, tonight. But Barnabas's only thought is to destroy Jeb's Room, and he rushes out before the others can stop him. Quentin wants to leave Nelle's body at the shop, but Julia says it would only implicate Barnabas. He is so vulnerable now, Quentin, she frets. Soon it will be dawn. We must find a new hiding place for Barnabas and protect him during the day because that’s when they will try to destroy him. If he goes on fighting them, yes, Quentin agrees. He will, Julia assures him, even now able to summon up a faint smile of pride. I must call Willie Loomis back to Collinwood to help us. How can we win now, with Barnabas unable to function during the day? Quentin wonders. He may be unable to function, Julia agrees then adds grimly, but I think that soon Jeb Hawkes is going to learn that he has made the biggest mistake of his life tonight.

At the shop, Jeb (back in the gold sweater) is on the phone with Megan, who is at the police station. She tells him that the police are questioning Philip again and won’t let her see him. Apparently she decides to wait till they do. After he hangs up, Jeb tucks the Leviathan box under his right arm and lefthandedly turns off the hanging Tiffany-style lamps. Barnabas watches from outside as Jeb goes upstairs. Jeb goes to his room and locks the door; a moment later, the breathing starts up--the slow breathing of an immense creature at rest. Barnabas quietly enters the shop and goes upstairs. He listens to the breathing for a moment, then goes back down. From the back room he gets a can of gasoline, which he sprinkles liberally all around the shop. He lights a match and drops it onto the gasoline. As the shop goes up in flames, he declares, May that breathing never come from any room again!..........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0951
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 10:37:20 AM »
Despite the clumsiness of the storyline, it's very sad seeing Barnabas a vampire again.  "Maggie can be mine at last!!"  Guess he was keeping that attraction to himself.  Or maybe "What the hell, I'm a vampire again, why not get back to the brainwashing-into-Josette scheme right away!!" 

Bob and Barnabas at the Blue Whale.  Bob is a piece of furniture, there to set the scene.  The southern woman walks in.  Barnabas tests her to see if she's worth his sparing her life, but it comes out that she herself has no qualms about killing.  She tries to knife Barnabas, nice show of initiative. 

Q and Julia discover him with the body.  It comes out what he is now.  Barnabas is actually ashamed and embarrassed, having trouble getting the words out, shrinking from them.  He then takes action by setting the shop on fire, end.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0951
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 06:39:25 PM »
Nelle does try to stab Barnabas, doesn't she. Maybe besides telling her all about the Leviathan Supreme Being, Bruno also taught her assassin's skills.