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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0706
« on: May 20, 2014, 08:07:49 PM »
Yeah, Belter. You'll recognize it if you Google up some images. Apparently there was a Mr. Belter.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0706
« on: May 20, 2014, 06:50:18 PM »
Farewell, Isabella Hoopes. She was fantastic in every frame.

Edward regards his grandmother without a shred of pity. Meanwhile, out in the hall, Barnabas listens fearfully to every word.

Barn has made Magda and Sandor clean up the OH. Like that at Collinwood, the drawing room is full of Belter-style furniture. Welcome lavender circular settee in front of the fireplace. Barn and Magda have a great argument about getting the coffin from the mausoleum to the OH basement.

Edith gleefully taunts Edward about the money, then asks, Is Judith alive? Did HE kill her? Edward says no and tries to get her to explain about the mausoleum.

Barnabas meets Carl in what is the greatest cliffhanger in the whole show! He seems to regard the wildly unstable Carl with some pity, maybe thinking of Willie.

FABULOUS Edith monologue, error-free too: Edith wakes up again. Are you feeling better? Edward asks her impassively. She tells him, Every time I close my eyes, I think I’m looking at this room for the last time: So many things have happened to me in this room. Did I tell you the secret yet? No, Edward replies. Why don’t I remember the right things? she frets, then suddenly she cries out, What are you doing here? You are dead! You are dead! Keep away from me, Daniel! [yes, that Daniel, her father-in-law] I always hated you! You ruined my husband! You never were a father to him. You made us live in this house--I hated it! We wanted to live in the Old House. I begged you. You said, "No, No, if you are going to be a Collins, you must live at Collinwood." That's what you said. I found out what it was to be a Collins, she says bitterly, near tears. I found out. Go away from me, she calls out. Don't come near me, Daniel. If I am dying--I won't go with you! Send for someone else! Send someone else for me! Edward assures her, You aren’t dying, Grandmother. Please, make Daniel go away, she begs him. No one else is here, he tells her. Then she thinks she hears dancing downstairs. Are they dancing downstairs? she asks. They shouldn’t be dancing, she complains--your father is so ill. Edward tries to get her back to the secret, but Edith is still back in the past. She laughs as she remembers, My mother warned, “Never tell Edith a secret. Edith can’t help but tell it.” She must have told you that. I remember, it happened the day before my-- wedding. Thoroughly bored with his grandmother’s rambling, Edward reminds her sourly, I’m your grandson. You haven’t told me the secret. Please tell me, he begs her. She stops laughing and looks worried. Everyone keeps asking me, she says querulously, Judith, Carl, even Quentin. Poor Quentin, she murmurs. I don’t want to waste time talking about Quentin, Edward says crossly. I was quite upset to find that you let Quentin come back. Edward is always upset, Edith laughs, as if talking to someone else. But I mustn’t start on that--I have no time. Meanwhile, Barnabas’s desperation has overcome his terror. He is back at his listening post in the upstairs hallway when suddenly Edward wrenches the door open. Barnabas says, I was wondering how your grandmother is. Edward invites him in and tells him, I apologize for being curt with you--I didn’t welcome you properly. While Edith murmurs in her sleep, Edward asks Barnabas, Please tell me about yourself.

Magda reads the cards for Carl (the Hanged Man, or the Joker) and tells him that his grandmother (the Queen of Cups) will have the last laugh. Meanwhile, Edith beckons Edward to come closer as Barnabas looks on in fear.

The money will not stay with whoever gets it, Magda declares. If I get it, it certainly will, Carl declares. I’ll kick out my two brothers and Judith too. Magda draws the next card, La Mort--which usually means change, not death. Magda gasps and stands up, circling the room a few times while she waves her hands as if to ward something off. What’s wrong? Carl asks. What are you doing? I paid you money--you’d better finish, he orders her. Be quiet, she tells him impatiently. She holds her breath a moment, then collapses in a chair. Edith is dead, she declares tonelessly. Stunned, Carl asks, How did you know? The card--and then...I felt her spirit, Magda answers. Where? Carl demands, but Magda only announces, The reading is over. You’ll have to wait for the will--the cards are silent. Incensed, Carl grabs her and shakes her as he asks, Did Grandmother tell Edward the secret? No, Magda replies. Carl drops to his knees, insisting, Someone has to know! Someone does, Magda replies, her voice heavy with irony. But she must have! Carl exclaims. Someone has to know! Magda replies, Someone knows--and it ain’t Edward. Carl shakes her even harder, shouting, Tell me who _does know_! Impatiently she swats him and pushes him away. Go! Go, get out! she orders him. Grieve for your grandmother. I am going to, at least, she adds, her voice full of genuine sorrow.

