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Messages - AKA Laura's Fires

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Willie and Burke recreate the classic barroom catfight seen from "Destry Rides Again".

BARNABAS:  This time it wasn't my fault, was Harvey's!  (Eery MUSIC CUE as he turns to her, his voice heavy) Julia...I think it's about time I told you about...pookas.

STINGER; CLOSE-UP on JULIA'S face with that great look of bafflement.

Jeepers, I haven't even heard back from my few family members with whom I shared this link and here you all are!  *lol*  (Who knows, maybe they got caught up in the links!)

Thanks for your sweet comments, I'm gonna have my pointy li'l haid turned.   ;D

Glad to see too that it can be used for DS Newbie Recruitment!   8)  Awesome.  That's what Mad Molly's Fashion State is all about...turning folks onto stuff I like, and the more who share the love the merrier   :-*!

Thanks so much, was really fun to create that format and focus on some of the fun things that made (and make!) DS so enjoyable for me.

Going through all those links...all those trees in the forest, sometimes sites get overlooked.  Do let me know if I am missing any good DS links from my list, I want it to be as comprehensive as possible of all the good DS stuff on the 'net.  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: New DS Audio Dramas on CD
« on: April 17, 2006, 09:39:04 PM »
Big Finish Productions press release:

The official website to be unveiled on June 5:

 [hello]  (LOVE the domain name)

Another great link to add to my DS fansite, and I'm absolutely thrilled!   8)   ;D   [cheer]

I'm just mad about radio theater, enjoyed performing it myself years ago, and the concept of this challenging medium being revitalized and by DS'll be like Christmas in summer for me!   ;D

Are these going to be recreations of episodes adapted for audio or are there new storylines?  Any idea whether some of the Old Guard from any of the series or movies will be participating?

This is just boss!!

Orange County station KDOC-TV will show John Karlen's 1979 "Quincy" appearance as a Marine Sgt. in "Semper Fidelis" (though it's listed (URL)
as "Hero") tomorrow, April 18 at 10 a.m..  Check your listings for the channel number in your area.

Dennis Patrick's ep "An Ounce of Prevention" airs the following day (Wednesday).

HOORAY!!!  Two of my DS faves...hopefully I can find a fresh tape to capture these treasures.  (If only VHS weren't so hard to screencap, but oh well...!)

Greetings, my cousins!  Hope y'all remembered not to offer Barnabas any hot cross buns at your Easter banquets.  ;)

For those here who don't know me (probably plenty, I haven't posted much yet), my name is Marian and I'm a cousin from Southern California.  Recently put "AKA" in my username because there's a nice lady whose real name is Laura and I didn't want to confuse anyone.  ;)

I'm a bohemian-type housewife with off-beat tastes and I enjoy laughing and sharing my innocent passions like my love for classic movies and celebrities and television shows.  Consequently I've been working on fansites for my favorite actors for a couple of years now, and started my television section project with..."Dark Shadows"!   8)

My sites tend to be pretty link-heavy since that kind of research is my strong suit (with bells and whistles and froufrou being my weak link) and fans seem to like sites that provide cyber-roadmaps to other similar sites of interest.

Needless to say my research on the "Dark Shadows" project kept me pretty busy.  (Link research on my project led me to this board, as it happens, with the encouragement of the lovely and gracious ProfStokes, a hostess with the mostes'!)  Thought it may be a good idea in this close-knit community to "make my bones" here by finishing the project and presenting it to you all for your review and hopefully your entertainment!

The kindly Mysterious Benefactor here assured me that plugs for "Dark Shadows" fansites - even a shameless one that promotes my own work - are all good to go for new threads, so here's mine!  ;)  Lots of links, plus links to my own silly little mini-bios on some of the characters and photo pages.  (Most photos courtesy of a process I call "GhettoScoping", wherein I focus my digital camera at the TV screen, pause the DVD when I find a good still, and then CLICK!  A little touch-up in PaintShopPro and they're okay to go.  Not the greatest of quality, but then I'm a fansite creator, not a photographer!)

Glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you and also to contribute to the presence of "Dark Shadows" fans on the Internet!

My website:

(The link is also available below my avatar.)

Looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Peace out, cousins!

Marian, aka AKA Laura's Fires, aka Mad Molly   8)

Sci-Fi Footsteps
The channel will compete with many existing outlets for horror films, including the Sci-Fi Channel, which often features horror shows. Sci-Fi has also moved in recent years away from rebroadcasting old horror TV series such as Dark Shadows and producing more original content.

Except most of their "original" content is either absolutely HORRIBLE movies based on other blockbuster scifi/horror movies, or TV series based on other older TV series.

May I shake my tambourine and shout "AMEN!", or are people here just going to think I'm a drama queen?   ;)

Thanks so much, MB.

It's a real kick, despite the tragedy, to read how many of my contemporaries in Tinsel Town and the press, also dashed home from school to see the show.  So many closet celebrity fans coming out of the woodwork!

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Dan Curtis Has Died
« on: March 28, 2006, 03:19:11 AM »
What an especially sad day for his children.   :'(

Dan Curtis has been an entertainment source for me since I was a little girl - all those great Goth movies, "War and Remembrance"....although "Dark Shadows" has always held the most special place in my heart.

A real pioneer he was.  He will be missed.

Raising a toast of rum to the memory of a master...Godspeed, Dan.

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0976
« on: March 25, 2006, 11:55:05 PM »
ANNOUNCER:  "And now, Michael Stroka for the new New England Boiled Dinner flavor of Listerine gargle mouthwash..."

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0977
« on: March 25, 2006, 11:52:29 PM »
ROGER:  "Tell me I look like 'cousin Phil Collins' again and you'll get a bunch-of-fives, old man!"

BARNABAS (thinking):  "Good thing I didn't tell him he dresses like a tweedy 1930s British nanny, too..."

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Camera Shots
« on: March 25, 2006, 11:48:04 PM »
The shot of Lt. Forbes pants gave me an idea...

LOL!  My husband nearly screamed at that...he calls it a "BATCH-CAM" shot, and my man just doesn't go there...

ROGER:  "And here's my impression of Mussolini!"

SAM (thinking):  "****, the things I have to put up with to get a lousy shot of brandy in this joint..."

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Dark Shadows Drinking Game
« on: March 19, 2006, 08:44:13 PM »
That's funny, I was actually WONDERING if there were such a thing as any form of published DS drinking game!   ;D

Then of course there's a much simpler form if you don't have a head for so many rules...a game I call "Drink Along With Roger".  Obvious what the rule is here.  If you're watching the pre-Barnabas episodes especially, you'll be singing "What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor" in no time.

(For those more daring TV can play "Drink Along With Sam Evans".)

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