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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: OT Wheel of Fortune!
« on: November 27, 2004, 06:33:19 AM »
Okay - Beatles song with a DS twist you say? Could it be:

[spoiler]"Do You Want To Know A Secret Room"[/spoiler]

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: One last greeting...
« on: November 27, 2004, 04:58:02 AM »
Pepe in a pilgrim hat: my Thanksgiving is complete!
Thank you, Heather, for inspiring a holiday viewing of Grayson in "Satan In High Heels."
Each time Pepe takes a drag from her cigarette, I'll pour on more gravy goodness.

Chortle. I'm glad Sandor. :-* Hope you had a whole bucket full of gravy handy...I don't know how many times she lights up in that one (lol). {lowering voice} Oh yeah - and there's a joke about her trusty cigarette holder... whoops... can't reveal that just yet.  ;D

Interesting how Julia was quite "Pepe"-ish in attitude during the episodes that led up to her discovery of Barnabas' secret.

Yeah, I kinda think she is too...although i guess you could say that Julia was just a wee bit more straight laced than Pepe ever was (chortle). ;) Gotta love them both, though. Hey - come to think of it, I hope you're getting some inspiration from watching some Grayson movies, dear...there's a certain PT character that kinda reminds me of Pepe too...whoops - another subject for another list...   :-X   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / One last greeting...
« on: November 25, 2004, 09:13:31 AM »
A certain friend suggested I post this...just a few more SIHH captures I took but never posted (at least I think so...).  ::)


Happy Holiday {again}!

*Happy Thanksgiving, Darlings!
Don't make auntie Pepe take out her whip...mind your manners &
Be sure to count your blessings on this...CRISP...fall day. {wink}

*That part cracked me up when I first saw it...She just whip the scissors out and cuts the price tag dangling from the hussy's dress (chuckle).

{sighs}"Really Judith...quit fiddling with that bird and get your sweet ass over here...let cook handle everything, darling. {purring}"

Sorry...sorry...I've been on a Pepe and Judith kick lately. Long story. 


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Employee Loyalty -- Episodes 5 & 6
« on: November 24, 2004, 09:24:08 AM »
Thanks for posting your observant and downright witty commentary, Luciaphil. Too good. I've been thoroughly enjoying each and every installment. Yes, everyone should see the pre-Barnabas episodes when they get the chance. It's part and parcel of the...colorful tapestry that is Dark Shadows.    ;)  8)   :-*

This has been a marvelous story. My belated thanks and kudos to all the writers involved in this tale - keep up the good work!  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 24, 2004, 09:10:05 AM »
I do love that scene too, the way she holds out her hands over the stacks of books "Daaaave, I can't just pack up and go---"  Then when she sits in the chair, uneasily squirming as he makes his insinuation---the 'cat who swallowed the canary' look on his face is pretty priceless too. . like he finally figured out something about the mysterious, brilliant Dr. Hoffman--

Good description, J99... yeah, their expressions are too much. Grayson's face and body language spoke a thousand words in that time period...well, during all time periods actually.  8) :-*

Jean-Claude, querido mio, what fabulous photos.  The first one looks as if Julia was *thrilled* to discover a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover in Liz's Library (thinking of what Heather wrote above).  "AND it's ILLUSTRATED!" Dave looks less than thrilled with ALL of it.

LOL, Steve...sounds like something Julia could jot down in her journal, huh?  (*I found the most fabulous book in that dusty old library today...*)   ;)  ;D  snicker...

Many thanks Jean-Claude! Fantastic pics...pinpointed those moments perfectly!

Let us give thanks to DVD Capture and all thy bounty bestowed upon us... amen.  ;D



Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 23, 2004, 08:32:40 AM »
Another funny thing I noticed (well, at least to me)

[spoiler]When David had a dream warning him about Barnabas, he sees a mysterious faceless figure dangling a shiny medallion. Julia's wig and her shiny accessories take center stage that day - lol.