Magda’s sight was true: Edith is dead, the terrible secret untold. Edward reaches down and closes his grandmother’s lifeless eyes. He tells Barnabas, She is gone--but I am going to find out that secret somehow--if it is the last thing I ever do!...

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0705
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:13:43 PM »
"YOU'RE THE SECRET!" has to be one of my favorite TV moments from anything ever.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0705
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:08:50 PM »
Judith rescues Edith from Quentin's bullying. She tries to get Edith to tell her the secret, but Edith displays her practiced skill at playing the sibs off against each other. Only Edward, as the eldest, can know--and you are much better off not knowing, she finishes, her voice trembling. She refuses to explain, and tells Judith, You mustn’t tell even that much to the others. Let them keep on feeding their anxiety, she says scornfully. Later, Judith and Quentin have yet another argument in the drawing room. Quentin mocks her childhood habit of ratting out on him to Edward. Judith retorts that he's afraid of Edward. Quentin retorts that Edward couldn't scare a mouse.

We get our second-ever (but not our last) look at the Collinsport train station (not seen since Episode 1) as the camera favors us with a closeup of a beautiful young woman (KLS!), Rachel Drummond, dressed for travel. She is Rachel Drummond, the new governess of Edward's children. LE, sporting a waxed mustache as Edward, has brought her from Boston. Edward's child-raising policy is a laissez-faire one--Rachel make whatever schedule she likes. Rachel says, I’m looking forward to meeting them--and Mrs. Collins. Edward starts, then says, You had no way of knowing. I should have told you before we left Boston. There is no Mrs. Collins. Then she died? Rachel asks, prepared to offer her sympathy. I’m sorry. Edward replies stiffly, There is no need to apologize. Mrs. Collins no longer exists. I shall put it that way and leave it that way. How should I explain to the children? Rachel asks. Sooner or later they’ll ask, and-- Edward replies, You should just tell them that Mrs. Collins is away. They must learn to forget her--as I have. We hear sounds indicating the arrival of the carriage. Come along, Miss Drummond, Edward tells her. She looks a bit frightened as she follows Edward.

Quentin is about to sneak upstairs again when Barnabas arrives and tells him that he hopes to live at the OH. Quentin says that's really up to Edward, not Judith. Judith arrives and gives Barn a warmer welcome. He has brought a small gift--one of Naomi's jewels--for Edith. Quentin eyes it appreciatively, although we don't get to see it. Barnabas explains, It traveled to England with the “original” Barnabas and was handed down from generation to generation. The present head of the family in England asked me to give it personally to the head of the family in America. Why didn’t you say so before? Quentin asks. Barnabas promptly answers, I was too busy defending my good name--from you. Quentin nods an apology and returns the case. Now Judith thinks that a visit can be arranged after all and invites Barnabas upstairs. Quentin points out, Isn’t Grandmama too ill for company? Who knows, Judith suggests, adding pointedly, Perhaps the sight of a _gentleman_ might do her some good. Barnabas indulges in a little secret smile as he follows Judith upstairs. Left alone, Quentin glares with hatred at Barnabas’s portrait.

Edward is most unpleasantly surprised to find that Quentin has returned. Quentin is very pleased with Rachel, looking her up and down boldly.

Upstairs, Judith prepares Edith for her visitor. Downstairs, Edward and Quentin continue arguing in the drawing room. We find out that Edward had banished Quentin and wants him gone again by tomorrow night. But Quentin says that Edith invited him back--probably at Jamison's persuasion.

