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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: TWO Thursday B-day Girls!!!
« on: October 01, 2004, 06:33:36 AM »
*%$#%&*   About the time Heathers story started getting good, all the pictures had that infernal x in the upper left hand corner, of course ALL the other pics came up just fine   >:(   As Professor Stokes would say......  Damnnation!

Whoa...what happened, Tripwire?? :'( I just clicked on the link (I checked it on a few different browsers - cleared the caches too, just to be sure ;)) and it came up okay for me. It does take a bit to load (sorry 'bout that  :-[)

Here's the link again...

Sigh...I hate it when this stuff causes problems for my peoples.   :-[

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: TWO Thursday B-day Girls!!!
« on: October 01, 2004, 05:48:03 AM »
My pleasure, Jennifer.  You're welcome... ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: TWO Thursday B-day Girls!!!
« on: September 30, 2004, 04:52:26 PM »
Hi Kids  ;D

Happy Birthday Bethy!  :)

And Happy, Happy Birthday RJ!  :-*

Well, here's a little something that falls in line with my dirty
shenannigans on the Forum...

BUT first...a disclaimer. ;)

::cough::The following captures and captions were created for my own
and my fellow cohorts wacked-out amusement. No copyright infringement
is intended at all! I'm just playing around with evil software that has
seduced my mind and taken over my soul. DCP owns all these fab-u-lous
characters and I make no claims to them or anything else. I don't
intend and will not ever make ANY profit from any goofy creations I
dream up in present time, past, future, or any of a gazillion parallel
time bands...
p.s. Warning: It get a little "blue" near the end...wink, wink.::cough::

Okay, here's the link:

Yeah, I'm going straight to hell for this... :D

Love yous all,


I don't know if i have the right to say anything since the chances of my ever being able to attend a fest are currently slim to none (  :(  :'( ). But, just for the hell of it (and not taking into account who lives where, etc.)... besides the regular players, how bout...Abe Vigoda.

Robservations / Re: Robservations 10/21/02 - #696/697 - Quentin Claims David
« on: September 29, 2004, 03:34:05 AM »
Stokes has a curious theory--when there's a full moon, legend has it that possessed children are extremely restless. Stokes thinks this might work as an advantage to them--David might reveal himself more readily. The mention of the full moon focuses Barnabas' attention on something else--Chris! Roger heads out. Barnabas tells him to take care, then muses that he's glad a full moon will benefit SOMEONE.

Poor David - glad to see Roger so concerned right now. But I love that dry humor amidst the turmoil, Barnabas (good one - chuckle).  ;)

Ned demands Chris come now, perhaps if he comes, she'll remember more. Chris says he can't, and he won't.

::Grinning Mischieviously::  Really that the best line you could think of?   ;D

Barnabas--I wish we could find out the curse and the way to end it. Bitterly, Chris says, I wish I had never begun hoping. That isn't true, says Barn.

Someone give that guy a reassuring hug, stat!  ;)

Since you're such a good friend of Chris', Ned says belligerently to Barnabas, perhaps you can explain him to me. That's not the reason I'm here, says Barnabas, and I'm not here to defend Chris. You couldn't after that phone call this morning, says Ned

Hey Mr.'re the one who made the dirty phone call!  Really... ;D ;D

NOTES: Does this mean Chris' goose is cooked? If Sabrina remembers, will she expose him for the animal he is? How do you like the way Ned manhandles his poor sister? Pretty shocking, huh? Some think it borders on incest at times.

Hmm...perhaps. He's just a touchy-feely guy I guess. ;) Oh, let's just say that when my sister and I were watching these eps. for the first time, an audible groan was heard by all when Ned popped out of the woodwork. [shudder]  ;D  At one time I theorized that Ned & Sabrina were descendants of Vicki and Peter... who knows.  ::)

p.s. Love the captures in these episodes lately, MB  :-*[/color]

I just watched these episodes (on my handy videotapes, which are around ten years old but still play beautifully)

Eerie - I did too...mine aren't ten years old but they play like they're ten years old. Home made vids...   :-X  :P

and I thought The Briscoe was HAWT in that white turtleneck.

And snug like a warm, gooey cinnamon roll.   ;D

I thought the actors were playing the scene as if there had been some hanky-panky between the two at that point, although my guess is Caro was too shrewd to let Chris go further than second base (lucky gal).