And during a scene in the Old House Drawing Room, Barnabas walks in and spies Julia engrossed in a text of some sort. He yells about her reading at a time like this (this was when Willie is in the hospital, supposedly on his deathbed). Anyhoo, She responds by saying something to the effect of: "well, you enjoy browsing through family albums; and I enjoy browsing through medical journals." That line itself was funny, considering Barn's...attitude during this time, but what I found even more intriguing was what Julia was leafing through -- it was a book alright, but what KIND of book is my question.  ;) There was one shot...Oh, I wish I had a picture...where you could see a bit of what was inside. All I can say is there was some cropped pictures running along the top of the pages, followed by some text. Now, that could've been anything -in theory- but my mind naturally strays to something a bit more...risque. Was Julia doing some extra top secret research for her...treatment...of Barnabas? LOL   Actually, that reminds me of a story on another list....  :-X   ;D   >:D[/spoiler]

I love revisiting these episodes.  :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: OT: Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 23, 2004, 08:26:15 AM »
A holiday wish from the Northeast...

Happy Thanksgiving, darlings...

Drinks are on the house.


Have a safe and happy holiday!

*whoops, how'd that get there...   ;D

Hey - Don't give me that look...I got permission. I'm not the only wench on this board.  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 21, 2004, 04:40:27 AM »
Okay, so I was watching some tapes again....

[spoiler]I just saw the epi. where Julia and Dave W. were having a little conversation in the Collinwood study. This is right after Willie was shot (ya know, when Maggie and Sam set up a trap for the 'mysterious' kidnapper). First of all, why they had to shoot him **5** times in the back with a shotgun I'll never know...don't even start me on the topic of hunting - I'll go off-topic REAL fast (LOL).  Anyhoo...I love the look on Julia's face when Dr. W suggests that she's staying on at Collinwood because of an romantic interest in Seƒ±or Collins. I wonder if this is when it first came into Julia's mind as well...[/spoiler]

I wish I had some pics to illustrate this but...sigh...only have these episodes on tape. No tengo dinero mis amigos...    :P

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ANOTHER IE Thing??
« on: November 18, 2004, 03:09:39 AM »
I do wish I could kill ALL those wretched smilies that nod, blink and wink at me like a pack of demented floozies in an Irish bar at 1:55 a.m. on a Saturday night...
your friendly neighborhood Gothick-man

Yeah you have any problems with kinky smileys brandishing whips, darling?  >:D

Yeah, I'm a nut (just be happy I didn't post the (cough) toy smiley I got a hold of the other day...).


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Fountain of Youth?
« on: November 16, 2004, 12:10:52 AM »
Jean-Claude, beloved, these are soooo fabulous that I want you to make a slide screen show to run at our Wedding Reception.  You can do that, cantcha, .... sweet cheeks???

Hey love birds...can I make the over-the-top cake for the blessed event?  >:D  Or, you could have little mini wedding cakes - have a variety of different flavors/colors, shapes and/or recipes to suit everyone's tastes (baking's one of my outlets - can ya tell?)  lol

Ah, looking at these pictures, I can well recall those dulcet tones:  "DAA-AAA-AAAA-AAAVE! o-o-o-oh-h-h-h, DAA-AA-AAAA-AAAVE! No-ho-hohohohoho, noooooo!"

You evoked the Divine One perfectly there, Steve!  {2 thumbs up}  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Fountain of Youth?
« on: November 15, 2004, 06:46:12 AM »
Poor Julia -- she was under so _much_ STRESS_ at this time -- sigh! Good thing she had her trusty hankie, poor thing.   :'(    ;)   :-*
She needs a cookie, or something... {that's supposed to be a muffin, you wenches}  ;)

Oh, how I love revisiting these scenes.  ;D  Thanks for the pics, Jean-Claude - MADE MY DAY!!  :-*

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Posting and You...
« on: November 14, 2004, 01:44:47 AM »
LMAO, MB!![/size][/color]

Needed a laugh just now - thanks.  Yes kiddies, Informative indeed. Chuckle...  ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: The Disappearing Forum
« on: November 14, 2004, 01:34:12 AM »
Does anyone know what I mean???

Sorry but... to quote the lovely Victoria Winters "I don't understand!" {pouts}    :(   ???

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Smileys
« on: November 13, 2004, 06:37:12 AM »
Here's some more...







Who doesn't like a dancing banana, ya know...?   >:D