Upstairs, Edith is sitting up as Judith fastens a lace shawl around her shoulders. As Judith brings Barnabas into the room, she explains, We keep the room dark because the light hurts my grandmother’s eyes. I understand, Barnabas says. Edith commands Judith to open the drapes, then they hear the carriage. It must be Edward, Judith says. Edith exclaims, I must see him! Go get him! Judith hurries downstairs. Alone with her visitor, Edith says, Well, young man [LOL!], I understand you have brought me present. I’m not used to such thoughtfulness in this house--not since my husband died thirty-four years ago. [[spoiler]This would be the wheelchair-bound Gabriel, whom we will meet much later and who (1) never would have given his hated wife a gift; and (2) killed her back in 1840 because the writers forgot they would need her now! He died shortly afterward, not in 1863!] [/spoiler]Barnabas tells the Naomi-heirloom story again, and Edith asks his name. Barnabas Collins, he replies. Now troubled, Edith repeats, Barnabas Collins. Come into the light so I can see you. But if his face was his passport into the family, now it could be his undoing. Shocked speechless at the sight of him, Edith puts her hand to her heart. Barnabas asks what’s wrong. You! Edith gasps, pointing at him. _You_ are the secret! Horrified, Barnabas gasps, No! Edith wails with growing horror, Passed down from one generation to the other! You were never to be let out! We have failed! We have failed! Barnabas tries to plead with her to stop talking and takes a step closer. Utterly terrified, Edith brings her hands up to her throat and cries, Don't come near me! Don't come near me! I--I know--I know what you are! I must send for Edward--send for Edward and--warn him. He must take you away. He must--take you away and--

At this point, as Edith thrashes about on the bed, someone knocks on the door. Edward steps into the room. Edith calls out, Who is that? Edward tells her his name. Quickly! Quickly! the old lady cries. Barnabas steps away from the bed and and back into the shadows as Edward hurries to his grandmother’s side. Edward asks Barnabas, What happened? My sister said our grandmother was fine just a moment ago. I don’t know, Barnabas lies. Edward asks Barnabas to leave them alone. It’s imperative that I be alone with my grandmother now! he says. Barnabas reluctantly leaves as Edith cries, Please, Edward! Holding her hands in his, Edward asks, Can you hear me, Grandmother? The poor old lady can barely say his name; the rest of her speech is incoherent. Tell me the secret, Edward begs her desperately. You must tell me what the secret is!

Outside, Barnabas leans against the door, just as desperate, listening with all his might--and terrified that he is about to be exposed....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0704
« on: May 16, 2014, 10:20:42 PM »
Barnabas is nervous as Quentin holds him at sword's point. I guess he's afraid of what will happen if Quentin run him through--basically, nothing much. Judith returns with tea and the men patch things up, but they are still at daggers drawn, metaphorically anyway.

In the woods, Barnabas meets Beth (returning from town, because she is without the parcel). Beth admits to the existence of Jamison and Nora, but is startled when Barn mentions another child. After she leaves, Barn has another wonderful, though brief, soliloquy about the missing child. He looks around him at the woods and up at the moon, but nature offers him no explanation.

All we will ever lean about Charlie is that he was drunk. All we will ever learn about Captain Strathmore is that he was considerate. Barn looks sad as he realizes that his encounter with Sophie can end in only one way. He gets a mouthful of blond curls as he bites her. Does she die? I really don't remember. I don't know whether "compact" is a modern (20th cent.) term. Did Barn give Edith a compact? I don't remember that either.

Quentin waylays poor Beth again. It seems the tray she's carrying has too much food for his grandmother, but Beth smoothly replies (truthfully) that Judith is dining with Edith. Later, up in Edith's room, Judith tells Beth to take the rest of the food "upstairs." Hmmm.... Also, Beth never calls Quentin "Mr. Quentin." Also hmmm...

Quentin is really mean to his grandmother as well as to everyone else.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0703
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:23:41 PM »
As I remember it was really funny!  [easter_grin]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0703
« on: May 16, 2014, 07:16:57 PM »
Here is the opening voice over, which we will be hearing, with some variations, for some time to come, in this ep. by Joan Bennett: The Great House at Collinwood stands deserted. The living have sought refuge elsewhere, leaving an evil spirit to roam the cold empty corridors alone. For some, this night will seem an eternity. Barnabas Collins remains in a deep trance. He has employed the mysterious powers of the I Ching and gone through the door to the infinite, hoping to find and defeat the spirit that haunts Collinwood. But beyond the door he has been transported back in time to the year 1897--a time of intrigue and terror for all who live at Collinwood.

