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Messages - Ronny G

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I haven''t thought about her in years! I googled her to see what she looks like now, and learned that she also accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her, too, back in the 80s. Sad.
I met her once during the protest rally in front of NBC studios. She was nice. She and Roy Thinnes were the only ones I remember who came down the line and shook everybody's hand, and took pictures. I believe it was organized by the DS fest to protest the cancellation of the 90s remake. I got a free DS VHS Video out of it!! I also remember seeing a young Joseph Gordon Levitt running around like a typical kid. Wow! Did his career ever take off. Who knew???

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: My Dark Shadows Art Project
« on: April 14, 2018, 11:57:35 PM »
These are amazing; such an adorable tribute to 1968.  I feel uncertain, though, if that's meant to be Willie Loomis or Harry Johnson? 
It's supposed to be Willie Loomis. I really couldn't stand Harry Johnson so I probably will not paint a figure of him. LOL
BTW, I painted two more characters in the past few days: Quentin and Chris Jennings as the werewolf. I also posted these pics on a DS Facebook group, and got over 500 likes! Hopefully, MPI will see that there is a demand for DS figurines, and will manufacture something similar because they offer merchandise on their site like bobble heads and lunchboxes, etc.

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: My Dark Shadows Art Project
« on: April 04, 2018, 08:20:36 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words! You've inspired me to continue with the "line."

Thanks for the links to the clips. Hearing that corny organ music playing during Marie's Somerset clip makes me appreciate Robert Colbert's Dark Shadows orchestra music so much more.

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: My Dark Shadows Art Project
« on: April 03, 2018, 09:39:30 PM »
Thanks! Yes, you got it! That's supposed to be Eve.

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / My Dark Shadows Art Project
« on: April 03, 2018, 08:38:35 PM »
I thought it would be fun to paint these wooden peg people as Dark Shadows characters. A few years ago, some toy company tried to start a line of DS action figures, but they only released Barnabas, Angelique, and the werewolf. I always wished they would have released more. Too bad because DS had so many great characters. I'm currently amazed at the popularity of those Funko Pop figures based on TV and movie characters, and the simplicity of them, so that was my inspiration for turning these basic wooden peg dolls into DS people. Hope you like them!

Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: Future Festivals
« on: July 02, 2014, 01:40:57 AM »
It would be awesome if they could get David Henesy and Alexandra Moltke as guests for a 50th anniversary event.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0601
« on: December 28, 2013, 01:39:34 AM »
Watched this episode last night. I'm falling way behind schedule but I do have a few comments.
Nicolas Blair continues to be a delight to watch. Humbert is just so good, and I love his killer smile (or devilish grin).
Harry, on the other hand, is just plain awful. I don't want to offend his fans, but I find his line delivery very strange and he's not very photogenic either. I wonder how he got the part? Was he related to Dan Curtis or one of the ABC executives?
The final cliffhanger scene was Nicolas telling Adam to go get Angelique and bring her downstairs. Not the most suspenseful cliffhanger, but it does show how popular the character was if the writers are using the mere mention of her name in order to lure viewers to tune in the next day to see her.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
« on: December 06, 2013, 05:55:29 AM »
Loved, loved, loved the ritual and summoning Danielle Roget.
The scene was very creepy, and atmospheric, and the music gave me chills.
Only thing spoiling it was having one of the cameras come into the shot.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0593
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:39:31 AM »
Maggie looks really pretty for someone who's been locked up in the musty mausoleum for days.
I liked seeing Dr. Hoffman appear as Maggie opened the secret door. She looked so sinister.
The medallion scene gave me deja view--as it did Maggie.
I was surprised to see Nancy Barret at the end of this episode. I thought to myself she had an easy day at work that day with no lines. All she had to do was open the door.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0592
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:32:09 AM »
I thought the experiment lab scene was disturbing because Carolyn really sounded in agony!
Then I wondered if Carolyn and Adam are in love then why does Adam need to create a mate since he already has Carolyn?
I was also creeped out by Carolyn describing her near death experience with all the disembodied body parts floating around. Well done!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Me-TV Network
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:11:44 AM »
Me-TV just acquired 2 Krofft Saturday morning TV shows: HR Pufnstuf and Land of the Lost.
The latter has the same "shot-on-videotape" quality that Dark Shadows has, and the same cheesy special-effects that we all love.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: OT: Dennis Patrick on Ironside
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:17:17 PM »
I just watched him on an episode of Eight is Enough which I got through Warners Archive.
He played Betty Buckley's father. It was the episode where Abby marries Tom.
It looked like an easy job for him because the writers didn't give him many lines. I was surprised they didn't use him to greater capacity--but there were so many other regular characters on that show who needed screen time plus Sylvia Sydney was a guest! There were a lot of scenes of Dennis just standing around smiling and reacting to the other characters hijinks. He was basically there so he could walk Abby down the aisle.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Kate Jackson news
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:18:20 PM »
She probably needs a "ghost" writer!  [hall2_wink] Where's Daphne when you need her???
Seriously, though, a lot of celebrities who "write" their autobiographies have ghostwriters.
I went to Barbara Eden's book-signing once, and she told us she didn't write the book by herself.
The cover says by Barbara Eden *with* Wendy Leigh--and if you really read the book, it does sound like Wendy interviewed Barbara and asked her a lot of questions about her life and career, and then put all the quotes into a cohesive text.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0589
« on: November 19, 2013, 11:10:05 PM »
I totally fell for Carolyn leaving for Boston bit, so it was a big surprise for me to see her turn up at the old house.
I liked Carolyn when she was under Barnabas' spell, and now Nicholas.

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