Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0881  (Read 434 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0881
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:28:40 PM »
Robservations #881

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0881

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0881
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 10:16:10 AM »
Farewell, Aristede.  You were a classy weasel.  Tate overhears Garth Blackwood killing Aristede, goes in to check on him.  Nice close up on Petofi's Hand as he pours himself a drink.  Tate reports to Petofi, Garth follows, and confounds all attempts to murder him by sort of staying alive, and eventually saunters off still not quite dead yet.  Death is a really vague, iffy thing in Dark Shadows. 

Quentin and Pansy have a nice sentimental conversation, as he goes through his footlocker for stuff to take when he flees town.  Petofi tries the bodyswap again... where's the ring?  Who's wearing it?  That was the main element before.   Guess he's willing to give up the Hand's power to time travel. 

I liked how, in Pansy's vision of Petofi's plan, her one eye is in the upper left of the screen.  She sleeps in makeup with her hair up!  I'm surprised she took the feather boa off... She kindly committs to keeping Quentin awake, so Petofi doesn't take his body.  By V Welles, who I think finished out these 1897 episodes.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0881
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2015, 07:20:29 PM »
The prisoner has been executed! Garth Blackwood exults, and Aristede is no more. He was a pretty good scoundrel, but nothing compared with his master, who announces that he's going to the future and everybody else can just fend for themselves: "Only Petofi is important," he declares.

Petofi orders Charles to shoot Blackwood, but Charles has to fire at least six shots before we actually hear the sound effect (at least according to my records).

A lovely scene for Pansity and Quentin, thanks to Violet Welles: At Collinwood, Quentin has taken off his coat and loosened his cravat, so is in an attractive state of undress by the (now lit) drawing-room fire as he sorts through a trunk with his belongings. [Different scenes in this episode and the next one were filmed on different days, so the fire is sometimes lit and sometimes not!] He seems not to have slept but tells himself, I have to keep going. I have a lot to do before I can leave Collinwood. Charity/Pansy comes in, spots him  and quickly excuses herself. Then she realizes it’s really Quentin again and stays to talk. You beat Petofi! she chortles. Quentin isn’t so sure: I won’t really have won till I leave Collinwood for someplace the count can’t find me, he replies. By tomorrow night, I’ll be in New York and won’t be back for a long time. Charity is deeply saddened by this news but tries for a light attitude. I’ll have lost my looks by then, she says, half joking. I wish you didn’t have to go. I have to, Quentin replies sadly. Oh, I know that, she replies. You can't always get your wish in this life. Once I wished that you and I could fall in love like some ordinary couple and get married and settle down and raise some little nippers of our own. Encouraged by Quentin’s sweet smile, she admits, I still wish it. She offers him the ultimate sacrifice: I'd even have given up my career for you. With absolute gentleness, Quentin replies, You know that I would never ask you to do that. C/P understands his meaning. She walks around for a moment to recover her composure. What’s in the chest? she asks. It’s the history of Quentin Collins, he replies. I’m sorting through letters and papers to see what is worth taking. You seem tired, C/P notes. You should get some sleep. I have no time, Quentin replies. I’ll be all right. He holds up a picture. This is me at age ten, he tells her--before I knew what life was all about. C/P coos at the picture and asks if she can keep it. Quentin agrees, so she offers to give him one of herself: Some people might think that it is a bit racy. But, she finishes proudly, you just tell them, That's Pansy Faye! She was a part of my history, too. Don’t you forget that, love. Quentin smiles his promise.

Luckily Pansity's second sight kicks in and she sees what Petofi is planning for her beloved Quentin. But will she be too late to stop him???......