Magda has a lifetime's experience at bargaining, but she's no match for Barnabas and succumbs to the lure of a ring with an egg-size ruby. Barnabas has to pretend ignorance about Quentin and quizzes Magda about “that young gentleman who was just here”: Why is he so anxious to find out the family secret? Everyone is, Magda replies. Quentin thought I could help him. I am Mrs. Collins’s spiritual adviser, she announces grandly, then has to admit she doesn’t know the family secret either. How does Quentin stand with Mrs. Collins? Barnabas asks. She knows he is bad, but he is able to charm her, Magda replies as she gazes into her crystal ball. Is Quentin a dangerous man? Barnabas asks. Yes, very dangerous, Magda answers. Why are you so curious about him? Barnabas says, I want to find out everything I can about Quentin before tomorrow night--when I will be at Collinwood and the family will see a strange visitor, a distant cousin from England, he adds with a triumphant smile. But not even a vampire could be prepared for the nest of vipers in which Barnabas wants to move.

We get to see a nice spat between Judith and Quentin. Magda arrives (after receiving off-screen instructions from Barnabas), and Judith gets up to leave. Magda says she has a warning for the entire family, and Quentin prevails on Judith to stay. Meanwhile, Beth eavesdrops outside the closed drawing-room doors. Magda looks into her crystal ball, then solemnly declares, It was the arrangement of the cards that gave me the warning about the stranger who will arrive tonight, after sunset. Who is it? Judith asks. I don’t know his name, but he will pretend to be a friend or perhaps a relative. Then she dares to go beyond her instructions and warns them, You must not trust him, because he is mysterious and malicious. His motives are not pure. What does he look like? Quentin asks. I can tell you neither his name nor what he looks like, because he is a creature of darkness, but you will all have something to lose by his presence. But you, Quentin, you will have the most to lose.

We can see that out in the foyer, the portrait of the "original" Barnabas hangs in its accustomed spot.

Beth's tiny garret room is hardly big enough for both her and Quentin. We (at least I) get the feeling that he has visited it many, many times. Beth is getting ready to go the village on an errand that involves (1) a bundle of something; and (1) three hundred dollars in CASH--a small fortune in 1897. She is every bit his match in wits as she avoids answering his questions, and we are led to understand that her unknown, unnamed mistress has long since left Collinwood. Quentin thinks Beth has stayed on because she and Edward have something going. Insulted, she slaps Quentin, hard. Did you do that out of anger or guilt? Quentin asks, grabbing her by the shoulders. Anger! she replies promptly, her voice shaking. Don’t ever do it again, he warns her. Don’t give me reason to, and I won’t have to, she retorts. Now leave me alone! I can’t do that, he replies, for the simple reason that you don’t want me to. Don’t I? she asks harshly. Though well within kissing range, she adds scornfully, Next, you’ll be telling me that I stayed because I was waiting for you to come back! Did you? Quentin asks. Beth retorts, Why don’t you ask a friend of mine in Collinsport? I am sure you would like to meet him. You might even learn something from him. He is a gentleman! She steps around him and escapes at last. Quentin doesn’t stop her, but looks thoughtful.

Promptly at sunset, the "cousin from England" arrives, now appropriately dressed for 1897. As always, he carries his silver wolf’s-head cane, which has somehow traveled through time with him. Judith is charmed and invites him into the drawing room while she goes to get Quentin, the temporary head of the family. As soon as Judith leaves, Barnabas looks around the drawing room, noting the changes from 1967 (and no doubt from 1796 as well).

Judith actually admits to Quentin that she's disturbed--Magda's prophecy seems to be coming true. Judith introduces Barnabas to Quentin. Apparently hostile already, the two men don’t shake hands. An _unexpected_ pleasure, _Cousin_, Quentin says, showing his teeth, but not in a smile. Barnabas apologizes for not announcing his arrival in advance. Quentin replies, We’re always delighted to welcome family members--no matter how _distantly_ related.