Hey - ya never know is my motto. ;) Anyway, That was a cute scene you mentioned...Okay, i'll stop.    ::) :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Certain Shadows On The Wall
« on: September 27, 2004, 09:00:27 AM »
Wow...nice shots, Connie. Looking over Jean-Claude's caps then yours made my late night/early morning (yawn). ;) Yup - you captured her poise, gestures, and evil woman essence beautifully...sigh.   ;D  :-*

Hence Barnabas never fell in love with Julia, no matter how much some fans may have wanted this.

Hmm - I think that's debatable... ;) Barn. was such a complicated could never quite tell what was really going on in that noggin of his (chuckle), especially near the end of the series. I know they officially left things unsaid but...well...ya know... ;)

Although, I wholeheartedly agree that one of the awesome things about the show was it's refusal to resolve all of it's loose ends. Makes the show that_ much_ more_ fun to watch, again and again; contemplating all the storylines and unique characters from beginning to end. :) Oh, how I miss it being on the boob tube. Sigh...

And interestingly enough, that's also what makes fanfiction that much more delicious. But that's just me... I know, I'm a nut (kinda like a low-fat chewy chocolate chip cookie spiked with rainbow m&m's, sprinkles, sliced almonds and chopped pecans for added crunch. Hey, new recipe...gotta write that down...  ;)).   ;D  lol

I now send you back to the original discussion at hand...cough...[/i]  :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Certain Shadows On The Wall
« on: September 27, 2004, 06:37:18 AM »
I'm so glad Connie...hope you got it on tape.  :-*

Gosh, it must have been a while since I saw this episode - interesting ending. Grayson (or rather her character in the ep.) had a little evil woman moment there (chuckle) it.  ;D

LOL! I love it, I love it, I LOVE it Jean-Claude!

You I think I'm getting too much of a kick outta this (lol)? Anyway - I adore those captions...can't wait for the next episode!  Oh, the possibilities - Yummy...


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Certain Shadows On The Wall
« on: September 27, 2004, 04:24:11 AM »
Sorry this is late, but for those interested - I just found out that the Mystery Channel's having a Night Gallery marathon tonight [banging head on desk]. ;)

The episode "Certain Shadows On The Wall" (featuring those lovely closeups of Grayson) is scheduled to be on... at midnight (on the east coast - check your local listings).  :o

Scrambling to get a tape ready,


Since Chris and Carolyn each declared their love, I pose the question: had Carolyn "put out" for our wolf-boy previously? Are we led to infer they "did the deed" on a non-full-moonlit night?

Now there's a question to ponder when I'm riding the 'T' in the morning, Sandor! ;D [sorry - the 'T' is slang for Pgh.'s version of the subway  ;)]

A part of me would've liked to have seen them as a couple, too. They seemed good together, for a time.  :(

Would Chris' sexual prowess be influenced or enhanced by his alter ego? If those cottage walls could talk..

Hey, anything's possible. He is directly related to the Q. man after all...and we all know how well that cottage worked for him.  Snicker...  ;)

And to go off in left field for a sec... Another useless factiod: Speaking of emotiocons, I recently realized that the first smiley was invented by a Carnegie Mellon U. computer scientist. No freakin' wonder!'s a 'burgh thing!     ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: maggie's pad
« on: September 26, 2004, 07:40:34 AM »
lmao, Jean-Claude!  Interesting crossover there...chuckle.  ;)

p.s. Love your new avatar and caption, dear...    ;D  :-*

i don't know the web address but there is a funny site called "d.s.stick-figure theater" that does goofy little plays using the characters heads on stickfigures.look for it,it's funny. :P

You mean: ?

DS fans are some of the most creative people out there.  All yunz guys sites are great!  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: maggie's pad
« on: September 26, 2004, 05:54:39 AM »
they like julia and elizabeth,but really,they are like so "squaresville". ::) ::) ::)

Hey, there's a red-hot ball o' fire lurking underneath that tweed, ya know. ;) Anyway - what if Julia came over and gave them some manicure tips? Maybe they could paint each other's toenails... get out a nice bottle of 'porno pink pizzazz' and have a ball!  ;D

Sigh...oh's been a LONG WEEK.   :P ::)