The wonderful triple S-curved loveseat gets its moment of glory as the three seat themselves while the conversation continues. Barnabas says, I arrived late this afternoon. I enjoy traveling. Quentin remarks to Judith on Barnabas’s amazing resemblance to the portrait in the foyer. Ah, yes, the “original” Barnabas Collins, our Barnabas agrees. Yes, Judith says, he lived a hundred years ago, in this house. Yes, Barnabas says, I'm quite familiar with his life, being a direct descendant. The “original” Barnabas left Collinwood in 1798 (what he says!), went to England and established that branch of the family. Quentin says, I’m afraid I’m not familiar with  the Collins family history. Barnabas says deprecatingly, I'm not a historian. Quentin walks over to  the liquor caddy and offers Barnabas some spiritous refreshment; when Barnabas declines, he suggests Judith get some tea. Instead of simply reaching for the bell pull, she leaves--apparently the servant problem obtains in 1897 as well.

I'm impressed with Collinwood, Barnabas says. It’s a beautiful house. I understand Edward is away, but Judith said something curious--that Edward is the acting head of the family. Yes, Quentin says. He is still on his feet and walks over to the swords on the wall as he continues, Edward fancies himself the head of the family. Our grandmother Edith is the real head, but she is over ninety and unable to function; in fact, I don’t think she has much longer. Edward is the oldest grandson and naturally has assumed he is next in line. That’s a logical assumption, Barnabas remarks. If there were anything logical about Edith, says Quentin, but there isn't. Now turning to face the swords, he asks, What boat did you arrive on, Cousin? The _Pride of Jamestown_, Barnabas replies smoothly. It arrived at four-thirty this afternoon. Yes, so it did, Quentin agrees blandly as he draws one of the swords from its scabbard. With his back to Quentin, Barnabas steps over to the french windows and says, I’m curious about the portraits in this room--is the one of Joshua here? Quentin says, No, it’s somewhere in the West Wing. Privately displeased that his father has been relegated to such a distant region of the house, Barnabas comments quietly, I see. I understand he built Collinwood, and it seems to me that-- As he looks at a portrait, we can see the business end of a sword come into the shot. When Barnabas turns around in mid-sentence, Quentin holds the sword to his throat. I advise you not to make a move, Quentin says. Is this a practical joke, Cousin? Barnabas asks in surprise. Quentin answers with increasing heat, No! No, it certainly is not. You see, it just so happens that I recently returned from England myself. I spent the better part of six months there. I had ample time to discover that there is no English branch of our family. There never has been! His eyes glittering dangerously, he tells the dismayed Barnabas, Now, I give you exactly five minutes to tell me who you are and what you want here, or so help me, I will run you through!...

[Bonus in the closing credits--Jonathan Frid walks through the foyer, then hastily out of camera range, carrying his street clothes!]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« on: May 16, 2014, 07:00:28 PM »
I think you're right about the soaps, MT. On the traditional ones, everything was spelled out laboriously and the stories took FOREVER. It's nice that in this story line at least, DC gave the viewers credit for some intelligence and trusted that you could infer off-screen bits by the on-screen results.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:24:27 PM »
Yup, MT, these are some of my favorite episodes. I like what you say about Barnabas's vampire self.

JF is absolutely in his element. Barnabas is horrified that he has reverted and without Dr. Hoffman's magic elixir. But his quick and clever mind is hard at work as he sets out to establish himself. By now he has the "cousin from England" gambit down cold and knows exactly how to prepare.

We get wonderful verbal duels between Magda and Quentin. No love lost on either side.

JB is just fabulous as the conniving Judith and gets to wear another knockout period gown in a color that suits her perfectly. No love lost between Judith and anybody else.

Welcome, three-seated S-curve love seat! That thing must have a name, but I don't know what it is. Quentin insists on seeing Jamison, regardless of the late hour. Jamison arrives in pjs and bathrobe, thrilled that Uncle Quentin is back. Quentin takes out the gift he’s brought: a beautiful model ship (the same one that sits on the breakfront in 1967). It’s to take you away with, he says. Jamison is thrilled to see that it’s named the _Jamison Collins_. [spoiler][A long time from now, it will become the notorious _Java Queen_, and we will meet its sinister crew.][/spoiler] At this point, Judith walks in and stares hard at them. Jamison bursts out, I won’t tell him! I don’t want Quentin to go away! I won’t tell him! I won’t! I won’t! He hugs Quentin hard. There is your answer, Judith, Quentin tells his sister smugly. She retorts, You didn’t come back because of Grandmama at all! You came back to finish ruining Jamison! They exchange glares.

Great scene also when Magda returns to the OH and finds Sandor--and Barnabas. His calling her "Madam" is no sign of respect. He is sad and angry at the state of the OH--and utterly affronted that Magda is sleeping in Josette's room. Their argument is interrupted when someone knocks at the door. Already enslaved to Barnabas, Sandor pleads with Magda to obey him.

The knocking has turned to pounding. The visitor is Quentin. As Barnabas peers through the grille for his first look at his living adversary, he listens intently to the ensuing conversation. Notice I knocked? Quentin says. I kept my manners, no matter what anyone else may say. Be quick, Magda tells him. Immediately suspicious, he asks, Am I interrupting something? No, Sandor replies, Magda is just tired. I was expecting more hospitality, Quentin comments. And what about those interesting things my grandmother said today? I forgot them, she mutters. Quentin grabs her arm angrily.  Get out, she tells him. Something is wrong, Quentin says quietly, and I want to know what. Nothing! Sandor insists nervously. Just a nice quiet evening at home discussing my generous offer? Quentin asks sarcastically. I ain’t aware of your offer, Sandor says. Something is very strange here, Quentin insists. Magda tells Quentin, We can't discuss it tonight. Tomorrow, she promises, just to be rid of him. Sandor offers, I will talk to her tonight if you will leave us. I’m curious, Quentin admits. I never knew Magda to be upset before. Until tomorrow, he says, giving them a mocking bow before he leaves. Sandor asks Magda, Why didn't you tell me? Who is _that_? Magda asks as she points to Barnabas’s hiding place. He has the mark of death on him, she says. Tell me! she insists. Sandor turns away from her, but she grabs his arm--and sees the wound on his neck Those marks! she gasps, horrified. Sandor doesn’t answer but simply runs from the house in anguish and shame. Magda turns toward the basement door and points through the grille at Barnabas, screaming, Vampire!...

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0701
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:12:40 PM »
Thanks, MT! I do wish I could see the eps again. Like I said, I wrote my summaries years ago for a friend who didn't have access to them, so I tried to be thorough.

I like how Barnabas has survived off of and re-spent the same family jewels over and over again...

Plus there's that good old compound interest on whatever funds Joshua managed to sock away!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0701
« on: May 15, 2014, 08:41:03 PM »
Great stuff, MT! Yes, we are definitely in 1895 now, and the whole nest-of-vipers scenario is loads of fun!

Establisher shots: Eagle Hill Cemetery; the Collins mausoleum; the secret room; the chained coffin. Barnabas (in his 1795 clothes) suddenly wakes up and realizes where he is--and what he has once more become. He presses up on the lid, but the coffin is still secured in the chains that his father order Ben Stokes to wrap around it in 1796.

Nice repartee between Magda and Sandor. It seems to be underlaid with real fondness. I think that somewhere, GH said that Magda was her favorite role, and no wonder. She can pretty much get away with anything.

A man’s hand in a black glove knocks on the front doors of the Great House of Collinwood. Quentin Collins--no ghost but a living, flesh-and-blood man--calls repeatedly, Hello! Hello! (his first line!) The doors are opened--by Beth Chávez, looking every bit as regal in life as she was in death. Quentin is witty and sarcastic, but he's a real mean, utterly selfish bastard. Beth doesn't deserve such mistreatment. The writers have done a great job of setting him up here.

Since there is at least one actual servant (Beth) in the house in 1897, the bell pull next to the fireplace now makes sense.

Welcome to the wonderful and genuinely elderly Isabella Hoopes as Edith! Because she is the senior female in the household, Beth properly should call her Mrs. Collins. The free-spirited Magda always refers to her simply as Edith.

And since Edward (as we will learn) is the oldest grandson and I suppose the Master of Collinwood, he should be Mr. Collins to Beth.

In a small blooper, the secret panel actually opens slightly before Sandor pulls the ring. He scarcely has time to be horrified before a bone-white hand grabs him by the throat....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0700
« on: May 12, 2014, 04:54:25 PM »
Thanks, MT! The lead-in to 1897 seems (to me) to be based on "The Turn of the Screw," what with the male and female ghosts seducing the boy and the girl. The big moment on the stairs does end quite differently in the story, though.

Your spoiler about the table in the OH basement is hilarious! I have to admit I never thought about the fact that Quentin allows the three adults to grab all the I Ching paraphernalia as well as Amy. It might be because he simply isn't strong enough to face all three of them at once, certainly not Barnabas. But now that he (more or less) has David--nice use of "smite" and "smitten," MT!--why would he want to change the past?

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0700
« on: May 11, 2014, 04:46:13 PM »
Barn and Maggie find Quentin's Room. Suddenly they hear approaching footsteps--but it's only Professor Stokes, who followed them. He thinks Quentin died in this room. The trio find Amy hiding behind a curtain and unable to speak.

The I Ching! Stokes finds Quentin's set of I Ching wands and says he now knows a lot more about Quentin than he did a moment before. Barnabas looks apprehensive as he thinks about the I Ching, something beyond his ken.

We get the big "Turn of the Screw" scene: At Collinwood, Maggie comes down from the upstairs landing, closing the door behind her. She has obviously been searching for David and is trying to decide what to do now. She calls David’s name as she starts back up. Can you hear me? she calls. I know you’re in the house! I want to help you! Please make a sound, she begs him. On hearing nothing, she goes back down to the foyer, defeated. To her joy, David steps out onto the landing. Don’t come up here! he warns her. I’ve come to take you away, Maggie says. I know, he replies. Don’t you want to come with me? she asks. David nods. Quentin expresses his displeasure with a sudden thunderclap. Maggie calls out to him, I am not afraid of you! I am not going to let you keep David! Come to me, David, she implores him. Clearly paralyzed with fear, he wails, I want to, but I can’t! Maggie tells him, Then you can, you can if you try. Walk down the stairs and into my arms, she coaxes him. David looks back toward the closed landing door, then carefully backs away. Holding onto the railing, he starts to move toward Maggie, who tells him, You’ll never have to be afraid again! When he reaches the top of the stairs, the landing door slowly opens. He turns toward it fearfully and stops. Maggie calls out, Don’t stop now! Then she calls out defiantly, Quentin, you can’t have him! He is not yours to have! He is not like you, Quentin! I am going to make sure that he never will be! she vows passionately. After another thunderclap, Maggie faces the open landing door and tells Quentin resolutely, I’m not afraid of you! I’m not! You can’t change David! You have tried, and you have failed! Quentin, I love David, and I am going to take him away from you! Can you hear me? She tells David, I’m coming up to get you. David tries to tell her not to, but Maggie says scornfully, Quentin doesn’t have the courage to stop me. You don’t belong with him--you belong with your family and me. Now near the top of the stairs, Maggie reaches out her hand and tells David to come to her. David looks back one more time, then makes almost a flying leap into Maggie’s arms. She croons his name. Holding him tight, she tells him, There’s one more thing you have to do before you can leave--you must send Quentin away. I can’t! David protests, petrified, but Maggie insists, You’ll never be free otherwise. David turns to look at the landing door. It slams shut. David collapses into Maggie’s arms. Maggie misinterprets this as she croons with relief and gratitude, David! We’ve won! --but then to her horror David slumps unconscious on the stairs.

Stokes and Julia watch--Julia with great apprehension--as Barnabas throws the wands. He gets the 49th hexagram, the hexagram of change--and the one that almost everyone else in the show will get too. Julia is horrified as he mutters about "moving toward the coffin......"

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0699
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:24:58 PM »
Above all else, Barnabas is a creature of great dignity. No wonder he insisted on enlarging the entry to Quentin's Room.

If Julia is so concerned about Chris, shouldn't she have her chemistry set up and running?

Maggie is now ensconced in Josette’s room, but (thanks to Nicholas, whose one and only good deed benefited the woman he loved) apparently it doesn’t trigger any unhappy memories. She pleads with Amy to take her to David. Julia arrives just in time to hear Amy sob that if she helps them find David, Quentin will do something bad to Chris.

Julia takes Amy away, and Maggie dreams that she finds the storage room. She has a momentarily scary reunion with Mr. Jughans, and then Quentin is there, holding out the blue dress. It isn’t mine, Maggie protests. I don’t want to wear it, Quentin simply walks closer, now glaring angrily. Don’t come near me, Maggie says, frightened. Quentin softens--but only so he can take her in his arms. Maggie can’t resist putting her hand on his shoulder. She leans right in as he kisses her very nicely, still smiling triumphantly. Then his shoulders shake with laughter, and his face blurs. Maggie wakes abruptly, runs out to the corridor and calls Julia. She tells Julia ALMOST everything about the dream.

Barn has gone to the mausoleum and hears nothing but bad news from inside. Julia finds him and tells him that Maggie knows where David might be. Julia searches the Old House for Amy while Maggie leads Barn to the West Wing.

Amy has some trouble opening the panel, but finally enters Quentin’s room. David! she calls. I have something important to tell you! Answer me, please! Suddenly Quentin reaches down and touches her shoulder. She turns toward him quickly, gabbling all in a rush, I came to warn you that Maggie and Barnabas are on their way! They know about this room! They think David’s here and they’re coming to get him! I know you’re angry with me, but I did come to tell you, didn’t I? she pleads desperately. Quentin he looks like he’s thinking about something.

Maggie and Barnabas arrive at Collinwood and start up the Great Staircase.

I didn’t tell them! Amy says frantically as Quentin moves toward her. Maggie had a dream--I heard her telling Doctor Hoffman. Quentin reaches down again and puts his dead hand on Amy’s shoulder and keeps it there. This time she freezes, her mouth still open. Maybe he just wants to keep her quiet.

Maggie and Barnabas return to the storage room, where Maggie shows him the lowest panel (now closed) leading to the secret room. Barnabas says, This was sealed up when I was here before. Whoever unsealed it used this crowbar. I intend to rip out the rest of the panels, he declares as he suits the deed to the word. Now we are going to find whatever is in this room, he declares....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0698
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:37:32 PM »
Ned fishes in his pocket for cash to pay Julia, who tells him frostily that she'll send a bill. After she and Barnabas leave, Ned asks Sabrina, What did you remember? Please tell me! he begs her as he takes her hand and presses it against his face. I know it had to do with Chris, that night! Even though he nearly pulls her wig off as he caresses her face rather violently and pleads with her, she simply stares up at the ceiling.

Barn and Julia argue at the Old House. We’ve been shielding a werewolf, Julia winds up, even though she herself has done far worse in shielding a vampire. Are you afraid? Barnabas asks. We haven’t been able to help Chris, Julia points out. You were more patient when you were helping me, Barnabas recalls. [You just don’t get it, Barn!] I said I’d see Chris through this, he vows. I don’t know how we are going to end that curse, but I will do it--with or without your help, he adds. I understand, Julia says quietly as she gazes at him with an emotion that any other man would instantly acknowledge. But at least  Barnabas knows he will have her help. We must find a way to stop Sabrina from telling her brother, he declares.

It's taken Ned two years to figure it out, but he finally realizes that Sabrina has been protecting Chris. The poor girl takes one look at herself in the mirror and screams.

It’s 5:25 a.m. by the desk clock at the Old House. Barnabas and Julia have stayed up all night. It’s nearly dawn, Julia says wearily, time to go to the mausoleum--without a solution, she laments. How far fetched all our scheming is! There’s no solution for Chris, she says in frustration. There must be a solution! Barnabas insists. Julia says, We'll let him out and hope he'll get through another day before being found out. Barnabas says, Every time we talk, I feel there's more of a connection between Collinwood and Chris. I don't know what's happening there, either, Julia remarks. Why did the ghosts want the children? Why did they get everyone out of the house? I saw Stokes and Roger, she reports. They had a séance there [the first one unseen by us] and tried to contact the ghost, but all they heard was his laughter. Barnabas says, We must tell Chris about Sabrina and the cane. Otherwise, he'll have to spend his days waiting for the phone to ring, a knock at the door.... He can’t live with that kind of tension, Julia protests, no one can. People do, Julia, Barnabas answers, more than you realize. [But I’m sure he knows that she does realize and that he’s referring to himself as much as to Chris.] I think I should tell Chris, Julia decides. Barnabas suggests, Perhaps Chris himself will have an idea about how to handle this.

But when Barn and Julia open the secret panel after sunrise, the werewolf snarls and growls (and is still shorter than when he’s Chris) even though it’s daylight.

MT, Episode 700 will be our last sight of 1969 for quite a long time.